Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday May 15

Hope I'm doing this right, well welcome everyone hope you have a productive Saturday!


Late check out lol. Got my music perfomance practice done - it was my best practice so far! Feeling pretty confident leading up to my next tutorial. Pity I lost my soccer game, theres always next week. Sunday is a big day for my other subjects though wish me luck!

CL daily overcoming

lord grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the strength to change the things i can
and the wisdom to tell the difference.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Kitty 12:51 pm Check In

Late to today's online check-in but did sign on for the 8:30 phone call.  Either no one was there or I did something wrong, but it was good for me to get up and do it anyway.

  • Morning meditation done!
  • 8:30ET/7:30CT Phone Check-in done!
  • Review steps done!
  • Workout done!
  • Sort, file, toss two weeks of papers done!
  • Complete 2 more apps done! (and finished one extra)
  • Review 2 sections of PM
  • Go to store/get gas/return clothes (1 errand)
  • Have fun this evening
  • Written gratitude journal
  • Evening Inventory meditation

Last night I did not get offline immediately after check-out, which is deadly, and stayed up surfing.  Still trying to figure out how to deal with online check-ins, because going online is a problem for me and I try to avoid it when possible.  I was also easily distractible as soon as I started to get tired.  These are things I will really track during the next couple days to see how my procrastination really operates.


You are doing great ! Keep up the good work. :)


to Kitty re: phone meeting

The Phone meeting is Monday through Friday mornings.
That's why nobody was there Saturday morning.

Kitty 6:30 Checkout

  • Morning meditation done!
  • 8:30ET/7:30CT Phone Check-in done!
  • Review steps done!
  • Workout done!
  • Sort, file, toss two weeks of papers done!
  • Complete 2 more apps done! (and finished one extra)
  • Review 2 sections of PM  (postponing this task; I've gotten tons done and am going to enjoy it)
  • Go to store/get gas/return clothes (1 errand) done!  (looong errand)
  • Have fun this evening done! 
  • Written gratitude journal done! 
  • Evening Inventory meditation done! 

Another good day that started early.  Feeling a little wiped out but so happy.  Even rewarded myself with the purchase of several books.  In the past three days I have gotten more done than probably the last three weeks.  Maybe more than three weeks.  The promises are posted on the back of my front door so that every time I see them.  They are so, so calming and 100% true when I am continuing my movement forward and not stagnating.

I've decided to take the rest of the evening off starting now and really relax and bask in the glow.   There was one thing on the list that I had put there, but I don't feel the least bit regretful about it.  I did tons today, and have a couple of lighter days ahead that will allow me to reschedule.

My gratitude for this board and everyone here is overwhelming.  Can't believe I finally found something that is working for me.  Thank you.

Way To Go Kitty!


Managed to finish a 10 page

Managed to finish a 10 page research paper last night, However I fell asleep while writing some response answers.



Continue with response answers

Drop books off at Library, check and see if I can pick up paycheck


Cancel: Credit Card, Apartment Insurance, Game Subscription

Pick up heavy duty trashbags at Grocery store

Work out


Clean place

Finish response answers


grab some beers with friends



Way to go, Slowbro!!

vic 5/15

Show up (done) cking in in chatbox.

did weed, wash, clean,Need to walk, don;t feel like it.

Journey 9:30

Well, yesterday when I got home from work my foot was very painful and swollen.  *Sigh* I think today must be a rest day.    I'm ready for this stupid foot to be well!   

OK, I'm changing my tune here:  I am grateful for my general good health and I am happy that my foot is healing nicely.   I can alternate some periods of activity with periods of rest today, get a few things done, and maybe go swimming.  That's better.  

I know I can't handle the grocery store today :( but it's a good opportunity to clean out the freezer and see what I can make with items I have on hand!


'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery


I hope you can find ways to enjoy the 'downtime' your foot has obliged you to take and that you heal quickly.


Thanks Helen!

Yes, in some ways it's been a nice little vacation!  


'Today you have the opportunity to handle those old situations in a completely new way.' -  Michael J. Emery

kromer 8:50 CI

OK, most of today will be hanging out with my family, but I have a little time to work this morning.

So far I've had prayer time. The other task I want to work on today is EA's project...finishing comparison and updating wiki. I'll try and get an hour or so of focused work in on this...will work in the chatbox. 

