Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday, Feb 21, 2009

tiptree ci


- clock 4 hrs
- 1501 working
- practice g.
- clean desk/floor


kids to bed, call Doug (LM already).  Plan  onlist of planning: prep calc and new text. finish YKP Ot and letter to Wayne study 1 hr min.  Record study results pay BA

3:17 cst Babarino

I am working on cleaning my office!-ugh! Trying to keep going without getting overwhelmed. End up with tons of paper that needs to be filed. Already got part of it done though.


Being CI @ 11:07 Saturday (PST)

Got to tidy up after the small
get-together I had yesterday.


1.) Clean both rooms

2.) Deposit checks/pay bills

3.)Go over to S.C.

Falcon CI Sat.

Kittens in sneakers!  Smile

I've got a bunch of stuff to do today. . . the place really needs tidying up, need to get to library, shower, do project T., got bills to pay, need to meditate.  And I think I could use a nap.

Meditation might be the best place to start -- my brain feels kind of scrambly, and I think there have been some thoughts and feelings that I've been avoiding, so I could use a little centering & clarity.

Let's see if the chatbox will let me in today. . . if it will I'll check in there first, then go meditate.



Glad to hear that some one else meditates!  :grin:

Enjoy your peace. 

kromer 9:30 CI

First, a celebration--I've been having a hard time focusing the past week because I'd been getting entangled in a friend's problems and stressed out by them. Yesterday I told the friend that this was not working, and that we'd talk in a couple weeks when the problems were resolved. I had a hard time doing this--I'd like to be able to be a supportive friend, but my sanity and ability to work come first.

It's a friend I hang out with a lot, so I've spent some time this morning thinking about ways to fill my time for the next couple of weeks. (For today, my fun/social activities are cooking dinner+making food for church potluck and calling a friend in Greece; if I start feeling lonely there's a square dance I can go to as well). 

That said, I have a lot of work to get done today--I'm behind, largely b/c of situation with friend.
Scheduled: Lunch mtg w/ DR (11-1?)
*Finish review of stats material
*Go grocery shopping+clean kitchen
*1/2 stats pset
*1 hr work on comp. bio project
Other tasks:
*Finish pum/dazl seq. analysis
*Doc. scanning code
*Info on conc. norm
*Finish ans WM problems+list of files to doc

Right now, I'm going to go grocery shopping+clean kitchen, then I'm going to head to 11am mtg

kromer 2:45 CI

Thanks for all your support/encouragement, guys...friend thinks I'm being totally illogical, it's nice to have some affirmation that I'm not.

I went grocery shopping and started cleaning the kitchen (but roommates are cooking now, so can't finish that up until later today).

I had lunch meeting w/ was long (just got home) but good.

Right now I'm going to do some work on statistics...heading to chatbox now to work on that. Should probably be finished with it around 5. 

good for you :)

That was a very strong and couragous action you did, Kromer, putting yourself first, supporting your friend second.  Congratulations!

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

ditto :)

I agree! Very healthy, Kromer :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

byGodsGrace todays CI

First time trying this on the weekend with dd home all day, progress not perfection! I know my CI always looks too long, I just have a lot to work on I guess... tempted to say sorry here, but feel I should resist, because why should i be sorry, no is asking me to be sorry! Ok not sure why I went there, think I need to post this and eat some breakfast!  

Still My Word and prayer for the day: 2 Corinthians 12:9, Philippians 4:13

Help me today Lord where I am still so weak, I know I can do all things through You. I know Christ gives me the strength to face anything. God help me to walk walk in Your strength today and see myself as You see me.

My music today: Barney, Veggie Tales, Thomas –dd choice J 

My top priorities today: Sticking with these for a while!

Eat regularly (control hypolglycemia)Stay connected, present, prayerfulTry to see the progress not the imperfection, be gratefulStart using a timer for tasks, Experiment with breaksBalance… work and play 

Celebrate: Another day…still here and moving forward, progress not perfection.Doing great in certain areas of productivity and dealing with things, no big avoidance binges

To Work On: **Several items I STILL keep skipping on my list, MUST work on feelings and deal with those thingsLetting a few things “pile up” on me, know I am avoiding them… small but will lead to bigger if I don’t face them 

My to do list:

Library books online

Daily CI

Pray/Read the Word/Breakfast

Wake up DD

Make bed, put away laundry, General cleanup

Garage sales


      After Nap…

Store return (move to Sunday)

Check Mail (admit to avoiding, deal with asap)

Meet x for pymt  (admit to avoiding, deal with asap)

Call mom friend back (was avoiding, boundaries issues mostly)

Playdate with dd

Lay out clothes for church

       As possible during the day and after bedtime

**Email Printer for quotes, appt Mon?

**photo edit/design job (lJUST START 1)  BIG BREAKTHRU, thank u chat supporters

**Job1 invoice summary, start at least!

Job2 invoice Revision, start at least!

