Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Completed: Morning routine T’s meds Gather papers needed for trip Email students about trip Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40 Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners Pick up book Add contact/stress presentation and print Walmart Load forum and Frontpage Copy handout Take car to body shop Lay out clothes to pack
To Do: SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!! Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(: Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip Gather receipts for expense report Email P about tickets
Balance checkbook - before brunch with L. on Sat.? Review finances Pay bills Jot down Xmas shopping ideas Vacuum Clean bathroom Clean junk out of fridge Go shopping Return library stuff - must do Sat. Get groceries Make breakfast bars? Make sandwiches Pick up car info - Sat.? Sun.? Review music
And I have a lot of stuff scheduled for the weekend, too. Yikes! Well, I can start off with balancing the checkbook tomorrow morning before I meet my friend for brunch, and when I get back I can start checking in here and plan as I go.
Well, I didn't finish what I wanted to but I feel really good about the amount of work I put in today and the way I let this project evolve naturally instead of getting stuck on my previous list. I have to come in tomorrow anyway so I think I'm just going to put a little time in then and see if I can finish it up.
Ta da: Eat breakfast Take pills Meet w/ T Cancel appt Email PF File folder Change Resched BT mtg Get current email address Sign up FL Set mtg GB
To do: Calls: Create a distribution list (started)
Postponed: Getting that list to GB w/ invite Dishes Do review Clean off desk (10 min) Update to do list
Important X Up at 6AM X Study X Revise X 10AM breakfast with family X 11AM start getting ready X Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM) * Adjust catalogue descriptions * Email M catalogue descriptions * Call S and H about B's birthday plans X DCS
Regular X Oxy X Laundry * Morning med X Evening med * Clean bathroom X Reply to Jen X NaNoWriMo X CELEBRATE FREEDOM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Completed: Morning routine T’s meds Gather papers needed for trip Email students about trip Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40 Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners Pick up book Add contact/stress presentation and print
To Do: SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!! Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(: Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip Gather receipts for expense report Lay out clothes to pack Walmart Email P about tickets Load forum and Frontpage
Have to add: Meeting at 3 pm for trip, copy handouts, take car to body shop
Well, I completed my exams :grin: I think I did okay. Not amazing, but good enough :-) I can finally go back to regular living again! w00t! But I think that pizza I had is messing up my stomach - it's been a while since I last had junk food. ::barf:: Important X Up at 6AM X Study X Revise X 10AM breakfast with family X 11AM start getting ready X Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM) - Adjust catalogue descriptions - Email M catalogue descriptions - Call S and H about B's birthday plans - DCS
Regular X Oxy X Laundry * Morning med - Evening med - Clean bathroom - Reply to Jen - NaNoWriMo X CELEBRATE FREEDOM! No more exams! Yay!! (celebrated with pizza and an awesome movie :grin: ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Well, I did get a fair amount of work done, but I also did some web surfing. I went for the walk at 9:40 AM. I have one hour until lunch time, so I am committing to working on the paper only: 10:15 - 11:20 AM Work on the paper
Thanks again for the support, Edge. I took lunch from 11:30 to 12:30 and I am back at my desk. I will work on the paper from now until 1:45. 1:45 - 2:00 PM I will take care of some dental insurance issues. 2:00 - 2:20 PM Another walk 2:20 - 3:30 Work on the paper
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Journey--thanks for the encouragement. OK, I did get a little done on the paper, but didn't stay focused and walked around the lab a lot, rather than working on the paper. At 1:45 I did work on the Dental Insurance problem, but didn't finish that until 2:15 PM. Since there's only one hour left in my work day, I decided to skip the walk and will return to working on the paper as soon as I finish with this message (and get a drink of water!). Joe
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. --Steven Covey
Morning routine T’s meds SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!! Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(: Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip Gather receipts for expense report Lay out clothes to pack Gather papers needed for trip Email students about trip Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40 Walmart Email P about tickets Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners Pick up book Add contact/stress presentation and print Load forum and Frontpage
Migraine meds worked (for now) - had to take a double dose. My headaches are way beyond what a cold pack can fix. Aspirin can't touch them, either. At least I haven't been puking.
