Newbie to the Posting Forum
Hello, I am Gina & new here to the daily check-ins. I would like to post my daily plans & accomplishments.
I think that, even if no one reads them, it may help me just to know that my posts are out here on this site. I am not sure exactlly what "BooKEnding" is..?
Today, I should be at the courthouse to support my son (18) for an UNanswered citation warrant, but I am 4 hours late. It is possible that his case hasnt come up yet, could be anwhere from 9-5pm. I believe I am not there because I am not emotionally tough enough to go to another court case, that is out of my control. Meaning, there is nothing I can do or say to effect any change. OR IS IT THAT I AM PROCRASTINATING., YES, BECAUSE IN A REAL WORLD OF "GINA's VALUES" I WOULD BE THERE. (I THINK)
Right now, I am in a sort of limbo situation, and a friend tells me that "Re-Locating" to another state is one of the most difficult situations in life. All that I do know, is that I am experiencing alot of stress. Two of my kids and all of my belongings left for AZ a month ago. Yet I am still here pending some closure of misc situations.
I hope to make some friends here on the site, since NONE of my friends seem to procrastinate! please feel free to contact me anytime.
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Welcome Gina!
"book-ends" are posts. Post the task you plan to work on. Then post again with your progress, or lack of progress, as the case may be. You'll be surprised how much it helps! There's no judgement here, just support!
Sign in a gift shop window: Unattended children will be given a cup of expresso and a free puppy
Hi Journey, thanks for writing me, very helpful, BookEnd BEGINS
Tonites BookEnd Plan
#1 Go Online to pay and review parking tickets, and sons school ticket
#2 Go Online to look for Arizona rentals
#3 Create a budget to pay bills from only 500 dollars