pains of a year and gains of lifetime
there is nothing encouraging about my physics,chem, and biology books except the rewards of my success and retribution of my failures.
i will lose all my respest if i fail to clear medical entrance exams 2011.and i will get my family backk and my respest back if i do it. this fact should be motivating enough but unfortunately it is not.
so i will record all my progresses and retardations here.and hope that this will motivate me.
i have to dedicate at least 3-4 hours of my day for my horrible science boks. but i am making embarrasingly small beginning of 1 hour a day.
ok its my firsts day and "i know that i can do it". i will keep telling this to me.
and i need the cheers and best wishes of all the p.a members. plz keep on encouragingn cheering me. just give me one line of encouragement. becouce it is the my only last chance 2 get back my spoilt and lost life.
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what a disaster
last few days had been very depressing. i fell into the merciless trap of procrastination. it has won again. i feel weak and disheartened
it started with a family problem which thwarted me for a while and as i said this evil monster is just so adept at availing oppurtunities.the moment i lot my momentum it rosed to power.
its my turn now. and i have to beat it at any cost.please motivate me P.A. members.
Dear Shikha,
I know from experience how easy it is to feel depressed and disheartened about this. My prayers are with you. You have inifinite potential within you! Remember, as long as you "get back up on the horse" one more time, you are not defeated!
Have you tried any visualization? It is a powerful technique. Sit or lie comfortably somewhere quiet. Allow your body to get as relaxed as possible--you can do this by focusing on relaxing one area of your body at a time, starting at your feet and working your way up to your head..It helps to say inside yourself, "I am feeling more and more relaxed, deeply relaxed" etc. Once you are quite relaxed, vivdly imagine yourself doing the things that you are putting off, and/or perhaps imagine yourself having already completed them. Use as many of your senses as possible to make the imagined experience as vivid and real as possible. Examples: FEEL yourself sitting in your work chair, typing or writing or holding a book; SEE the pages of the book in front of you, or the computer screen; HEAR some sounds associated with the activity (turning book pages? typing on a keyboard?); if you can figure out something to SMELL or TASTE, that's great; most importantly: as much as you can, create positive EMOTIONS associated with doing the work--happiness, exhileration, relief, gratitude, satisfaction, etc. Again, this is all done through vivid imagination. It does take some practice to get really good at it, but ANY efforts in that direction are helpful. You get the idea? With practice, you can also do short "sessions" of visualization as well as longer ones.
You will probably find that there is a natural desire to start carrying out the work you have been visualizing. You are using the power of your subconscious mind to help you.
Forgive me if this is already discussed elsewhere on the site--I'm pretty new here.
I hope this is a blessing to you, and helps. Let us know if you try it, and what happens!
keep going! There are no failures just cases where you have not succeeded yet.
encouragement for shikha_1701
Greetings and thank you for sharing yourself so honestly. I am just back home after 12 days away, the last 4 of which were vacation time with few responsibilities. So you can imagine the challenges now facing me! Your posts helped me re-center and reconnect with the realities of this deadly dis-ease, and the tools available to help me have a life that works, in spite of it. Thanks so much. I hope you will keep coming back - we all need each other here!
yeah i have done it
i managed to bear my books for an hour today.
i had the revised the dreadful and boring theory of vectors, the most scary chapter of physical chemistry-mole concept and biology lessons are relatively much easier for me (each for 20 min)
i had used the time boxing technique ,thanks scotty. i also used microbursts for starting my horrible job.
i had deceived procrastination today.i realised this ugly beast is too smart and strong to be beaten honestly so i told him"dont worry! m not going to challenge you . i m just going to take a look at my books and it wont help to defeat you"" u r still the master."
yes i will defeat you but i will be a bit shrewd.i will do it so slowly dat by the time u will realise my plan u will become too weak to protest.
so u all are with me in my battle p.a. members. isnt it?and do u think i will b able to kill that monster inside me who has destroyed my life.
yeah i have done it
i managed to bear my books for an hour today.
