Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 6th May



Have a productive Thursday !

Prosick Check in 12:40 am Check out 3:40 am

Prepped bed and planted 8 things in the garden today, yay!

A few goals before I sleep tonight:

-Order NF
-Order G-Q.A. & s. c.
-Prep PZ for trip
-Spend 10 min cleaning island
-Watch rest of TV show

-Make list for E.
-Print list for E.

Yep, didn't get much of anything done. Blerg.

-Call Dr. M & schedule appt
-Call PAF
-Call Dr. W
-Water plts
-Pack cam
-Pack ice
-Be ready to go at 3:30



LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"

One Step At a Time

Hi everyone.  I'm feeling overwhelmed because I have to finish studying for an exam right now and I also have a paper due tomorrow at 11pm which I've barely begun.

 But there's nothing I can do about it now, except take things calmly one step at a time.


I am going to review this one thing and check in when it's done.  I will not work later than 10pm. 

I have read three of the

I have read three of the things that I need to read. Now I am going to read two more and check in again.

Okay I finished studying

Okay I finished studying those things.I'm going to sleep now.In the morning I am going to study some more and then take a test at 9 a.m.

 Studying was frustratingly simple.  Frustrating in the sense that  it was so simple I really shouldn't have put it off for so long...


After my test tomorrow, I have eleven hours or so to write and edit a good ten page paper, three unedited pages of which I already have done.  I will be checking in. THanks.  

Good Job!

good job on getting moving and not staying stuck!

J. DOe CI May 6, 2010

I have been a member here for a few years, but have not been very active here recently.  Also, I have never before used this check in feature.  However, my other attempts at controlling my procrastination have been, at best, only partial successes.  As such, I will try using this site's feature as I believe that it will help me.  It is now about 3:30 p.m. local time and I have not done very much today, despite how many things I have to do, but I will change that starting now!

- Do my daily exercise and gratitude sessions (done)
- Make several e-mail replies (done)
- Finish making changes for client A that he has imposed a temporary workaround for now, but which he is anxiously waiting for my updates (started)
- At least start on finishing some enhancements for client B who has been patiently, so far, waiting for me to finish for several months (did not do anything with)

- John O.

Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!)

J. DOe CO May 6, 2010

I procrastinated on starting the third task, i.e., making changes for client A.  However, as usual, once I started doing it, I found that it was not so bad and I am surprised that I had so much resistance to starting it.  This is a lesson that, unfortunately, I seem to have trouble learning!

- John O.

Carpe Diem! (Seize the Day!)

wb J.DOe

"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

e's may 6th 2010

got up at 8:00

bed,1st meds,teeth are all done. 

face, dress, start laundry

take a walk with Megan at 8:30.  

When I return, take second meds, swish and wash. 

errand: pick up vacuum bags, check on trash can.

make breakfast,

MIT that I did not do complete was to print out the transactions I need for taxes.  

1 phone errand 

fold and put away clean clothes.

make a call to D. 


Am back from our walk, which was great, and also to the garden center to choose plants for the side yard. Hens and chidks, which should be great.


MIT in the next 1.5 hours: to check on whether V sent me paper to edit. If so, I will work on that. I feel disoriented from too much sugar and too little sleep, and I would like to do a little more straightening. The dining room, dishes, laundry room and bath are where my focus needs to be today in terms of the house: in terms of paperwork, tax, tax, tax.

 I do feel much better for having gotten outside today: more energy and a better outlook. I also made a PA outreach call, and I feel more on track now.  

CL daily overcoming

i am an addict. i lack the control / strength / power / discipline to do the next right thing right now.

that said, i am grateful that i know this about myself. i no longer wonder "what's wrong with me". I now know what's wrong with me. I no longer have naive notions about myself that i'm like everyone else and i can just choose to do the various tasks i need to get done.

in some grand, cosmic irony, admitting that i'm an addict, succumbing to a image of a myself that way, is the first step in NOT being that way. weird.

Because i am an addict, i do not rely on my own strength to solve my problem, i rely on a higher power. And that's the whole key to the irony. Only by surrendering my image of myself as capable can i have the freedom to accept power from another source. to NEED that power from that other source. The Source.

