Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday, 6th of September, 2006
Well, I don't see a bookending section for today yet... if there is already one, feel free to nuke this post!
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Did the stupid thing again
On top of all the other things I procrastinate about, one of the ones that is the most embarassing and troublesome is not checking my calendar. Several times today I told myself I ought to check it, but I did not. I Totally forgot all about a wedding planning appointment I had at 7. Fortunately, there were people at the church, so the couple could get in, and the people called me, and I got there, though late. It turned out ok--but if they had been cranky folks, it would have been very bad. The part of me that wants to preserve time for me and set boundaries refused to look at that schedule, made by the part of me that says yes to anything. I have demand-resistance to myself (sounds like that perfectionism, doesn't it?). Bleagh.
That's not too good. :(
Demand Resistance is often to yourself. Mallinger talks about this in his book. It comes from turning every "want" into a "should" (because you don't want to be so selfish as to want anything). I explained this in a lot more detail in a comment added to the Demand Resistance article.
Mallinger suggests asking yourself "What do I want?" all the time, all through the day, even about simple things. I've been doing this, and it's oddly validating. I recommend it!
pro's CI - 10:20pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Good night!
pro's CI - 9:45pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
pro's CI - 9pm
I'm going to start my bedtime routine early to make sure I really do go to bed on time tonight so I can get up early and go to the gym again tomorrow. I can read in bed for a while - I'm sure into this book "Too Perfect".
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 8:00
Already Done:
Morning Routine
Early Work Routine
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
• Farm Chores (didn't include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores 25%
Things I like blowing off:
• process inbox
I want to get done:
• Paper chores (the rest)
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)
Veering Off
I have done hardly anything according to plan today! It doesn't seem actually disastrous because nothing urgent got bumped by something less urgent--it was important but not urgent stuff getting bumped by more urgent stuff. Mostly!
--finally got up
--entire morning routine
--did not ignore need for loo
--started load of towels
--go over to church
--go to church office and check in with secretary
--tell her I'll be in my study
--unplug laptop
--check out Outlook and start up book
Got rather bogged down here. I checked out audiovisual stuff, which was not at all important, but it was the only stuff visible on the desktop at first, and it was cool to look at/listen to. I finally found Windows Office and Outlook. Couldn't do anything because everything said it had to be "initialized." And I had to go online to do that. Well, I don't know how to get online with it. (I hear you technophiles tssking.) Do I just hook in a phone line (I hope it has an internal modem for dial up)? Do I need an external device? I told the sales guy I planned to try out getting an aero card from Cingular and enjoying the constant access and greater speed (much faster than our dialup), but I didn't say I wouldn't do that right away, I guess, so he didn't say anything to me about initializing all this stuff. In fact, I assumed that what I paid the $129 to the Geek Squad(@Best Buy)was for ~them~ to do it!. DH still has the receipt, so I can't read about it or anything. Anyhow, didn't quit messing around with it till 1:30.
--eat lunch
--pick up DD at 3:30
--pick up DS at 5:30/take DD to city library
Blew off (wasn't able to use the programs):
--fill in calendar and reminders
--enter handwritten stories in notebook on desk into laptop
Blew off (just because I was annoyed and time-binged on fun stuff online):
--load something for storage unit into car
--unload car on way home
Still To Do:
--reboot laundry
--eat snack
--pick up DD at 7 pm
--work on clearing table of masses of papers for 45 minutes
--review day and what needs doing rest of week (there are some hard deadlines looming on the weekend)
I have been going online and reading random fun stuff (astrology, tarot, I-ching, email, silly searches) every time I have a few minutes free in between errands. I recognize that it's awfully similar to having a drink to deal with my exasperation--even though there is no physical substance involved it does create an altered state of mind. It has a compulsive componant, too. How fortunate all of us procrastinators are that there is at least no physical withdrawal!
Altered States
'I have been going online and reading random fun stuff (astrology, tarot, I-ching, email, silly searches) every time I have a few minutes free in between errands. I recognize that it's awfully similar to having a drink to deal with my exasperation--even though there is no physical substance involved it does create an altered state of mind.'
I do that sometimes, but I have to be very careful because I'm borderline internet addict. I also pluck hairs and squeeze blackheads when I'm stressing about procrastinating - my face ends up a mess when I'm going through a bad phase. (Sometimes it's a mess when I'm ~not~ in a bad phase too!).
Physical withdrawal
My shoulders and neck tense up and I get a headache. So that's pretty much all the time, since I'm only just now recognizing my procrastinantion problem.
Ha! things I forgot!
