Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday 29 april 2010

"You can’t change your entire life – you can only change your next action. 
You can’t change your entire job – you can only change your next task. 
You can’t change the past, or control the future – you can only change what you’re doing right now. 

You can’t change everything – you can only change one, small thing.
And that’s all it takes." 

e's Thursday 4 29 10

Tpday started off slowly, but haven't done too, too poorly: it is afternoon and have had an hour of futzing about, but the rest has been productive, if not working on mits.

MITs until completed: taxes, financial aid

mmorning routine:
morning meds, bed, dishes, breakfast, laundry in washer, showered, toiletries, accomplished.

other routine tasks to accomplish today:
dinner planning
hot spot the living room
shift laundry
eat balanced meal
mail call
8th step work

would like to add into my routine
water, exercise, errand, one telephone problem of the day.

today I will choose a new dentist and make an appointment. \
extra tasks:
write mom about animal
transfer appt.s into phone
call number 1 son, call d, call n,

lots more, but that is enough for the moment

Success is not final, failure is not fatal


I cycle in and out of motivation and procrastination.  Yesterday I did bad.  I let it get me down and gave in to the procrastination and just surfed the net and generally felt lazy.  Then I got upset with myself and in a late microburst, I got done a dreaded paperwork task that I had planned for the weekend.  It's those tasks that throw me off.  Maybe I shouldn't try to spread them out across the week and just tackle them on Monday and get them out of the way?  It seems like I'm always trying and planning instead of doing.

 Let's see how it goes today.

work DONE

call about mower DONE 

water plants DONE

wash dishes

pack lunch, prepare paperwork, clothes, bf for tomorrow

 gather laundry

gather stuff for wkend

pack truck 

weed garden and pot (from Tuesday)

exercise routine 

The two task I've been avoiding all week: 

SP 3 review

G part A 

Prosick - Check-in 11:32 am Check out 3:48 am

Thanks Strike. Nice opener.

Procrastinated too much earlier in the week, now every has to be done today & by tomorrow morning and in the tiny little gaps of time I have. Ugh.

12 - 4 pm - Kitty Cleaning & Baths

7 - 9 pm - Dinner with J.

-Prepare quarterly return to mail tomorrow  -- PREPARED, NEEDS PRINTING OUT
-Email entries for cards
-Pack for weekend trip -- STARTED, MUST FINISH IN MORNING
-Coordinator with person from Grb. to deliver items -- TRIED, NO RESPONSE
-Figure out Sat. kitty sitter -- NEED TO PRINT OUT INSTRUCTIONS
-Pay Bills (esp. Cori Tax, E Citi, E Jp, & E Ds)

Oi... so tired. But seemed fairly successful tonight. I think all I should have to do in the morning is pack, print out stuff and mail one thing. Oh and water plants. Can't forget that!



LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"

CL daily overcoming

coming soon...
got a calendar alert dont want to forget...

:) 10min ci
:) 10min emerg email only / ck mtgs
:) work hard.
:) 30min quiet time
:) 15min rdy
:) 10min dailies
:) 10min work plan
:) no dbl t
:) dev
:) more dev
:) relt
:) cals
pr - SOME
:) p
:) 20min wko

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

Agnus checking in

Great starter, strike, thanks so much. I'm covetous of that athlete's physique - I'll bet s/he didn't procrastinate going to the gym as much as I have! Today's tasks:

  • pg documentation for rr :-)
  • ap trkng promo script for wf3 :-)
  • bio to jw :-)
  • call to wf3 re final version :-)
  • review and add content to lmi draft; send client
  • review primer inputs
  • draft primer outline
  • wbnr 1-4 :-)
  • verify travel :-)
  • ADDED: notes from late call
  • ADDED: MUTs from late call.

"My boundaries enclose a pleasant land..." Psalm 16

kromer 9:45

Lots of stuff to do today! Already had a doctor's appt., now settling down to work

Scheduled: class  1-2:30, mtg 4-5, harambee 6-8:30ish

MITs: Email about WFH
*email friends about visit
*Look at slides
*Work on biosensor write-up (want to get a page of inventory and start transforming it into a coherent report) (working on this now)
*Work on presentation
*Clean up DNA and re-start PCR (started)
*Do realtime & brainstorm (started)
*Prep for mtg

Other tasks: Work on differential equations studying, look for image analysis software, get new samples.

OK, going to go start DNA clean-up now, then I'll start real-time, then I'll email friends about visit and email about walk for hunger

Journey 9 am

Great starter!  Thanks!

Back in the office today, and it's my Friday as I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow.  I have an important meeting this afternoon, and I want to spend the rest of the day finishing up a major part of Project V.   Then tomorrow is a play day yay!