I'm dressed, but I didn't get out of here early because I chose to take care of my email first, so I did the conference call from home. I'm leaving for the office now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
yuck - my daughter is home with a migraine today too. Maybe it's the change in the weather. My grandmother had them too, I'm really glad I was spared that problem. They are really debilitating. My d. is so miserable because she can't even read or watch tv because that makes it worse. They give her drugs but she doesn't like to take them, I'm not sure why. Of course she is a student so she has the option of staying home in bed if she needs to.
:-( Hope you're still feeling better, Pro. I've had my own share of migraines these past few years as well. Any idea what causes yours?
If you're anything like me, though, you might find that emptying your stomach actually helps relieve the pain. Faster and surer results than anything medication can do, I can tell you that. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Good Morning Everyone! Using this forum yesterday was very helpful. Thanks to everyone who offered support. I will commit to work on my paper from 7:15 until 9:30 AM At 9:30 AM I will go for a 20 min brisk walk.
Ta da: Eat breakfast Take pills Meet w/ T Cancel appt Email PF
To do: File folder Resched BT mtg Change
Calls: make calls Get current email address Creating a distribution list Getting that list to GB w/ invite Do review Sign up FL Clean off desk (10 min) Update to do list
Early to work again today! I was quite productive yesterday but I did not eat any of my frogs. Today frog legs are on the breakfast menu.
I think I shot myself in the foot yesterday because I planned to do too many nasty financial/legal type tasks and then I couldn't face any of them. today I will plan one 15-min. block of time to work on that stuff and just do what I can in that time. It's so annoying that I can't just sit down and work on that stuff until it's finished, but I know if I plan to do that it will not happen. And then I'll be farther behind, and more stressed over it, which will lead to even more procrastination. does that sound familiar to anyone on this forum lol? I finished my last nasty task by working on it in 10-15 minute chunks, and I can tackle this one the same way. I really can. (she tells herself optimistically)
TO DO: -Email cleanup - 15 min -Insurance letter/Nov. budget - 15 min -Club budget - just gather info - 5 min -SAD test - 1 hr. -Read about LDAP - 1 hr. -Documentation - add change management section - 3-4 hrs -panels - check with scott - ? -change request to test SAD in production - 1 hr. -if time, start on eval - gather info, review notes - 30 min -stop by H.D. on the way home
It's friday, no chores tonight
Have a great day and wonderful weekend everyone.
Check in again at 10 - by then I should have the first three tasks on my list knocked out. Now, for some coffee!
DONE: -Gym - (3 minutes late) -Email -Daily Planning -Email cleanup - 15 min -Insurance letter/Nov. budget - 15 min -Club budget - just gather info - 5 min -SAD test - 1 hr. - took much longer! -panels - check with scott - -change request to test SAD in production - 1 hr.
TO DO: -Email cleanup - 15 min -Read about LDAP - 1 hr. -Documentation - add change management section - 3-4 hrs -if time, start on eval - gather info, review notes - 30 min -stop by H.D. on the way home
My testing turned up some issues that needed to be investigated, this is actually the fun part of my job, solving the puzzles that arise. I spent most of the afternoon on this and still have about half an hour of coding to finish up. I didn't get to the last two items on my list, but I figured it was best to go ahead and get this one little project completed while I was "in the zone".
If I have time left at the end of the day I'm going to work on cleaning up my email in-box. I've been letting crap pile up in there instead of taking the GTD approach.
Journey said: << I think I shot myself in the foot yesterday because I planned to do too many nasty financial/legal type tasks and then I couldn't face any of them. today I will plan one 15-min. block of time to work on that stuff and just do what I can in that time. It's so annoying that I can't just sit down and work on that stuff until it's finished, but I know if I plan to do that it will not happen. And then I'll be farther behind, and more stressed over it, which will lead to even more procrastination. does that sound familiar to anyone on this forum lol? >>
Oh yeah, that sounds familiar, lol. One 15-minute block? Okay. Good idea!
I woke up at 7am this morning because I had a migraine. I've been plagued with these the last two days - this will be Day 3. I took the rescue meds, but I'll probably have to take more when they wear off. That's what happened yesterday.
So far today I've done this:
- Washed yesterday's dishes. - Made and ate breakfast, and washed breakfast dishes.
I want to clean the toilet - it's gross. And then I have to get going - get dressed and leave for work. I have a meeting at 10am that I usually forget because I get to work late. I want to be there this morning.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Thanks for the good wishes - it's been dreadful the last couple of days!
Eliz - I'm beyond the help of frozen veggies - these migraines are really intense. Need major drugs. :P I have a cold pack in the freezer, but it doesn't do much. Taking a shower in cool water and massaging my head can help briefly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I feel I'm getting more and more behind with things. I have nothing that is urgent... yet... but many things that are important and will be urgent if I leave them. Also I still don't feel well.
Todo today
up and post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
email local Council
work on letter to HOS
prep room for decoration
possible go out for walk and buy notebook
bath and wash hair
put on whites to wash
Maybe if you take on one important task each one or two days you could stop them from accumulating and still avoid feeling hassled :-) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Thanks journey and Edge. I spent the day in bed and didn't even feel well enough to get up and waste my time on the web. Today I feel much better and I'm up and hope to be off to the local DA meeting.
Important X Up at 6AM X Study X Revise X 10AM breakfast with family - 11AM start getting ready - Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM) - Adjust catalogue descriptions - Email M catalogue descriptions - Call S and H about B's birthday plans - DCS
Regular X Oxy X Laundry - Morning med - Evening med - Clean bathroom - Reply to Jen - NaNoWriMo - CELEBRATE FREEDOM! No more exams! Yay!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Just when I think I am getting my act together my spouse seems to think I am the worlds worst.... fill in the blank with whatever responsbility one could have. The only good thing about having had a fight first thing in the morning is that the adrenaline is pumping: but my demand resistance is high.
today: meds X water X supervise C's cleaning X plan dinner write anna X transfer money eat breakfast x check email tackle a box review annual review museum files expense report to M plan weekend optomotrist appoointment x
Not perfection, but it does make a difference to have one painful project out of the way. I have given myself the opportunity to do some mindless-but-useful tasks and now feel like I have moved mountains in a 15 minutes....
The annual report seems to be annual torture at many companies. They're still working on it where I work, and the people putting it together are feeling stressed and miserable.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Don't let it get to you, Elisaveth. That happens to me alot, and even used to happen more when I started trying to get my act together :( People are so rooted in their convictions of your inability to do anything on time, or do it at all, becuase of your track record, that the moment you try to improve they either fling their dispelief and negative thoughts in your face, or they say the exact wrong disheartening thing at the worst possible moment. They don't know how it affects you, so they don't really mean to be mean about it, plus with our past behavioral pattern, you can't really blame them, but I've found that it helps to talk to them and tell them that you're trying to pull things together and ask them to cut you some slack and give you some space. I would not tell them about the forum though - that usually just yields scorn, the rolling of the eyes, accusations of you finding new ways to waste time, or doubt in the usefulness of the check ins and suggestions to just do it offline.
I used to tell my family everything, and their feedback would not always be supportive, so I've learned to just keep these things to myself and make my decissions internal rather than voiced. I've found that it gives them strength, because it would be a pact with myself rather than with someone else. Plus there's the issue of task resistance - if I tell someone that I'm going to do something, I stop wanting to do it. So when I really want to do something, I just keep it to myself and I work on it at my own pace - no judgemental feedback from anyone if I fall short, no disappointed looks, no nagging, just me and myself.
In the case of your husband, though, I'm positive it's just wrong timing :-) I'm sure he didn't mean to bring you down, so don't take it to heart :-) I had to put up with a lot of that - mistimed frustrated outbursts at me. I'm happy to say it doesn't happen as often because despite it all I've managed to improve some of my habits and have shown my family that I can do some things when I say I'm going to do them - albeit at a slightly later time than exactly promised, but it all gets done and before tempers begin to boil :-p
Hang in there, Elisaveth, and keep ticking those to-dos!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
What is particularly disappointing is that my children have inherited my wicked, wicked ways, so I have to clean up their procrastinative efforts simultaneously with my own. growl.
you can find ways to leave them to deal with the consequences, so maybe they break the habit sooner?
My parents were always letting me weasel out of stuff like cleaning my room before I went to a party or saving my butt on a last-minute assignment and sometimes I wish they'd been firmer.
I don't know the specifics of your family situation, I'm just offering options.
Actually, that IS the problem: I am at fault for not being hard enough on them, even when I am. It is true that consistent consequences are better for children, because they learn to trust your limitations. I am not always consistent, and that does screw things up: follow through is sometimes just too much effort. Other times I feel that an overall understanding and belief in childhood development would be helpful for both parents. ADD is rife within the family and that makes things a bit more complicated. But overall, I do agree with you: living up to your word makes a big difference.
