Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday, 6th June, 2012
Wednesday, 6th June, 2012
PA Promise #2:
We will find joy and serenity in doing routine tasks, making daily action plans, and completing all tasks; we will meet deadlines on or before they are due.
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Online Meeting PSA
We need someone to sign up for the meeting on Sunday, June 10th, at 3:30.
This is an easy job that is very appreciated! Help with others' recovery AND your own!
Check out the sign up sheet for more details :)
katia 6.6
6-6 (6) the number of the beast!!!
Didn't get to do as much as I wanted yesterday but I DID get a bunch of important things done AND took Connor to a support group where he could interact with lots of other kids, so that is good.
Things I HAVE done today
-Talked to mom about hosting party
-Updated my website a little
-sent important emails
-made nutritious food for me and Connor
-gave the dog a bath because he rolled in something nasty
-watched more training videos so I know what I'm doing
Things to do later/this evening
-Business post on BM
-Find all of Connor's identifications for appt tomorrow
-Lab at school tonite :( argh
-Exercise at school
-other stuff
wrkinprogrss: 06/06/12
Hi and good wishes to all!
It's been awhile since I've made a check-in post here--I find that it's something I want to do today. Here's my list:
take Rx and supplements
bookending in chat
do an ABCDEF exercise to improve mood (not written, but did it in my head)
make check-in post (involves prioritizing)
email accountability buddy
morning teeth care
shower, shevel, tape hand, etc.
make progress on roadmap details
modify O to remove rdmp duplicatn
other bug progress/warnings? (next act, email identified POC w/ new deadline)
hunt notes re bkups filesystem reorg, figure out next act
prep and 7:20pm appointment at T9
Dr. Patrick's exercises
more ABCDEF?
teeth care
aim for lights out by 11:00pm
check out newest farmer's market
make progress on trip prep including reading (bought socks, did some research re gps maps)
post about photo tags
remind K re open Q
unload dishwasher
think re Bill's latest, reply
bounce return prep
Onward! May I choose better over worse, today!
Assessment Looking Back: I did a lot of useful and potentially useful things. However, I feel uneasy about the low proportion of my time that I spent on job work and chores vs. things that actually appealed to me.
InnerTruth's noon check-in
Did a few administrative things today.
Very anxious about event tomorrow night and the fact I've let a few people down.
Tasks for rest of day:
kromer 10:30 CI
Feeling really stuck today, so sticking to one thing at a time
First task: Finish analyzing the 0507 half of the R8 data.Done 11:15 amSecond task: Submit for histologyDone 2:10pmThird task: Analyze the 0508 half of the R8 data (got about halfway through this)
Fourth task: Announce and plan girls group
Journey 9:30
Working from home today. I enjoyed my bike ride yesterday so I did it again today. I've checked my work email and calendar but not done my todo list. I'll change clothes and have another cup of coffee, then plan the rest of the day.
Embrace the suck!
tila - Wed
Oh no! DD is getting more sick before the big trip. Have to change the plan for today.
Apparently, her asthma got worse due to seasonal allergies. Now she has to inhale steroids. :(
Make dr app for DDCall D about DDrags,m/b bedding, blacks(2 done1 to go), redsVaccum m/b, living roomEmail T, KZ, facebook - TB, SNVic 6-6-12
Show up (done)
Have been getting to some f-f meetings because driving son to work and am in town.So wonderufl to connect with old friends, but the connection at pa is my "anchor". What comes to mind ispart in BB that says we are like someone who has lost their legs, wedo not grow new ones.
can not believe it but this promise actuall did happen, I have one catagory that occurs monthly and have found it less distressing to do the day before it is due than wait until theday due..Thanks MovA
Hypatia's check-in
back after a two day national holiday to celebrate her majesty's 60 year reign.
e-mailsverificationreports for Fridaynew dictation chartclinicH.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting
3. Go to the 7:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting
4. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting5. Cook and eat breakfast6. Take shower7. Get dressed8. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in9. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA check-in10. Read and write my step11. Call my DA sponsor
12. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting13. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone OA meeting14. Eat lunch15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting16. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.17. Eat dinner18. Inject insullinThanks for letting me share