Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 30 December 2007

It's Sunday...

Have a magical day!

Greenbean's Bookend

Ta Da Today:
None yet

To Do Today:
Yale “Why us?” essay
Yale Application
Common App “Extracurricular” essay
Common Application
Check up on sister for help with essays
Harvard “Why us?” essay
Harvard Application
Duke “Why us?” essay
Duke Application
Brown “Why us?” essay
Find videographer
Japanese New years card assignment
English “Lord of the Flies” get copy of study guide
English “Lord of the Flies” reading/study guide
Government Race Readings

What I finished since the last time I bookended:
First time bookending. :)

What I hope to accomplish within the next hour without inturruption:
Yale “Why us?” essay
Yale Application (except essays)

My Plan of DOOM:
8:05-8:50 Work
8:50-9:00 Relax

My thoughts/feelings:
Gah. Lots to do before winter break is over. Gotta work hard!

Limits on your achievements come from what you don't do.

Bookend #5

Ta Da Today:
Yale app (except Essays)
Dartmouth app
Yale "why us?" essay

To Do Today:
Yale fee Waiver
Call teacher for recc follow up
Send SAT scores
Common App “Extracurricular” essay
Common Application
Check up on sister for help with essays
Harvard Application
Duke “Why us?” essay
Duke Application
Brown “Why us?” essay
Find videographer
Japanese New years card assignment
English “Lord of the Flies” get copy of study guide
English “Lord of the Flies” reading/study guide
Government Race Readings

What I hope to accomplish within the next hour without inturruption:
Send SAT scores
Brown application as much as possible
Get started on Common App "short answer"
finish common app

My thoughts/feelings:
Whee. Productive.
Limits on your achievements come from what you don't do.


Hey I'm in the same situation- lots of apps in 2 days!  And tons of schoolwork.  Feel free to contact me if you want to be "app" buddies.  We can keep eachother focussed.

Ooh that'd be awesome if we

Ooh that'd be awesome if we could be app buddies! :)
Keep bookending here, I'll support you. :)
I'd contact you on AIM except that I banned myself from it. It takes so much time! :P

Limits on your achievements come from what you don't do.

What's Up?

Hey!  I posted my massive masterlist on the December 31st thread.  Apparantly the "Why Us"? for Yale is only 300 characters but that's my first line of business. 

How many schools are you applying to?  Did you apply early anywhere?

I'm in at UChicago, so I'm only applying to 6 other schools now (Cornell, MIT, Yale, Harvard, Rice, Carnegie Mellon).  MIT and UChicago are my tops though.

Good luck! 

Hmm how do I delete posts?

Delete this please?
also, i can't seem to edit my old posts. i don't want to spam the forums because I want to bookend every hour by editing the same post but it won't let me. o_o

to hypergreenbean re spamming the forums

The check in forums are here to help keep us focused, so in my opinion you can post anything and everything that helps keep you on track. 

I was worried about that too at first, because sometimes I check in every 30 minutes or so if I'm having one of those days.  I was afraid I would bore everyone to death with my mundane to do lists and various neurotic ramblings, but so far no one has complained :)

So, as far as I'm concerned you can post all you want in the check in forum.  We don't have to read them if we don't want to, and if helps you out, post away! 

However, you can edit your own posts - there's an edit link at the bottom - but you can't delete them. 


RR's CI 10:55

buying and wrapping gifts

still haven't edited paper and i'll be out of town for 2 days.

to do:
charge phone
take care of cats
get gas
wash clothes

pro's CI - 4:10pm

I just got home with a pile of groceries. I'm very hungry - didn't eat lunch. First order of business is to make food. And then I have to hunt for the missing article - which probably will involve some cleaning as a side effect.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 11:15am

I lost something kind of important, but I can't spend any more time looking for it - gotta go.

I'm almost ready to leave.

Ta Da:
♦ Wash dishes from yesterday.
♦ Make breakfast.
♦ Wash breakfast dishes.
♦ Water plants.
♦ Clean leather.
♦ Get dressed.
♦ Collect stuff for storage.

To Do:
♦ Pick up car.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:45am

I'm almost ready to leave.

Ta Da:
♦ Wash dishes from yesterday.
♦ Make breakfast.
♦ Wash breakfast dishes.
♦ Water plants.
♦ Clean leather.
♦ Get dressed.

To Do:
♦ Collect stuff for storage.
♦ Pick up car.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Journey 9 am

This has been a crazy week and I didn't do anything that I had planned to do!  I'm ready for things to get back to normal.  We have all been sick and the baby ended up in the hospital with bronchitis.  He's supposed to come home today so my schedule today will depend on whether he's coming home or not.  If he is well enough we will try to take care of him this afternoon so my son and d-in-law can get a few hours of sleep.  They've been up for days. 

Things I did accomplish, although they weren't planned: 
my daughter and I got her room straightened, cleaned, and organized  - her idea!
broke the caffeine habit
did all the necessary holiday ho-ho stuff

Right now I'm going to put away the rest of the Christmas wrapping stuff and sort the laundry - seems like I'm always doing laundry. 


this week

I didn't accomplish everything I hoped to this week, either. I thought I might get more done in the accounting/tax department. I didn't - too many other things to do - but I have been working on my pile.

Congrats on kicking caffeine. That's a good one! :)

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 8:55am

I was so tired when I got back yesterday that I didn't get anything done in the evening. My feet and back hurt so I just lay around and watched movies.

Today I have somewhere to be in the morning. I have to be prompt because it will rain later and I don't want to get caught in the rain.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's to-do list

Ta Da:
♦ Wash dishes from yesterday.
♦ Make breakfast.

To Do:
♦ Wash breakfast dishes.
♦ Water plants.
♦ Clean leather.
♦ Collect stuff for storage.
♦ Get dressed.

♦ Pick up car.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.