Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Looking at the posts on gratitude - I am very grateful for this site and for the many good things in my life. Want to post on vic's gratitude marathon, maybe later in one of my breaks as I want to get started now!
Today is mostly a rest day, but I do have some stuff I want/need to get done.
*Sewing (take up pants and maybe modify skirt), perhaps laundry
*Prayer time
*3 modules of ethics training
*Read 3 papers
*Clean out dresser
*Deal w/ garage door people
*Figure out a time to see my friends
OK, going to go clean up kitchen from brunch, then have prayer time, then do sewing.
Soooo excited little guy slept in, which meant I could sleep in! No more hw till Tuesday, though I'd like to start studying for the final. I
Things to do -Vitamins/Fe#1/Bp#1 -Fe#2/Bp#2 -Track down various IDsAs many as I could -Make photocopies -Review WlL1
-Review W1L2
-Review W2L1
-Begin equation sheet -#1, #2, #3 -Go to video store delegated and done! -Lab Evaluation -Class Evaluation -Put dishes away
Spent some conversation time with husband, snuggled son, attended 8:30 meeting, agreed to a bookend, talked to a newcomer, family prayer, read scripture, prayed.
0.) Pray and visit chatbox as needed -- visited chatbox too much
1.) 10:30 bookend (optional) --skipped while chatting
Unplanned phone call for work, good discussion :)
2.) pray; finish obj's. and post them. -- done by late afternoon :)
3.) walk and lunch
Finished unplanned work related to phone call
4.) pray; select a manageable piece and work on big task -- looking for starting place
5.) bookend at 2:30 (committment) -- missed, was late :(
6.) pray; continue big task in managable bites -- Nope
7.) bookend at 4:30 (optional) --- made it :)
8.) pray; continue big task in managable bites -- Nope
9.) family time and dinner
PA 12&12 Meeting
10.) pray; PA Step One (little bit); check email for new member of step study group
Up prayer and reflection
Plan day
Check and respond to emails
Wrote letter to ISP which I found so hard to write yesterday
Prepare questions for mortgage broker
Email mortgage broker
Very helpful phone chat with mortage broker
List todos for finding flat
Find some old banking/building society details and write closing accounts
Deal with post
Plan some writing
Wash up and tidy up in kitchen where I have made a mess
I'm not sure next as I want to stay in for a delivery which should have come yesterday and though I have asked them to leave it in the porch I don't want to take a chance that they don't and I have things to do outside.
Lots of research on buying flat
Lots more work on sorting out finances
Cleaned up the kitchen
Fixed the feet and tested the new fire which arrived at 6.45 at long last
Cleared up a bit for the electrician who is comming tomorrow
Did some work on my travel account
Considered todo list carefull and found I have done quite a lot
Show up (done) , Ask my hp for next right action and willingness to do it, grateful to be here and have this place to "show up" no matter what., with other precious people who understand and are trying to recover. Thanks for being here
“Bottles were only a symbol” of the endless human struggle against self-deception. BW
8:47am losing strength and motivation. but i have enuf to come here and focus on just the next thing. which is going running. i need to get my shoes on, get water, get my headphones on. put bottle in fridge. i can do this.
10:19am all done. i feel so good i could almost burst. i feel like god is helping me, and there's no better feeling than god loves me.
now to accomplish my next right action at work as vic says:
> Ask my hp for next right action and willingness to do it
tracy-la thanks for your faith today. it inspires me.
Findingaway CI 11.00 am (Thursday)
Here I am, still late but have done some things:
Today I plan to:
call Rget ready for Fridaydo 3 hrs minimum on B reportAnd home:
cleaningdishesdinnermeditation grouptime with GLooking at the posts on gratitude - I am very grateful for this site and for the many good things in my life. Want to post on vic's gratitude marathon, maybe later in one of my breaks as I want to get started now!
kromer 12:40 CI (pacific time)
Today is mostly a rest day, but I do have some stuff I want/need to get done.
