Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Friday 11 September 2009

Much love to the Americans around here. Let's try extra hard today.

fudoshin: checking in (12:21am Saturday)

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 



By 4:11am I will have three days of sobreity from bottomlines, but it's not enough just NOT to do somethng.

OTOH, i"ve reconsidered the whole feeling I had toward myself about cancelling my meet-up with  guy from the dating site.  I don't think it was a bad choice.  I think it was fine.  If I'm busy right now, it was the right thing to do.  And I was feeling choked because of getting over-involved with the dating site.  I just don't really feel like I make progress, when I do these 30 days off, unless I am using it in order to make "Tomorrow different forever..." etc.  But these things must be done in small steps, sometimes, it takes many steps to make "tomorrow different forever."  These things don't happen in one night and that is one of the things I've learned to expect from my life from being in this program...  That is, I cannot change the world, but I can take ONE do-able action toward my destiny, whatever the fuck that is, right here, right now.  A sort of come-as-you-are principle has helped me.  I've once again been adopting a principle in my own life, which I refer to as the "Minding my own business," principle.  If I'm minding my own business, then I am more productive in my own life instead of trying to make progress for or with or around other people which is not successful for me, unless I am being paid to do it, i.e. if I'm working as an instructor, etc.  But that's not what this program is about for me-- this is about getting over MYSELF, getting over my own reasons for not doing things.  To cease thinking about why or how or what and actually do it. The moment of action does not require thought.  It is absent of thought.  Decisions are actions; therefore the end conclusion does not proceed from thought, but from rational action.  Decision is a mode of being for me, and not a thought.

And since a decision is a mode of being or an action that I can act on for me, this makes sense that I've often been indecisive.


Today I went to a job interview.  I don't know what they thought of me, I was glad I got the opportunity to be there and to learn interview questions from people, and I was glad I got the advice that I did, which I would know anyways, normally but as I told them, I don't have time for taking a db class now, as I'm studyin, looking for work and funding right now.

You're clearly putting SO

You're clearly putting SO much effort and thought into getting better and I am so in awe.

fudoshin: 2 days of detox : 12:20am Saturday

Please do not leave advice.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


I have two days in the bag (since September 9th) for the following bottomlines:

  • No youtube, no youtube watch network, no youtube on other sites whenever I can avoid it, no ustream, no blogtv
  • no fan lines, especially
  • No facebook
  • no okcupid or other dating sites, including jdate or Plenty of Fish
  • No contacting men I find attractive on Myspace
  • No
    Internet chat that is not twelve-step or for work purposes.  When I
    think about doing this with someone I need to come back to my personal
  • No public blogging on livejournal or blogspot and other such sites, but I can use blogger for private journalling, if necessary.

And I'm committing to the following toplines:


thirty minutes of exercise{running, swimming, yoga, dance, ballet, tap, karate, walking, jogging}

a daily assessment of my goals and affirmations

brushing my teeth and using listerine in the morning

brushing, using floss , listerine and a periodontic brush at night


rec check-in 3:08

Been working on a needed, but non-work project, so I feel behind here at work. Will try to get a few things done this afternoon:

Call GM re S file; draft docs.
Call BH re mtg.
Call AP re title
Discuss with MP the WD file

Congrats to everyone here on all their progress!! It is inspiring!

"The right action creates the right mood"


Potential Energy 2:28

Hi all,

I am hoping to get a little more done.  I just got a set back today as a late report is going to cause me some issues at work.  I actually just did it last night-thanks to this sites help, but I was too late.  My input is supposed to be included in the final document; however, end product will now show it is missing.  It is embarrassing to be this way and I feel like I am back in grade school and about to be reprimanded for failing.

On a positive note, my son was well prepared for his first day of school, and we arrived on time.  I am needing to include quality time with him as part of my to do list.  I realize how much I am even putting this off and he means more to me than any of this other stuff.

1.  practice violin w/ z.

2. read a book w/ z

3.  take z to visit a friend

4.  finish 1 report

5.  make a snack w/ z

6.  load of wash

7.  Lay out clothes for work

8.  devise tx plans for tomorrow

9. write up outstanding daily notes

10 water flower boxes

11.  take a shower

12 drop check at cms




Recycler CI 12:45pm EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

Today is zooming by super fast, and this afternoon/evening will be even faster, so I better CI now during my lunchtime!

This morning at the gym I did my stretching & ab exercises. The dr has finally cleared me for cardio so I did the treadmill; it wasn't for as long as usual, but I did go on it.

