Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I've thought about the bedtime procrastination thing. I think the reason I do it is because I enjoy being up at night when I don't feel obligated to do anything in particular. There are no meetings to attend, students to see, or phone to answer. It's a pressure-free time and I hate to see it end, so I stay up late to extend it. The problem is that it's such an enjoyable time that I stay up late even on days when I know I have to get up early the next day and then I'm tired. If it wasn't for the "getting up in the morning" part, staying up late would be great
I do this, too, and I find that it is the things necessary to go to bed that are daunting - whether that is loading the dishwasher and starting it, or all the other things that should be done before retiring for the night - so it seems easier to "veg out" than to take the actions needed to actually get to bed. For me, it is just another manifestation of procrastination in my life! As usual, it makes no sense.
Have you ever tried finding out why you dislike going to bed, Pro? We usually put off doing what we find stressful or "not fun", but going to bed should be something you look forward to; after all, who doesn't enjoy getting some rest?
I remember a time when going to sleep was a bit of a chore for me, because it would take me around 3 hours (literally that long) to fall asleep. It used to take me so long because my mind would be preoccupied with the million negative thoughts that I was too busy to have during the day. Everything that I'd been avoiding thinking about would surface in the quiet of the night and I would spend the next two to three hours beating myself up over things I'd said, done, didn't say, didn't do, want to do but don't have the guts for, etc. The list goes on. And then there was a time when most of my dreams weren't much fun and I found very little comfort in sleeping.
Once I began to analyze my thoughts and dreams and stopped being so hard on myself, I began to find some respite. Going to sleep is one of my favorite parts of the day now :-)
Maybe if you pinpoint the exact reasons that make you procrastinate going to bed, you will be able to deal with them and get enough rest :-) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
I left early this morning because I had to stop at the doctor's office before work. I have a mess in here I need to deal with. But I'm TIRED. I have such a problem with this. When I'm at work all day, I'm too tired to do it in the evening. On weekends, I have chores like laundry, and also really want a day off. I can't seem to get this done.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
I thought I had posted this morning, but realized later that I had forgotten. That about sums up my day(: I was late almost everywhere I went and forgot a paper for my church writing team was due today. I quickly got the revisions done and sent it off, but was then late for another appointment and had to reschedule. I've just now realized that the deadline for enrolling for our insurance program at work is tomorrow so I'm going to do that now before I forget...
So yesterday was almost a complete wash. BUT my husband and I talked through some SPECIFIC tasks for me to do wrt my thesis. YAY for workaholic husbands! ;)
Ta da: morning Bible reading morning routine nap (scheduled!!) stretches
- Laundry
- Cover 1-2 chapters
X Ask for some time off to study
- Clean litter box
- Clean room
- Get update from Ice
- Call prospective work guys and finalize
* Ask around for new home for kitten
* Call dad (tomorrow morning)
* Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow (call E in the morning and possibly cancel)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
:blush: Ehm, so yeah, I didn't achieve much yesterday, but I did come home very late...seriously.. I'll make it up today (Friday) :-)
X Ask for some time off to study
* Ask around for new home for kitten
* Call dad (tomorrow morning)
* Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow (call E in the morning and possibly cancel)
* Laundry
* Cover 1-2 chapters
* Clean litter box
* Clean room
* Get update from Ice
* Call prospective work guys and finalize
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Finish forum and turn in Finish reading chapter Look over drop box assignment Finish Bible study lesson Parent/teacher conferences until 8 p.m. Eat with mama Clean out Larry and George's cage Relax and finish movie Try to work on
Take pictures of house Watch classroom video Get loan paperwork for class Pick up table in office Give Larry and George a bath
NO financial paperwork today! I shall bask in the glory of having finished the SL application and submitted it yesterday. Next week I'll face filing amended tax returns for 2005. I managed the SL form by working on it 15 minutes at a time and posting about it here. Maybe I can deal with the tax thing the same way.
DONE: -gym - 1 minute late -Email -Daily Planning
TO DO: -Project #1 - check on hs testing - 1 hr.
-Project #2 - panels, post report - 1 hr.
-Project #3 - the yucky one 3-4 hours
-S.A.D. - review procedures - 1 hr. -Tm Club - post roster - 1 hr -Email cleanup - 15 min. -dishes - 30 min
Got everything done but the club roster, I need to make that the frog for tomorrow morning. Taking my son out to dinner for his bday, so evening chores will be cancelled :)
NO financial paperwork today! I shall bask in the glory of having finished the SL application and submitted it yesterday. Next week I'll face filing amended tax returns for 2005. I managed the SL form by working on it 15 minutes at a time and posting about it here. Maybe I can deal with the tax thing the same way.
DONE: -gym - 1 minute late -Email -Daily Planning
TO DO: -Project #1 - check on hs testing - 1 hr.
-Project #2 - panels, post report - 1 hr.
