Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I ~said~ I would brush my teeth, etc. and go to bed. Instead, I started binging online--first another search for women's clergy shirts (I have 6 shortcuts, and I don't really plan to buy. Why do I do stupid things like this? Ah! You know, I was hoping I'd find something so good I WOULD buy--an excuse to buy, for the pleasure of scoring something really unusual, something to make the drabness more interesting. I'm really tired of the clerical uniform.) Then I binged on ADD research. There's lots to read. I relate to so much of it (even found some good stuff on concerning ADD and procrastination). But I was very tired and thought I'd better go to sleep early, before. Now it's even later than I originally planned. I still have to get up at 6:30. But you know what? I had forgotten that. I was thinking TODAY was Sunday (since I did so much work at the church)and that I would give myself permission to sleep late tomorrow. (Not good, but within th realm of doable.) It was my son who reminded me I need to go to bed to be ready for church tomorrow! I was so shocked and felt so dismayed that I still have to get through Sunday. I think that my forgetfulnes and inattentiveness contibutes to much of my procrastination. Yet if I did things right away--NOW!--then, obviously, these things wouldn't happen. I must admit that even that temporary, tiny delay sets up the disaster that follows. felt like you deserved it after such a productive day, AND MAYBE YOU DID!!!! Did you have some fun time included in that day? I don't recall any.
I washed the dishes (huge pile of them - I hadn't been doing them all day), and brushed my teeth. Now I just have to make up the bed. If I procrastinate on that I'll be up late or I'll crash on the couch (bad), so I'll do it now. I'm tired.
Okay, showered now. (Not dressed, but at least clean.) It feels a lot better. I felt very grungy before. I think maybe I'll brush my teeth, too. Also need to wash dishes.
I did nothing all day but watch episodes of the second season on House, which I just got on DVD.
Yup--beer and BBQ. And I got seated at the end of the head table, next to the teenagers who served as ushers and whatnot. Nobody to talk to--though I tried talking to the teenagers. Oh well. Really tired and sleepy now, may turn in early.
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--got DH and DS to shovel mulch off the trailer and into a big pile
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother about their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe [Pictures first!], check with janitor (did in am, actually, and after service it was still fine)
--Take stomach med (forgot earlier)
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
To Do:
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
Think I'll do bedtime routine and go read in bed. G'night.
Thanks, Pro. It was a big day. Big days are actually easier for me. There's very little to decide. What I hate is having enough time to do some of the millions of less stimulating things I'm behind on--and then having to choose. And start. And continue. THAT'S when I procrastinate. If all I ever had to deal with was emergencies I'd be fine. Ever seen Grey's Anatomy? Well, I can't remember anybody's names, but there is one woman who was seeing a supervisor and moved in with him. Before she moved in she showed him her apartment. It was a total disaster, and she said all she ever did was sleep there. She bought new underwear every week rather than wash it, sent her other clothes to the cleaner, and occasionally popped food into the microwave but mostly ate out of the machines at work. She showered and brushed her teeth. She took no other care of herself or her space. She lived for emergencies. I'm a lot like that. In between emergencies (or rather, things that are highly stimulating) I tend to vegetate or slither aimlessly. I don't like taking care of myself or my home--yet I've reached the point where I can really see how not doing it undermines me and slows me down. It's like when a junkie spends all her time high instead of living--her body and her world disintegrate. I'm nearly out of endurance. I'll have to start taking care of things! I can no longer procrastinate about self-care and homecare! I'm getting too weary, too forgetful, too scatterbrained, too disorganized. There are portions of my pofessional life that are boring, too, and I don't keep on top of them. I guess I am more motivated when they become problems, though I'm working on it. I also hope that if I ignore them long enough they'll just go away--and sometimes they do. (Intermittant positive reinforcement! Yikes!) Thanks for the compliment and the encouragement. It's helpful.
I saw you were still online (supposedly--if that little box is accurate), so thought I'd say hi, many blessings, and all, before I go to bed. Hope you had a good day.
The wedding is over and everything went just fine! I did forget to let the bell-ringer ring the bell at one point in the ceremony, but I'll cut myself some slack because we don't normally do it there and the only reason we were going to was to accomodate changes in the procession requested by the bagpipe player--who was not at the rehearsal. So, for a last-minute thing, big deal. The boy who was to ring the bell also lit the candles, so he did not get left out altogether. Now I will go to the reception (Texas rural style: it will be in a Foreign Legion Hall, and the wedding party will be in formal gowns and tuxes, yet I bet they serve beer and BBQ! But maybe not--it might be a little classier because the mother of the bride is from Scotland and was exerting a fair amount of influence to do what is traditional for HER. If so, even if she has been hell the rest of the time, at least I'll get to eat better food! }:) )
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--got DH and DS to shovel mulch off the trailer and into a big pile
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother about their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ;) ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe [Pictures first!], check with janitor (did in am, actually, and after service it was still fine)
To do:
--Take stomach med (forgot earlier)
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
--relax :lol:
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
Didn't post yesterday, just drifted from one scheduled thing to another, no real planning, putting out occasional fires as they flared into my attention. It's so true that if there's no plan, what gets done is whatever is the most interesting, eye-catching, or emotionally compelling.