It's been a jumble of things at work. We have out-of-town guests and an off-site event, so details are flying about. I am taking my lunchbreak, but will cut it short just to make sure I am here when the special guests are in the building.

In the afternoon, I have about 9 detailed-mini-projects that I need to take care of. Then I need to work down my project list.

After work I need to straighten the condo for visitors, then go to the meeting of my other 12-step program.

Serenity Prayer: HP, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

10pm. After the Serenity Prayer, the afternoon went better. I was about to go through the mini-projects. For my project list, some of them I worked through; others I edited, updated & highlighted for Monday/next week.

The meeting I went to tonight was not my main program. I shared, but with more boundaries than I would have had with my home group/program/situation, which was a little frustrating, but regardless, I feel better after the meeting.

I bought groceries on the way home from the meeting, to make tomorrow morning easier. I hope to Check In early. I think tomorrow morning will be good! :)

Have a great night, everyone! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

GeorgeSmiley 11:05 AM 9/11/09

 Project WW

Project M-09

Project P-11

Project U




Want what you have. Be who you are. Do what you can. ~Forrest Church

The Hero's Code:

Show Up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.

check-in (noon)

Hi Pro Buds,

Today is day 8 of not calling in sick!! However, I am not doing enough work here..I've been chatting with all my co-workers all morning and haven't done a stitch of work. I know from this site, prayers for next right thing. Can't even begin to do a "to do" list.

I think I'll just focus on my desk and getting things off it. Hope to check in later with progress!!

Love and Hugs to all!

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

Baby steps

First of all, congratulations. Showing up every day is a big deal. Secondly, when I am in that place, I use a post it and write the next 3 things. To get started, sometimes I have to write, brush my teeth, walk upstars, take out a pencil. baby steps.

Hey-way to go!!


I admire your hard work.  I know what it feels like and getting in 8 straight days is an accomplishment and shows how dedicated you are! 

Take care,


Thanks P.E.!! for your encouragement!!

I've heard it said in one of the rooms that life is 99% showing up...I'm amazed, surprised and thankful. I do feel "energy" in the flow and I hope it continues!!

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥


I got some filing off my desk and finished with a co-worker. I need to turn over what's on my head for this evening:

-need to do shopping which I should have done yesterday.
-didn't go to the pharmacy, which I should have also done yesterday.

I think I will do little shopping today...go to fruit store, and other specialty stores.

Have lots of anxiety & excitement in my head, which is 10 times better than depression!!

Now I will do some different filing.
I have a project I have to get done today, & it's not hard but I just feel sabotage coming on.


♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

Serenity Prayer for Hope

The Serenity Prayer goes like this --
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Serenity Prayer: What does it mean?
This beautiful prayer was written by a man named Reinhold Niebuhr in 1943. The words have special meaning to those who are often “looking for peace” at a time of turmoil, despair, or uncertainty in their lives. This prayer has become closely associated with 12 Step programs, offering strength and calm in pursuit of a more stable life.

My sponsor says "You just have to accept it, you don't have to like it".

e's Friday check in

I am a bit anxious this morning, so I am going to start off by saying the serenity prayer so I can try to Let Go and Let God do for me what I cannot do for myself. Today is also the anniversary of a sad day and so I want to spend some time in prayer and meditation.

So far: woke up early, took my morning meds, took a walk with my mom, ate breakfast, started sorting through paperwork. I think that I will post my to do list a little at a time today, as I want to be able to focus on one thing at a time. I also am feeling sleepy, so I want to ask for help staying on track today.

Mass Health paperwork: currently working on this MIT

asking for help to do the next right thing

Hi e

Hugs and prayers are with you today.

♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥


Thanks: it has not been a very productive day because my tasks are bureaucratic, so it was great to come back to some support.

asking for help to do the next right thing


♥"Kindness and truth have met, righteousness and peace have kissed." Psalm 85♥

CI 9.11.09 Babarino

Good morning!

Have projects one through seven going. Will start on project 1.


kromer 10:40 CI

Today so far I've packed for retreat and written my speech.

Scheduled: leave for retreat 4:15

MITs for today are:
*Read about RT-PCR (working on this now)
*Ask MG about mice
*Choose response genes, ask others in lab how to design/order primers
*Sign up for poster printing
*Finish getting +/- samples

Other tasks:
*Figure out how to validate RT-PCR primers (working on this now)
*Prelim list of 10 committee members
*Get protocols for RT-PCR, RNA extraction
(will do this soon)
*Set up mice
*design and order primers

Right now, I'm going to see if I can find MG, then I'll ask around about how to design/order primers.  

