Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 9 December 2007

pro's last check-in - 10:15pm

The dishes are washed, my teeth are brushed, and I'm ready for bed. I didn't get done everything I might have wanted, but I got a lot done and I did what was most urgent.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.


Thanks for the welcome, Pro!

I did the dishes
put away my clothing
and even dealt with some messy paperwork.


Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 9pm

I put away the clean laundry, and I made/ate dinner. I'm feeling tired now. My leg only hurts a little - I've been trying to stay off it. I want to go to bed early tonight so I can get up early and get to work early. I don't want to go to bed right away, though, because I just ate. Maybe I'll have some tea.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:10pm

I started to put away the laundry, and then my right knee started hurting again. It was fine all day. I think I'll stay off it for a while. Maybe I'll be able to put the laundry away later.

I'm not sure about dinner - maybe I'm not hungry enough to stress my knee.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 6:30pm

The laundry - finally - is done. Yowzers, this was bad. I had so much that the carrying up and down the stairs part was truly painful. My bad hurts. Now I have to put it all away, but I'm going to take a break first for dinner.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

New to the site-first check-in

Hello, everyone,

This evening:
put away my laundry
wash the dishes

call the garage and make appt for car inspection
keep all receipts and type up list of money spent (daily)


Welcome RR!!

Hi - nice to have some check-in company on the weekend.

We have some of the same tasks to do. I just dragged a zillion pounds of laundry up the stairs and now I have to put it away. I keep my receipts so (theoretically) I can enter them into my money management program, but I'm years behind.

What helps me most is to check in frequently - at the beginning and end of each task. Start of day and end of day isn't enough - doesn't work for me that way. So I hope you check in again soon with your progress!

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 4:25pm

I finally made it to the laundromat. Four loads - wow. It was heavy to carry down the stairs. Now it's all in two dryers except for the bit that needs to drip dry. I'm home now to hang that up, then back to the laundromat.

I got to the grocery store today, also, so I'm not doing too bad. I still have some cleaning and desk work to do.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

elisaveth check in and out

This weekend was a wash: the week was very productive, but I slept all weekend long. I did bits and pieces of things which were important, but I found that they were exhausting, usually because they were emotionally taxing. Tonight as I look around my room I see the unfinished business of my life and I am not happy about it.

For tonight:
brush teeth
wash face
choose clothing
read the big book
sleep at a reasonable hour

For tomorrow
make bed
go through the paperwork on my chair
shoe guy
transfer money
return movie
photocopy Friday's work
dust mop
plan dinner
drop off plates for animal bazaar
20 minutes of taxes
20 minutes of practicum
read a chapter of ka
walk to work
brown dye for boots
and more...


Sometimes we need sleep. Sounds like you did this weekend, or you wouldn't have. Don't beat yourself up. We all need rest.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

12:20PM CI for Lark Success!

Hi everyone. Yep, I'm sort of where you are today Pro. Last night I visited a friend and we watched tv till the middle of the night. The drive home was slippery, so I returned very tired, but flowing with adrenalin! Kept nodding off in church this morning, so the day's prognosis is bleak unless I take a short nap when I log off.
To do:
 (X)morning things
 (X) spiritual time
 X)short nap
 (X)clean house
 (X)clean up workshop a bit and prep tomorrow's work

pro's CI - 12 noon

I'm dressed and the laundry is sorted. I'm going to go to the grocery store and make some lunch before I leave to do laundry.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 11:10am

Still puttering around my apartment - doing stuff that isn't urgent to do rather than my doing my laundry. But now there is something else I'd like to do this afternoon, so I need to move or I won't be able to do it. In fact, it may already be too late.

Actually, what I'm thinking of doing involves driving and it's going to be raining and sleeting today. Maybe I should wait until next week.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 10:20am

Looks like the event I was going to go to this afternoon isn't happening. It's just as well - the weather is supposed to be lousy, and I haven't done my laundry yet. I got involved in some cooking stuff. I guess I'll just do my regular old chores today. Maybe I'll watch a movie later - something to remind me it's the weekend.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

the procrastination urge is coming upon me

I should be getting ready to do laundry now, and the mere thought makes me want to lie down on the couch and turn on the television.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 8:40am

I'm up later again this morning than I've been getting up. I'm still a little screwed up for staying up all night the night before last.

I have something I want to do this afternoon but I also have laundry that must get done, so I think I'll do my laundry early (what a concept!).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.