I am about to undergo a transformation. I am about to go from STUCK to UN-STUCK. This is exactly what i've been looking for all my life. the ability to get unstuck. 2.5 years ago, before joining this site, before this self-image transformation, i had no way to get myself un-stuck. I just floundered until time has passed, a new day, an emergency struck, or other people got me going. Note how these are all external. So no different today, except that i can choose to tap into that external power source whenever i want.

So, i will now go tap into that source. A song. Bible reading. a prayer. all of them filled with danger zones and urges to follow other, secondary paths. Again, i can't *make* this work. It has to work for me, or else i'm lost.

i'll post here, either way. it's 10am.

10:51, it was working, but i got distracted, as i feared. try 1 more time, but not forever, cuz i have things to do.

it worked, i'm back productive. update in a few.

:) 10min ci
:) 10min emerg email only / ck mtgs
:) 30min quiet time
:) 15min rdy
10min dailies
:) 10min work plan
:) work hard.
:D MIT nbltmp
nbltmprel - TOMORROW
:) p
:) 20min wko
:) tt
:) jmtg

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Babarino ci 5.6.10


items on calendar

project 1

Thank you all for being here. The past two days, which could have been awful stressful messes, were manageable due in part to the tools I've learned here. Mostly setting a timer and working 15 minutes at a time. Used serenity prayer often in past couple days.

My plan today is to do 15 min declutter in office, then jump straight into project 1, break for other tasks sometime in morning and sometime in afternoon.

3:30p update-got quite a bit done on project 1 but quite a bit left to do. But any progress is infinately more than no progress-reminding self of this.

It's evening now. Came home, ate dinner and relaxed for while now working on project again. Want to have enough done so that tomorrow it can be finished well-thought out and not sloppily done in a panick. will keep making babysteps

GeorgeSmiley, 5/6/10, 8:27 AM + Update 6:19 PM

I have been online for more than an hour but delayed checking in as I got distracted.

Big project today: Make significant progress on, or finish, Project MR.

Other items may arise that need immediate attention, but if they do I need to deal w/ them quickly then jump right back on Project MR

Update, 6:19 PM

Made important progress. Will be working more tonight, after dinner, on my laptop.

Feeling relieved.





Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)

The Hero's Code: Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

huma CI

  • write BSSB contract
  • PHP proposal
  • call 5 R clients
  • call FPP - see MM
  • go to MS with proposal
  • groceries
  • TDC 2
  • TDC 3
  • TDC 4
  • bills

"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

hope4meandu checkin 8:54AM

Hi Pro Buddies,

Had a successful day yesterday. Had a cleaning breakthrough, realizing that my cleaning the fridge or anything else doesn't have to be perfect and I even caught that voice telling me that nothing I do is good enough.

We moved our offices and the only bad thing is I am out front and my 2 bosses are behind me watching everything I do. What am I going to say I have to use this site to get my work done? I was so happy in my cosy corner in my small old office, I really don't like the set-up. Oh well.

Here's my list:
-clean the fridge
-give my girl a bath
-clean kitchen
-work on buying curtains (very cheaply)
-getting dining room table and chairs (very cheaply) BEING WORKED ON
-dusting each room
-washing the floors
-food shopping
-bake ch

Anyway, guys have an HP-inspired day!!

♥"Prayers for my Yoffee's complete & speedy recovery and prayers for direction & clarity on how she can be healed.♥

Journey 8:30

Early to work today, I'm not really sure how that happened but somehow I got out of the gym, washed and dressed, 20 minutes early!   But I feel kinda meh today and I don't really wanna do anything, so I'm checking in first thing to get me going.

Some coffee will probably help, of course, we still don't have water in the break room but I brought in some instant coffee which is easier and cheaper than going all the way downstairs to buy coffee.   I am starting to look forward to our move to the new building, at least we will have plumbing and elevators that work!

So, I've been to the gym, checked email and calendar.   Now for coffee and todo list.   


"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

kromer 8:20 CI

I have an overwhelming amount to get done today, so I'm tempted to just do nothing. But that's clearly silly...I should just do the best I can.

Scheduled: mtg w/ postdoc candidate, class, mtg w/ T,D,and D (going to this now); office hours

*Finish presentation + practice and note revisions (will work on this soon)
*Answer student emails
*Get psets ready to return
*Mail mother's day card

Other tasks:
*Start sensor data analysis
*Check on expt

OK, right now I'm going to deal w/ emails (I've REALLY procrastinated on this so I want to avoid it, but not going to.