Stefinle Sat Morn 5/15/10 CI

 Before 9:30am

wash and brush teeth

read meditation

dress for running

eat something

take vitamins

drink water

drive to park


go to bank(rent/laundry money)

get a snack for work

pay rent


dress for work

take snack and drink to work

10am work let's try and be on time (not on time)

After 2:30



went to a meeting

gather laundry

gather hangers

do laundry at laundro

wash face

gather clothes for tommottow morning

in bed by 1am

Lucky CI

Thanks for the threadstarter, Putmynikeson - you ARE doing this right! :)

Sorry I've vanished on you all for ages - had a really bad procrastination phase and various attempts to shake myself out of it didn't work (as I'm sure you've noticed from the random appearances and disappearances!) However, I'm feeling much better today so hopefully I'm back for real this time!

Housemate is out today so I'm going to do some chores, but also take the time to watch a certain film I've been promising myself for the past month... just making a tasklist for the next few hours right now.

Check in Smile
Prayer time Smile
Clear kitchen Smile
Text J Smile
Watch film Smile (well, partly... nobody cares about the bits without Julie Andrews in, right? :D)
Move mattress upstairs Smile
(Other stuff depending on time and inclination) -Nothing!
Leave at 6 to collect C from station
Smile erm... 6.10 but I got there in time

Hey Lucky !

You are really cooking here! :) You have come back from a slump really well. I guess we all have our procrastination hills and troughs. Sometimes I think we have to give ourselves a few troughs. Continual growth and improvement isn't found very often in the natural world, everything there is in cycles. 


strike 11.05 am

Happy saturday everyone! Thanks for the starter!
Need to focus a couple of hours so I can go outside for some fun time in the sun later! Don't want to spend another day binge browsing.

  • declutter apartment done!
  • process project material done!
  • do full on weekly review done!
  • SIMPLIFY my project list/areas of responsability
  • declutter idea wall done!
  • go outside and hang out with friends!!! 



Update 7.40 PM

  • SIMPLIFY my project list/areas of responsability done! 

I have now finished all my planned tasks except one - took me almost 9 hours! It's now too late to hang out with friends in the sun, but because I was so diciplined today I will do that the whole day tomorrow instead. And I will reward myself and buy something moderatly expensive first thing when the shops open!! 

I like your format

I think I'm going to steal your greyed-out/red Done! format.  It looks cheerier than the strikeout format I've been using.

Also, "binge browsing"--love it!


Go ahead!

Good luck on your list! :D


I am so digging how that new format makes me feel when I mark something Done!

Helen's CI

This morning I am watching a DVD and munching soda bread with taramasalata. 

This is my reward for what I will do next which is to paint my living room.  When I do this it will be a big breakthrough for me.


Rexroth Check In

Up prayer, reflection and plan day
Check emails and print out some for meeting

Get ready and go out to DA meeting
Present report there and answer questions
Home and I am have no other committments for today

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

DA meeting and presented report which will be discussed in more detail at the next business meeting
Home and letter form hospital which says that the operation was successful and that I almost certainly don't need another and that the lump will probably shrink without interferance. This is very good news.

Also it was sensible for me to wait until I had the surgeons report before writing lots of letters to try to get an operation. There is a difference between putting things off and jumping to conclusions and taking action which is not necessary and which might be harmful.

Rest - I have had enough.

Regards Rexroth

Great news!

Wonderful news Rexroth! So pleased to hear it. Doing a happy dance right now for you. :)



So happy to hear that the surgery was successful!!!  :)

Rexroth Check Out

Rested and now for sleep

Night Rexroth

Saturday 15th May


1130 - 130

Tidy room up.

Organise notes for Accounting

Start essay, read over reference material.




Practice Music performance.

I tidied my room, organised

I tidied my room, organised the bulk of my notes and I have started my essay research, its going to take my more time than I once thought. I estimated that I procrastinated about 30-45 minutes today (i procrastinated ALL of yesterday), I will to try and improve on this when I get back from soccer. I'm making small steps but any positive progress is what I need right now.

Small steps

Putting on the shoes, and then every single small step, is a victory :)   Celebrate the small steps!


Hi all,


Kitty, thanks, I needed this today.

To do today:

-breakfast, prayers, kitchen clean up



-social networks, read  and reply e-mails, check the bank

-sort papers for Monday

-make-up, hair,parfume

-make a shoppinglist and go to the supermrket with a list


In recovery

E :)

-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey