Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
I got a lot of grading done today so I'm feeling good about that. I still have a lot left to do, but I am more caught up at this point than I normally am at the end of the semester. And the house is finally decorated for Christmas!
Completed: Money for office gifts Morning routine T’s meds Appt. at 10 am Grade for one hour Enter grades for comm.. assessments Enter grades for presentations Enter grades for quiz 11 Put up rest of Christmas decorations-this has been on my list for quite some time!! Grade for one more hour
To do: Pick up T’s med and food from vet Order P’s gift Pick up laundry room Email link to conference picture
by tomorrow history reading and questions ~ 1 hr, 1hr 30 min french packet ~ 30 min french: type up essay ~ 10 min, 10 min calc hw ~ 45 min overdue TOK homework ~ 15 min organize everything into different folders ~ 25 min, 20 min
eventually prescribed title extended essay english reading and writing assignment
by tomorrow history reading and questions ~ 1 hr, 1hr 30 min french packet ~ 30 min, 1 hr french: type up essay ~ 10 min, 10 min calc hw ~ 45 min -- didn't do, will do tomorrow during chem (substitute!) overdue TOK homework ~ 15 min, 1 hr 30 min (one the puzzles - really really hard!) organize everything into different folders ~ 25 min, 20 min
eventually prescribed title extended essay english reading and writing assignment overdue history homework -------------
things took a bit longer than expected because a couple of my friends found out about their ED college acceptances today, and i got kinda distracted. and as you can see, i underestimated the time it'd take to finish a bunch of the longer assignments.
thanks for the encouragement everyone! in bed at 12:33am. new record! (or maybe not, because i didn't take a nap today?)
I like the estimated time vs. actual time. I think I;ll start doing that. I always underestimate the amount of time it will take to do something. That will help me do more realistic planning.
Cool beans
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
TO DO: - (started) mountain of laundry 2 hrs. - (started) change sheets 1 hr. X - bathe dogs 1 jr - drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs. - activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr. - spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff X - figure out what to make for dinner 30 min. - dinner 1 hr. - dishes 1 hr. - meditate a few minutes - exercise - 1 hr.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Well, I got most everything done except the moldy frog and activating the phones. I'm done, getting ready for bed! See youse guys tomorrow.
X - (started) mountain of laundry 2 hrs. X - (started) change sheets 1 hr. X - bathe dogs 1 jr X - drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs. - activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr. - spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff X - figure out what to make for dinner 30 min. X - dinner 1 hr. X - dishes 1 hr. - meditate a few minutes - exercise - 1 hr.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Good afternoon everyone! I went to a gym this morning for a trial workout and decided to join. I walk every night, but it felt good to do do a ful-body workout. I will probably be sore by tomorrow(:
Completed: Money for office gifts Morning routine T’s meds Appt. at 10 am
To do: Pick up T’s med and food from vet Order P’s gift Grade for one hour Enter grades for comm.. assessments Enter grades for presentations Enter grades for quiz 11 Pick up laundry room Put up rest of Christmas decorations-this has been on my list for quite some time!! Grade for one more hour Email link to conference picture
It's that time of year again... time for my interim review! Always sends me into a tailspin. I've been struggling a lot the past few weeks, really off track at work and at home. Today definitely needs to be a "slow and steady" kind of day.
Priority: Take pill, prep meeting, choose sign text Next CI: 1 pm Ta da: Eat breakfast
To do: Take pill Choose sign text Prep meeting Review self CP WO Email re: GM AB
I was thinking of trying to post a slogan (usually from a very popular 12Step program) every day or so. Last night I was complaining to someone about a situation, when a friend asked "What part I played." Well, I didn't want to hear it, but I needed to. Hmm. Thought I'd share that with everyone today. Hope it'll help someone.
Good morning everyone. I've been online too much this morning, but alot of it was buying some stuff, so it'll save time in the longrun. But, this is the best day this week to work outside, so you know what I'm against. Welcome all you new folks--and PLEASE get involved. Today: (X)morning spiritual (not ego)time finish work behind my house (bushes, clean windows, etc) work min. two hours on project for work use timer and clean up workshop for 15 minutes general "swoosh" thru house (It's actually pretty clean!) put laundry away use timer and clean room in cellar for 15 minutes (It's that bad!) go to 12 step meeting tonight
I'm late for work, but I took a quick pass through my (huge) mail pile. I found a couple of the things I was looking for - not all. I have to get to work. But when I get home - no putting it off. I must work on this pile.
