Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday 16 June 2007

Saturday CI

Late checkin today. To do:

X Pickup LR
X Dishes
X Laundry 1 load
X Make Supper
X Eat
X Get clothes ready
X Exercise
X Feed Cat

Lilimissy Checking SATURDAY JUNE 16, 2007 @ 3:30 AM EST

UP @ 3:30 AM


I did not finish of any of the task on my today list.  I went to office max to make some copies. On the way back home, I noticed Lee stitting on the telephone box on the side of the road going into the apartment.  I stoped and asked what he was doing? The relpy was he was going to Arbys to ask the manager for some food because he was hungry.  I said that behavior I did not understand.  I asked him , if he wanted to to go get something to eat.  He said okay.  The rest of the day we rode around the area looking for houses; aprtments; rooms 4 rent.  I explained he should focus on himself and stop the negative complaining.  I had this feeling he was not sure what I was saying.  In the past things would start off on a excellent note.  Lee would do something simple to irrate the situationt.  The time lost would take twice as long to caught up.  A example of would be a apllication had to be completed.  I'd have to complete six applications just to complete the one.
I had to go home, so I asked Lee what he wanted to do.  He replied I nothing to do or any place to go.  I told him if he did come back to the apartment he'd have to put forth effort to seek housing for himself.  You would of thought I'd ask him to build Rome the way he responded.  Lee said things would be okay; if I did not mention N & J or make any coment.   Having been in his company it had become his way of diverting anything he did not want to discuss by turning the situation back on the person. As though you were the one with the problem; which made it harder to understand the process.  What was obvious, once you put the pieces together there was no going back.  Because the exposure to this environment can certainly effect you.  
I heard a knock at the door; hour later another kock at the door.  Then I heard loud knock at the door, so I answered it.  It was a deputy responding to a call from someone in the building of strechy man hanging around the aprtment.  I told the deputy Lee was sick, but there were issues related to him not compling with his medical instructions.   And because of this he could not stay here.  But I'd be willing to give him his belonging back.  The deputy informed him he'd have to leave the property, but as ususal he was non responsive.  The deputy assisted Lee with his belonging to the squad car and escorted him away.     What a relief to say the least.


STILL TO DO (Not really, but I sure FEEL like it.) :cry:
X Send in bi-weekly report!!!!!!
* Work on CELDT
* Update information on CWCS site
* Send info. and links to Catherine
X Look up WASC report needs

X Argue about relationship for FOUR HOURS :P
X Calculate gains for bottom and top 10% of students
X Perform rollover
X Lunch - Nancy @ 1:30 - discuss promotion
X Call Jessica

1:35am CI for Lark (anad 12:50 am next night) Got them all!

I was thinking I've been posting, but this is the first in a while, I guess. I did manage to get something done for work Friday, but another client is impatient with me (rightly so, I suppose). I'm going to try to get his project done today--or at least enough done to easily finish on Sunday.
morning routine
house clean
get ready for company
paint window frames
get work project A ready to be finished
go to bank before they close at noon
spiffy up work shop
put car away
check in here

Mark CI 12:13 AM EST

As usual, I didn't get enough done during the week, so Saturday will be another work day.

  • Implement a prototype of remote search feature and email RJ for feedback 3hrs
  • add config setting for outreach 1/4 hr
  • diagnose and fix importer bug 2 hrs
  • laundry 1/2 hr
  • read 50 pp 1 - 1 1/4 hrs
  • finish watching Life of Oharu 1 hr
  • gardening 1 hr
  • food shop (and return muffin tin) 3/4 hr
  • exercise 1/2 hr
  • practice guitar  1/2 hr
  • clean off desk 1/4 hr
  • fix breadcrumb timing bug 1 hr
  • reproduce publisher bug 1/4 hr
  • fix bugzilla item 923 1/2 hr
  • play with baby 1 hr
  • read current issue of The Nation 3/4 hr
  • return DVDs 1/2 hr
  • plug in electric toothbrush to charge for 24 hrs
  • bring bag o' books and lamp to thrift store 1/2 hr

oh well, too much to do.  Main thing is to get that prototype taken care of.