Job2 worksheet and email

Return client emails as needed

Hope-Faith CI 8:05

Well, it feels good to finally (hopefully) be back. Issues with computer at home are fixed, of course now I have problems with my computer at work, not going to worry about that this weekend. I have alot to accomplish around the house this weekend as we had evening activities 3 nights this week and I have not been able to keep up with my routines. So today I am jumping in feet first and going to my house back in order. List for the next couple of hours.

  1. Wash clothes -- 4 loads
  2. Put clothes away
  3. Load Dishwasher
  4. Returned kitchen clutter to the norm, and cleaned a bit.
  5. Clean bathroom
  6. Pick up utilityroom
  7. Van
  8. Tape molding in son's b-room

Going to chat. 

CI 10:35 Brunch has been served and I have cookie dough ready to bake. Not sure what my "next best step is" It all has to get done. So next I will check to see if I can wash and then clean bathroom. Once I finish bathroom it will be time to motivate the kides to help clean up the rest of the house. Back to chat

CI 12:30 got a bit side tracked "surfing" bathroom is done 1st load of wash in dryer 2nd washing about 3 maybe 4 more to go. Now to put clothes away and get kids to help p/u livingroom. (Cookies)

CI 2:05 kids are outside working hard (playing) could not bare to pull them away from their play to make them do house work, they need the down time and the time together. I can get them to help p/u livingroom after supper. Load 3 of wash is washing load 2 is drying. Next tape up son's bedroom so I can prime wall before I paint.

CI 4:50 room taped up, cooked eggs for tomorrow, last load of clothes in dryer. Time to start folding the leaning tower of unfolded clothes. Get kids to help put clothes away, they will not want to but I have "Suger Cookies" that they can decorate with icing and sprinkles once we get done and eat supper.


isabo 820am

TADA list so far -

worked, unloaded dishwasher, loaded and ran dishwasher, got dd dressed...surfed sites...

will be back in a bit!

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

isabo ci 1145pm

TADA list cont

vacuumed living room, dining room, kitchen - and edges of rooms too - mopped dining room and kitchen, stairs down and around toilet in laundry room.  ate an excellant breakfast from which, two hours later, I am still full from!  Now to relax with hubby...

Have an great weekend everyone!

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

isabo 744am

" A 93 year old (woman)... died... while retracing her father's voyage to Antartica. "

I wish upon all of us her strength and determination! 

Nothing is worth more than this day  - Goethe

very inspirational :)

Hi Isabo!

Thanks for posting! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)

Recycler CI 6:45am EST

Hi Pro Buddies!

This afternoon I am supposed to start painting the small bedroom. To make this happen, I need to do errands this morning. CI updates will be needed to keep me rolling along, so you may have from me again today lol.

10:15am. Bathroom swishies were minimal, but I did them. Ate oatmeal. Washed clothes. Could I have left my high blood pressure medicine at work? I'll keep looking. Took potassium tablet. Did errand. Bought provisions for the week. Put gas in car. Bought postage stamps. Carried groceries and supplies inside. Put washed clothes in dryer. Oh, last night I did get the 75% off Valentine candy. It wasn't the name brand that I wanted, but I think I have gotten enough to make it through until 75% off Easter candy ;)

Going to the paint store needs to still be a priority. But I need to do a number of other [small] chores: some prep to paint, some meal-related, rec. I'll start with some things, then hope updating my CI will show progress & direction.

11:25. Made coleslaw. Washing & drying another load of clothes. Re-packaged some food items for storage containers. Fixed and ate messy but simple early lunch.

Not taking high blood pressure medicine makes me a little sleepy. I think the best strategy will be to putter around. I want to keep moving around, ideally with a goal of going to the paint store around 3pm.

1:19pm. I found the bottle of high blood pressure medicine. It had fallen off of a table & rolled over to one side. Fortunately I had continued washing/drying dishes; when I was drying some glasses, I was at the right angle to see the bottle next to the wall! I'm still a little phased from not taking it on time, but oh well.

1:40pm. Changing to Plan B. I think my goal to paint today is unrealistic. Even if I bought the paint, I still need to do clear some areas, clean, etc. Plus, I can find paint swatches, but not the ones I am looking for. ((sigh)) I think I will continue to pace myself during regular chores, before going to an activity tonight.

I also need to walk across the street to the rental condo to help with the programmable thermostat. I just feel kind of low energy at the moment. Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

4:40pm. I re-set the programmable thermostat to the best of my ability -- now we will see if it cooperates ;) Now I am heating up dinner, before going to an activity this evening.

10:48. Back from activity. Up late with hobby news. Must. Try. To. Go. To. Sleep.

Have a great day! :)



Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)