Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Daily Check-ins

This forum is for check-ins or "book-ending" - a very effective strategy where you post a message committing to doing something for a specified length of time, then at the end of that length of time, come back and post a message reporting on what you did.

Tuesday, 27th Bookending

Got up at 6! Very proud of myself. But it's easier in such nice weather. I have to plan in more time in the morning for this group ;-)

My plan until 11 am:

- brush teeth
- go jogging
- shower
- breakfast
- class (8.30-10.00)
- library: copy stuff for my presentation

A good day to all of us!!!

Pro, I hope you are back today and feeling better!

Tuesday, June 27

I thought we were suppose to each use our own thread for CI (book ending), but if it's ok, may we all use the same one for each day? Maybe I'm confused. I don't want to intrude on your thread - but I don't want to be left out:(

Monday, June 26 -TL

Today I got up and went kayaking w/some friends from running group.

Paid a bill - yeah.
Called bank - yeah!
Those two things were great enemies of mine - but plowed through it:) And feel so empowered!

Have class at 1 (45 min) and then water skiing and then studying and then running.

Monday 26th June 2006 Bookending

Borrowed your title from yesterday, Normy. Unfortunately without such nice graphics.

Ok, today is the test. It is a 6 pm, so there is still lots of time (but probably not enough). Normally, I have a class at 8.30 am which I won't go to. But I want to be at my desk at 8.30.

This is my list for today:
- brush teeth, get dressed
- have breakfast
- walk dog

- learning:
- repeat stuff from yesterday
- learn morphology
- allomorphs
- morphemes (tyes)
- sapir-whorf hyothesis
- def. root, stem, base
if time is left:
- phonetics and phonology (how to describe consonants)

Sunday 25th June 2006 Bookending

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Good morning/evening/afternoon Anti-Proc people! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I know Anouk is working today, so hopefully I won't be alone in here today (I got kinda lonely yesterday). I'm inviting others to join me in bookending here.

learning for exam!!!

As I worked yesterday until four and then watched the football (we won!!) I was pretty tired. Went to bed early and didn't learn for my exam tomorrow.

That's why I want to get done a lot today!

I am going to get dressed now and have breakfast and then walk my puppy. If I plan two hours for this I should be able to sit at my desk at 9.30 am.

Saturday 24th June 2006

Book-ending means doing this:

1. Post a message committing to do a specific task during a specified period of time.

2. At the end of that period of time, post a message reporting on what you did.

7.00 am Bookend: Started

:)I'm going to get up at 7.00 am and do my morning routine
:)I'll collate the stuff I need for the conference*, plus something to work on between the workshops I'm giving^

:) *Travel plans
:) *Session plans
:) ^Summer School plans

:) Will I need packed lunch? Better do one just in case. AND packed evening meal.

9.00 am Bookend: Ready to go! See you later.

TL - Fri, June 23

Went trail running this morning and wiped out. So had a change of plans. Going to pool.

Plan on study 2 hrs sometime later today in 30 min blocks.

Need to contact bank and call dr and get oil changed.

Got some discouraging family news that lowered my feelings, but I'm going to move my muscles and be productive anyway.

"Every act of self-control leads to greater self-respect.":)

bookending - Fri, June 23rd

Good morning. Last night before I went to bed I did a lot of the things I usually do in the morning - showered, straightened the apartment, organized my work area, and washed all the dishes. So when I got up, I just had to make the bed, put on clothes, and make breakfast. I was sitting down to breakfast within an hour of getting up! Usually it takes me hours in the morning to clean up and get organized.

Morning is my most alert time of day - the time when I'm best able to do the hard stuff. Now I won't spend the morning cleaning. When I'm done with breakfast, I'll be ready to do my consulti

TL - Wed, June 21

8:50 AM
Have management test today. Currently studying. Test at 1pm.

Need to call dr, get oil changed today.



as a prorastinated nicely yesterday by cleaning my closet and not my desk, I will do that today.
In the next 90 mins I am going to get dressed and have a propper breakfast and walk my dog.
I will report back after that.

