Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Edge new job

"I went to a mini-training session at my potentially new workplace and it looks like I did well enough to be hired, so yay. "

Good luck!


Thanks, Journey

Looking forward to starting in Jan :-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Julie's CI

Good morning everyone!

I'm going to keep my list simple for now.

Morning routine
T's meds
Plan Wednesday's visits
Call for rental car
Cleaned kitchen
Appt. 1:30
Appt. 3:45
Expense report for work
Gather receipts for travel expenses

To do:
Student recommendation forms

Amy's CI

Amy's To Do List


Talk with Mama about meeting Tuesday

Monday and Tuesday:

E-mail Christmas list
Notes page for KS
Watch video
Vaccum stairs
Sweep up basement
Wash hair
Let boys out

Edge's Closing CI

Well, I didn't get all 2,700 words, but I got something close to 2,000, which is good enough for now.
Night, everyone. Sleep well.

X Call Z (call again tomorrow)
X Call T (schedule something for sat)
X Sweep kitty litter off floor
X Clean kitty litter
X Call Ice and get FH lady number & confirm Friday hiking
X Clear things off bedroom floor
X Nanowrimo 2,700 words

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Journey 4 pm

No problem staying on task today, had a vendor in here at 9 am and we worked on installing software until 4  :)  I'm gonna make some notes on what we did so I don't forget and then get outta here. 

See you guys tomorrow!


Edge's CI - 9:24PM

X Call Z (call again tomorrow)
X Call T (schedule something for sat)
X Sweep kitty litter off floor
X Clean kitty litter
X Call Ice and get FH lady number & confirm Friday hiking
X Clear things off bedroom floor
- Nanowrimo 2,700 words

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 1:38AM (Wednesday)

Almost done for today. Just want to finish my writing and then I'll be off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Julie's 1:15 CI

Good morning everyone!

I'm going to keep my list simple for now.

Morning routine
T's meds
Plan Wednesday's visits
Call for rental car
Cleaned kitchen

To Do:
Fill out student's recemmendation form
Appt. 1:30
Appt. 3:45
Expense report for work
Gather receipts for travel expenses

Edge CI - 7:42PM

Hey guys. Thought I'd post here, just to keep myself grounded. Haven't been feeling so great lately. It's actually just some lame stuff that I'm being too sensitive and moody about. I need to get myself back on track, because this pattern I've fallen into can't continue.

I'm tempted to just shirk off all the things that I "could" be doing today (it's my off day) and just take it easy, like I've been doing since the moment I woke up this morning. But I know I'll feel bad about it if I do. I already feel bad about it.

I did do one good thing today: I went to a mini-training session at my potentially new workplace and it looks like I did well enough to be hired, so yay.

Anyway, some easy things to cover:

X Call Z (call again tomorrow)
X Call T (schedule something for sat)
- Sweep kitty litter off floor
- Call Ice and get FH lady number
- Nanowrimo 2,700 words

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

missing edge

So glad to see you back here!

Thanks, Elisaveth

It's good to be back Cool I'm still trying to re-orient myself, but I think I'll be back to posting everyday soon :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 8:21PM

Finished making some of my phone calls and added a few things to the list. I'm feeling a bit better. And I'm really glad I've got this forum and you guys to bother :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Edge's CI - 8:46PM

X Call Z (call again tomorrow)
X Call T (schedule something for sat)
X Sweep kitty litter off floor
X Clean kitty litter
- Call Ice and get FH lady number & confirm Friday hiking
- Clear things off bedroom floor
- Nanowrimo 2,700 words

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

Julie's 10:30 CI

Good morning everyone!

I'm going to keep my list simple for now.

To do:
Morning routine
T's meds
Plan Wednesday's visits
Call for rental car
Fill out student's recemmendation form

pro's CI - 9:20am (hmmm... site was down for a few minutes)

I'm finishing up getting dressed so I can leave for work. I've already showered and had breakfast. I still need to brush my teeth, put on my shoes, etc.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

pro's CI - 7:25am - GOOD MORNING!!

Good morning. I got up at 7am (went to bed early). I hope to get to work at a reasonable hour. Shower time.

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

after midnight elisaveth

Here I am setting my first step forwards towards tomorrow:

shower with all the trimmings
pay parking ticket
pick up shoes
drop off jewelry
pick up key for #15
arrange for taxi for Plaka
AAICU files
Steve revisions annual report
update web addresses on ML and BH
old insurance issue

Taking a bite out of old, mouldy frogs, one day at a time....

Old Moldy Frogs! The worst kind.



frogs continued...

Yes, I am trying to find a way to serve them: perhaps a special sauce of celebration?

elisaveth 9:50 check in

water X
meds X
bed X
shower with all the trimmings (most of the trimmings completed)
pay parking ticket
pick up shoes
drop off jewelry
pick up key for #15 X
arrange for taxi for Plaka - delegated
AAICU files
Steve revisions annual report - deferred
update web addresses on ML and BH
old insurance issue
email lease X

I feel ready to take on one more hideous ancient issue today. I find myself holding off on handling the bigger projects until the little ones are done. My practicum has not been touched for 6 months: it is the item I am most scared of, and have the least confidence in my ability to finish. Today I will give myself a half hour review of it: someone hold my hand through this....

checking back in at 4:32 it has been a decent day of getting things done, but my mind keeps on wandering to travel opportunities....

water Xmeds Xbed Xshower

water X
meds X
bed X
shower with all the trimmings (most of the trimmings completed)
pay parking ticket
pick up shoes X and dropped off more...
drop off jewelry X extra credit for trying three stores...
pick up key for #15 X
arrange for taxi for Plaka - delegated
AAICU files
Steve revisions annual report - deferred
update web addresses on ML and BH
old insurance issue
email lease X

also, went to a sundries store to follow up on the tailors, and to the grocery store. All of the really unimportant things are going well!
But I did finally turn in my travel expenses from my trip last month!


I hope things went well with your review of the practicum!


Thanks for reminding me, Julie, I have just got home from work and that is on the list of things to do tonight. I appreciate all the good energy sent my way!