-Project #3 - the yucky one 3-4 hours
-S.A.D. - review procedures - 1 hr. -Tm Club - post roster - 1 hr -dishes - 30 min
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
do psychology homework
finish washing and hang up to dry
tidy up a bit
work on landlords file
do some prep work for decorating
check legal notices delivered and email solicitor
phone T* re I* birthday present
check clothes for Saturday eve
I thought the homework for the psychological work I'm doing would take about an hour. Two and a half hours later I think that it could last for ever. I did the right thing starting but I am now left feeling depressed anxious and fedup and feeling unable to do anything else.
My run-away kitten came back home after a two-day absense. Gave her a bath, was mortally scratched, and now that it's done I'm extremely late for work and in much pain :( But it's ok :-) I'm just glad she's back.
- Ask around for new home for kitten
- Laundry
- Call dad
- Cover 1-2 chapters
- Ask for some time off to study
- Clean litter box
- Clean room
- Call dad
- Get update from Ice
- Call prospective work guys and finalize
- Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Glad the kitty's back! My cat occasionally spends a night away from home and I'm always anxious until he shows back up again:) I don't want to force him to stay inside but I sure do worry when he doesn't come home!
I know! I was just so relieved when she came back, she'd never been out of the house before. The things our babies put us through, right? :-)
But if she does it again I'm going to have to leave her outside - I can't let her in if she's been with other cats that might have fleas or diseases, especially not if she always wants to go out :-(
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
pro's last check-in - 11pm (good night!)
My teeth are brushed and I'm in my jammies. Bed time!
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
pro's CI - 10:35pm (procrastinating on bed)
I should have gotten ready for bed an hour ago. Does anyone else here procrastinate on going to bed?
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Bedtime procrastination
I've thought about the bedtime procrastination thing. I think the reason I do it is because I enjoy being up at night when I don't feel obligated to do anything in particular. There are no meetings to attend, students to see, or phone to answer. It's a pressure-free time and I hate to see it end, so I stay up late to extend it. The problem is that it's such an enjoyable time that I stay up late even on days when I know I have to get up early the next day and then I'm tired. If it wasn't for the "getting up in the morning" part, staying up late would be great
procrastinating on going to bed
I do this, too, and I find that it is the things necessary to go to bed that are daunting - whether that is loading the dishwasher and starting it, or all the other things that should be done before retiring for the night - so it seems easier to "veg out" than to take the actions needed to actually get to bed. For me, it is just another manifestation of procrastination in my life! As usual, it makes no sense.
Reasons behind bed procrastination?
Have you ever tried finding out why you dislike going to bed, Pro? We usually put off doing what we find stressful or "not fun", but going to bed should be something you look forward to; after all, who doesn't enjoy getting some rest?
I remember a time when going to sleep was a bit of a chore for me, because it would take me around 3 hours (literally that long) to fall asleep. It used to take me so long because my mind would be preoccupied with the million negative thoughts that I was too busy to have during the day. Everything that I'd been avoiding thinking about would surface in the quiet of the night and I would spend the next two to three hours beating myself up over things I'd said, done, didn't say, didn't do, want to do but don't have the guts for, etc. The list goes on. And then there was a time when most of my dreams weren't much fun and I found very little comfort in sleeping.
Once I began to analyze my thoughts and dreams and stopped being so hard on myself, I began to find some respite. Going to sleep is one of my favorite parts of the day now :-)
Maybe if you pinpoint the exact reasons that make you procrastinate going to bed, you will be able to deal with them and get enough rest :-)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson
Hi Pro
Yes, I procrastinate on going to bed pretty much every night. I'm tired, but I don't want to go to bed. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
procrastinate about going to bed?
Hate to go to bed, hate to get up :)
Procrastinate about going to bed
Exactly! I'm not sure which is worse, but I think I'll vote for "getting up."
pro's CI - 7:45am
I left early this morning because I had to stop at the doctor's office before work. I have a mess in here I need to deal with. But I'm TIRED. I have such a problem with this. When I'm at work all day, I'm too tired to do it in the evening. On weekends, I have chores like laundry, and also really want a day off. I can't seem to get this done.
Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.
Julie's 5:18 CI
I thought I had posted this morning, but realized later that I had forgotten. That about sums up my day(: I was late almost everywhere I went and forgot a paper for my church writing team was due today. I quickly got the revisions done and sent it off, but was then late for another appointment and had to reschedule. I've just now realized that the deadline for enrolling for our insurance program at work is tomorrow so I'm going to do that now before I forget...
Complete insurance form online
12:10 AM CI
I got the insurance registration done. I'm going to have to make a phone call tomorrow to make sure I did it correctly, but it is finished for now.
lad CI
So yesterday was almost a complete wash. BUT my husband and I talked through some SPECIFIC tasks for me to do wrt my thesis. YAY for workaholic husbands! ;)
Ta da:
morning Bible reading
morning routine
nap (scheduled!!)