Good morning, everyone! Today is the big day - the day of my final exam :grin: Wish me luck!
Important X Up at 6AM X Study - Revise - 10AM breakfast with family - 11AM start getting ready - Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM) - Adjust catalogue descriptions - Email M catalogue descriptions - Call S and H about B's birthday plans - DCS
Regular - Morning med - Evening med - Clean bathroom - Reply to Jen - NaNoWriMo - CELEBRATE FREEDOM! :-D No more exams! Yay!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Julie's bedtime CI
Good night everyone!
Morning routine
T’s meds
Gather papers needed for trip
Email students about trip
Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40
Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners
Pick up book
Add contact/stress presentation and print
Load forum and Frontpage
Copy handout
Take car to body shop
Lay out clothes to pack
To Do:
SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!!
Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(:
Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip
Gather receipts for expense report
Email P about tickets
Setting intention for later
Hi all,
I'm on my way to class, but when I get back I intend to:
Eat something healthy BEFORE eating leftover Halloween candy. :-)
Plan out what I need to do this weekend and when I can do it
Stuff to do this weekend
O.k., let's see. . .
Balance checkbook - before brunch with L. on Sat.?
Review finances
Pay bills
Jot down Xmas shopping ideas
Clean bathroom
Clean junk out of fridge
Go shopping
Return library stuff - must do Sat.
Get groceries
Make breakfast bars?
Make sandwiches
Pick up car info - Sat.? Sun.?
Review music
And I have a lot of stuff scheduled for the weekend, too. Yikes! Well, I can start off with balancing the checkbook tomorrow morning before I meet my friend for brunch, and when I get back I can start checking in here and plan as I go.
Good night, everyone!
scarlett CI 5:05 pm EST
Well, I didn't finish what I wanted to but I feel really good about the amount of work I put in today and the way I let this project evolve naturally instead of getting stuck on my previous list. I have to come in tomorrow anyway so I think I'm just going to put a little time in then and see if I can finish it up.
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Meet w/ T
Cancel appt
Email PF
File folder
Resched BT mtg
Get current email address
Sign up FL
Set mtg GB
To do:
Create a distribution list (started)
Getting that list to GB w/ invite
Do review
Clean off desk (10 min)
Update to do list
Edge's CI - 10:28PM
X Up at 6AM
X Study
X Revise
X 10AM breakfast with family
X 11AM start getting ready
X Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM)
* Adjust catalogue descriptions
* Email M catalogue descriptions
* Call S and H about B's birthday plans
X Oxy
X Laundry
* Morning med
X Evening med
* Clean bathroom
X Reply to Jen
X NaNoWriMo
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Julie's 2:25 CI
Good Morning All!
Morning routine
T’s meds
Gather papers needed for trip
Email students about trip
Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40
Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners
Pick up book
Add contact/stress presentation and print
To Do:
SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!!
Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(:
Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip
Gather receipts for expense report
Lay out clothes to pack
Email P about tickets
Load forum and Frontpage
Have to add: Meeting at 3 pm for trip, copy handouts, take car to body shop
Edge's CI - 8:09PM
Well, I completed my exams :grin: I think I did okay. Not amazing, but good enough :-) I can finally go back to regular living again! w00t! But I think that pizza I had is messing up my stomach - it's been a while since I last had junk food. ::barf::
X Up at 6AM
X Study
X Revise
X 10AM breakfast with family
X 11AM start getting ready
X Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM)
- Adjust catalogue descriptions
- Email M catalogue descriptions
- Call S and H about B's birthday plans
X Oxy
X Laundry
* Morning med
- Evening med
- Clean bathroom
- Reply to Jen
- NaNoWriMo
X CELEBRATE FREEDOM! No more exams! Yay!! (celebrated with pizza and an awesome movie :grin: )
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Thanks, Journey
Muchly appreciated 8-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Joe's 10:15 AM CI
Well, I did get a fair amount of work done, but I also did some web surfing. I went for the walk at 9:40 AM. I have one hour until lunch time, so I am committing to working on the paper only:
10:15 - 11:20 AM Work on the paper
11:20 - 12:20 PM Lunch
12:20 Check back in here
Glad to see things are going well for you, Joe :-) Stay strong ;-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Return to Work
Thanks again for the support, Edge.
