Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

An affirmation for the day

This is an affirmation that I put together some while ago. I forget often to read it, but ran across it this morning and hope that it may inspire someone else as well.


I shift from a limiting mental state to a limitless mental state easily and consistently. I am clear and calm. I am efficient and creative in my work. I turn knowledge into positive action. I take timely right action and engage in correct conduct. I follow up on my projects. I am playful and competent. I am careful to honor my schedule and responsibilities. I make decisions effortlessly and in a timely fashion based on the information at hand. I am creating a solid career that brings joy and satisfaction to me and the people I serve. I know that small actions add up to big results. I do not expect perfection in any of my actions, just the best of my ability at the time.


Have a wonderful and productive day to everyone!

Thanks, Crazybug!

Affirmations have been so useful to me as part of my morning and evening routines!  Thank you so much for this one :)

great affirmation, Crazybug

Thanks for sharing that. I needed that today!

"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world."  Anonymous

Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Awesome, thanks for sharing!