Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday 20 March 2008
It's that time of year ....
Happy Spring to those in Northern Hemisphere!
Happy Autumn to those in Southern Hemisphere!
Here's to starting a new season ... planting the seeds of better habits and harvesting more joy!
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Recycler CI 6:30pm EST
done: gym, work, made brownies
middle of day: Plan A didn't work.
elaborate Plan B worked lol, but took all the energy for the rest of the day. (sigh)
OK, starting over for evening:
have started a load of laundry
will put away dishes from dish washer
will go to yoga class
That's it!!! I hope everyone has a great night! :) E-hugs! :)
Thank you, gals & guys, for being here! :)
e's check in
Great threadstarter! It makes me happy to think that this fellowship is continuing to grow.
Today was a very productive day. I got to work early, had a short lunch, and worked continuously until mid-evening. I am happy because the project at work came off well and it was fun to do. There is more for tomorrow, but that is okay.
For the moment I am feeling a bit down: I am learning new things that I need to change in my behavior and set new limits. I feel a bit tender about it, so want to post here to own it instead of acting out through burying my head in the sand.
Accomplished: dishes, meds, water, project,
yet to accomplish: taxesssssssss, practicum work, nighttime routine, 10 minutes of paperwork, go over expectations of kids for their day off school. quiet time, eft, journaling, practice accepting the things I cannot change
Lark @ 8:27am
Cold and icey today, what a way to start Spring! The loose end bug and clutter bug are doing their respective things here this week. I have alot of laundry to do, some paperwork to finish and submit, and food to buy, so I may do that today, and work later this evening. This is scarey thinking, as sometimes that work just doesn't get done. Can anyone identify?
morning routines
spiritual time
fill, submit paerwork and order
12 step meeting
clean house
sort out workshop
finish main work project
check in around noon
raises her hand
sad but true: these things frequently get put off in my life.
kromer 7 CI
OK, pretty calm day today.
Must do:
Go to bio class and Spanish class
catch up on Spanish hw
Read paper
Write summary of paper
Do expt.
Make a plan for analyzing data
Go to Maundy Thurs service
Stupid test dataset stuff!
Econ. pset
Should do
Get some exercise!
Read biochem paper
Compose email to CB
Go to biochem
Gather papers for senior thesis
Fold laundry
Prep for journal club
Would like to do
Read about FAS (text+lecture notes)
Clean out email
Spend 20 min tidying my room
Up first:
1)Catch up on Spanish HW (Mostly done, but need to use computer at school for one short assignment)
2)Read bio paper+take notes for summary
3)Fold laundry (DONE)
4)Write draft email (DONE)
kromer 9:20 CI
OK, very slow today, haven't yet gotten to bio paper.
But now I need to move on to biochem paper, then leave for spanish at 9:40 sharp
kromer 12:50 CI
OK, got halfway through the biochem paper, went to Spanish and biochem, made some progress on expt.
Now, I need to read bio paper and write summary very quickly! Then work more on expt. and go to bio, then exercise if time, then finish up bio expt. and go to Maundy Thurs service, then go home.
a very ineffable thursday
First of all, I'm going to sleep by 11:05 so I can wake up happy in the morning.
After breakfast with some friends, probably about 9:30AM, I'll be packing up my things and a lunch and heading over to the UD library, where I plan to spend the whole day doing the following:
reading Being and Time
reading Joachim's commentary on Aristotle's Ethics
working on the screenplay
working on a short story
reading Spiegel and Harper's in the breaks.
At noon, I'll take a half-hour lunch break, and at three I'll go out for a walk.
At six, it's time to go to the gym, and then it's dinner and damn good times!
semper incipe,
This is a simple start
I just need to do three things:
1. Make up my bed (I feel like I have at least tried if my bed is made)
2. Collect all the tax info to take to CPA
3. Do something fun with grandson (w/me for spring break, Have to preserve granny's personna as a "fun and cool person"!
And absolutely, positively refuse to feel bad about all the other undone stuff. If I get all the tax info together, that is quite a bit of work. And listening to grandson talk all day is a labor of love!
Not too hard, yes, no?
grail's Thursday...
Oh hey movingalong, I didn't see this!
Thank you so very much!
"So far, I hung out the washing before I went to work today, and I got to work on time (uh, there's a range, so maybe it was just not-late, but yay!), and an Aunt I haven't seen in a while picked me up for lunch and I got her to txt me 10 minutes in advance so I actually got outside in time and didn't leave her waiting...
I have 10 tests I need to do at work in the next... 3 hours and 10 minutes (and as much other work as possible).
And then I've just got nothing urgent except going home, so I want to pick up something from a friends, and sometime this evening work on preliminary research for a wee ceremony I'm going to tomorrow night (and I've got all tomorrow too to work on it since it's a holiday).
Oh, and I should have gone to the hardware store. Bugger. Not possible now. :(
(Abort weekend plans! Abort!)"
I did no work for nearly the
I did no work for nearly the first 2 hours, and then really hammered it and did 6 out of 10 tests in the last hour.
I remembered to pick up the thing from a friends, although they weren't home themselves.
I got sucked into in a used bookstore for nearly 3 hours, mostly re-reading a book (didn't buy anything
) and then I came home.
I've thought about the research (and did some of that when I should have been working...).
I should go to sleep now, since it's... already Friday?
movingalong's Thursday plans
On Thursday, I need to:
work at a reasonable pace
not get bogged down in details
Listen to my boss
take 'serenity breaks'
movingalong's Thursday morning check-in
I have had coffee.
I am dressed.
Leaving to go to work soon.
--- movingalong