20th June, Tuesday

OK - Waited to last day to study - so now time-binging. YUK

Need, support, a meeting.

Test is in 11 hrs. Then have one tomorrow also.

19th June 2006

Well, I used to have a separate 'Norm's Bookending' thread, but as Pro pointed out it's nice to get feedback and support from others, so I thought I'd start a dated thread that anyone who pops in today can use.

I challenged Anouk to a 15 mins 'open the file (or whatever)' challenge a few mins ago (sadly I think I just missed him/her), but I did it anyway because I've been sat on my bum here for over about an hour and a half and not got my act together.

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Checking In for June 16

I'm going to set my timer for 30 minutes and just start typing notes for my transportation engineering test on Tues, June 20. Yesterday I copied notes for management test on Wed, June 21. It was such an awkward feeling. Doing something so early. Felt very anxious, but kept at it:)

My first post!

Ok I found this website and thought I would give it a try. It is almost 11 here, and I need to have my house decent, shower, groceries done, and be back home by 3. Hmm, that sounds too vague. Ok. It is the top of the 1st hour, in this hour I will wash the dishes, sweep the floor, strip the beds, and vacuum the playroom. I would also like to put all the laundry in the laundry room. 2nd hour: Shower, clean off cabinets and dust. 3rd hour: Go grocery shopping and come home. 4th hour: Put away groceries and put something in the crockpot. From reading some articles, that sounds like time binging on my overdue housework. Ok well we will see. I'll check in later. I also have paperwork to do for school, and to study for a test I am taking. (I wonder if I have procrastinated studying for it? I've had six months and the test is next week! :)

A check-in for today


I'm new here. I'm 26, in collge, have ADD and I'm very susceptible to depression. Lately I've had a lot of problems with procrastination, even though I'm taking medication, etc. I'd like to thank all of you for putting this forum together and collecting all of the resources you have here.

Today I'm going to email my professors in the classes I'm having problems in about making up late/missed assignments, finish writing my cross cultural paper, finish my behavioral genetics homework, get caught up in enviromental psychology, and make a schedule for the rest of the semester.

Though if I get through half of that I'll be happy.

everyday's check in.

Tihs week I am going to go through my clothing and get rid of stuff. Instead of putting it way to sell later I will take it to the thrift store THAT DAY. Bag it up, hawl it away.

Gwen D's Check In

I have had the luxury of time to myself, without a lot of deadline or work pressure these last few months. I think I feel better for many different reasons, this site and the consciousness of this problem is one. It's been a very internal and concerted couple of years. Things that used to seem beyond me are becoming do-able. I have made some progress on my own life and taken care of a lot that has weighed on me for years, actually! Including, in no particular order

paying a big chunk of student loan (with help from mom, lucky me) -- but the offer had been there for over 2 years and I was too fragmented to take her up on it

Norm's Check In

I have been getting tonnes achieved lately. DSO is stunned. Success is breeding success too. I got my accounts finished (I know I already mentioned it, but I just wanted to say it a little bit LOUDER, LOL!); I made a stinky phone call yesterday (using the VOW method - I'd vowed I'd do it or else (and I think of a reward and a consequence); and today I had a phone call and a few web-tasks to do that I've been putting off for weeks. Buoyed up by recent successes I did them (I had to force myself, and it took me 3 hours instead of the 1 I thought it would, but I did it).

Progress - Don't let yourself slip!

I think some of us are making good progress towards reducing our procrastination. The things that have helped most for me so far are:

1. Avoiding time beinging.
2. Working on a task I don't like to do for just ten minutes then deciding if I want to continue.
3. Removing distractions, computer games, forums (except for this one!)
4. Timing myself when so I get a better sense of how long I'm spending on things (very much related to the first one!)

Perhaps what's helped the most has been to control my perfectionism. I'm still a perfectionist but now I try to stop myself from planning to do an unrealisticly perfect job. Once I start thinking that way you can almost guarentee I'll never get it done. ;)

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