I have to stop at the bank today. One of the casualties of my PO Box problem is my business bank account. :(
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I'm off work today since I worked the weekend shift, and I have a lot of chores that I want to get done. But I'm tired, and tempted to just stay in bed all day. I skipped the gym and slept in. Perhaps I'll meditate and do a yoga video. The good news is that I did get the house cleaned up on Sunday with a lot of help from dh, so at least I'm getting up to a relatively clean house. I have no idea what I'm going to make for dinner, but I hope I can figure something out without having to go to the store. Right now I shall consume large quantities of coffee and see if I can get this day jumpstarted.
- mountain of laundry 2 hrs.
- change sheets 1 hr.
- bathe dogs 1 jr
- drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs.
- activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr.
- spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff
- figure out what to make for dinner 30 min.
- dinner 1 hr.
- dishes 1 hr. - meditate a few minutes - exercise - 1 hr.
OK, that's not so bad. I can do this. The coffee is starting to kick in. Off to light my new candle that was a christmas gift from my yoga teacher . . .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Journey, I wanted to let you know that your faithfulness in working out everyday (even though you slept in today) inspired me to join a gym. The one I'm going to is a circuit weight machine workout. Since there are no set class times I can never be late-which will be a good thing!
It may be tough at first but once you get into the habit of exercising you will want to do it!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
I'm trying to figure out what to do now. I have to find something in a pile of mail, but I don't have time to do that because I have to go to work. I guess I don't have to do it this instant. I'll get ready for work.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Very, very, very upsetting. My mailbox has been closed and three months of mail was thrown out ("returned to sender"). I can't use the USPS online address update because it doesn't like my new address. I have to dig through my mail pile to find some missing stuff - or maybe I never received it. What a mess.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I have a very difficult phone call to make right now. It will upset me. I'll check in right after I'm off the phone. Am I awake enough for this yet? Should I make tea first?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
You know how much I hate phone calls even innocuous ones. Good luck with it!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
It's not quite Tuesday yet, but almost. I'm posting because I have just a couple more days - this week - to do some important year-end stuff. If I don't do it, I'll be out $1000.
I also just found out I have a serious problems with my post office box. Oh, the mess. Must call tomorrow.
I need to work on this stuff in the mornings because it has to happen this week. That means I have to go to bed soon (it's Monday night). On the plus side, I'm ready for bed - teeth are brushed.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
so it's pretty much midnight, and i'm just starting my homework now.
stuff due tomorrow: - chem lab (overdue) - english reading and writing assignment (2 days worth) - calc homework (just a couple problems) - french reading and questions - chem problem set (just look over)
stuff in the near future - olin application essay - ORGANIZE! notes, handouts, etc. buy folders! - catch up on all the history homework - extended essay - tok homeworks
3am is late to bed. You need a plan! Did you read the article about studying tips on the Web site? Click Articles and scroll down.
Forum Tip: Add your check-ins as comments to the main post - the day thread starter. Click "Add Comment". When you make your posts are replies to someone else's check-in, they can get lost.
Keep checking in - it's works!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
an hour and 10 minutes later, and i've done hardly anything. since i turned on leechblock, i could not access my email, my feedreader, or facebook, but i could still access torrent sites and wikipedia. so i wasted time browsing torrents and wikipedia. d'oh. *adds to leechblock list*
so far i've done the first part of the chem lab. (results and discussion).
EDIT: 3:10am. finished: chem lab english homework (illustration and commentary)
didn't do: french packet calc homework chem problem set
going to bed and getting up in 3 hours for school...!
lad 3 week CI
Lol. Just kidding. Kinda.
Anyway, I have to go to bed NOW. But I have a final revision of my thesis that I'm terrified I'll procrastinate on.
But on the positive side: I PASSED MY DEFENSE!!!!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am!
I should be seeing ya'll tomorrow/after I sleep. :)
congrats lad!
We were wondering where you were, now we know!
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Julie's 7:45 CI
I got a lot of grading done today so I'm feeling good about that. I still have a lot left to do, but I am more caught up at this point than I normally am at the end of the semester. And the house is finally decorated for Christmas!
Money for office gifts
Morning routine
T’s meds
Appt. at 10 am
Grade for one hour
Enter grades for comm.. assessments
Enter grades for presentations
Enter grades for quiz 11
Put up rest of Christmas decorations-this has been on my list for quite some time!!
Grade for one more hour
To do:
Pick up T’s med and food from vet
Order P’s gift
Pick up laundry room
Email link to conference picture
almost there
called garage, got estimate and will pick up tomorrow
finished all reimbursement paperwork
to do tonight:
wash dishes
get out thank you cards and envelopes
scarlett 6:30 pm CI
Done. Oy. I hate doing my self-evaluation.
