Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

scarlett CI 4:55 pm EST

Not too bad a job, today.  Much better than yesterday.  MITs ready to go for tomorrow.

Ta da:
Email G
Eat breakfast (started)
Set schedule for day
Take pills
Call JR (LM)
Email training
Make copies
Bio to A
Read Lazy Productivity
Email D
Upload and label photos
Review (MIT)

Review (MIT)
Call B re: Remove links in report (MIT)
Email students (MIT)
Check flags
Status to B
Sched f/u on equip
Take pics of last rev.
Proof brochure (started)
Funding letter

Set trip to OCL w/ A
Check on concr. re
Dishes (rinse jars)
Send forms for RR

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

N's bookend

I have about an hour more of work to do.  No way out but through . . . sigh.

However, I am committing a 10-min web surfing break.
Will check back.

Cheers to everyone and thanks.

N Bookend

Back from break.  Now back to work.


Journey 3:30

Well I meant to post this here at 2:30 but I put it on the wrong day:

Transition time . . . finished up one task and trying to find ways to avoid getting started on the next one . . . I'm going to take a quick break and get on to that next task. 

Anyway, I ended up working on a problem for the last hour, so NOW I'm taking the break.  and then getting on to the next task.


“Clearly there's the lesson to be learned here,” said zoo spokesman Sam Singer. “The lesson is that it's not a good idea to drink, it's not a good idea to be high on dope, and it's not a good idea to taunt a man-eating tiger.”

poking about for edge

just checking to see if you are around

scarlett CI 2:20 pm EST

Got unfocused - took a lunch break and set a timer, but ignored it.  Undecided  So here we go again!

Focus: Review
Next CI: 3:15 pm

Ta da:
Email G
Eat breakfast (started)
Set schedule for day
Take pills
Call JR (LM)
Email training
Make copies
Bio to A
Read Lazy Productivity
Dishes (rinse jars)

To do:
Review (MIT)
Check flags
Email students (MIT)
Call B re: Remove links in report (MIT)
Plan to B
Sched f/u on equip
Take pics of last rev.
Proof brochure (started)
Funding letter

Set trip to OCL w/ A
Check on concr. re
Send forms for RR

Become aware of resistance, and let go.


Type up reviews.  CI 4 pm.

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

freer 11

I'm off track this morning. I had a job interview last Friday, which I thought went well, but now I haven't heard back. I know it's too soon to jump to any conclusions, but I'm an overachiever in this area. I also had a contract job get scaled back yesterday. So that left me with unexpected discretionary time this morning. That's always a good combination...feeling discouraged/scared and having free time.

Well, it's 11...I will take credit for the fact that it's not hours later. Today, I'll work on Steps 2 and 11.

call JE
set up Onyx move
write article
create files for RQ




Just wanted to congratulate you for showing up for the interview -- whatever the outcome.  I find job searching so difficult.  That represents a lot of work, in my book.


freer 10

N, thank you!

--call JE
no -set up Onyx move
good start -write article
good start -create files for RQ


Journey 10 am

Went out for pizza last night and paying for it this morning with an upset tummy, so I'm not feeling as spunky as usual, but here goes anyway:

X – Gym
X – read email
X – daily planning 
- straighen desk - 15 min
- staff meeting - 1 hr. 
- linux install  - 2 hrs
- user direct - 1 hr.
- pay b. bill
- 10 min
- tm deposit - 10 min

- tax thing – write letter to state - 15 min

- AO - 15 min max 
- put on some makeup before staff meeting - 10 min!
- SL – resend all documentation (grrr) - 15 min
- top 10 list - 5 min
- dishes/laundry - 30 min

- fix playlist on mp3 player - 30 min

- dinner?  - 1 hr.


Giving money and power to government is like giving liquor and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke

Journey 8:20

All my work stuff got done today but didn't get any of my personal business done. 

Til tomorrow


Giving money and power to government is like giving liquor and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke


Journey said- put on some makeup before staff meeting - 10 min!

This totally cracks me up, because I don't put on any makeup unless I have some occasion that feels a little bit 'dressy'. The ten minutes is also funny, because, since I don't use it I never can get it right and I don't allow enough time for it!

I never did put on the makeup lol

It's too much trouble.  They'll just have to take me as I am!


Giving money and power to government is like giving liquor and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke

scarlett CI 9:40 am EST

Just read Leo Babuto's Lazy Productivity post.  (only click if you are on a break! Laughing)  It's got some good ideas in it.  I'm finding Zen Habits (his blog) a very interesting read.

I have a meeting to go to now... will refocus when I get back.

Ta da:
Email G
Eat breakfast
Set schedule for day
Take pills
Call JR (LM)
Email training
Make copies

To do:
Check flags
Review (MIT)
Call B re: Remove links in report (MIT)
Email students (MIT)
Plan to B
Sched f/u on equip
Take pics of last rev.
Proof brochure (started)
Funding letter

Set trip to OCL w/ A
Check on concr. re
Dishes (rinse jars)

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

Read the blog

That was a good article.  Thanks for pointing it out.


zen habits blog

Yeah, that's a great blog and worth taking a few minutes to read daily.  Since I found the Simple-ology blocker tool, I have blocked most of the web sites I used to frequent, but that blog is one that I left unblocked. 

Giving money and power to government is like giving liquor and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke

9:15CI, Lark

Good morning everyone. When I went to bed last night, it was 50*,and it's 20*now. Hmm. Too cold for what I was planning to do, so this should be a good day to tie up loose ends. There are several unfinished projects around here, and sitting at the computer unfortunately isn't one of them. I'm going to dive in now, and check back at lunch with a more specific plan for the rest of the day.