"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

huma CI

Excellent starter strike! Wise words. Smile

  • report to MAB
  • docs for RF
  • put game up
  • get appt w/john
  • sort mail/financials
  • gym
  • call 6 key clients
  • dishes

"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

Vic 4/29

Show up (done)

"The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!

It is never too late to become what you might have been." author unknown


I just realized what I feel when I start taking care of unfinished business  are WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS.

Mild withdrawal symptoms are often chiefly emotional. They can include anxiety, confusion, moodiness, nervousness, irritability, and depression.

Moderate withdrawal can include the aforementioned symptoms along with physical reactions like headache, nausea, tremor, excessive sweating, and increased heart rate.

GeorgeSmiley, 4/29/10, 7 AM + Updates

Good morning...

Yesterday I lost time by beginning w/ surfing instead of deferring it as my daily schedule calls for. Today I won't do that.

I have a breakfast meeting for Project MR in about 1 hour, then a phone interview for the same project back here. The, focusing mostly on MR. But I do have other items that I must make headway on and that I've been deferring last couple of days.

Anyway. First task: Review the list of non-urgent tasks on my task pad and reschedule them to the future as much as possible, so the list is less cluttered and intimidating.

Update: 11:07 AM

Finished a phone interview for Project MR

Remaining tasks today:

1) PQE: Finish

2) MR: Get article structure worked out and begin to fill in gaps

3) MW: At least get it started

Update, 1:50 AM:

The last 3 hours have been essentially wasted. Time to start again.





Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church (1948-2009)

The Hero's Code: Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

Hope-Faith CI 6:00

Help I have fallen of the wagon and I am trying to get back on.

It has been a super busy 3 weeks. DS and DD have had so many activites--between baseball, softball, chior, BS, dance and livestock show their has been something every single night and weekend to do and it will be like this until the end of May. I have not even had time to make coffe in the am.

So I need to get back on the wagon and make things happen on the home front. My house looks like a train wreck. One step at a time I can do this.

  1. Today I will make coffee Done
  2. Update checkoff list Done
  3. Get caught up on my e-mail Done
  4. Unload pics from Livestock Show and DS's Field Day Done

K I have one leg in the wagon check back in later this evening.

  1. Field Day with DD
  2. Pick up project books
  3. Get Wisdom tooth removed.

Will try and update at the end of the day.


Hope-Faith CI 12:20

 Have a few extra mins before I need to leave so will throw in a couple of extra task to help get me back into the wagon.


  1. Field Day with DD Done
  2. Pick up project books ::jawdrop::Oops forgot to do this, tomorrow
  3. Fold clothes
  4. Check on baby kitties
  5. Clean trash out of van
  6. Get Wisdom tooth removed


tiny little mewling balls of fluff?

tiny little mewling balls of fluff?

wee tiny kitties?!!

wee tiny kitties?!!

baby kitties?

"Bless the present. Trust yourself. Expect the best." --Steve Nobel

Rexroth Check In

Slept for ten hours straight through last night and this morning feel a bit odd and that I want to go back to sleep

Up prayer and refeflection
Checked emails

Phone church for details of course tomorrow
Phone fellowship person re meeting

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Emails several important
Post and phoned re one letter and filed
Some research on web
Wrote a bit in journal

Write more in journal
Prayer and reflection
Set alarm
Bed and sleep

Night Everyone


Helen's CI

I did nothing yesterday but today I am back in the saddle. Doubt I can slay the dragon but might be able to prod it a bit.



Morning routine (Dress, Eat, Wash, Groom, 1 bowl washing up, ) DONE

Writing exercise (20 mins)

Fly lady tasks (Room rescue, make bed, dust living room ceiling)  (20 minutes)

Washing up (1 * 20 minutes) (all of it)DONE

Washing up (2 * 20 minutes) DONE 

Kitchen floor DONE 

Clean living room walls (1 * 20 minutes) DONE

Self care (6 * 20 minutes) (Snacks,writing, drawing yoga, stretching, hypnosis, inspriational tapes, dance) <<<<NOW

Study 1 hour <<<NEXT

Paperwork (3 * 20 minutes)

Filing (20 mins)

Clean  floor (1 * 20 minutes)

Lunch (1 hour)

Afternoon routine



Library - Printing 


Study / creative work

Yoga DVD 

Shine sink

strike 7.35 am

Good morning guys! I had a pretty productive day yesterday, so today I will reward myself with a sesh at the gym, yay. I hope you will have a nice day.

  1. work 5 hours [x] [x] [x] [ ] [ ]