Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Okay. I'm here and I have things to do. Trying to thwart alienated mood! I had to confront bureaucracy here at work this morning and it was just awful. Blech. No one's fault, just a big sprawling system and information overload for me. Alright --
1. reinstall crashing program
2. burn a Disc for production of other project
3. spend 45 minutes on ideation for cover- produce 25 sketches
4. ask for help from experienced people to find out what I will need from content owners
5. find out what procedure will work to accept new content edits
6. work on email to content owners stating my needs, the procedure and giving a deadline
7. leave work on time -- 5:30 pm
8. eat something and feed cat and do dishes
9. get to rehearsal by 7:30
I got home. I fixed the program. I didn't have to burn the disc yet. I worked on ideation for cover but didn't produce sketches (didn't have sketchbook)
I don't know if I'll eat. But the cat's fed. Off to rehearsal.
Oh -- and I said no to an old freelance client (not the lurking job I want to do, but a new job offer). Graciously.
You got some important stuff done today Teri. Tell you what, if you get on a routine I'll get on one too ;) (I've got myself in a bit of a pickle with work procrastination).
I got this from "The Procrastinator's Handbook" by Rita Emmett, and I like it - "anticrastination" as the opposite of procrastination. It has proper linguistic roots. :)
How lovely to get up this morning, open today's thread, and see such a nice greeting. :) :)
This message will be the start of my bookending section. I'll post all my bookends as replies to this message I'm now posting.
I got up early this morning because I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't get to bed until 3am, and I was up just after 7am. I'm happy I got up early because there was an appointment request in my Outlook box for the job interview. It will be July 18 at 10am. I'm nervous.
I weighed myself this morning - I'm at my highest weight, which isn't exactly confidence building. I want to go buy clothes today for the interview.
I actually got back from my errands some hours ago. I'm not going to work tonight. I have some other things I want to do. I'm going to clean up the apartment before bed so I don't have to do it in the morning.
I'm procrastinating on writing this second report - again doing anything and everything but. I don't have time to waste the day with nonsense. I'm going to go out and do my errands. I'll do the report (if it kills me!) when I get back.
Perhaps you just don't enjoy doing reports pro. There are elements of my work that I don't particularly want to do and I kick off and sometimes I do anything but until it gets desperate.
I'm getting better with it now, because I've been really paying attention to how I feel when I do it (bored, confused, desperately bored, scared etc)and how I feel when I don't do it (give myself a hard time, feel down, stupid, willful, panicky as deadline approaches, rueful as I miss deadline and another opportunity, shameful if I let someone down). I really don't like the feelings I get when I do the dreaded task, but I dislike the feeling I get when I don't even more. I even kick myself over something for longer than it takes to do it :?
I want to do the job and do, and this other stuff comes with it - if I ~really~ don't want to do it I've got the option of changing job - and I don't want to do that!
I know I'm being extravagant, but I didn't want to take the time to make something to eat, and I was also itchy to go outside for a minute. It can be hard living and working at home - I get cabin fever. So I went out to a gourmet deli and got take-out (very yummy and not cheap take-out).
I'm now eating my gourmet meal at my desk. It deserves more attention than I'm giving it, but again I don't want to take the time. I'm going to start my consulting report now - try to finish it within an hour.
No, wait - I'm going to take my meds now. Lunch is kicking up my gut problem. I have to take my meds. And then I'll write the report.
I heard a giant crash from the closet and saw that my handheld vacuum had fallen, and toppled over a bunch of other things with it. I've been meaning to hang this vacuum up on a bracket since I moved in here, so I finally did it. The hand vacuum is now neatly and accessibly hanging from the wall.
On the defrosting front... Enough ice has melted from the freezer that I was able to remove what was in there. I also suctioned water out the catch tray. The ice still isn't melted enough to pull off. I can't leave here for my errands until the refrigerator is defrosted and I can turn it back on again.
The bed is made up and converted back into a futon.
I'm hungry for lunch. Probably I should cook what's spoiling in the refrigerator instead of going out, but I really want to go out.
I have another consulting report to finish today. I spent too long on the one I did last night (don't get paid enough for that). I'm going to try to keep this one to an hour.
I finished getting through the morning mail (business related, but it took me nearly 2.5 hours - too long. I like to keep this to 1 hour.
Now I need to make up my bed (back into a couch), see if I can yank the ice out of the freezer so I can start it up again before all my food spoils, write a report to another consulting client, and run out the door to do errands.
I'll check in again before I leave.
Sorry I haven't been reading all the other posts in the forum. I'm time-frantic this week because of my interview next Tuesday and all I have to do to prepare for it.
Ours has been bad for a while. We've been systematically eating frozen food for a couple of months now so we can defrost. I managed to get the top compartment empty before it sealed itself up completely, and now we're nearly done! Next week is going to be an orgy of ice cream and sorbet as we have a carton of each :)
Morning routine done, and an hour at my desk
CUOP (too much - I'm now late)
Long day at work ahead (so I won't be able to check in here), then supposedly off to my friend's for the evening - I think I'll cancel and get some more done here, so I ~may~ see you again today.
Have a great day everyone. Pro - have you started your next item yet? Gwen Any more plans for your project for your friends tl What are you doing to anti-procrastinate today? Anouk Does anyone know when Anouk's due back?
my DSO has arrived on Sunday. We hadn't seen each other for 5 months. So there were a lot of things to prepare and I didn't feel like working. But my exams are getting closer.
I have a presentation on Friday, an exam on Monday and 4 other exams in the last full week of July which are very heavy learning. I would have lots of time to learn as my DSO tries to get over his jetlag but somehow I feel more like holiday than working...
I try to bookend tomorrow though. And I am going to write down a to do list for tomorrow.
Normy - you're a sweetie! You posted a beautiful, happy good morning message to open the day for us all, and you yourself have to go out and won't be bookending! I hope we see you later.
I haven't started my next item yet, but I only just got up. I want to reply to another consulting client, then go out and buy some clothes for this interview in a week.
When I get back, I will be studying what I need to know for the interview (for the job, really).
I don't know what happened to Anouk. Maybe she posted something that I missed. I haven't been able to catch up on posts yet - too busy fighting with myself to get work done.
Well, you've all given such positive feedback about the graphics - I don't know why but they ~are~ motivating aren't they? LOL! (I haven't forgotten I said I'd do a post about doing them - but if I did it now it would be a baaaad case of procrastination!).
Gwen's BE 1:31 PM
Okay. I'm here and I have things to do. Trying to thwart alienated mood! I had to confront bureaucracy here at work this morning and it was just awful. Blech. No one's fault, just a big sprawling system and information overload for me. Alright --
1. reinstall crashing program
2. burn a Disc for production of other project
3. spend 45 minutes on ideation for cover- produce 25 sketches
4. ask for help from experienced people to find out what I will need from content owners
5. find out what procedure will work to accept new content edits
6. work on email to content owners stating my needs, the procedure and giving a deadline
7. leave work on time -- 5:30 pm
8. eat something and feed cat and do dishes
9. get to rehearsal by 7:30
10. get to bed before 10:30
Ah, structure! I feel better already!
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
GWEN D 7:15
I got home. I fixed the program. I didn't have to burn the disc yet. I worked on ideation for cover but didn't produce sketches (didn't have sketchbook)
I don't know if I'll eat. But the cat's fed. Off to rehearsal.
Oh -- and I said no to an old freelance client (not the lurking job I want to do, but a new job offer). Graciously.
Gnothi Seauton ~ Know Thyself
That sounds like progress!
You're doing a great job Gwen, and WTG on saying 'no' when you needed to.
TL - BE 7:45 AM
read some of GTD
send stuff to husband
anti-procrastinate things to work towards
daily routines
start hw day assigned
Pro - tell us about consulting progressNormy - have a great day
Anyone else posting today?
TL - BE - 9:04 PM
Thanks Normy and Pro for checking :)
OK - I went to school - that's about it from my list
I went to Fry's and got ink cartridge (yesterday's list), dvdrw
talked to professor about last exam
registered for fall classes
need to get on a routine
You got some important stuff done today Teri. Tell you what, if you get on a routine I'll get on one too ;) (I've got myself in a bit of a pickle with work procrastination).
How's it going Teri?
I'm just trying to work out the time difference, and guessing you might still be at school. Hope it's going well.
how's the progress, teri?
You haven't check in for a while. Are you still on track?
opposite of procrastination is "anticrastination"
I got this from "The Procrastinator's Handbook" by Rita Emmett, and I like it - "anticrastination" as the opposite of procrastination. It has proper linguistic roots. :)
Love your pink panther, tl!
ahhh! Normy's back!!! What a beautiful good morning!!
How lovely to get up this morning, open today's thread, and see such a nice greeting. :) :)
This message will be the start of my bookending section. I'll post all my bookends as replies to this message I'm now posting.
I got up early this morning because I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't get to bed until 3am, and I was up just after 7am. I'm happy I got up early because there was an appointment request in my Outlook box for the job interview. It will be July 18 at 10am. I'm nervous.
I weighed myself this morning - I'm at my highest weight, which isn't exactly confidence building. I want to go buy clothes today for the interview.
pro's last book-end for the day
I actually got back from my errands some hours ago. I'm not going to work tonight. I have some other things I want to do. I'm going to clean up the apartment before bed so I don't have to do it in the morning.
pro's BE - 3:10pm
I finished defrosting the freezer. Now it's back on, but too late for the ground beef in there. I have to toss it.
I'll bring down the trash on the way to doing my errands.
pro's BE - 2:40pm
I'm procrastinating on writing this second report - again doing anything and everything but. I don't have time to waste the day with nonsense. I'm going to go out and do my errands. I'll do the report (if it kills me!) when I get back.
What is my problem? Does anyone know?
What's the problem
Perhaps you just don't enjoy doing reports pro. There are elements of my work that I don't particularly want to do and I kick off and sometimes I do anything but until it gets desperate.
I'm getting better with it now, because I've been really paying attention to how I feel when I do it (bored, confused, desperately bored, scared etc)and how I feel when I don't do it (give myself a hard time, feel down, stupid, willful, panicky as deadline approaches, rueful as I miss deadline and another opportunity, shameful if I let someone down). I really don't like the feelings I get when I do the dreaded task, but I dislike the feeling I get when I don't even more. I even kick myself over something for longer than it takes to do it :?
I want to do the job and do, and this other stuff comes with it - if I ~really~ don't want to do it I've got the option of changing job - and I don't want to do that!
pro's BE - 1:45pm
I know I'm being extravagant, but I didn't want to take the time to make something to eat, and I was also itchy to go outside for a minute. It can be hard living and working at home - I get cabin fever. So I went out to a gourmet deli and got take-out (very yummy and not cheap take-out).
I'm now eating my gourmet meal at my desk. It deserves more attention than I'm giving it, but again I don't want to take the time. I'm going to start my consulting report now - try to finish it within an hour.
No, wait - I'm going to take my meds now. Lunch is kicking up my gut problem. I have to take my meds. And then I'll write the report.
pro's BE - 1:15pm
I heard a giant crash from the closet and saw that my handheld vacuum had fallen, and toppled over a bunch of other things with it. I've been meaning to hang this vacuum up on a bracket since I moved in here, so I finally did it. The hand vacuum is now neatly and accessibly hanging from the wall.
On the defrosting front... Enough ice has melted from the freezer that I was able to remove what was in there. I also suctioned water out the catch tray. The ice still isn't melted enough to pull off. I can't leave here for my errands until the refrigerator is defrosted and I can turn it back on again.
The bed is made up and converted back into a futon.
I'm hungry for lunch. Probably I should cook what's spoiling in the refrigerator instead of going out, but I really want to go out.
I have another consulting report to finish today. I spent too long on the one I did last night (don't get paid enough for that). I'm going to try to keep this one to an hour.
pro's BE - 11:55am
I finished getting through the morning mail (business related, but it took me nearly 2.5 hours - too long. I like to keep this to 1 hour.
Now I need to make up my bed (back into a couch), see if I can yank the ice out of the freezer so I can start it up again before all my food spoils, write a report to another consulting client, and run out the door to do errands.
I'll check in again before I leave.
Sorry I haven't been reading all the other posts in the forum. I'm time-frantic this week because of my interview next Tuesday and all I have to do to prepare for it.
pro's BE - 9:25am (EDT)
tl - I copied your bookend subject format. ;)
I'm showered and dressed, and I'm eating breakfast and drinking coffee.
I haven't made up the bed yet - I'll do that after breakfast.
I'm defrosting the freezer because I can't get anything in or out of it anymore. I wish the ice would hurry up and melt. All my food is spoiling.
I got mad at someone today and said so overtly, and I'm happy that I did it. (Usually I cringe and suffer.)
I'm going to go answer morning email now. I want to use today more efficiently than I used yesterday!!
Ours has been bad for a while. We've been systematically eating frozen food for a couple of months now so we can defrost. I managed to get the top compartment empty before it sealed itself up completely, and now we're nearly done! Next week is going to be an orgy of ice cream and sorbet as we have a carton of each :)
Normy's CI
Morning routine done, and an hour at my desk
CUOP (too much - I'm now late)
Long day at work ahead (so I won't be able to check in here), then supposedly off to my friend's for the evening - I think I'll cancel and get some more done here, so I ~may~ see you again today.
Have a great day everyone. Pro - have you started your next item yet? Gwen Any more plans for your project for your friends tl What are you doing to anti-procrastinate today? Anouk Does anyone know when Anouk's due back?
Anouk is back
Hi everybody,
my DSO has arrived on Sunday. We hadn't seen each other for 5 months. So there were a lot of things to prepare and I didn't feel like working. But my exams are getting closer.
I have a presentation on Friday, an exam on Monday and 4 other exams in the last full week of July which are very heavy learning. I would have lots of time to learn as my DSO tries to get over his jetlag but somehow I feel more like holiday than working...
I try to bookend tomorrow though. And I am going to write down a to do list for tomorrow.
See you all tomorrow!
Welcome back!
So now we know what you've been up to ;)
See you tomorrow.
Those huggy kissy smilies were supposed to be you and your partner - just realised it looks a bit odd!
Normy - so sweet of you to post this when you'll be out today!
Normy - you're a sweetie! You posted a beautiful, happy good morning message to open the day for us all, and you yourself have to go out and won't be bookending! I hope we see you later.
I haven't started my next item yet, but I only just got up. I want to reply to another consulting client, then go out and buy some clothes for this interview in a week.
When I get back, I will be studying what I need to know for the interview (for the job, really).
I don't know what happened to Anouk. Maybe she posted something that I missed. I haven't been able to catch up on posts yet - too busy fighting with myself to get work done.
You're welcome!
Well, you've all given such positive feedback about the graphics - I don't know why but they ~are~ motivating aren't they? LOL! (I haven't forgotten I said I'd do a post about doing them - but if I did it now it would be a baaaad case of procrastination!).