Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday 7 October 2007


It's after midnight, so I thought I'd go ahead and start the thread for Sunday!


Julie's 7 pm CI

I'm getting ready to go eat dinner. I think I may call it a day as far as working on this list. I got a couple of important things done so I'm happy about that. If I'm feeling really energetic I may work on picking up the spare bedroom later this evening.

Email Carolyn
Email Barbara
Email Julie
Review section 2 and take quiz-Will work on this tomorrow. It definitely needs to be done by Friday-I think it's past Friday, but this still seems to be on my list for some reason. Yeah, I finally finished thisSmile
Grade AG week 1, also graded an observation forum

Left to do:
Write for 15 minutes
2 loads of laundry
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes
Re-Schedule appt. with J.-closed, will need to call on Monday

Amy's CI


Go to Jesse's parents' house
Eat with mama
Work until apartment is painted

Amy's To Do List for this Week:

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Put to do lists in binders
4. Pledge
5. Go to Wal- Mart
6. Get binder out
7. Watch classroom video
8. E-mail BD agenda
9. Put grades online
10. Post lessons
11. Make one week of lesson plans
12. Make on week of lesson plans
13. Print off parent numbers- Tuesday
14. Print off progress reports- Tuesday
15. Print off homework- Tuesday
16. Pick up office
17. Pick up basement
18. Clean litter box
19. Clean ferret's cage
20. Complete 2 word searches
21. Complete note answers
22. Make sure everything is done for this week

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Get jewelry box and mattress pad 
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage

CI 10:00 am


Go to Jesse's parents' house
Eat with mama
Work until apartment is painted

Amy's To Do List for this Week:

1. Give Larry and George a bath
2. Helpful landlord tips- MUST COMPLETE
3. Put to do lists in binders
4. Pledge
5. Go to Wal- Mart
6. Get binder out
7. Watch classroom video
8. E-mail BD agenda
9. Put grades online- 1st and 2nd hour done
10. Make one week of lesson plans
11. Make on week of lesson plans
12. Print off parent numbers- Tuesday
13. Print off progress reports- Tuesday
14. Print off homework- Tuesday
15. Pick up office
16. Pick up basement
17. Clean litter box
18. Clean ferret's cage
19. Make sure everything is done for this week

Need to be completed but can wait

1. Get jewelry box
2. Work 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours
3. Make Christmas list
4. Clean out garage

To do

To do

Clean my bedroom
Clean out my closet
Prepare a pamphlet


Why doesn't that look like a lot in list form, but feel like a whole lot?

I've cleaned my bedroom, a

I've cleaned my bedroom, a bit. it's now almost presentable. I suppose it always works to shut the door during my dinner party. I've still got the pamphlet, the closet, and I realized I also have to prepare a presentation . I'm going to start all this soon. I want to be done by 10. (as if)

I am now almost a quarter of

I am now almost a quarter of the way done with the 6 page pamphlet I've had a week to do. I think I have a problem.........Is everyone else like this?? I feel alone.

not alone

Noperfect, you are definitely not alone!  Sounds like you ended up getting a lot done on the pamphlet anyway! 

I know I can't face a huge task like clean out closet - I'd have to break it down into smaller pieces.  Of course, your closet might not be as big of a mess as mine is!


Well, I have one page left.

Well, I have one page left. I'm going to do it in the morning. I will now enjoy my well earned full hour of sleep.

Yes!! It's done!!!  Thanks,

Yes!! It's done!!! Laughing Thanks, Journey

It's done!



Joutney CI 1 pm

Haven't made a lot of progress yet but I did get my humongus hairy dogs washed and that's a big job!  I took a nice long break after that . . . now back to work.  Bathroom next!  yuck! 

-Take vitamins and meds (I always forget these on the weekends)
-Bathe the dogs 
-Clean the bathrooms
-Clean up the kitchen
-Get rid of pile o' junk on kitchen counter
-Sort laundry
-Fold and put away one load
-Straighten living room again
-SL form Page 3 of 6
-Precook squash for casserole
-Start grill at 6 or so
-Get myself ready
-Relax and enjoy the evening with the kids and grandbaby


Peggy - To do's

Sunday I WANT (not should) go to the grocery story.
I WANT to, I WANT to.....I really do.