Agnus 9:50am, updated 11:50, 1:45

G'morning, friends!  I am grateful to my Higher Power for a new day to be "procr-abstinent" :D !!  Today's list is a bit unrealistic so my first task will be to have Step 11 and breakfast, during which I will probably re-prioritize it:

  • Final weeks' work plan to RR
  • Conf call 3f @12
  • Book travel
  • Call with RR @ 2
  • Invite IL to V
  • Invite Indy to V
  • Talk to PL re compensation
  • Take action on software issue
  • Reduce Inbox by at least 10 action items
  • Call DL’s
  • ADDED after conf call 3f: email them MN prop and final rept outline

I am revising my orginal post after some time with my Higher Power. Beginning the above task list now. Thank you, HP!

Spirit 9/11 Checkin

Yesterday was good day for getting things done, second day in a row yeah.  I had a major frustration the roommate never showed up, after calling he found another place (probably cheaper) and today I am dealing with the dissappointment of an unmet expection-getting a small influx of much needed cash.  Needless to say the time I spent in preparation for his arrival and backing out of his verbal committment to take the space were energy draining but that having been said I can't stay here must move forward.

Edge I loved your tag action is the clear cure for anxiety I really needed that this morning.  So for my list....

  • bring forward unfinished tasks from yesterday
  • meeting at 12pm need to leave by 11am, in order to be successful with this i am resolved not just to show up but to show up early and prepared to network aggressively
  • pack brochures, cards, condensed version of business plan, write out questions
  • client appt after that hopefully immediately ask for the close
  • shower
  • dress
  • breakfast
  • followup on contract
  • followup with lender
  • do my numbers
  • put plants in the ground
  • call mer/ur
  • followup with new lead
  • call to drop report while downtown
  • taxes God help me with that


Hope-Faith 8:40



  1. Plan 2nd
    1. Daily PPT 
    2. E-mail
    3. Copies
    4. Send e-mail approved proposels
    5. Update grades
  2. Plan 3rd
    1. Daily PPT 
    2. E-mail
    3. Copies
    4. Update grades
  3. Plan 4th
    1. Daily PPT  
    2. E-mail
    3. Copies
    4. Update grades
  4. Begin setup of moodle
  5. Set up work key
  6. Organize desk
  7. Update SGA election time line
  8. Discuss on-line elections with S


  1. Call about T for V


  1. Complete am routine
  2. Bank and update business financials 
  3. Pack for dd's weekend softball tournment
  4. PM Routine



Vic 9/11

Showing up (done)  The pain of yesterday, dealing with unresonable people does not feel as bad today. I realize I am making work for them and they probably already are busy,but it didn't have to be this way. If they would have answered my questions in March and June with a phone call, we would not be here.Now I am the "joke" or "hated". This seems to be a pattern for me. I start to resolve a issue, then I back off, then when I get to it I deal with the sick anxiety in my stomach and feelings of fear, guilt, confusion, and start to blame myself and seem to end up in the position of the guilty one. Then  75% of the time I drop it, thinking one day I will get back to it, and always carrying it in my head, and the other 25% I either get resoved, or HP shows me another way.

I don't know how to change this but awareness is the 1st step. The 2nd step is the procrastination step and that is the one I am powerless over.

Task, look and write in my wk calender. Bring the body and the mind will follow.

Recovering human


That was a really wrong deal you got there.  One saying I've heard around the rooms that helps me at times like this, is: "I choose to give them the right to be wrong, even about me."

I still take steps to change the things I can, but this somehow relieves alot of the emotinoal pressure of doing so. I admire your courage in persisting.


Thanks Agnus. Typically what happens is I start believing they are right about me, but maybe by coming here I can "hang on" . All this stuff is traced back to my family of origin, every time I think it is gone, sure enough, it pops up again.

Your right, they have the right to say/think anything they want. I have the right to ask questions about my pay. etc. Right now I choose to drop it. I cc the superintendent on every e-mail. Everything is on the table, so whatever they decide to do is it, I am not wasting any more time/energy. At this point, the phrase "Woul;d you rather be happy or would you rather be right?" comes to mind and I rather be happy.