I took lunch from 11:30 to 12:30 and I am back at my desk.
I will work on the paper from now until 1:45.
1:45 - 2:00 PM I will take care of some dental insurance issues.
2:00 - 2:20 PM Another walk
2:20 - 3:30 Work on the paper
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
1 Hour Left
Journey--thanks for the encouragement.
OK, I did get a little done on the paper, but didn't stay focused and walked around the lab a lot, rather than working on the paper. At 1:45 I did work on the Dental Insurance problem, but didn't finish that until 2:15 PM. Since there's only one hour left in my work day, I decided to skip the walk and will return to working on the paper as soon as I finish with this message (and get a drink of water!).
The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. --Steven Covey
you go joe
The check ins really do help, don't they? Way to go!
Julie's 9:30 CI
Good Morning All!
To Do:
Morning routine
T’s meds
SPANISH-lots and lots of Spanish to get through!!
Unpack suitcase and put things away-I’ve put this one off for so long I’m ready to pack for another trip-procrastination comes in handy sometimes(:
Fill out graduate faculty form for work-work on for 15 minutes, save to flash drive to take on trip
Gather receipts for expense report
Lay out clothes to pack
Gather papers needed for trip
Email students about trip
Meet daughter for lunch-leave by 10:40
Email P about tickets
Pick up remaining clothes from cleaners
Pick up book
Add contact/stress presentation and print
Load forum and Frontpage
pro's CI - 10:20am
Migraine meds worked (for now) - had to take a double dose. My headaches are way beyond what a cold pack can fix. Aspirin can't touch them, either. At least I haven't been puking.
I'm dressed, but I didn't get out of here early because I chose to take care of my email first, so I did the conference call from home. I'm leaving for the office now.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
yuck - my daughter is home with a migraine today too. Maybe it's the change in the weather. My grandmother had them too, I'm really glad I was spared that problem. They are really debilitating. My d. is so miserable because she can't even read or watch tv because that makes it worse. They give her drugs but she doesn't like to take them, I'm not sure why. Of course she is a student so she has the option of staying home in bed if she needs to.
Feel better soon!
Migraine relief
:-( Hope you're still feeling better, Pro. I've had my own share of migraines these past few years as well. Any idea what causes yours?
If you're anything like me, though, you might find that emptying your stomach actually helps relieve the pain. Faster and surer results than anything medication can do, I can tell you that.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Joe's CI
Good Morning Everyone!
Using this forum yesterday was very helpful. Thanks to everyone who offered support.
I will commit to work on my paper from 7:15 until 9:30 AM
At 9:30 AM I will go for a 20 min brisk walk.
scarlett CI 9:45 am EST
Boyo, am I glad it's Friday. How about y'all?
Ta da:
Eat breakfast
Take pills
Meet w/ T
Cancel appt
Email PF
To do:
File folder
Resched BT mtg
make calls
Get current email address
Creating a distribution list
Getting that list to GB w/ invite
Do review
Sign up FL
Clean off desk (10 min)
Update to do list
Journey 8:30
Early to work again today! I was quite productive yesterday but I did not eat any of my frogs. Today frog legs are on the breakfast menu.
I think I shot myself in the foot yesterday because I planned to do too many nasty financial/legal type tasks and then I couldn't face any of them. today I will plan one 15-min. block of time to work on that stuff and just do what I can in that time. It's so annoying that I can't just sit down and work on that stuff until it's finished, but I know if I plan to do that it will not happen. And then I'll be farther behind, and more stressed over it, which will lead to even more procrastination. does that sound familiar to anyone on this forum lol? I finished my last nasty task by working on it in 10-15 minute chunks, and I can tackle this one the same way. I really can. (she tells herself optimistically)
-Gym - (3 minutes late)
-Daily Planning
-Email cleanup - 15 min
-Insurance letter/Nov. budget - 15 min
-Club budget - just gather info - 5 min
-SAD test - 1 hr.
-Read about LDAP - 1 hr.
-Documentation - add change management section - 3-4 hrs
-panels - check with scott - ?
-change request to test SAD in production - 1 hr.
-if time, start on eval - gather info, review notes - 30 min
-stop by H.D. on the way home
It's friday, no chores tonight
Have a great day and wonderful weekend everyone.
