Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Hey folks!
It's about time I said "hi" to you all. I've put that on hold for long enough. :-) I've recently found this forum after... you guess it, procrastinating once again on an important activity and just surfing the net. I think this is a great place with some fascinating discussions, tips, and personal feedback. I am still finding my way around this website, there's quite a lot of resources like articles, chatbox, etc. Hopefully I can make improvements with my procrastination just by visiting here regularly. I like the idea of the daily check-ins and hope to do that in the future.
"I am a procrastintor. I am ready to change."
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I hope this site proves useful to you as it has to many of us.
Become aware of resistance, and let go.
hi kpoet
welcome kpoet. I hope you find recovery here. It appears you've already discovered the daily check-ins forum--that's our most active, and interactive place. Love to see you there. I can add my name to the list of many here who have benefited from that.
Welcome, Knight!
Glad you spoke up, and good to have you here. :)
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.