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Prep meeting
Choose sign text
Make signs
Do review
Email sched
Email forms
Review self
Email re: GM AB
Contact BB re: surrounds and walk through
sue 6:00pm
~ estimated time, actual time
by tomorrow
history reading and questions ~ 1 hr, 1hr 30 min
french packet ~ 30 min
french: type up essay ~ 10 min, 10 min
calc hw ~ 45 min
overdue TOK homework ~ 15 min
organize everything into different folders ~ 25 min, 20 min
prescribed title
extended essay
english reading and writing assignment
sue 12:33am
~ estimated time, actual time
by tomorrow
history reading and questions ~ 1 hr, 1hr 30 min
french packet ~ 30 min, 1 hr
french: type up essay ~ 10 min, 10 min
calc hw ~ 45 min -- didn't do, will do tomorrow during chem (substitute!)
overdue TOK homework ~ 15 min, 1 hr 30 min (one the puzzles - really really hard!)
organize everything into different folders ~ 25 min, 20 min
prescribed title
extended essay
english reading and writing assignment
overdue history homework
things took a bit longer than expected because a couple of my friends found out about their ED college acceptances today, and i got kinda distracted. and as you can see, i underestimated the time it'd take to finish a bunch of the longer assignments.
thanks for the encouragement everyone!
in bed at 12:33am. new record! (or maybe not, because i didn't take a nap today?)
hey sue
I like the estimated time vs. actual time. I think I;ll start doing that. I always underestimate the amount of time it will take to do something. That will help me do more realistic planning.
Cool beans
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Good Luck!
I hope your work is going well and that you will be able to get some sleep tonight
scarlett 1:40 pm EST
Off to meeting.
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pill
Prep meeting
To do:
Meeting follow-up
Choose sign text (will do after mtg)
Review self (started)
Email re: GM AB
Contact BB re: surrounds and walk through
Journey 1:15
- (started) mountain of laundry 2 hrs.
- (started) change sheets 1 hr.
X - bathe dogs 1 jr
- drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs.
- activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr.
- spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff
X - figure out what to make for dinner 30 min.
- dinner 1 hr.
- dishes 1 hr.
- meditate a few minutes
- exercise - 1 hr.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Journey 9 pm
Well, I got most everything done except the moldy frog and activating the phones. I'm done, getting ready for bed! See youse guys tomorrow.
X - (started) mountain of laundry 2 hrs.
X - (started) change sheets 1 hr.
X - bathe dogs 1 jr
X - drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs.
- activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr.
- spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff
X - figure out what to make for dinner 30 min.
X - dinner 1 hr.
X - dishes 1 hr.
- meditate a few minutes
- exercise - 1 hr.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
Julie's Noon CI
Good afternoon everyone! I went to a gym this morning for a trial workout and decided to join. I walk every night, but it felt good to do do a ful-body workout. I will probably be sore by tomorrow(:
Money for office gifts
Morning routine
T’s meds
Appt. at 10 am
To do:
Pick up T’s med and food from vet
Order P’s gift
Grade for one hour
Enter grades for comm.. assessments
Enter grades for presentations
Enter grades for quiz 11
Pick up laundry room
Put up rest of Christmas decorations-this has been on my list for quite some time!!
Grade for one more hour
Email link to conference picture
scarlett CI 12:30 pm EST
It's that time of year again... time for my interim review! Always sends me into a tailspin. I've been struggling a lot the past few weeks, really off track at work and at home. Today definitely needs to be a "slow and steady" kind of day.
Priority: Take pill, prep meeting, choose sign text
Next CI: 1 pm
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
To do:
Take pill
Choose sign text
Prep meeting
Review self
Email re: GM AB
Slogans? ("What part do you play in it?")
I was thinking of trying to post a slogan (usually from a very popular 12Step program) every day or so. Last night I was complaining to someone about a situation, when a friend asked "What part I played." Well, I didn't want to hear it, but I needed to. Hmm. Thought I'd share that with everyone today. Hope it'll help someone.
that's a good one.
and definitely a hard one to hear, often.
9:50am CI for Lark--running behind, sort of
Good morning everyone. I've been online too much this morning, but alot of it was buying some stuff, so it'll save time in the longrun. But, this is the best day this week to work outside, so you know what I'm against. Welcome all you new folks--and PLEASE get involved.
spiritual (not ego)time
finish work behind my house (bushes, clean windows, etc)
work min. two hours on project for work
use timer and clean up workshop for 15 minutes
general "swoosh" thru house (It's actually pretty clean!)
put laundry away
use timer and clean room in cellar for 15 minutes (It's that bad!)
go to 12 step meeting tonight
pro's CI - 10am
I'm late for work, but I took a quick pass through my (huge) mail pile. I found a couple of the things I was looking for - not all. I have to get to work. But when I get home - no putting it off. I must work on this pile.