Check in again at 10 - by then I should have the first three tasks on my list knocked out.
Now, for some coffee!
Journey 4 pm
-Gym - (3 minutes late)
-Daily Planning
-Email cleanup - 15 min
-Insurance letter/Nov. budget - 15 min
-Club budget - just gather info - 5 min
-SAD test - 1 hr. - took much longer!
-panels - check with scott -
-change request to test SAD in production - 1 hr.
-Email cleanup - 15 min
-Read about LDAP - 1 hr.
-Documentation - add change management section - 3-4 hrs
-if time, start on eval - gather info, review notes - 30 min
-stop by H.D. on the way home
My testing turned up some issues that needed to be investigated, this is actually the fun part of my job, solving the puzzles that arise. I spent most of the afternoon on this and still have about half an hour of coding to finish up. I didn't get to the last two items on my list, but I figured it was best to go ahead and get this one little project completed while I was "in the zone".
If I have time left at the end of the day I'm going to work on cleaning up my email in-box. I've been letting crap pile up in there instead of taking the GTD approach.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Journey 10:45
took longer than planned but the frogs have been eaten. *whew* I really hate doing that kind of stuff. But it's done for the day!
Now, a break!
yummmm frog legs
one serving a day will eventually cut down on the frog population
one serving a day
yep, that's a good way to think about it! too bad they will never be extinct!
yup, sounds familiar.
Journey said:
<< I think I shot myself in the foot yesterday because I planned to do too many nasty financial/legal type tasks and then I couldn't face any of them. today I will plan one 15-min. block of time to work on that stuff and just do what I can in that time. It's so annoying that I can't just sit down and work on that stuff until it's finished, but I know if I plan to do that it will not happen. And then I'll be farther behind, and more stressed over it, which will lead to even more procrastination. does that sound familiar to anyone on this forum lol? >>
Oh yeah, that sounds familiar, lol.
One 15-minute block? Okay. Good idea!
-- movingalong
pro's check-in - 8:15am
I woke up at 7am this morning because I had a migraine. I've been plagued with these the last two days - this will be Day 3. I took the rescue meds, but I'll probably have to take more when they wear off. That's what happened yesterday.
So far today I've done this:
- Washed yesterday's dishes.
- Made and ate breakfast, and washed breakfast dishes.
I want to clean the toilet - it's gross. And then I have to get going - get dressed and leave for work. I have a meeting at 10am that I usually forget because I get to work late. I want to be there this morning.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
migraine relief
put a bag of frozen veggies to the back of your neck to dilate the blood vessels: the headache won't go away but it will improve immediately.
hope you feel better, pro
Pro, I hope your migraine fades away soon.
Hope your day goes well!
-- movingalong
Thanks for the good wishes - it's been dreadful the last couple of days!
Eliz - I'm beyond the help of frozen veggies - these migraines are really intense. Need major drugs. :P I have a cold pack in the freezer, but it doesn't do much. Taking a shower in cool water and massaging my head can help briefly.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
So sorry to hear it, Pro. The only thing that really helps for me is sleep in absolute darkness and massage.
Rexroth 09.47 GMT
I feel I'm getting more and more behind with things. I have nothing that is urgent... yet... but many things that are important and will be urgent if I leave them. Also I still don't feel well.
Todo today
up and post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
email local Council
work on letter to HOS
prep room for decoration
possible go out for walk and buy notebook
bath and wash hair
put on whites to wash
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
hang in there rex
Don't worry, Rexroth
Maybe if you take on one important task each one or two days you could stop them from accumulating and still avoid feeling hassled :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Thanks Rexroth
Thanks journey and Edge. I spent the day in bed and didn't even feel well enough to get up and waste my time on the web. Today I feel much better and I'm up and hope to be off to the local DA meeting.
Regards Rexroth
Edge's CI - 10:30AM
X Up at 6AM
X Study
X Revise
X 10AM breakfast with family
- 11AM start getting ready
- Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM)
- Adjust catalogue descriptions
- Email M catalogue descriptions
- Call S and H about B's birthday plans
X Oxy
X Laundry
- Morning med
- Evening med
- Clean bathroom
- Reply to Jen
- NaNoWriMo
- CELEBRATE FREEDOM! No more exams! Yay!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
celebration time
Dear Edge,
congratulations! You have finished your exam, for better or worse! Play Nirvana for me!
You got it!
Smells Like Teen Spirit, blasting loud and clear 8-) \m/
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
fighting mad
Just when I think I am getting my act together my spouse seems to think I am the worlds worst.... fill in the blank with whatever responsbility one could have. The only good thing about having had a fight first thing in the morning is that the adrenaline is pumping: but my demand resistance is high.
meds X
water X
supervise C's cleaning X
plan dinner
write anna X
transfer money
eat breakfast x
check email
tackle a box
review annual review
museum files
expense report to M
plan weekend
optomotrist appoointment x
doing the happy dance
the ^&*$@# annual report has been handed to my boss: he can burn it if he wants but I have done my part. I even tackled a box!
continued progress
Not perfection, but it does make a difference to have one painful project out of the way. I have given myself the opportunity to do some mindless-but-useful tasks and now feel like I have moved mountains in a 15 minutes....
annual report
The annual report seems to be annual torture at many companies. They're still working on it where I work, and the people putting it together are feeling stressed and miserable.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Yay Elisaveth!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
we are enjoying this waaaaaaaaaay too much
Maybe just a tad :-p :grin:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Don't let it get to you, Elisaveth. That happens to me alot, and even used to happen more when I started trying to get my act together :( People are so rooted in their convictions of your inability to do anything on time, or do it at all, becuase of your track record, that the moment you try to improve they either fling their dispelief and negative thoughts in your face, or they say the exact wrong disheartening thing at the worst possible moment. They don't know how it affects you, so they don't really mean to be mean about it, plus with our past behavioral pattern, you can't really blame them, but I've found that it helps to talk to them and tell them that you're trying to pull things together and ask them to cut you some slack and give you some space. I would not tell them about the forum though - that usually just yields scorn, the rolling of the eyes, accusations of you finding new ways to waste time, or doubt in the usefulness of the check ins and suggestions to just do it offline.
I used to tell my family everything, and their feedback would not always be supportive, so I've learned to just keep these things to myself and make my decissions internal rather than voiced. I've found that it gives them strength, because it would be a pact with myself rather than with someone else. Plus there's the issue of task resistance - if I tell someone that I'm going to do something, I stop wanting to do it. So when I really want to do something, I just keep it to myself and I work on it at my own pace - no judgemental feedback from anyone if I fall short, no disappointed looks, no nagging, just me and myself.
In the case of your husband, though, I'm positive it's just wrong timing :-) I'm sure he didn't mean to bring you down, so don't take it to heart :-) I had to put up with a lot of that - mistimed frustrated outbursts at me. I'm happy to say it doesn't happen as often because despite it all I've managed to improve some of my habits and have shown my family that I can do some things when I say I'm going to do them - albeit at a slightly later time than exactly promised, but it all gets done and before tempers begin to boil :-p
Hang in there, Elisaveth, and keep ticking those to-dos!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
correct as usual, Edge
What is particularly disappointing is that my children have inherited my wicked, wicked ways, so I have to clean up their procrastinative efforts simultaneously with my own. growl.
or maybe...
you can find ways to leave them to deal with the consequences, so maybe they break the habit sooner?
My parents were always letting me weasel out of stuff like cleaning my room before I went to a party or saving my butt on a last-minute assignment and sometimes I wish they'd been firmer.
I don't know the specifics of your family situation, I'm just offering options.
Actually, that IS the problem: I am at fault for not being hard enough on them, even when I am. It is true that consistent consequences are better for children, because they learn to trust your limitations. I am not always consistent, and that does screw things up: follow through is sometimes just too much effort. Other times I feel that an overall understanding and belief in childhood development would be helpful for both parents. ADD is rife within the family and that makes things a bit more complicated. But overall, I do agree with you: living up to your word makes a big difference.
Edge's CI - 9:00AM
Good morning, everyone! Today is the big day - the day of my final exam :grin: Wish me luck!
X Up at 6AM
X Study
- Revise
- 10AM breakfast with family
- 11AM start getting ready
- Out at 12:15PM (exam 1-3PM)
- Adjust catalogue descriptions
- Email M catalogue descriptions
- Call S and H about B's birthday plans
- Morning med
- Evening med
- Clean bathroom
- Reply to Jen
- NaNoWriMo
- CELEBRATE FREEDOM! :-D No more exams! Yay!!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson