Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 22 December 2008
A Happy Monday to all.
Courage. Serenity. Wisdom. Keep starting. Every step counts.
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pro's check-out - midnight
My teeth are brushed, and I'm ready for bed. I didn't wash the dinner dishes - I'll do that in the morning.
What did I do today? The big thing was four loads of laundry. Today I have clean sheets, clean towels, and clean clothes. I also vacuumed, dusted and polished the coffee table, went through a huge backlog of spam, and got halfway through another major email backlog.
I also tried to call my dentist to fix a crown he screwed up, found out he was on vacation with no backup, wrote a bad review of him on Dr. Oogle, and emailed around until I found a new dentist, who I will call tomorrow.
I made my self nice meals - a good lunch and a yummy dinner.
I went through my Inbox and paid my 2009 dues for a professional organization I belong to.
I dealt with a noisy radiator (which is still making noise). I think that's about it.
Good night!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Recycler 5:15pm EST
Working late tonight. Last minute requests & details.
At 6:30pm, will go to 12-step meeting tonight, then do an errand on the way home.
Have a great night, everyone! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
Journey 4:45
Back from visiting the ornery old auntie. It wasn't too bad, and I felt that I had done a good thing. Mom & Dad aren't up to driving all the way down there anymore, Mom still drives but only short distances and she only makes right turns.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but I've discovered that three rights make a left!
Now to make dinner and do some laundry.
"Hard work must have killed someone." - Charles Gregory
Convalaria in recovery on Tuesday 8.00am and updates
Slept better. Still night time eating but sleep was less interrupted and deeper.
medicate, shower,teeth, dress(15 minutes) mostly donecheck laundrypartly doneOTHER TASKS
9.30 CI
3.40 CI Now a rest and a coffee
5.30 CI
"Recovery from procrastination means doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it."
GeorgeSmiley 12:10 PM + updates
I've actually been quite busy all morning.
I completed draft of Project V, fact-checked it, polished it and sent it on to the editor. I will invoice it later today.
I conducted a phone interview for upcoming Project P-3, and a phone "brainstorming" for upcoming Project E.
I was very late getting to bed last night and thus up late this AM. I haven't taken my spiritual reading time yet, or showered or shaved.
Going to have lunch and then wash up. When I return to my home office, this afternoon's tasks will include:
MIT#1:More calls for Project L
MIT#2: Calls and organizing for Project P-3
MIT#3: Work down the other tasks in my task pad and do as much of each as possible.
The day will be shortened because at around 3:30 I have errands to run.
Update 1:50 PM
Well, Editor on Project V just sent it back asking for more info that I don't really have.
Feeling bad because I feel like I should have anticipated those questions in my original research. Now racing to try to repair the damage.
Update 3:10 PM
OK, phone interview done.
Need to sign off and run errands...
The Hero's Code:
Show up. Pay Attention. Speak the Truth. Let Go of the Outcome.
Mollie's 12:45pm CI
I'm still trying to get started. It was a morning full of conflict at home, and then anxiety about work. Then the conflict got resolved and the thing I was anxious about essentially disappeared, but I stayed off course. I found that each time I thought about things I need to get done, I just didn't want to start. Not even sure why, as some of them are easy and straightforward, if tedious. I guess tedious is the problem. Anyway, I'm going to get started on DF RR, then call DN & FW.
kromer 9:15 (PT) CI
Meant to get up this morning at 7 alarm went off, turned on the light and then fell asleep for another hour. So tonight I'm going to go to bed a bit earlier (by 11:45) and tomorrow I'll commit to getting up as soon as the alarm goes off (I'll put the alarm across the room).
Despite the delay, this morning I've had breakfast, gotten breakfast for my brother and tidied the house (someone's stopping by at 9:30 so it was important that the house be presentable).
Today I want to make school work a priority, since I've been stalled out on this for the past few days. In particular, my MITs are:
*Finish and email table of coregulators
*Fix interactome
*Make list of WM doc. tasks
*Proofread and send email to PT
And if possible I'd also like to read papers from the Page lab, but that's a lower priority.
Other stuff I need to get done today:
*Pick up gpa from airport
*Buy ham for xmas eve dinner
*Make 2 cards for mom
*Send card to grandpa
*Buy xmas presents for M, P, mom and dad (and for A if I get time)
*MIT: budgeting (been spending lots of money the past couple days, parents are willing to pay me back for a lot of it, need to figure out what I've spent)
*Clean out room for my grandpa
*Call AG and ED
Right now I'm going to get started on work tasks--I'm going to finish the table of coregulators and email that out, and fix the interactome. Then I'm going to do budgeting, call AG and start xmas shopping.
kromer 5:05 (PT) CI
OK, well I've been going slowly, but at least I've been going.
I made some work progress..fixed interactome and worked on coreg table.
Also did budgeting, called AG, bought hame, bought xmas presents for mom and dad, cleaned out room for gpa. Now I'm going to grab card for 1 grandpa and pick up the other from the airport.
kromer 11:20 CI
Didn't get through everything I wanted, but I did send card, pick gpa up from airport and make dinner for him and my brothers, proofread and send email to PT. Tomorrow I'll check in by 7:00, so I can get going on work early.
Kristen CI 10:20 (bright and early!)
I didn't get to work on my English paper yesterday, but I did have a long overdue phone conversation with my best friend, which cheered me up a lot. Today I have more free time, so English will be my primary goal today.
- light breakfast- scheduled hair appt!
- yoga- shower- english:
10 minutes from distance; 2 hrs total in chunks in chatboxput in 75 minutes so far- lunch- do a load or two of laundry (use to bookend English work) one load in wash, another dryingDone!- read for pleasure- go shopping or get out of the house somehow (probably evening)
- look at jeans online, perhaps order a pair- empty dishwasher and load dishes from last night11:45—I'm making good progress! let's keep it up. :)
2:05—have been doing well today. this is a nice feeling!
4:45—spent an hour goofing off; it might have been because my to-do list was being whittled down so quickly I was afraid I'd run out of stuff to do! :P So now I'm going to spend some time figuring out some more productive things I can do with myself today.
6:30—Read an interesting blog post about "flow" ( and realized that finding my flow is another of my excuses for staying up late—it most often comes at night for me. So at around 9 or whenever I get home I'm going to get rid of all distractions—disable internet, find a quiet spot, etc—and see if I can't get into the flow on this paper a little earlier than usual.
Journey 9:40 ~ on vacation ~
good morning! It's 9:40 and I have done exactly nada so far this morning.
Yes, I'm on vacation this week but I don't want to waste it! First thing, I'm going to sit down and make a list of things I'd like to do while on vacation and then cut it down to something realistic. Then plan today.
I'm planning to take Mom & Dad to visit elderly aunt this afternoon, and that will take several hours.
"Hard work must have killed someone." - Charles Gregory
Journey 10 am
and I am still sitting here! going to chatbox . . .
"Hard work must have killed someone." - Charles Gregory
e's snowy monday
I got up feeling pretty good this morning, especially given that I slept fairly late last night. I went to bed with a headache and stuffy nose, but then used detox foot patches and I feel great this morning! I don't care if it is a placebo or not, I like these things.
I got my son up, made him breakfast, emptied the dishdrainer, made my bed, cleared up the recyclables and drove C to school. I have left a message for C's teacher and will head over to the school this afternoon to try to meet with his teacher. I am dreading this, but it has to be done.
Today is G's birthday, so I will plan a nice meal. I really find I am more productive when I get to the chatbox, so I will work on these things from there: dishes, meds, water, breakfast for me, laundry, shoveling out the back part of the walk, shopping list, wrapping remainder of presents, moving items to the basement.
I would also like to spend some time with my sister sometime today and get to a meeting at 6. It has been too long.
Have a great day, everyone!
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - William Penn
pro's first check-in - 8am (heading to the chatbox)
Good morning. I got to bed pretty early and got up at a reasonable time, too.
One of my teeth that was recently capped is bothering me. I need to call the dentist today. :(
Today's task is clear: learn Silverlight tools. It's 13 degrees out and it's supposed to be extremely windy. I thought about going out - getting a newspaper and going to a cafe to read it - but the temperature dissuades me.
Heading to the chatbox...
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Hope-Faith CI 7:50
Good Morning All,
Today is a good day and full of productivity.
I am working on my 3 day game plan to get me, my family and my house ready for Christmas Day. To be complete honesty I am so far behind on my Christmas decoracting and I would not worry about doing anything else but I have a 7 and 8 year hold so I am going to pull out all of the stops. So here goes.
First I have to clean off my kitchen bar so that my children and I will have room to make some Christmas cookies and baked goods. So off I go check back in shortly.
CI 9:55 Kitchen bar and cabinets cleaned off and breakfast cooked and have cleaned up from breakfast.
Next on the dockett is to declutter the room where the kids will put up their Christmas Trees. Hopefully I can enlist the kids into this. Moving on CI when done.
CI 2:15 Very productive day. Finished Decluttering Christmas room and not working on the living room. Kids have been great!
CI 4:50 Finished Decluttering now to find a home for all the clutter that has been unearthed. I have got to start thinking about what to have for supper but main task now is to put up the clutter. Should take about 1/2 hour.
Chick's CI
outdoor 1 2work stuff 1, 2presents.-suitcase
b. of paper-mainly done
now sortcl. h. mainly done as much as strictly needed:
s. c.
Instead of thinking 'don't procrastinate' one of my new year's resolutions is going to be the positive command: putter! Putter away at the kitchen chores, at the garden, even at the big scary ignored writing projects. Even putter when I'm packing for somewhere. Keep doing a little bit on many things, Instead of all or nothing. Which for me ahs added up to a lot of nothing in the past.