Clean out fridge
Put away groceries


That's all I will have energy for today, I think.  One of those days.
If I list all that needs doing, I'll just shoot myself in the foot.
Trying so hard to keep it simple! 


Peggy's dones

I headed for the grocery store.
   (Small detour here, went to coffee shop, had coffee and read paper, saw notice in the paper that this was the last day for the Decorator Showhouse, went by bank for cash, cruised by 3 Decorator Showhouses - I am soo distractable, but it was worth it!)

I went to the grocery store
I cleaned out the fridge
I put away all stuff upstairs and downstairs
Cleaned kitchen

I'm soooooo tired.  Off to bed!


to do or not to do

congradulations on getting all tha done. i'm stuck.


Welcome superjohn!

keeping it simple

Yep, I found out the hard way that if I put everything that I need or want to do on my list, I get overwhelmed really quickly and end up doing NADA.   It's hard to make realistic plans for the day, but it works much better. 



Yeah, I have a Martha Stewart standard for myself, but I don't have her energy (or staff, or money!).  No. 1 rule: just do it OK, don't do it perfect, just do it OK.  There are no hidden cameras and Martha will never know!  (We won't tell her.)


Martha Stewart

And I hear that Martha is a real witch in real life, so we don't really want to be like her!


Journey CI 10 am

Good morning!

My main goal today is to get the house ready for the kids to come over for dinner tonight.   dh did the floors already so they are clean enough for the baby to crawl around on! 

-Take vitamins and meds (I always forget these on the weekends)
-Bathe the dogs
-Clean the bathrooms
-Clean up the kitchen
-Get rid of pile o' junk on kitchen counter
-Sort laundry
-Fold and put away one load
-Straighten living room again
-SL form Page 3 of 6
-Precook squash for casserole
-Start grill at 6 or so
-Get myself ready
-Relax and enjoy the evening with the kids and grandbaby

Monday is a holiday for me so nothing to do to get ready for tomorrow. 

Have a great Sunday everyone


Julie's 9:10 CI

I have about 30 minutes before I need to get ready for church. I'm going to work on grading until then.

pro's CI - 8:30am

I have to go to my brother's house today - I'm mentoring my niece in a Web development project. Must hurry up and get going.

J - Thanks for the nice thread starter. I fixed up the HTML (it had lots of extra lines and font tags).

Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.

Rexroth 07.52 BST

Todo today

up post this
weigh myself
deal with emails
prayer, reflection, restart meditation
wash up and tidy up in kitchen
work on craft project and when finished put stuff away organised and cleaned
put whites in washing machine and run if full load
put coloureds away if dry
stretch exercise


plan goals till end year
plan todos for this week

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth 12.38 BST

I'm getting on fine and I now feel so tired.


Julie's Sunday AM CI

Email Carolyn
Email Barbara
Email Julie
Re-Schedule appt. with J.-closed, will need to call on Monday
Review section 2 and take quiz-Will work on this tomorrow. It definitely needs to be done by Friday-I think it's past Friday, but this still seems to be on my list for some reasonEmbarassed
Write for 15 minutes-Can't seem to do this one either.
Grade AG week 1
2 loads of laundry
Clean spare bedroom-15 minutes

empty space

I don't know why there's all this empty space in the topic above lol.  good night and see you guys in the morning.



ok so better than yester day  )I got most of what i wanted done, but didnt call my little sister margie or email sam - found wonderful rationalisation for not emailing Sam - so hard to beat something that is you.have good night all its time to sleep in the land of Oz.




thanks for your welcomes peggy and journey. Didnt work too well for me yesterday, but here goes again - today i really will

clean kitchen and room

email scott

contact Sam

call little sister Margie

breakdown work on projects for the next week

begin said work


ok so you guys are probably right about the creativity thing, but right now I'd trade a swimming pool of that for a bucket of praticality

Happy Sunday all