Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
very, very unfortunately, it was a stressfull xmas. a great xmas eve, on the plus side.
i have recently started thinking about the bad days like this: a man never appreciates food like when he is starving; i never appreciate god's help like when it is absent.
Thank you movingalong for starting the thread with such a positive inclusive message. I though I'd not be posting today but I am so:
Up prayer and reflection
Deliver Christmas card
Out to walk to chuch service
As lots of helpers and I am very tired walk home rather than stay to help
Now resting for a while
Wrap presents for tomorrow
Cook food for tomorrow
Make check list for tomorrow
Check travel and download/note details
Phone friend I'm visiting tomorrow
There will be the regular Satuday meeting of Procrastinators Anonymous in our chatroom's "meeting room",
on Sat. 25th December.
This is a 12step meeting.
Today's thread-starter acknowledges that our members live all around the world, and observe different customs and traditions and practices ... and honor different holidays and calendars ... so therefore it refers to no specific celebration.
At the same time, the message celebrates that we are all one in the spirit of recovery.
May you find peace and joy today, regardless of whether you are observing any specific festival or not.
May you find Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom. And the strength to carry on with all your tasks in a balanced way. May you find balance in all tasks related to: home, work, relationships, and self-renewal.
May you have the courage to say yes when appropriate, and the courage to say no when appropriate. And the wisdom to know the difference.
Blessings to each of you, as you each experience your own concept of your own Higher Power in your own way.
Know that none of us is alone.
Together we can do what we could not do alone. We have only to reach out our hands to find the power and strength to find recovery in each and every day.
clement ci xmas
follow the star...
very, very unfortunately, it was a stressfull xmas. a great xmas eve, on the plus side.
i have recently started thinking about the bad days like this: a man never appreciates food like when he is starving; i never appreciate god's help like when it is absent.
God, come make tomorrow a better day. amen.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Hugs to Clement
Sending restorative thoughts your way.
-- movingalong
Movingalong's Saturday goals
Hello all.
Happy Saturday, everyone!
My plans for today include:
grocery shopping
12step meetings
playtime with my pets
tracking my finances
-- movingalong
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.
Things I did
1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting for a few minutes2. Went to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meetingThings I will do today
1. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
2. Test my blood sugar twice
3. Take shower
4. Get dressed
5. Do hair
6. Make bed
7. Go to my friends house for dinner
8. Watch Christmas shows and movies
9. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today
10. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks
11. Post Al-Anon literature for the week
12. Declutter apartment for 15 minutes
13. Spiritual readings
14. Eat brunch
15. Eat dinner
Thanks for letting me share
Rexroth Check In
Thank you movingalong for starting the thread with such a positive inclusive message. I though I'd not be posting today but I am so:
Up prayer and reflection
Deliver Christmas card
Out to walk to chuch service
As lots of helpers and I am very tired walk home rather than stay to help
Now resting for a while
Wrap presents for tomorrow
Cook food for tomorrow
Make check list for tomorrow
Check travel and download/note details
Phone friend I'm visiting tomorrow
That's it folks
Check Out
Done Rexroth
Regular chatroom PA 12step mtg Sat. 25 Dec. 2:30PM New York Time
There will be the regular Satuday meeting of Procrastinators Anonymous in our chatroom's "meeting room",
on Sat. 25th December.
This is a 12step meeting.
Details at the following link:
About today's thread-starter ...
Today's thread-starter acknowledges that our members live all around the world, and observe different customs and traditions and practices ... and honor different holidays and calendars ... so therefore it refers to no specific celebration.
At the same time, the message celebrates that we are all one in the spirit of recovery.
May you find peace and joy today, regardless of whether you are observing any specific festival or not.
May you find Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom. And the strength to carry on with all your tasks in a balanced way. May you find balance in all tasks related to: home, work, relationships, and self-renewal.
May you have the courage to say yes when appropriate, and the courage to say no when appropriate. And the wisdom to know the difference.
Blessings to each of you, as you each experience your own concept of your own Higher Power in your own way.
Know that none of us is alone.
Together we can do what we could not do alone. We have only to reach out our hands to find the power and strength to find recovery in each and every day.
Goodwill to all.