*Sewing (take up pants and maybe modify skirt), perhaps laundry
*Prayer time
*3 modules of ethics training
*Read 3 papers
*Clean out dresser
*Deal w/ garage door people
*Figure out a time to see my friends
OK, going to go clean up kitchen from brunch, then have prayer time, then do sewing.
katia 11/24
Soooo excited little guy slept in, which meant I could sleep in! No more hw till Tuesday, though I'd like to start studying for the final. I
Things to do
-Vitamins/Fe#1/Bp#1-Fe#2/Bp#2-Track down various IDsAs many as I could-Make photocopies-Review WlL1-Review W1L2
-Review W2L1
-Begin equation sheet
-#1, #2,#3-Go to video storedelegated and done!-Lab Evaluation-Class Evaluation-Put dishes awayLooking at a busy Wednesday
coffee, papercheckinsMorning
Update QuickenClean off deskFile 1 BnetDo Allen intvwAfternoon
Call Catalano re: fitCall Dunn re: momentCall 3 re: momentFile DesignGrocery shoppingEvening
firefly CI
Spent some conversation time with husband, snuggled son, attended 8:30 meeting, agreed to a bookend, talked to a newcomer, family prayer, read scripture, prayed.
0.) Pray and
visit chatboxas needed -- visited chatbox too much1.) 10:30 bookend (optional) --skipped while chatting
Unplanned phone call for work, good discussion:)2.)
pray;finish obj's. and post them. -- done by late afternoon :)3.)
walk and lunchFinished unplanned work related to phone call4.) pray; select a manageable piece and work on big task -- looking for starting place
5.) bookend at 2:30 (committment) -- missed, was late :(
6.) pray; continue big task in managable bites -- Nope
bookend at 4:30(optional) --- made it :)8.) pray; continue big task in managable bites -- Nope
family time and dinnerPA 12&12 Meeting10.) pray;
PA Step One (little bit); check email for new member of step study group11.)
fun time-- watched TV12.) pray and sleep
weds nov 24 check in - gratitude
Hello everyone,
Basics: (1) reading - done, (2) check calendar - done, (3) will do other basics (gratitude, affirmation, prayer).
From reading today:
Surrender means saying "Okay, God. I'll do whatever You want. Faith in the God of our recovery means we trust that, eventually, we'll LIKE doing that.
Today, I will surrender to my Higher Power. I'll trust that God's plan for me will be good, even if it is different than I hoped for or expected.
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Plan day
Check and respond to emails
Wrote letter to ISP which I found so hard to write yesterday
Prepare questions for mortgage broker
Email mortgage broker
Very helpful phone chat with mortage broker
List todos for finding flat
Find some old banking/building society details and write closing accounts
Deal with post
Plan some writing
Wash up and tidy up in kitchen where I have made a mess
I'm not sure next as I want to stay in for a delivery which should have come yesterday and though I have asked them to leave it in the porch I don't want to take a chance that they don't and I have things to do outside.
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Lots of research on buying flat
Lots more work on sorting out finances
Cleaned up the kitchen
Fixed the feet and tested the new fire which arrived at 6.45 at long last
Cleared up a bit for the electrician who is comming tomorrow
Did some work on my travel account
Considered todo list carefull and found I have done quite a lot
Check a few bits on the web
Bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Vic 11-24
Show up (done) , Ask my hp for next right action and willingness to do it, grateful to be here and have this place to "show up" no matter what., with other precious people who understand and are trying to recover. Thanks for being here
“Bottles were only a symbol” of the endless human struggle against self-deception. BW
clement ci
8:47am losing strength and motivation. but i have enuf to come here and focus on just the next thing. which is going running. i need to get my shoes on, get water, get my headphones on. put bottle in fridge. i can do this.
10:19am all done. i feel so good i could almost burst. i feel like god is helping me, and there's no better feeling than god loves me.
now to accomplish my next right action at work as vic says:
> Ask my hp for next right action and willingness to do it
tracy-la thanks for your faith today. it inspires me.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Take shower
3. Get dressed
4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting5. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting6. Go to the 11:00 a.m. telephone PA meeting7. Eat brunch8. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks
9. Make bed
10. Eat dinner
11. Wash dishes
12. Clear couch
13. Clear tables
14. Clear floor
15. Prayer and meditation morning and evening16. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
17. Do numbers18. Work on my paper
19. Send out Al-Anon literature for today20. Read DA literature
21. Do hair
22. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting23. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
24. Declutter 1,000 e-mail25. Go to PA Check-in's
Thanks for letting me share.