Let myself sleep till 9 today (intentionally), but still drifting.
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
To do:
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother abiout their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ;) ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe, check with janitor
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
Hey, Anouk Great to see you again! We've missed you!
*Get dressed and go out - just this sec got text msg from DSO saying he's ready to meet me.
*Met DSO in juice bar (Bookcrossing Zone - caught a book)
*Shopping (in three different towns, sigh)
*Had lunch out (checked out another Bookcrossing Zone - the book I wanted to catch had gone)
*Washed car (how did that manage to slip my list before? I definitely intended to do it today anyway - the birds have been eating purple berries and bombing the car!)
*Put shopping away
*Sort out clothes for wedding
*Finish Morning Routine at some point
*Daytime Routine inc DDog walk
*Meal prep/meal/clear up
*PDA - reinstall software
*Talk to DSO re festival or yoga day
*Contact J&C re Treasure Hunt
*Read English Heritage Emails
*Me time!
*Bed by 11.00 pm
Sounds like you had a low-key day planned, yet one that could help make things go very well next week. It must be even later for you than for Normy. Good night!
Hello folks! Please talk to me today if you pop in - don't know about you but I need the encouragement. People have been coming and going the last couple of days and not talking much to each other. (I'm not feeling sorry for myself BTW, just noting what works).
My final post last night didn't get submitted - I must've missed that final 'post' button again. I think I must do that quite a bit.
*Get dressed and go out - just this sec got text msg from DSO saying he's ready to meet me.
*Cafe with DSO
*Shopping (in three different towns, sigh)
*Put shopping away
*Sort out clothes for wedding
*Finish Morning Routine at some point
*Daytime Routine inc DDog walk
*Meal prep/meal/clear up
*PDA - reinstall software
*Talk to DSO re festival or yoga day
*Contact J&C re Treasure Hunt
*Read English Heritage Emails
*Me time!
*Bed by 11.00 pm
Please talk to me today if you pop in - don't know about you but I need the encouragement.
I need people talking to me or I just don't check in. I feel like it's not worth checking in if noone's reading and providing feedback. And then if I'm just lurking I feel silly talking to people (yes, I do make things seem worse in my head than they really are). Hence I have been MIA of late...
I'm having a bad time of it of late, really. Thursday was a horrible, horrible day and I just slid down into a mini-depression that I haven't shaken yet. Might post about it on insights.......
I must be nutty, because I check in here even when I know no one is reading. Of course I like it better when people are reading, but the consistency is important to me. (I say after having not checked in at all yesterday, but that's because I was goofing off.)
that is a long list. I send you lots of positive vibes so you can get done everything.
I haven't been posting because I am procrastinating writing an assignment for uni. It's the worst task of all. Posting here means I am really deciding to start....
We will so. DSO has his day off from training, so we want to do something together but I don't know what yet.
A CI I Shouldn't Even Be Doing--11 pm
I ~said~ I would brush my teeth, etc. and go to bed. Instead, I started binging online--first another search for women's clergy shirts (I have 6 shortcuts, and I don't really plan to buy. Why do I do stupid things like this? Ah! You know, I was hoping I'd find something so good I WOULD buy--an excuse to buy, for the pleasure of scoring something really unusual, something to make the drabness more interesting. I'm really tired of the clerical uniform.) Then I binged on ADD research. There's lots to read. I relate to so much of it (even found some good stuff on concerning ADD and procrastination). But I was very tired and thought I'd better go to sleep early, before. Now it's even later than I originally planned. I still have to get up at 6:30. But you know what? I had forgotten that. I was thinking TODAY was Sunday (since I did so much work at the church)and that I would give myself permission to sleep late tomorrow. (Not good, but within th realm of doable.) It was my son who reminded me I need to go to bed to be ready for church tomorrow! I was so shocked and felt so dismayed that I still have to get through Sunday. I think that my forgetfulnes and inattentiveness contibutes to much of my procrastination. Yet if I did things right away--NOW!--then, obviously, these things wouldn't happen. I must admit that even that temporary, tiny delay sets up the disaster that follows.
probably... felt like you deserved it after such a productive day, AND MAYBE YOU DID!!!! Did you have some fun time included in that day? I don't recall any.