To do:
my thesis list in the order discussed :)
Edge's CI - 10:40PM
- Laundry
- Cover 1-2 chapters
X Ask for some time off to study
- Clean litter box
- Clean room
- Get update from Ice
- Call prospective work guys and finalize
* Ask around for new home for kitten
* Call dad (tomorrow morning)
* Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow (call E in the morning and possibly cancel)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Edge's Closing CI
:blush: Ehm, so yeah, I didn't achieve much yesterday, but I did come home very late...seriously.. I'll make it up today (Friday) :-)
X Ask for some time off to study
* Ask around for new home for kitten
* Call dad (tomorrow morning)
* Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow (call E in the morning and possibly cancel)
* Laundry
* Cover 1-2 chapters
* Clean litter box
* Clean room
* Get update from Ice
* Call prospective work guys and finalize
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
N Bookend
Getting a very late start :(
To do:
6 hours work
Attend 12-step meeting
N Break bookend
Taking a 10 minute web-surfing break. Will check back in.
N Break bookend
Back to work.
Thanks all,
Amy's CI
Finish forum and turn in
Finish reading chapter
Look over drop box assignment
Finish Bible study lesson
Parent/teacher conferences until 8 p.m.
Eat with mama
Clean out Larry and George's cage
Relax and finish movie
Try to work on
Take pictures of house
Watch classroom video
Get loan paperwork for class
Pick up table in office
Give Larry and George a bath
Need to be completed but can wait
1. Make Christmas list
2. Clean out garage
Journey 9:15
NO financial paperwork today! I shall bask in the glory of having finished the SL application and submitted it yesterday. Next week I'll face filing amended tax returns for 2005. I managed the SL form by working on it 15 minutes at a time and posting about it here. Maybe I can deal with the tax thing the same way.
-gym - 1 minute late
-Daily Planning
-Project #1 - check on hs testing - 1 hr.
-Project #2 - panels, post report - 1 hr.
-Project #3 - the yucky one 3-4 hours
-S.A.D. - review procedures - 1 hr.
-Tm Club - post roster - 1 hr
-Email cleanup - 15 min.
-dishes - 30 min
-laundry - 15 min.
-find tt and put in work bag
-prep for tomorrow
Journey 5:45
Got everything done but the club roster, I need to make that the frog for tomorrow morning.
Taking my son out to dinner for his bday, so evening chores will be cancelled :)
sorry for the duplicate post
Journey 9:15
NO financial paperwork today! I shall bask in the glory of having finished the SL application and submitted it yesterday. Next week I'll face filing amended tax returns for 2005. I managed the SL form by working on it 15 minutes at a time and posting about it here. Maybe I can deal with the tax thing the same way.
-gym - 1 minute late
-Daily Planning
-Project #1 - check on hs testing - 1 hr.
-Project #2 - panels, post report - 1 hr.
-Project #3 - the yucky one 3-4 hours
-S.A.D. - review procedures - 1 hr.
-Tm Club - post roster - 1 hr
-dishes - 30 min
-laundry - 15 min.
-find tt and put in work bag
-prep for tomorrow
Kaa - 11:10 am
Good morning !
To do today :
Letter to LP
Write article about VN
Decide if I do this article about V
Try HT again
Rexroth 08.37 BST
Todo today
up post this
prayer reflection meditation
deal with phone messages emails post
do psychology homework
finish washing and hang up to dry
tidy up a bit
work on landlords file
do some prep work for decorating
check legal notices delivered and email solicitor
phone T* re I* birthday present
check clothes for Saturday eve
write journal
prayer and reflection
bed and sleep
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth 12.44 BST
I thought the homework for the psychological work I'm doing would take about an hour. Two and a half hours later I think that it could last for ever. I did the right thing starting but I am now left feeling depressed anxious and fedup and feeling unable to do anything else.
Rexroth 21.23 BST
I haven't got much done. I do feel depressed. If I don't check in again then I'll post tomorrow.
Edge's CI - 9:18AM
My run-away kitten came back home after a two-day absense. Gave her a bath, was mortally scratched, and now that it's done I'm extremely late for work and in much pain :( But it's ok :-) I'm just glad she's back.
- Ask around for new home for kitten
- Laundry
- Call dad
- Cover 1-2 chapters
- Ask for some time off to study
- Clean litter box
- Clean room
- Call dad
- Get update from Ice
- Call prospective work guys and finalize
- Check with E if we're still on for tomorrow
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway
Glad the kitty's back! My cat occasionally spends a night away from home and I'm always anxious until he shows back up again:) I don't want to force him to stay inside but I sure do worry when he doesn't come home!
I know! I was just so relieved when she came back, she'd never been out of the house before. The things our babies put us through, right? :-)
But if she does it again I'm going to have to leave her outside - I can't let her in if she's been with other cats that might have fleas or diseases, especially not if she always wants to go out :-(
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Never mistake motion for action – Ernest Hemingway