Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
September 2006 Master Lists
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Whew!!! Excellent Question!
Certainly, giving my contribution back to the site is way up top on the list. Just don't have paypal and haven't internalized the need to get it.
I am really making progress elsewhere, though! They gave me a promotion and I'm all set to hire someone and take charge of the workflow of my design department. Who'da thunk? I'll come back to make my list a little later, but I wanted you all to know that I have not abandoned PA just when it came time to pay up.
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
don't need PayPal
Actually, you don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal to pay by credit card. They dropped that requirement a year or two ago. :)
slider's big list
I decided I want to get down some of what I am ignoring. Taking stock is necessary before I can prioritize.
--SELF: go to bed at a decent hour, get up earlier, walk 2x/week and raise to 3x/week after awhile, eat healthier and more creatively (try out new cookbooks), take meds at proper times, drink more water (get a flylady bottle???), spend more time writing fiction, journal daily, review plans daily, find ways to enjoy family more
--OUT BACK: reroof cat kennel, repair henhouse, rehang hose caddy, clean and reorganize well house/shed, fix old garden fencing, till for fall garden, check for poison ivy around cat kennel, stir compost pile
--BACK YARD: after DH mows, spray for fleas; check on leaning eucalyptus tree (trim back/repot?)
--BUTTERFLY GARDEN: finish planting bulbs, pull weeds, put dirt from driveway in middle, lay down mulch, see what else needs planting or moving
--OTHER FLOWER BEDS: mulch, rearrange plants, get potted things in ground, remove poison ivy, clean up porch and sidewalk , pull weeds
--garage: rearrange so recycling bins will fit; repair or remove refrigerator; deodorize; cull stuff and get rid of junk; find better way to hang/store tools
--KITCHEN: clean up craft corner; get rid of excess kitchenware; rearrange shelves to be more functional and leave more counter space; try bleaching floor; clean oven
--DS ROOM: go through storage shelves and closet and get rid of as much as possible so DS doesn't have to keep living with it, get DS to clear out what he doesn't want then clean up
--HALL CLOSET: clear out space for board games and linens and extra office/school supplies
--BEDROOM: clear out piles of clothes and find all sheets and towels, reorganize them for accessible storage, raise head of bed 4", throw out chair?, do a good dusting, clear off dresser, declutter bathroom
--LIVING ROOM: clear off table and deal with papers, organize desk better
--FRNT BATH: keep clean so we can the plumber, see if wallpaper can be reglued
--CALL A PLUMBER: repair front toilet seal (and floor?), repair dishwasher and sink sprayer, replace faucet on pasture side of house
--get Property to repair shower stall and dryboard and replace flooring in both baths, put vent in door of front bath
--STUDY AT CHURCH: finish getting rid of stuff and put up all books, organize teaching supplies, make desk clear for use as healing table; make tabletop pad (or find one) that's easy to put on and off
Confirmation--plan retreat, prep more thoroughly for Sunday classes, EMAIL RELEASE FORM TO OTHER PASTORS
Worship--think of fun things to incorporate while Council is supportive of that
Visitation--make monthly schedule for shut-ins and stick to it
Fellowship--think of things appealing to younger families and singles, ways we could offer socializing for seniors (transportation and helpers needed)
Discipleship--how to incorporate into every aspect (also stewardship)
Most of All: how to keep me interested and motivated, how not to get resentful and angry
OR: screw the above and figure out how to leave!!!!
Any progress on the September big list (now that it's October)? I'm catching up on posts and I just saw this, so I thought I'd ask - you know, the accountability thing. You might feel good to go through the list from last month and be able to check things off.
Ah, so this is the "big list" thread
I've been catching up on posts, and finally found this thread. Oh my big list is huge. I have it in a program on my computer. But I think I need to reassess. Some of the things that are on there shouldn't be on there.
'et al'
Yeah, my 'et al' covers a lot too - I just had a look at my Outlook Task List and it's up to 6,806 items. It's usually somewhere around the 6,000 mark (some of them are just reminders for repeating things I tend to forget like for some bizarre reason, like 'wash towels' for instance, so it's not as bad as it looks!).
6800+ item to-do list!
>I just had a look at my Outlook Task List and it's up to 6,806 items.
Yowzers, Normy! Time to do some pruning, for sure! No one can keep track of nearly 7000 items. With a to-do list this big, it's almost like not having one. It sounds too big to be useful.
All in order
It was originally categorised, GTD style, but I recently changed it to categories that work even better for me. I find it works really well, actually. If I didn't have those things on the list they'd just be floating around my head saying 'don't forget me! No - don't forget ME!' so I'd rather have them written down!
Milo's Big List
Drum roll, please.....