Good Point
Guess my "inner brat" was on strike!
pro's last check-in
Ready for bed now. Hopefully I'll be more productive tomorrow!
pro's CI - 11:20pm
I washed the dishes (huge pile of them - I hadn't been doing them all day), and brushed my teeth. Now I just have to make up the bed. If I procrastinate on that I'll be up late or I'll crash on the couch (bad), so I'll do it now. I'm tired.
pro's CI - 9:45pm
Okay, showered now. (Not dressed, but at least clean.) It feels a lot better. I felt very grungy before. I think maybe I'll brush my teeth, too. Also need to wash dishes.
I did nothing all day but watch episodes of the second season on House, which I just got on DVD.
slider's 8:45 CI
Yup--beer and BBQ. And I got seated at the end of the head table, next to the teenagers who served as ushers and whatnot. Nobody to talk to--though I tried talking to the teenagers. Oh well. Really tired and sleepy now, may turn in early.
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--got DH and DS to shovel mulch off the trailer and into a big pile
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother about their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe [Pictures first!], check with janitor (did in am, actually, and after service it was still fine)
--Take stomach med (forgot earlier)
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
To Do:
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
Think I'll do bedtime routine and go read in bed. G'night.
You had a good day, slider! Big wtg!! :)
Did what I had to do
Thanks, Pro. It was a big day. Big days are actually easier for me. There's very little to decide. What I hate is having enough time to do some of the millions of less stimulating things I'm behind on--and then having to choose. And start. And continue. THAT'S when I procrastinate. If all I ever had to deal with was emergencies I'd be fine. Ever seen Grey's Anatomy? Well, I can't remember anybody's names, but there is one woman who was seeing a supervisor and moved in with him. Before she moved in she showed him her apartment. It was a total disaster, and she said all she ever did was sleep there. She bought new underwear every week rather than wash it, sent her other clothes to the cleaner, and occasionally popped food into the microwave but mostly ate out of the machines at work. She showered and brushed her teeth. She took no other care of herself or her space. She lived for emergencies. I'm a lot like that. In between emergencies (or rather, things that are highly stimulating) I tend to vegetate or slither aimlessly. I don't like taking care of myself or my home--yet I've reached the point where I can really see how not doing it undermines me and slows me down. It's like when a junkie spends all her time high instead of living--her body and her world disintegrate. I'm nearly out of endurance. I'll have to start taking care of things! I can no longer procrastinate about self-care and homecare! I'm getting too weary, too forgetful, too scatterbrained, too disorganized. There are portions of my pofessional life that are boring, too, and I don't keep on top of them. I guess I am more motivated when they become problems, though I'm working on it. I also hope that if I ignore them long enough they'll just go away--and sometimes they do. (Intermittant positive reinforcement! Yikes!) Thanks for the compliment and the encouragement. It's helpful.
pro's too-little too-late check-in
Hi. Ummm... Maybe I'll take a shower now. (It's 9:30pm.)
Long day?
I saw you were still online (supposedly--if that little box is accurate), so thought I'd say hi, many blessings, and all, before I go to bed. Hope you had a good day.
Woo Hoo! slider's 5:30 CI
The wedding is over and everything went just fine! I did forget to let the bell-ringer ring the bell at one point in the ceremony, but I'll cut myself some slack because we don't normally do it there and the only reason we were going to was to accomodate changes in the procession requested by the bagpipe player--who was not at the rehearsal. So, for a last-minute thing, big deal. The boy who was to ring the bell also lit the candles, so he did not get left out altogether. Now I will go to the reception (Texas rural style: it will be in a Foreign Legion Hall, and the wedding party will be in formal gowns and tuxes, yet I bet they serve beer and BBQ! But maybe not--it might be a little classier because the mother of the bride is from Scotland and was exerting a fair amount of influence to do what is traditional for HER. If so, even if she has been hell the rest of the time, at least I'll get to eat better food! }:) )
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--got DH and DS to shovel mulch off the trailer and into a big pile
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother about their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ;) ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe [Pictures first!], check with janitor (did in am, actually, and after service it was still fine)
To do:
--Take stomach med (forgot earlier)
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
--relax :lol:
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
slider's 11:30 am CI
Didn't post yesterday, just drifted from one scheduled thing to another, no real planning, putting out occasional fires as they flared into my attention. It's so true that if there's no plan, what gets done is whatever is the most interesting, eye-catching, or emotionally compelling.
Let myself sleep till 9 today (intentionally), but still drifting.
