Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday, November 29, 2010

:-) HIP, HIP, HOORAY! :-)
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tracy-la check in on monday
Checking in. Got to my meeting early by 30 min (which was nice) even though I was scrambling this morning.
Basics: (1) ck calendar; (2) check in - show up; (3) gratitude; (4) affirmation; (5) prayer - done.
Came home from work early to unpack from my move. Just spent an hour dawdling - coffee, Facebook, checking personal emails. Time to get to work. One advantage of this site is that instead of getting lost for hours, I catch myself earlier.
I will go onto chatbox and put in 1/2 hour blocks of unpacking. This worked when packing. This is more overwhelming than my usual move since it was merging 2 households. 2 sets of kitchen and bathroom stuff. 3 kids bedrooms full of stuff. I want to get somewhat underway so I can focus on work while I'm at work the rest of the week.
I will get going. Perhaps tonight I'll use the action line for Clutterers Anon which I used once and it was very helpful. The more tools the better.
Have a great day everyone! And progress not perfection.
Today's reading was about Step Twelve:
"Today I will strive to carry the messsage in ways that work. I will let go of my need to "help" people. Instead, I will concentrate on helping and changing myself. If an opportunity comes up to share my recovery with someone, I will do so quietly. God, help me show others comfort, empowerment, and hope. I can be a channel to help others when I am ready. I do not ahve to force this; it will happen naturally."
M. Beattie
Findingaway check in
9.05 am Tuesday.
Thank you Mama Cat for starting the thread.
Pleased I am getting to my desk a bit earlier and at least scheduling some of the jobs I have been avoiding. Have already made my list
keep going with B report, 6 x 30 min blocks minimum (maybe it should be more, can't seem to think clearly about this)look at resumeS - weather check and emailHome
online statementfurniture job4 pm visittalk with G (lunchtime?)exercises (at first work break)ring TAm trying not to schedule too many home jobs as I've been tired and also it messes up my paid work time if I'm not careful. I'm looking at my list and thinking it's still too long - still hard for me to be realistic with my lists - do need to remember many of these jobs are quick and not let myself feel overwhelmed.
Thank you all for this forum.
hope4meandu checkin (11:00AM)
Hi all,
Cute starter Mama_Cat, thanks!! Not doing so well. Lots of self-hatred due to eating too much over 4 days and binging on movies. Boy, do I love to escape into tv, movies, whatever... I will say thank you HP!!! that I started the day with exercise. I'm angry with myself because I might have lost prescriptions that I need to go to the lab. Don't like my gyno, have to find an ear dr. to drain my ears because my hearing hasn't returned from a bad cold a few months back. I also have been stuck at the same high weight and think it might be related to my thyroid.
-wash kitchen floors
Have a great, non-procrastinating day - all!!
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's emotional & physical healing.♥
Crazybug CI
Started off the morning with our usual meeting. Have a few tasks that I'm avoiding, but that need to be completed to some point this week.
I don't really feel organized enough right now to put down all of my tasks for today, but for now this will do:
- post morning notes and action items
- call about party planning
- start trial of pm software to see how it will work with our system.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mama Cat for starting this trend
Things I have done today
1. Went to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Received a phone call to review my medicationThings I will do today
1. Go to the 10:30, 1:30, 3:30, and 4:30 PA Check-in's2. Go to the 11 a.m. telephone PA meeting (No one showed up)
3. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Renew my library books5. Call medicare for a medicare replacement6. Call U of L for donating my body to science7. Make bed8. Wash dishes
9. Take shower10. Get dressed11. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.12. Send out Al-Anon literature for today13. Prayer and meditation morningand evening14. Eat brunch15. Eat dinner16. Post Al-Anon and EA Literature for the rest of the week
17. 15 minutes of decluttering
18. Work on my paper
Thanks for letting me share
Journey 10:40
Happy Monday! I feel rested and restored after a much-needed weekend off. This morning I went to the gym, got to work on time (barely) and have been dealing with fallout from an emergency change we had to make on Thanksgiving day. Just now getting started on my morning routine of calendar, email, todo list.
'You become what you think about most of the time.' - Brian Tracy
Post-Vacation Madness with the Scribbler
get up at 6make bed
coffee, papercheckinsMorning
Update QuickenClean off deskMusic marketingDraft FitDo Flugger intvwAfternoon
Lunch w/BFile MomentSend Fit emailsEvening
Healthy dinnerHelp sis w/treeRead, relaxBed by 10:30Recycler CI 8:10am EST
Doing a project CI. Up, breakfast is done, checked websites. Now will see what else can get into.
8:20am. Straightened a countertop. Unloaded dishwasher & put away clean dishers. Reloaded & started dishwasher.
8:30am. Adding formatting to partially finished report. Added header and page numbers. Added title page, and author note.
8:40am. Cut and paste and added abstract to report without messing up headers or page numbers. Whew! 8:45am. Cut and pasted bibliography at end of report. Considering whether to add a couple of extra sources?
8:55am. Cleaned off small table. Cleaned off area of floor near entryway. Checked in bookbag. Found 1 other reference article for report. Contemplation of whether to add it in.
9:15am. Cleaned off sofa. Found other reference article for report. Keyboarded both onto reference list; changed some report content to go with second article. Next: decide how to send article to school to be printed. 9:22am. Have sent report by email & memory stick. This was my Must Do for today. I couldn't have done it without this board!
Don't have specific plans from this point on. Might not need to continue CI.
9:40am. Got mail from mailbox. Had extra mail, so it's a good thing I went.
11:00am. Found some hobby materials in closet. Prepped things to take to my meeting tonight. Looked at Cyber Monday sites, but didn't find anything. Back to more puttering.
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
clement ci
really planned to get a good start this morning, but no, feeling a wall to motivation.
dear lord please rescue me from this mire.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
clement ci 2
i worked very well for several hours.
then, got distracted, and could not resist and get back to work. that's god me down. but i will just ride that and start working again. as my sig says...
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Offering you what support and gentle push that I can give today.
ty crazybug
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Vic 11/29
show up (done) Thanks for the sweet starter MaMaCat. Ask my HP for the next right action. Try to stay in the"now" and do the things I can.Basics. Use the phone meetings more. Do more serivce calls, get out of self. Look at my calender. Grateful Thanksgiving turned out ok. and now next holiday.
Thanks for being here. and I concur with MaMa Cat
May productivity and blessings come your way!
Service opportunity for 8:30am phone meeting
Good morning,
I have been the anchor for the 8:30am EDT phone meeting for seven months now or so, and am looking to step down from that.
If anyone is open to taking on the service and committing to doing it M-F, or any one of those days on a regular basis, please e-mail me!
Thanks, and have productive days -
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Out to see doctor, blood taken, some jabs, referral to specialist over seroma and appointment for more jabs
Time learning French on web
Dealt with emails and post
File and put medical notes away
Some more French work
Wash up and tidy up
Some craft work
I'm so grateful to be feeling a bit better
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above and phoned recovery friend
Prayed and reflected
Bed and sleep
Night Everyone