Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I'm Simon. I am supposed to be writing my masters thesis but more often than nor spend time browsing the internet and watching documentries on televison. Today I spent 4 hours browsing the internet and maybe an hour and a half watching TV, but haven't really spent so much time working on my thesis and doing other more worthwhile things. I'm sure many (or all) of you understand how I feel.
I am committed to finishing though as well as moving on to do other things, and I'm sure together well all can beat this terrible habit.
I'll be seeing you around,
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Wow, thanks for the warm
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
Hi Simon
Pleased to meet you. I have found a lot of help here for my lifelong procrastination problems. For example, I filed taxes only 5 1/2 hours late this year! That's big progress from the 6-years backlog I had when I started on PA two years ago. It works, so keep coming back. See you around.
"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land..." Psalm 16
Good to have you here!
I'm also a masters student and I've found grad school to be a minefield for the procrastinator...This program really helps though.
See you around!
Welcome Simon!
"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel