Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Monday 9th July 2012
Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away.
Charles Caleb Colton
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tila - Mon
Busy day.
UCH - testsPh/V lectures/quizzesMore billsDinnerDrop off/Pick up DDwrkinprogrss: 07/09/12
Hi and good wishes to all!
I'm trying something different with check-in, today, in the style of Havi Brooks:
Superpowers that I want, today:
I'll cultivate the qualities of:
My Top Priorities:
Job: P project: finish review of printout and sshots, decide if putting in now
Home: load and run dishwasher
Recovery: continue experimenting with questions for myself if I feel tempted to seek respite in web-surfing
Accomplishments Including Progress, So Far:
Progress CI Mon. 7/9
Morning. So far have been in a mediocre/mildly depressed mood. I did nothing all day/night yesterday, and I think it made me groggy. Then I woke up early in the morning today with a nightmare and went back to sleep, waking up late. I dont know why when I set my alarm for early, things like that happen. Anyway, moving right along ...
Done so far this morning:
DishesGarbageSupplement, Got breakfastNow for the rest of the day:
Meals/Water/Supplements -- *need to buy groceries
Start job apps
Practice just a bit
DVD workouts
Bible+ write out versesMeeting
Step workbook
Go out later
kromer 10:40 CI
Today I need to:
Do some small-ish tasks:
*Check on experiments, restore (will start this soon)
*Request W/Wv mice from Jax (will do this soon)
*Figure out how many S8 samples I need, start collecting
*Practice gavage(will do this soon)
*Email out abstract
And some planning tasks
Finish reviewing JK's paper*Start reviewing SR's paper (try to get halfway through) (will do this soon)
*Finish intron/exon thing (working on this now)
*Work for an hour on a. plan (will do this soon)
*Work on designing probes (working on this now)
*Email about ES plan
And dealing with money situation:
Go to post office (will do this soon)
Check for books (will do this soon)
Make $5 on mech. turk
Check postings for part time coding or tutoring gigs
kromer 2:40 CI
OK, my list for today is obviously WAY too long. I'll post a revised, SMALL list:
Email out abstractPick exons for probe designFinish intron/exon thing
Go to post officeCheck on expts, restorePractice gavageGo through half of SR's paper
If I can do more, great, but this is a solid minimum.
Innertruth's check-in
Work for day:
Work & transit: 2:30 to 8:30 pm
Journey 10:00 am
Good morning . . .Happy Monday!
Back in the office after a nice weekend. Spent some time with the kids and grandkids, got a few things done around the house, and got some rest too. Now, back to work! I'll check in if I get stuck, otherwise have an enjoyable and productive day.
Embrace the suck!
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank hazyjane for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting5. Cook and eat breakfast
6. Take shower
7. Get dressed
8. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in
9. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA activity line
10. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
11. Read the meditation
12. Inventory my books in one of the totes
13. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
14. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
15. Eat lunch
16. Fix dinner
17. Declutter 200 e-mail
18. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.
19. Eat dinner
21. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone ACA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Good morning everyone, it's the start of the week so I intend (intend) to get off to a good start and keep the impetus up over the week: plan something for each day and have a schedule. In fact google calendar emailed me an 'agenda' for the day (a feature I hadn't tried before) and lo and behold, there was a really important reminder of
a favour I'd promiseda friend that I probably would have completely forgotten! So that was good. :)I'm also going to do some
more volunteering workand get toa meeting, if not at 10am then the other options are 7.30pm or even9pm.Right now I have to
take the dogs out, and feed them. And when I have time I'm going to advertise my flat to rent it out for a month while I'm away.Hope everyone has a good day today :)
It's an inside job...