Ta Da:
--slept 8 hours
--got up when scheduled
--dressed for chores
--called to check on DD who spent the night at a friend's
--chatted with Scouts and church members working on revamping church playground, made plan for delivery of extra mulch for additional projects
--was going to unlock church in preparation for a wedding today, but people were already in there prepping for Sunday School
--returned videos to video rental w/DS
--stopped for a soda w/DS (first sustenance of the day, first caffeine, too)
--popped meal in microwave
To do:
--take stomach med
--eat lunch
--check on church and mulch delivery
--decide what to wear for wedding
--shower, dress, groom
--mentally go over wedding service again
--be at church ready to go by 2:30, check everything out
--fill oil in candles
--wait for bride, photographer,musician,rest of wedding party
--go over rules with photographer
--talk to bride about floor runner and soap bubbles
--see if bride needs anything as she gets ready
--talk to bagpipe player (wasn't at rehearsal)
--talk to ushers and groom's god-mother abiout their roles
--remind mother of the bride (MOB ;) ) of her role
--have acolyte light candles at 3:30 (unless photographer wants them lit earlier) then scoot up to loft to be ready to ring bell
--check on everything again (everybody ready? guests still arriving or just about done?)
--begin the beguine!
--after ceremony, take off robe, check with janitor
--go to reception
--don't stay too long
--think about tomorrow's service
--evening routine
--GO TO BED AT 10:30!!!!!
--set alrm for 6:30
Norm's 3.20 pm BE
Hey, Anouk Great to see you again! We've missed you!
*Get dressed and go out - just this sec got text msg from DSO saying he's ready to meet me.
*Met DSO in juice bar (Bookcrossing Zone - caught a book)
*Shopping (in three different towns, sigh)
*Had lunch out (checked out another Bookcrossing Zone - the book I wanted to catch had gone)
*Washed car (how did that manage to slip my list before? I definitely intended to do it today anyway - the birds have been eating purple berries and bombing the car!)
*Put shopping away
*Sort out clothes for wedding
*Finish Morning Routine at some point
*Daytime Routine inc DDog walk
*Meal prep/meal/clear up
*PDA - reinstall software
*Talk to DSO re festival or yoga day
*Contact J&C re Treasure Hunt
*Read English Heritage Emails
*Me time!
*Bed by 11.00 pm
Hope you had a great day, Normy!
You must be about ready for bed now. Sounds like you had a delightful day planned--hope it all worked out.
Anouk's section
Ta Da:
- made tea
- put away clean dishes
To Do:
- fold and put away washed clothes
- have breakfast
- walk DDog
- make bed
- write diary
- make a plan for next week
You, too, Anouk
Sounds like you had a low-key day planned, yet one that could help make things go very well next week. It must be even later for you than for Normy. Good night!
Norm's first BE 9.50 am
Hello folks! Please talk to me today if you pop in - don't know about you but I need the encouragement. People have been coming and going the last couple of days and not talking much to each other. (I'm not feeling sorry for myself BTW, just noting what works).
My final post last night didn't get submitted - I must've missed that final 'post' button again. I think I must do that quite a bit.
*Get dressed and go out - just this sec got text msg from DSO saying he's ready to meet me.
*Cafe with DSO
*Shopping (in three different towns, sigh)
*Put shopping away
*Sort out clothes for wedding
*Finish Morning Routine at some point
*Daytime Routine inc DDog walk
*Meal prep/meal/clear up
*PDA - reinstall software
*Talk to DSO re festival or yoga day
*Contact J&C re Treasure Hunt
*Read English Heritage Emails
*Me time!
*Bed by 11.00 pm
OK, gotta go!
I agree with you!
Please talk to me today if you pop in - don't know about you but I need the encouragement.
I need people talking to me or I just don't check in. I feel like it's not worth checking in if noone's reading and providing feedback. And then if I'm just lurking I feel silly talking to people (yes, I do make things seem worse in my head than they really are). Hence I have been MIA of late...
I'm having a bad time of it of late, really. Thursday was a horrible, horrible day and I just slid down into a mini-depression that I haven't shaken yet. Might post about it on insights.......
feedback here
I must be nutty, because I check in here even when I know no one is reading. Of course I like it better when people are reading, but the consistency is important to me. (I say after having not checked in at all yesterday, but that's because I was goofing off.)
long list
Hi Normy,
that is a long list. I send you lots of positive vibes so you can get done everything.
I haven't been posting because I am procrastinating writing an assignment for uni. It's the worst task of all. Posting here means I am really deciding to start....
We will so. DSO has his day off from training, so we want to do something together but I don't know what yet.
I will open my own section for a to do list.