Norm's Future Bookending Projects
I've been procrastinating on a number of fronts today, and wanted to make a list here somewhere (so hopefully I'll feel accountable!) of the things I've been avoiding, to highlight them as future projects (some of them very near future). I thought the Bookending Forum would be the best place for it (it certainly doesn't fit in any of the other forums), as they can all become bookended.
*Thursday: Accounts and tax Update 21st I've now set myself a schedule for getting this done
*Mornings?: Wrap pressies
*Friday: YTC Homework Update 21st I've now set myself a schedule for getting this done
*Saturday: CSA stuff
*Saturday: DB homework Update 21st I've now set myself a schedule for getting this done
*Saturday if the weather is fine: Paint filing cabinet
*Monday 26th: Make a will
*Monday: Start the red tasks on my Outlook Task List
*Monday: Annual Review
*Decide what pressies to give to others and make/buy them
*Do next MoodGym module
*Exercise classes Went to class this morning; booked next week's; went to class Sunday 18th; went 21st but it was cancelled
*Make menus till the end of the year done next week
*Grocery shopping Done
*Exam revision Done
*Synchronise calendar and diary Done January
*Decide if I'm sending any Christmas cards this year, and if so send them (by Saturday at latest)Missed the post, so I'm not sending them
*Monday 19th: Plan first session plan of new course (starts next week)DoneIt was a bit of a loose plan though. I got away with it because of my experience, but I'd like to live my life not just 'getting away' with things.
*Monday: Select suitable copy of Yoga Sutras for client done
Phew - looks like tomorrow may be what FlyLady calls a '15 minute day'!
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'Future Bookending' Progress Check
Six months later I thought I'd come back and see if any of this stuff was still outstanding as I've got some time off coming up next week for getting to things I haven't had time for (and things I've been procrastinating on - but they're not always the same thing these days, yay!). Here are the things that are still outstanding:
*Accounts and Tax - nearly finished then stopped. Aim to finish next week.
*Homework - (because it's ongoing). I can hardly believe how well I've been doing with getting this done lately. However, the latest project has got to the 'nearly finished and then abandoned' stage, so I'm aiming to get that finished on Sunday
*DB stuff - deferred. Slight regret because it's something I wanted to do, but I dropped out for the right reasons (low priority) rather than because of procrastination
*Start the red tasks on Outlook - I guess I did them, but I've got more!
*Annual Review - err, what month is it? Never did it.
*Do next MoodGym module - I didn't. I didn't realise I'd put it off ~that~ long! I thought it might be useful for anti-proc, and I'd got up to the bit about how you talk to yourself, but I felt it was a lower priority than other things I was getting on with.
*Exercise classes - I'd like to be motivated to get back into doing them (how's that for positive self-talk!).
I've got a few new ones to add, but I'll come back to them on Sunday.
I've done it!
I've done the will! I've done the will! (Well, I've been to the solicitor, and going in to sign it next week).
I've done really well with this list - not done MoodGym, but that's gone way down my list of priorities, and is just on some vague wish list now. Also not done the Annual Review - I think that's because I've not really convinced myself that the time to put into it would be worth it (I know it intellectually, but I just don't ~believe~ it!)
Looking back over the other things, they all got done - filing cabinet (not as good as I'd like because of frost, but it got done); pressies were all ready in time; exams done (and passed); and paperwork done.
I don't necessarily do my bookending here, but it works! I'll have to start a new list :D
"master" list versus "today" list
It's good to have two "to-do" lists - a "master" list of everything you need to do, and a list of what you will to today. If you try to use your master list for today, (1) you feel overwhelmed, and (2) you are less likely to do things in priority order. Making a "today" list that takes into account how much time you have forces you to prioritize.