Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday June 28, 2012
Promise Seven of PA:
We will have more energy, as we no longer burn it foolishly as we did when we procrastinated, negative emotions will no longer be the fuel that drives or stops our actions, when agitated or in doubt we instinctually pause... ask our higher power for devine guidance for the right thoughts or actions .
Have a great proactive day!
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NOWDOIT: Thursday, 06/28/12
I look at the clock and it's 3:52 p.m. It's a beautiful day and hours remain that can still be used productively. How will I use the remaining time I have been given today?:
Can You Do IT?
I Can Do IT!
NOWDOIT: Thursday, 06/28/12 (Check-In)
I cannot tell a lie- the phone rang right after I typed the above and I just now hung up. Now I have to leave in order to meet my husband in time. Felt the need to check in and report anyway...I want to be honest with you (and honest with myself).
Some of the above may be done when I return, but I WILL get an earlier start tomorrow.
Online Meeting PSA!
Someone please sign up to lead the meeting this Sunday, July 1st at 3:30 pm :) We appreciate your support and I MEAN it, even newbies can do it!
Thanks so much!
Sorry I didn't post this sooner!
Progress CI Thurs. 6/28
Goal Today: To not give in to a new love affair and then destroy all my recovery efforts. I MUST continue 12-step meetings and workbooks and reading the Bible.
Good news: I can pay rent and another big bill. But after that, I only have $300 left to my name, thanks to my procrastination. I could have saved at least a grand or two if I had not wasted all this time.
Tasks for today/tonight:
*get refund so can pay rent*PA chatbox check-ins
*Write as many assignments as I can, 10 max, 5 min.
Read Bible, prayer*DVD workouts*UA meeting 11pm, step workbook
*Leave at 8:15/30
Check in
I'm finished!!! Got my assignments in, I will most definitely (HP willing) be in second year come September!!! Woo-hoo !!!
But I am soooooooooooo tired because of another late night/early morning, even though I was far less stressed about the deadline because I actually had got started on the work sooner than my usual last-minute pattern. So thank you to P-A for being here, you guys really helpled :).
Now for a very light to do list for the rest of the day:
It's an inside job...
wrkinprogrss: 06/28/12
Hi and good wishes to all!
My Today/Ta-da! short list:
experiment with some heartmind technique from HB or Dr. E. (Did a bit of Shiva Nata, so far, and leaned my thoughts in a positive direction. Later, read a couple of Havi posts and some comments. Quite a lot later, read ch14 from Dr. E.)
eat and take prescriptions and supplements (first time in several days that I took all my supplements!)
make a pass through job email
check whether usual status info is due today
check schedule: what's due this week? (wrap up Q&As with subject matter experts)
make reportable progress on items expected to be done this week (need to break this down into smaller bits!):
assess laundry: have needed for today/tonight?
shower, dress, shevel, and tape hand
gather to-takes and aim to leave for dance class at 7:15 (got a late start, but was good, otherwise--used some of the time at class for helpful journaling)
QG and Dr. P's exercises (also did at class, in free-form warm-up period)
aim for bed and lights out by 12:30am (made it to bed around 1:10am, I think--not too bad for a Thursday night!)
Summing up: Didn't get a lot done for work, but felt like I made some progress in some other areas.
to tila
Thanks for the book recommendations, Tila. Those sound interesting!
vic 6/28/12
show up (done)
(and just keep showing up and starting over happy or not-me)
tila - Thur
Back from vacation - finally. United really sucks, will be filing a big complaint with them. Lost 2 days due to their mistakes.
Being away from home for a long time gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate my life. I spent most of the time catching up on the reading list for this year.
Found a book that really helped me to procrastinate much less on a daily basis - "168 Hours: You have more time than you think" by Laura Vanderkam. I also read hers "What the most successful people do before breakfast". These books certainly forced me to be realistic about my goals and procrastination.
Plan for today:
merge the remaining datasetalmost forgot - listen to Vaccines and Pharmacology lectures + do 1/1 quizzeskromer 10:15 CI
OK, lots to do again today!
I need to do S8 staining, including trying a more efficient protocol(have made really good progress on this)
I want to figure out this ESC stuff, which is getting really frustrating(working on this now)
I want to check on expts and
order vad f.
I want to watch videos on how to do g. and email about p
I want to talk to Laura about how to deal with a tricky situation (if she's around today) (she's not around today)
And finally, I want to spend an hour thinking about how to make some of my work tasks more efficient. (will do this soon)
Starting with ESC stuff
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
1. Eat breakfast
2. Take shower
3. Get dressed
4. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.
5. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.
6. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting
7. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA activity line
8. Eat lunch
9. Wash and dry clothes
10. Put clothes away
11. Eat dinner
12. Go to the 6:45 p.m. telephone OA meeting
13. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting
14. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting
15. Go to the 9 p.m. telephone OA meeting
Thanks for letting me share
Those are a lot of meetings, Lennon. Good luck!