Hope-Faith CI 8:20

Hi here again today.

Vic 5/6

 Show up (done)

Yesterday was humble enough to pray and use tools and what could have been a bad day was not so bad. Hope to do the same today.

tuffl check-in 11 am

yay, check in before noon, there's a good chance i won't waste the whole morning but be productive :) 



washed the dishes

packed my stuff

got information about print account

checked emails

today's list


To do:

get timer

look up cl


have a look at 'gl HSM' again (continue writing) - see how it goes - report back regularly on progress if necessary (until lunch break, when done, set new tasks for the afternoon)


get stamp & send letter (HSS) (lunchbreak)

lunch - with A.? (12.30)

coffeebreak with N. to get my stuff, put it in M's office (afternoon
before job ?3.15?)

clear SID card (afternoon before job ?3.45?)

write email to T. (afternoon during job)

write email to admin (afternoon during job)

make a list c



Today was much much better than yesterday! I got a lot of small things done and I was able to continue working on my text. Although progress is still very slow and I did not get the next part started I feel like I'm in a workflow again. So I'm optimistic for tomorrow. Thank you for your support! good luck with your own tasks & see you all tomorrow!

more progress

par on 'gl HSM' actually finished *happy* plus follow-up mail written to admin. :) hope tomorrow will be as good

GSD Check In

I'm working on creating a realistic plan for today.

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 

Lucky CI

Ack! Got up at 6 and started my day with a brisk 4 hrs of procrastination...

Up by 6am Smile
Rubbish & recycling out
Frontline dog
Pay C £41
Living room
Dining room
Rat cage
Laundry (inc blue duvet cover)
Urgent emails
Check finances & do any urgent sorting
Try on dress
Plan trip to get C
Get C
Make gingerbread

check in

2 papers due today

One paper may be able to pull off almost complete

The other a 4 page history paper comparing the town I live in to a book I was suppose to  read  but didnot about another town in the same state

I have about 3hours and I am not going to make it.

Check In

Bought some time on my history paper. Will work on it tonite after my AA meeting will sign on and keep in touch with others using chat for accountability. Also have a paper due in my class Jazz imagines Africa 1000 words. Would like to start tonite, maybe if I finish the first paper I will begin the second paper.


Check IN

Finished one paper and emailed as attachment to teacher will go to class. Second paper not completed or began don't think I can buy time for this paper he may give me an F.

Rexroth Check In

Thanks for starting the thread Helen and for the picture.

Theme for today is to continue to clean and tidy my place. I've been in a bit of denial about how it was and it is much better now but not yet finished so:

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails
Taken curtains down and one load in the washing machine and on
Washed up stuff left over from yesterday
Updated shopping list after planning food for friend coming over on Sunday
Checked times for Sunday

Go out and vote and to pharmacy
Wash all curtains, dry and repair
Clean windows
Rehang curtains
Finish cleaning oven
Vacuum and wet wipe bedsit - involves moving furniture

and last but by no means least make a start on that festering hole that is the bathroom

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Update

Above except the bathroom
Shopped for food and wine
Walked in park
Put on food to cook
Dealt with post
Rested a bit

Um.. the bathroom or shall I ask my friend coming over on Sunday to use the other bathroom and blame the mess on the person I share the bathroom with?

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Started on bathroom - it is a little better and needs more work tomorrow.

Night Folks



Thank you for starting the thread, Helen.




Sending F


Prayer/ meditation




Plan speak

Helen's CI


10 mins meditation

Breakfast & morning routine

Tidy desk

Washing up

Letter of complaint - Write it and send it!


Work on CV 





Helens CI

Breakfast & morning routine DONE

Tidy desk DONE

Washing up

Letter of complaint - Write it and send it!


Work on CV 






 Hi all.


Today I need to:


-bring stuff in to basement

-write R, M, K and O

-go to supermarket, with a shoppinglist

-pryers, listen to Joyce Meyer online video, read mails, morning routines, breakfast, make up, hair etc. (done)


Have a good day all!  :D

 In recovery







-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey

hi elina

love joyce meyer!

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb