Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 1st August
I've had a good look and can't see a '1st August' thread, so if there's one there it's hiding!
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pro's bookending section
I've been waffling about bookending today. It's my birthday, and I don't want to formerly work. But also I don't want to piddle away the day, and when I check in about what I'm doing I use my time better.
One thing I want to do today is honor the body that has been my vessel for 50 years today (yikes!) by doing some stretches and other exercises, taking a bath, and putting on some nice clothes. After that... Not sure. Might read a novel at a coffee shop (too hot outside), or maybe I"ll go to a museum. Or maybe both! :)
My family is taking me out for dinner tonight.
Happy 50th!
thanks, teri!
I never did check in, did I? I had a great day. Thanks for the good wishes. :)
todayfirst's bookending section
I think I took care of most of the "interruptions" yesterday. I am hopeful that today I will get back to the nuts & bolts stuff and complete the prototype I started on Friday.
Todayfirst 4:10PM
I made an honest attempt to complete my prototype and made progress. Worked on it until a little after 3pm but it's just super technical stuff and my brain is fried so I switched to some easier stuff for the last hour.
- Double-check/redo online purchase from last night (as I suspected, it hadn't gone through correctly)
- Review my notes from Friday
- Update/email draft requirements doc
- Fixed the dept printer that kept jamming
- Updated another document based on email requests
- Complete my prototype program
- Get computer fixed
todayfirst 8:23 AM
- Double-check/redo online purchase from last night (as I suspected, it hadn't gone through correctly)
- Review my notes from Friday
- Complete my prototype program
- Update/email draft requirements doc
- Get computer fixed
Normy's 9.15 am BE
Not doing so well today - I feel rushed. Did my morning routine and sat at desk, but I have a lack of clarity about what I'm doing, and ending up not doing any of it. I want to 1) Do homework for an hour before work 2) Research Yoga Sutras and get a CD copy 3) Go to work early
These are all mutually exclusive! So I just need to decide what I'm going to do and do it.
OK Yoga Sutras here I come - I will leave for work by 9.45 am
Norm 10.20 am
Still here.... on my way.