I have to stop at the bank today. One of the casualties of my PO Box problem is my business bank account. :(
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Journey 9 am
I'm off work today since I worked the weekend shift, and I have a lot of chores that I want to get done. But I'm tired, and tempted to just stay in bed all day. I skipped the gym and slept in. Perhaps I'll meditate and do a yoga video. The good news is that I did get the house cleaned up on Sunday with a lot of help from dh, so at least I'm getting up to a relatively clean house. I have no idea what I'm going to make for dinner, but I hope I can figure something out without having to go to the store. Right now I shall consume large quantities of coffee and see if I can get this day jumpstarted.
- mountain of laundry 2 hrs.
- change sheets 1 hr.
- bathe dogs 1 jr
- drag out all the christmas wrapping stuff and get started wrapping 2 hrs.
- activate mom and dad's phones 1 hr.
- spend 10 minutes on the tax stuff
- figure out what to make for dinner 30 min.
- dinner 1 hr.
- dishes 1 hr.
- meditate a few minutes
- exercise - 1 hr.
OK, that's not so bad. I can do this. The coffee is starting to kick in. Off to light my new candle that was a christmas gift from my yoga teacher . . .
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
You're an inspiration!
Journey, I wanted to let you know that your faithfulness in working out everyday (even though you slept in today
) inspired me to join a gym. The one I'm going to is a circuit weight machine workout. Since there are no set class times I can never be late-which will be a good thing!
good for you julie!
It may be tough at first but once you get into the habit of exercising you will want to do it!
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
pro's CI - 9:15am
I'm trying to figure out what to do now. I have to find something in a pile of mail, but I don't have time to do that because I have to go to work. I guess I don't have to do it this instant. I'll get ready for work.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 8:30am
Very, very, very upsetting. My mailbox has been closed and three months of mail was thrown out ("returned to sender"). I can't use the USPS online address update because it doesn't like my new address. I have to dig through my mail pile to find some missing stuff - or maybe I never received it. What a mess.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 8:05am
I have a very difficult phone call to make right now. It will upset me. I'll check in right after I'm off the phone. Am I awake enough for this yet? Should I make tea first?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
hey pro have you made that phone call?!
You know how much I hate phone calls even innocuous ones.
Good luck with it!
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
oh yeah
Sure did. That's why my next check-in message started "very, very, very upsetting".
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff life is made of. - Benjamin Franklin
getting ready for Tuesday
It's not quite Tuesday yet, but almost. I'm posting because I have just a couple more days - this week - to do some important year-end stuff. If I don't do it, I'll be out $1000.
I also just found out I have a serious problems with my post office box. Oh, the mess. Must call tomorrow.
I need to work on this stuff in the mornings because it has to happen this week. That means I have to go to bed soon (it's Monday night). On the plus side, I'm ready for bed - teeth are brushed.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
so it's pretty much midnight, and i'm just starting my homework now.
stuff due tomorrow:
- chem lab (overdue)
- english reading and writing assignment (2 days worth)
- calc homework (just a couple problems)
- french reading and questions
- chem problem set (just look over)
stuff in the near future
- olin application essay
- ORGANIZE! notes, handouts, etc. buy folders!
- catch up on all the history homework
- extended essay
- tok homeworks
goal is to be in bed by 3am!
hi suuueee!
Hello. Nice to see you on the check-in board!
3am is late to bed. You need a plan! Did you read the article about studying tips on the Web site? Click Articles and scroll down.
Forum Tip: Add your check-ins as comments to the main post - the day thread starter. Click "Add Comment". When you make your posts are replies to someone else's check-in, they can get lost.
Keep checking in - it's works!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
yes 3am is disgustingly
yes 3am is disgustingly late, i'm aware, haha. i'm in the process of improving my sleep/work habits!
thanks for the forum tip!
edit: ah. i just understood that i replied to your post. sorry sorry :)
sue 1:10
an hour and 10 minutes later, and i've done hardly anything.
since i turned on leechblock, i could not access my email, my feedreader, or facebook, but i could still access torrent sites and wikipedia. so i wasted time browsing torrents and wikipedia. d'oh. *adds to leechblock list*
so far i've done the first part of the chem lab. (results and discussion).
EDIT: 3:10am.
chem lab
english homework (illustration and commentary)
didn't do:
french packet
calc homework
chem problem set
going to bed and getting up in 3 hours for school...!