After picking up DD, I can home and customized Flylady's Student Control Journal for my daughter (we had another discussion about chores and allowance). It was a good response to the situation at hand with DD, even if I hadn't planned it. What am I kicking myself for THAT for? I guess I feel like I'm blowing off more than I am. What I am truly procrastinating on is reviewing my needs for the week and making a plan. I'm drifting from urgent to urgent and frittering most of my time away in between. It's sorta fun stuff--but nothing REALLY exciting. If I quit lolligagging around on little, silly stuff I might be able to enjoy something really refreshing or fulfilling. (One hopes so, anyhow.) The real problem, though, is spinning my wheels rather than looking ahead and seeing what I need to prepare for.
1Focus 7:20
Already Done:
Morning Routine
Early Work Routine
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
Things I like blowing off:
• process inbox
I want to get done:
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)
early to bed
>Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)
I gotta start doing that. If I went to bed at 10pm, I could get up at 6pm and so much else would be possible. I'm not doing anything productive from 10pm on - mainly watching TV. I record the late night stuff I like so I can watch it earlier the next day, but I still stay up to watch it.
pro's CI - 6:45pm
As I said to 1Focus in another post... I wanted to time binge and do nothing but accounting today, but I felt I "should" do client work, and so I ended up doing nothing but laundry.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
Client work
I thought you weren't doing client work this week? Or was that last week? I do have a tendency to lose track of time unless I make notes!
pro's CI - 6pm
As I said to 1Focus in another post... I wanted to time binge and do nothing but accounting today, but I felt I "should" do client work, and so I ended up doing nothing but laundry.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~Blown Off~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 4:50
Already Done:
Morning Routine
Early Work Routine
• meet with boss on new poject
• meet on sound system project, scheduled to repair tomorrow
• Brainstorm on new project, meet with boss again today (meeting tomorrow 9am)
• prepare perfomance evaluation (step 1 anyway)
Things I like blowing off:
• process inbox
I want to get done:
Evening Routine
• Help in the kitchen
• Hang with the Family
• Clean up after dinner
• Farm Chores (include the kids)
• Kids to bed
• Paper chores
• Early to bed (Lights out at 10:00)
todayfirst 4:10 PM EST
- Gym
- Email
- Program - 30 min
- Meeting - 1 hr
- Program - 30 min
- Lunch
- Check in
- Program - 30 min
- Source control
- break - 10 min
- Program - 30 min
- Meeting
- Other previously unscheduled tasks
- Backup my files
- A wee bit of programming so I don't waste the tail end of a relatively productive day.
Way to go!
A few minutes at a time starts to add up. Now...if only I could remember that.
yah, I read that, too
...but haven't yet been able to put it into practice.
So good job, todayfirst!! :)
pro's CI - 3:15pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Couldn't resist
CUOP on ~all~ posts (but resisted responding to everything in sight). Perfectionist? Moi?
Not BE just CI
No agenda tonight - been CUOP (except for daily threads - there's just so much I can't keep up with what I miss when I'm at payroll). I've had a heavy week so far and I'm knackered. Up-to-date with commitments (uh-oh - just remembered I'm covering a class tomorrow for someone else - need to sort that out tonight, but other than that I'm sorted). The light's conked out in here and I'm working by candlelight. Not doing my eyes any good so I'm probably going to log off.
Glad you were able to visit the forum for a little while. Have a good evening. :)
pro's CI - 1:20pm
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 1:10
Already Done:
Morning Routine
Early Work Routine
• meet with boss on new poject
• meet on sound system project, scheduled to repair tomorrow
I want to get done:
Work Plan
• Brainstorm on new project, meet with boss again today
• prepare perfomance evaluation
• process inbox
Evening Routine
I'm feeling pretty good today. Quite a contrast from yesterday. :)
- Gym
- Email
- Program - 30 min
- Meeting - 1 hr
- Program - 30 min
- Lunch
- Check in
- Program - 30 min
- Source control
- break - 10 min
- Program - 30 min
- Meeting
- Other previously unscheduled tasks
working out helps mood
I'm feeling better than yesterday, too. I think it has to do with working out this morning. Exercise does good things to the brain (which is part of the body, after all).
pro's CI - 12:10pm
I feel very strongly that I need a time-out from all commitments - in particular the floundering business I started with its demanding customers. They are going to hate me, but I'll have to accept that consequence. I'm going to ignore them today, and maybe tomorrow, too.
In the post about time debting, "commitment moratorium" was mentioned as a tool of recovery. I feel an almost desperate need for that. I really want to check out of everything for a while. I tried to close down the business last week but my customers objected. Fine - but I need to ignore them for a while.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
already rearranged
While in loo I had a moment to think and to look around, and I remembered that bible study has been postponed to next week. Now I don't have a hard deadline. So I popped in a load of towels to wash.