- get some CD storage for my backups
- Get address stickers for business
- get professional indemnity insurance
- start printing photos (I have thousands on CD and harddrive that I may lose if I don't print them)
- Post presents to friends that I've had here for months
- Create a past client file (haven't had to until now because they have all been 'current')
- update finance spreadsheet
- Add some contacts in to ACT!
- Start policies and procedures for the business (I made a start last night, but only notes)
- write business plan for this financial year
- Start booking in speaking arrangements
- go to a Leads Club meeting I've been invited to
- Get ACT! trial CDs for some colleagues
- Enter some outstanding client notes into ACT!
- clean the shower in the kids bathroom (they don't use it so it's more dusty than anything)
- Sort out my unfinished sewing projects and make decisions on them
- Get blockout for DS's curtains
- Frame photos for feature wall (a number of steps, but that's the summary)
- Get curtains for our loungeroom
- give away not-so-DSILs hat that she left here (we don't like her - I'm not giving it back because it will mean we have to see her. It's been a year, she won't know }:))
- Get at least one wedding picture printed, framed and hung (we've been married almost 5 years and not one photo is out!)
- update kids baby books
- buy or make art smocks for the kids so they can paint
- buy a new desk
- get shelving put up in my office
- get a bookcase for my office
- sell highchair
- sell cot
- start an exercise plan (ha, as if this will ever get done!). Join a gym, maybe?
- copy all home videos onto DVD
- Deep clean kitchen, including the disgusting oven
- clean the couches and rug in family room
- go and visit my mum! (tentatively scheduled at last for a couple of weekends away)
Phew! It's nice to have it down on 'paper'.
Milo's September big list
I'm going through this thread and responding to the big list posts, now that it's October. I figure a monthly review is in order. (Don't you all shoot me!)
So... Can you check some things off?
Will see. Will copy list, put it in October and hightlight those done, those new, and those rolled over (most will be the third category, I know that without even doing it :()
scarlett's big list
part one. :P
contacting old friends (MD, etc)
deep cleaning apt
researching grad programs
looking into cont. ed
scrubbing bathroom tile
filing MONSTER stack of papers
purging files
organizing stuff from travels
making scrapbook of stuff
organizing digital photos
purging wardrobe
mending clothes
choreographing song
taking stuff to landfill (it means missing Sat mtgs - :( )
contacting tattoo parlor
cleaning up horizontal surfaces in room
setting up auto svgs at bank
hanging collage
buying 3 frames
inventory/reorg yarn
cleaning cat's ear
cleaning out hall closet
Huh. I thought this would feel overwhelming, but it feels liberating. Confession good for the soul, misery loving company, attitude shift, who knows!
September Big List Patrol - Scarlett
Follow-up police calling... ;) How's the progress? Did you choreograph the song?
thanks for the nudge
all i got done was contacting the tattoo parlor. sheesh.
Norm's Big List
But pro and I were discussing on another thread the value of posting what it is I'm procrastinating about, so this is what springs to mind:
*Make CD
*Check out a new venue
*Weekly Review
*Get these bloody books off the floor (need registering first)
*Print out last year's accounts
*Email butty ideas to juice bar
*Write to J
*Listen to new yoga CD
*Watch DVD re breathing
*Copy what I need from M's file and return it
*Household finances
*Reinstall software on Palm
*Read cancer books
*Finish sciatica book and pass on
*Retreat planning
*Plan 1-1s/1-2s
*Plan Heart class
*Plan Breathwork and Relaxation class
*Plan Gentle Yoga or Beginners class
*Contact K re room hire Thursdays?
*Check refund is in account
*Find hand exercise handout
*Pension (! keep forgetting)
*Foundation course application
*Cancer course application
*Make appt to visit Uni
*Email banana loaf recipe
*Follow up order cancellation
*Claim refund for MSND tickets
*Book tickets for BdeG
*Phone re accom for retreat (urgent!)
*Plan Autumn classes Part done
*Buy books for competition
*Phone L
*Meter reading
*Clear old stuff out of filing cabinet, then I can do the...
*Sort through Scary Cupboard, clear out junk, reorganise
*See what's lurking in the bottom of my wardrobe
*Deep clean house (it's mostly neat and tidy, except in here)
*Get a website
*Reconcile bank statements
*Any of many household projects (there's a sub-list)
*Inflate fitball
*Mend mala
*Ironing (I used to do it on days when there was no washing, but we never have days like that any more)
*Buy lightbulbs
*Buy new mirror (we just did, but DSO had an accident with it) Tried, but couldn't get it - will have to defer until next trip to big shop
*et al
September review? Normy...
How did it go for September? I guess the red items were the urgent ones?
Red items
Thanks for asking pro.
The red ones are the ones I've DONE! :)
Any left over have been carried over to the October list (and some of them are now red too).