I know there is more to this senerio because it happens often, but I can;t seem to see what my part is.One thing is I somehow think if I provide all the facts, people will agree with me, but sad to say I am learning no matter, they don't care and the more facts I give, the more annoyed they are with me.It feels like telling an alcoholic they have a drinking problem. (I know I never thought I had a drinking problem) . I am seeing how all this is related to one of my "reasons" for procratinating.

Learning to be teachable

The Promises of PA

"Promises of Procrastinators Anonymous": If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through.Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.We will no longer fear the truth; we will move from hiding in denial to living in reality.Where once we felt despair, we will experience a newfound hope.

Wow, some are coming true with PA. I called the HS secretary. Because I had already turned oover the whole situation to my HP, I was calm. She explained the mix up and I explained that I was ok with that.I had already turn it over and whatever she said, I was just going to accept. When she realized my situation and that I was not demanding some ???, we talked more and laughed. We both could not understand why the office just did not tell me to call her instead of this crazy stuff. She asked if I was on the sub list this year and I said I don't know but I am not asking any more questions. She laughed and was very, very nice. She ended saying she is going to pay me for the full day because the mix up had nothing to do with me.

It's not what I expected, so I am going to put it in my PA success chart, so I don't procrastinate taking care of my "list of mix ups." Maybe this is the "lesson" my hp is trying to teach me. If I can "get it" maybe the disasters fade. Thank you - the support I received here really did change my outlook and attitude on life and especially about myself.

You were awesome and I'm

You were awesome and I'm glad you got what you deserved.

 What's this about 'Promises of PA' and a success chart? *is new*

Journey 7:30

Last day of vacation boo!  Going to visit my daughter yay!  I didn't check in yesterday, so I'm catching up with everyone's posts.  

Yesterday was a good day, I ran errands in the morning and spent the afternoon organizing an area of my closet and an area of the pantry.   I didn't get as much done as I would have liked on my week off, and ain't it always that way?   But I am pleased with the things I did get done.   I like to just stand there and look at the nice clean organized areas!  It feels really good to be organized, and I think this will inspire me to do more organizing/purging around the house.  

I have a few things to do this morning:  I want to dust and vacuum the bedroom, exercise, and I need to work for about an hour to prepare some stuff for the weekend.  Then I'm off for a day of fun.  

Have a great weekend all!



"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard

enjoy, journey!

Gratz on the closet/pantry - and have a great visit with your daughter - so glad you get some positive family time!

Edge's CI - 11:15am

I. Am. So. Relieved. :-D Met my deadline yesterday and delivered 24 articles in FOUR DAYS! Fu! Talk about slave labor!

Since today is my day off I slept in till 10am and lounged in bed reading manga till 11am. Time to get up and do something useful :)

- morning meds
- shower
- hmed 1
- clean room
- help make lunch
- bh:ap
- call A about movie
- call M about autopsy
- call N about going out tonight
- call vet for cat?
- kitty litter

Will figure out what to do after this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson



Bravo Edge

  Standing ovation!!!!!!!Enjoy your weekend!

Edge's CI - 1:15pm

x morning meds
x shower
x hmed 1
- clean room
x help make lunch
x bh:ap
x dishes
- laundry
- call A about movie
- call M about autopsy
- call N about going out tonight
- call vet for cat?
- kitty litter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

x morning meds x shower x

x morning meds
x shower
x hmed 1
- clean room
x help make lunch
x bh:ap
x dishes
- laundry
- call A about movie
x call M about autopsy
x call N about going out tonight
- call vet for cat?
- kitty litter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Great to see all the things

Great to see all the things that got crossed off after I went to bed last night :)

Bit of trouble working out how to do my tasklist for work - I spend a fair bit of the day doing tasks that are given to me that day and can't wait till tomorrow, and those can't really go on the tasklist (unless I want to be editing new things into it all day, which isn't quite the point.) Think I'll just put 'All urgent stuff from today'.

Before work:
Pack large shopping bag

At work:
Tidy work space PROPERLY
Find everything in my backlog that's urgent and do it today
Letters to: C4, Playboy, ESPN
Check diaries up to date w/room numbers
E’s action tray
Signed docs from DG
L – sort papers in office

Yesterday’s emails
Yesterday’s papers
All urgent stuff from today
Tomorrow’s list

Buy Macmillan coffee morning supplies and food for next week

Commute: (there and back)
Think of names for all main characters in upcoming story - Part done
Read a bit of new book
Read a bit of time management book
Spend some time thinking/praying

Yesterday’s emails
Work on email backlog
Email D re computer
Buy theatre tickets
Clear kitchen before bed
Tomorrow's list