Lark at 3:10pm Sticky situation

I've just had lunch, if you call corn dogs lunch. I feel compelled to escape on the internet for a while, but I need to do some washing and mopping in the workshop, and THEN do some computer time while everything is drying. My prcrastination generator is saying "Do both!! You can do it. You' ve been doing really well, and a few minutes will be fine." Argh1... The stuff I want to look up on the web won't be needed for a week. Yes, I'm going to

loggging off

Good for you, Lark! (unless, you, like me, would not log off and just go surfing! lol) I hopw you kept your commitment to yourself.

I really logged off!

I felt good to feel the resistance and go through it. I also managed to finish a small task I'd been putting off, and it went well. The rewards were popping up there for a while. Thanks.

scarlett CI 9:00 am EST

Working to make today better than yesterday.  I'm developing a list of morning rituals on an Excel spreadsheet and checking them off each day as I do them - it helps so I don't have to think in order to get things going in the morning when I get to work.

Focus: set schedule for day
Next CI: 9:30

To do:

Eat breakfast (started)
Set schedule for day
Take pills
Review (MIT)
Call B re: Remove links in report (MIT)
Email students (MIT)
Plan to B
Sched f/u on equip
Take pics of last rev.
Proof brochure
Funding letter

Set trip to OCL w/ A
Check on concr. re
Dishes (rinse jars)
Email training
Call JR

Become aware of resistance, and let go.

kromer 6:50

Morning, all!
I'm feeling pretty sick and couldn't sleep much, so I'm going to take it a little bit easy today.
(I have a lot of work, so not too easy :( )

Must do:
Go to seminar
Coffee with C
Print out info for interview trip
Choose 4th class for spring
Give lab tech my schedule
Get to bed early!

Should do:
Pack for interview trip
Go to 6.470 competition
Finish comparison to canonical pathway
Figure out concentration code
Compute concentrations for scanning
Work on fellowship app

Would like to do:
Redo scanning
Email A
A little exercise (not too strenuous)
Change my sheets
Finish house jobs stuff
House contact list

To start the morning:
Choose 4th class for spring DONE
Go through email, email A and I, email schedule to lab tech DONE
Finish comparison to canonical pathway
Pack for interview
If time before 11:30: Change sheets, finish house jobs stuff+house contact list, and/or take a short walk
Go to lab, print out info for interview; arrive in lab by 12:30

kromer 11

My concentration is really bad today (probably because I'm tired/sick).
I'm just going to remember that *some* work is better than *no* work, and give myself permission to go a bit slower than normal.
I'm also going to break what I have to do into small steps.
So, I need to finish comparison to canonical pathway. Detailed plan:
1)Check automatic mapping to EG ids
2)Manually fill in gaps in mapping
3)Use mapping to analyze 1 job, plot results
I can finish this by 11:30 or 12, and will hed to lab when it's done.

kromer 3:05 CI

OK, have some unexpected stuff to do.
Add to the "must do" list:
Come up with coherent questions for seminar speaker
Meet with seminar speaker 4-4:30

And add to the "should do" list:
Shop for a few last-minute things for interview.

Things I've done since last CI:
Made progress on comparison to canonical pathway (though *still* not finished)
Started packing, made a list of stuff to buy
Come to lab
Had lunch
Gone to seminar

My immediate plan is:
Look over concentration code, try to understand, clarify any issues with K DONE!
Come up with questions for seminar speaker
Talk with seminar speaker
Go shopping
Print out stuff for interview (app, info on faculty, travel info)

kromer 5:40

OK, did most of the above, though I haven't printed out interview info yet.
Right now, I'll print out some interview info (app+travel info)
Then, I'll go to the 6.470 competition 6-7:45
Then, I'll have dinner with C 8-9
I'll come back to lab, print out the rest of interview info and do the canonical pathway comparison.
Then, I'll go home, pack and change my sheets.
If I have time, I'll work on the concentration code, but I suspect I won't get to it.

kromer 9:45

Dinner with C went a little late.
I've printed out most of the interview info, just need to print out 3 more research summaries and organize it all in a folder. Then I'll do the canonical pathway comparisons. I'm really into my work, so I might work on the concentration code a bit also.

e's Thursday c/i

Running behind already, so here we go
Call MG, Fax data

more later

e check back

I am feeling a bit anxious and I while I have been working, I don't feel like I have accomplished anything. The early part of the morning was spent off task and I need to catch up. I am going to set up instant boss to stagger breaks with work.

feeling frantic

Even though I have been plugging away at it, I am now fully aware of all that I must get done by Friday - which includes having results for the 2006 taxes done! I am getting there, but being a bit of a perfectionist I realize, and it is getting in my way! I REALLY want to take tomorrow off, but I don't think that I can without upsetting my boss, especially as I was out for my kids last friday.

I have eaten a huge amount of Brie today and everything I have on feels tighter: this is definately anxiety eating, in addition to cold weather eating. I have not been acting out that way to this extent for a while, so I want to own up to it here in the hopes that my desire will disapate if I am not eating behind my own back.

brie mmmmm . .. FAFSA yucky . . .

I was happy that I only gained 1/2 lb. after my ice cream and chocolate binge on Saturday. 

Giving money and power to government is like giving liquor and car keys to teenage boys. - P.J. O'Rourke

a procrastinator's nightmare

Imagine this: 2006 taxes still unfiled, still incomplete, still confusing, still frightening in case it will cost lots of money. Then 2007 taxes, which must have 2006 info, must be extimated by Friday. File FAFSA, then the Profile for private univerisities for financial aid, both due on, you guessed it, Friday Add in foreign tax returns that don't come out until July. Add one fearful, obstinant, perfectionistic procrastinator and stir. I will be bald by Friday.

e's saga continues

 okay, the papers that were scattered all over the bedroom are now neatly in standing folders in a box. Now I must must tackle each tax category for 2006. I WILL prevail....