Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Daily Check-ins

This forum is for check-ins or "book-ending" - a very effective strategy where you post a message committing to doing something for a specified length of time, then at the end of that length of time, come back and post a message reporting on what you did.

Tuesday, 22 August 2006

It's been quiet here! Not too many check-ins besides mine yesterday. I hope more people are here today. I'll bookend anyway, but it's much more fun when others are here!

Tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday I'll be out of town and offline. Back Friday.

Monday 21st August

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, 20th of August, 2006

Saturday, 19 August 2006

Friday 18 August 2006

Thursday, 17 August 2006

Wednesday, 16th of August, 2006

I haven't posted for a while, but think I'm caught up :)

slider had a great day after a bit of a setback. She attacked her taxes head on and even had time FREE - well done!

pro has had a hyper-focus day and is suffering a nasty cut - but is getting stuff done anyway! ;)

todayfirst is tackling a few projects simlutaneously and making good progress

tl started the last CI thread but has been MIA since!!

Normy had a day off posting, come back soon! :)

Hello to all other visitors and lurkers!

Tuesday, 15th of August, 2006

Monday, 14th of August, 2006

Sunday 13th August 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday 12th August

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Well what a day we had yesterday!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Milo, from a secret location somewhere warm and sunny ;), has been in presentation mode, and fitting it all in with family life.

Friday 11th of August, 2006

Thursday 10th of August 2006

Morning! I am rushed so I'll put a graphic in when next CUOP.

Wednesday, 9th of August, 2006 (EVERYONE)

Look what I did all by myself! Finally!

Tuesday, 8th August 2006 (FOR EVERYBODY)

Good Morning all!

I know it's still Monday for most of you but I have a BIG DAY today so wanted to start my BE.


pro adding lovely graphic...

Note: Please everybody check in here - all the same thread. And check in by replying to this initial post - no sections for each person. Of course you can reply to a particular post if you have a comment about that particular post, but if the check-ins themselves are always replies to the thread starter, then the most recent check-in will always be on top.

Monday, 7th August 2006 (FOR EVERYBODY)

I think Normy's right that the separate threads for check-ins isn't as effective because people have to make an extra effort to visit someone else's thread.

Drupal makes things difficult when we post in our own sections because then we have to scroll way down to find our own section (or someone else's section).

So let's do as Normy suggests - everybody post their check-ins are a reply to this first day thread message. That way the most recent post (by whoever) will always be on top. Everybody's check-ins will be mixed in, but perhaps that doesn't matter.


I might just do BE for more than 1 day at a time. Lately, I've only been listing a couple of things at a time. When I get lengthier lists, I'll do it daily :)

Monday, Aug 07, 2006

Breakfast w/friends
dr apt

to do
study!!! for final tomorrow

Slider's Bookending

This is where I post what I intend to do so that I have accountability and so that I can receive the reflections and observations of others as I work on handling my procrastination.

pro's bookending - Monday 7th August 2006

I just got out of bed. I slept until 10am!! I can't believe it. It's late. I hadn't been sleeping enough the past week - going to bed late and getting up early. I guess my body thought "enough of that!"

Todayfirst's bookending

This will be my bookending section experiment. Feel free to browse and/or leave me a note here!

:) :) :)

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