Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Monday 14 May 2012

Monday 14 May 2012

Promise #3:
As we learn to commit each task to our Higher Power
for divine ideas and guidance,
* confidence will replace fear,
* enthusiasm will replace dread,
* and self-esteem will replace self loathing.

We will take the next right actions, as they are required,
easily and effortlessly.

fudoshin: checkin :11:21pm

Please do not leave advice or feedback.  Thank you.  Prayers welcome. 


  1. I want to attain a new therapist/counselor that I can meet with once a week.
  2. I want to attain a new sponsor relationship that is self-building for me.  My sponsor tells me what I need to know for my recovery in SLAA.
  3. I want to find a chiropractor who is respectful of my boundaries and adjusts me well.
  4. I want to exercise once a day for a min of 30 minutes, because it is fun, inspiring, helps me avoid headaches, improves me self-esteem.

I want to read my goals and affirmations more often (maybe once a month?)


I feel like crap cuz I spoke to some people in my other twelve step chan and these people really did not understand where I was coming from. I need to learn to ignore people who are rude, inappropriate or intrusive, because they are time-wasters, and they are not part of my personal mission.  The number one reason I get "stuck" in my Procrastination Addiction is because of obsessing about someone else's behavior instead of doing what's best for me.  And if I can release myself, divest myself from other people, by simply ignoring them then I have that much victory over myself and my time.  There is no winning with these people, they're just jerks and need to be avoided no matter what.  Anyways I 'm feeling vulnerable and precarious as if I have no one to turn to outside of voicemails (maybe one or two).  One, really.

Lucky CI

Show up :) 

Metaphor Mouse! Because playlists are better than tasklists.

tila - Mon

Looks like I am on the verge of exhaustion. No matter how much I sleep, it doesn't seem to make a dent. Not sure what else to do. Frown

The plan for today: 

  • LR - start Wk 6
  • Start on guest bedroom
  • Declutter living room 
  • Research - finish up the dataset 
  • LG - start a new week


tila - Mon - status

The plan for today: 

  • LR - start Wk 6 - barely
  • Start on guest bedroom
  • Declutter living room   mostly done
  • Research - finish up the dataset - not even started
  • LG - start a new week

Just added: CS 101 - totally forgot that h/w is due on the 15th, doing it right now.

(hi tila)

Sorry to hear you are getting exhausted. One of the things I learnt from others when I first joined this site is that we can not only procrastinate on 'work' but on scheduling rest, fun, nurturing activities, social time with friends and family, health care, health check-ups and health treatments - I'm sure there are more!

I know for myself that getting enough rest and relaxation can be important; hope you are getting enough of these as well as sleep. It can be so easy to feel as procrastinators that we will never 'catch up' and have wasted so much time already, so that every waking minute should be spent on 'work', but we still need balance in our lives.

thanks for the advice!


thanks for the reminder about balance. I do tend to go overboard and either do work or play, nothing in-between. Haven't taken time to work on my usual hobby since Christmas. No wonder I'm so stressed out!

Even though I need sleep, it looks like a hobby might be a better solution - for venting purposes. :)

Thanks for opening my eyes!! 


Create new client account for work by 9PM my time.- Got started, failed to complete.

Journey 10:30

A new week yay!   I had a very busy but enjoyable Mother's Day weekend.   My son is sick though and ended up being admitted to the hospital over the weekend - he is ok and should go home tomorrow but prayers would be appreciated.  

I've been quite productive for the past 5 days or so, both at home and at work and I would like to continue this trend today :)   I have completed the first MIT - sending out agenda for the noon meeting - and making my todo list now for the rest of the day.   I'll check back if stuck.   L8tr.

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.  Try again.  Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Beckett

kromer 10:30 CI

OK, a bit of a late start today, so I need to focus today.

Top priorities for the day are
Collect, mail, email (working on this now)
Finish figure and text for section 4, email DP (working on this now)
Make a schedule for the week
Clean up (have made some progress on this)
Email JW

If I have extra time, I'll start S8 scoring

clement ci - symptomatic

last week as pretty a-symptomatic.
today is very symptomatic. It is a disease flair up.
and i have 1 very important, urgent task and people are waiting for me and counting on me. And it has visibility among many managers.
So, really, there are so many reasons to just start right away and hit it hard.
but, i can't.

This is how i knew that Step 1 ( i am powerless ) applied to me. Things in the past, like today : I have every reason in the world to work on this right away, and NO reason to put it off, and yet, here i am, putting it off.

I love that promise for today!!! But at the same time, it convicts me. Because i HAVE made great strides in this fellowship, but it is NOT easy and effortless for me. I still have a LONG way to go.

Step 2 : A Higher Power can help me.

Step 3 : I turn my life and will over to God as i understand God.

I think i can feel that thinking those has helped me.

I'm gonna sign off, pray, ask for God's help, and try again.

the touch of the master's hand:

fall down seven times, get up eight - japanese proverb


Hypatia's check-in

ok here we go.....

  • in-tray
  • e-mails
  • phone calls
  • print appraisal papers
  • F's report
  • ring GP
  • read panel papers
  • filing


Daily checkin


Empty Inbox

Check Actionable

Check Waiting For

Check Lists

Start work on website for EG (in progress)


Prepare draft for UG

Prepare final draf of MOMs for CI (in progress)

Do Brain Training

Go to Bank


Waiting For


My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

I want to thank movingalong for starting this trend.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Take shower

3. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

4. Go to the 7:30 a,n, telephone PA meeting

5. Get dressed

6. Eat breakfast

7. Go to the Recovery Inc. meeting at 11 a.m.

8. Go to the face to face NA meeting at 12 noon

9. Eat lunch

10. Go to the pharmacy to get my medicine filled

11. Eat dinner

12. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.

13. Eat snack

14. Inject insullin

Thanks for letting me share