i had the revised the dreadful and boring theory of vectors, the most scary chapter of physical chemistry-mole concept and biology lessons are relatively much easier for me (each for 20 min)
i had used the time boxing technique ,thanks scotty. i also used microbursts for starting my horrible job.
i had deceived procrastination today.i realised this ugly beast is too smart and strong to be beaten honestly so i told him"dont worry! m not going to challenge you . i m just going to take a look at my books and it wont help to defeat you"" u r still the master."
yes i will defeat you but i will be a bit shrewd.i will do it so slowly dat by the time u will realise my plan u will become too weak to protest.
so u all are with me in my battle p.a. members. isnt it?and do u think i will b able to kill that monster inside me who has destroyed my life.
I think you will have a daily reprive and use your knowledge to help others infected with "the monster".
I think you will have a daily reprive and use your knowledge to help others infected with "the monster".
I think you will have a daily reprive and use your knowledge to help others infected with "the monster".
I applaude your remarkable efforts to get ast this "sickness resulting in procratination" we all deal with.
Some things that have helped me were:
1. Every morning pray for the willingness to be willing to be willing to keep moving forward
2. Every morning think of 3 things you can be grateful for
3. I know there are practice medical entrance exams available, just a thought , may be a easier way to get started and get the momentum going, plus you probably know much more that you give yourself credit for to build your confidence, and what you don't know you will learn
thanks everyone
thanks everyone
please keep oencouraging me
Persist! Timeboxing and microbursts
We are all behind you here--don't give up on yourself!
Just in case you are not familiar with them, there are two strategies that can be very helpful. One is called "Microbursts" and is described on this site (see a link to it on the homepage).
The other is kind of an expanded version of microbursts and is usually called "timeboxing." You can find some good articles about it on the web, also. But basically, you create a "box" of time that you set aside for a particular task. The amount of time can be very short, like 4 or 5 minutes (or even less!). You can later build up to 15 or 30 or more minutes in a timebox. Decide exactly when the time will start (it might be IMMEDIATELY), and then just start in on your task at exactly that time. Use a timer of some kind, and stop at the end of the time you have decided. If the timebox is very short, it will be that much easier psychologically to get yourself to start the task. It is common, once you get going, to want to continue it past the prescribed time, which you can do if you want. But the big advantage is that you have only committed yourself to work for a limited period of time, usually on an open-ended task, that is otherwise intimidating. When you have finished working, you can plan another timebox for a later time, perhaps the same day, perhaps not. Here is a good link (containing links to other good articles):
Hope that can help you!
Oops poor begining
well inspite of promising a small begining i have not been able to keep it.
but i have my reasons today
mom is not well so i had to do the kitchen works.
i still could have done it if i had wanted to but that evil monster named procrastinator is just soexpert in making use of oppurtunity
hope 4 a better tomorrow
prayers ((shikha_1701))
and ditto to what everyone has said.
I also find encouragement and relatingness very important to me in the healing of my procrastination.
So glad you are here with us, please keep sharing and coming back.
♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥
Hang in there
I read your post Shikha and understand a lot of the problems you have experienced.
I am a successful business man on the outside but inside I am plagued by all the symptoms of procrastination. I had one half hour task on my outlook schedule for 6 MONTHS. Anyway, hang in there and focus on the life you can achieve rather than the one you've had up till now.
Hey shikha_1701, no small beginning is embarrassing, actually, thats the way pretty much everyone begin on tasks or projects...with small, but constant steps. I understand what you say about not being motivated even if procrastination has already or is ruining your life gradually. I felt the same way even after i kept being nagged by tutors and family/coleagues kept puttin pressure on me and everyone around me was already graduated (even younger relatives/friends than me) and having productive lifes. Honestly, the only thing that has actually motivated me and helped me to get better bit by bit is PA community. Ive been makin more progress with support here in 2 weeks or so than 7 years (which is the time ive been an undergrad student). So welcome for joining us and keep using the website tools such as check-in chat or forum, dont hesitate to post your progresses and if you want even your daily struggles and failures,as we are all here to support each other.
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