--finally got up
--entire morning routine
--did not ignore need for loo
--started load of towels
What I plan now:
--go over to church
--go to church office and check in with secretary
--tell her I'll be in my study
--unplug laptop
--check out Outlook and start up book
--fill in calendar and reminders
--eat lunch
--enter handwritten stories in notebook on desk into laptop until 2:30 (Wednesday afternoon is my creative free time that I have not been honoring)
--load something for storage unit into car
--pick up DD at 3:30
--unload car on way home
--reboot laundry
--work on clearing table of masses of papers for 45 minutes
--reevaluate needs for the day
pro's CI - 11:10am
My computer updated its software and I need to reboot. One check-in first...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
sliding in at 9:49
Went to bed at 11:40, but couldn't wake up when alarm went off. Woke DD late, and she made her ride wait a bit. Then I went right back to sleep till 8:40. Guess I needed it--had been feeling sleepy all day last few days. DH brought home my laptop last night, and I find I am terrified of it. I had to go over to the church with it last night to find a grounded plug (hadn't thought of that) to charge it up. I haven't been too eager to go over and make its acquaintance because there is so much I will have to learn. But I will start with setting up a calendar and reminders.
--finally got up
--entire morning routine
What I plan now:
--go over to church
--go straight to my study (not church office, where the secretary is)
--unplug laptop
--check out Outlook
--bible study at noon
"sliding in"
"slider sliding in" - that's good. I like that. :)
Learning new things can be fun. For me, it's an adventure - interesting new puzzle to explore.
More reason
Another reason I am terrified of my laptop (that's an exaggeration, but I am apprehensive about handling it) is the thought that it cost me $1600 (not all was for the machine itself, some was accessories and service contract, etc). I have no other object I handle that cost me that much except my car (and the church computer--but it's stationary and it's not mine! LOL!) I have a fear of dropping or othrwise breaking or ruining it. Silly me.
computer insurance
You can buy insurance for it. I once spent $5000 on a notebook (this was some years ago, when they cost more). I was in such fear of losing it or breaking it that I added it to my homeowner's policy. I never lost it or broke it, but I felt better. :)
I'll check it out
Thanks for the idea, pro! We don't have any insurance on possessions except liability on car, so it will be another learning curve--smells froggy! ;)
Work, why?
I guess I better do some real work. Sounds like our HVAC system is acting up again. Hot staff = cranky staff. Can't have that.
1Focus 10:20
First day back to preschool for DD3. I knew I needed to get up earlier today. Do you think I did?....Nooooo. Late to work because I thought I could hit snooze a few times and still have plenty of time to help get everyone out the door.
Already Done:
Morning Routine
Early Work Routine
• Clear my head (journaling)
• Specific plan for the day
• Spending quality time on PA forums :)
I want to get done:
Work Plan
• prepare perfomance evaluation
• meet with boss on new poject
• meet on sound system project
• process inbox
Evening Routine
pro's CI - 10:15am
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1Focus 9:25
First day back to preschool for DD3. I knew I needed to get up earlier today. Do you think I did?....Nooooo. Late to work because I thought I could hit snooze a few times and still have plenty of time to help get everyone out the door.
Already Done:
Morning Routine
• Out of bed 6:50 (Goal 6:00)
• Ready for anything
• Dress and feed DD0
• Breakfast
• Head to work
Early Work Routine
• Meet with staff/general plan
• Time sheets
I want to get done:
• Clear my head (journaling)
• Specific plan for the day
Work Plan
Evening Routine
pro's CI - 9:30am
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Ta Da~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~To Do~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
You made it to the gym. Amazing what a good nights sleep will do for you.
now if only I can do it consistently
Thanks! I feel very good about it. I need to do it consistently, though, if it's to have the effect on my health (and size) that I hope for.
Gripes for this morning:
1. There are too many trucks in New York that sit around idling and stinking up the air.
2. Homeless people take up residence in the rec center's locker rooms and it's creepy.
Good job
Great job getting to the gym! :) Remember that to do it "consistently" is more about starting again when you miss a couple days than it is about never missing a single workout. That came out a bit garbled but you get the idea.
good point
You're right - I have to watch those perfectionistic tendencies, that black and white thinking that if I don't do it perfectly, I may as well not do it at all. Thanks for the reminder. :)
todayfirst 9:00 AM EST
I finally got myself to the gym today! The surgeon who fixed my knee said it was either that or physical therapy so thats good motivation because the PT would be damn inconvenient. Now, I simply MUST make some progress on my program. It's still looks rather endless, so I am going to start working in 30 min chunks again.
- Gym
- Email
- Program - 30 min
- Meeting - 1 hr
- Program - 30 min
- Lunch
- Check in
- Program - 30 min
- Source control
- break - 10 min
- Program - 30 min
- Previously unscheduled tasks (1hr ?)
gym today!
>I finally got myself to the gym today!
Me, too! Congratulations to both of us! :D
Thanks for starting the day thread.