Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Saturday March 31, 2012


Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Smile Laughing

fudoshin: checkin: 9:28pm

Did not feel comfortable with outreach call today, because friend thought that I was in black/white thinking regarding something that was actually part of my addiciton and I was quite, quite clear that it was an addiction, I didn't feel like I needed yet another PERSON to say that it was part of my addiction, since I had prefaced it as such.  Anyways, it just really bugged me,b/c this person does not know about this program much nor remember that I'm in this twelve step program and yet she was saying things to me like, "You sound lik you got some time management problems or something."  Like no duh.  That is why I'm here.  I never claimed to be healthy, and I had brought up the instance as an example of my addiction, not an example of health.  It just bothers me when I have been tryng, when I have been working on my recovery to be told, " Oh, got a problem with X," when I just so happen to be very very aware of this.  Anyways, I'm gonna get changed, and only do half and hour of exercise before gets too late.  Maybe about five minute warm up but that's it, and stretches and off to:


* brush, floss, use listerine

* use periodontic brush

* take a shower

* get gallons of water (possibly tomorrow?)

* do 30 minutes of homework

* watch a movie or watch one episode of Doctor who, whichever is a nicer fun reward for me

Vic 3/31/12

show up (done)

one thing aat a time.

very late check-in

I haven't got into good habits yet, must persevere though because it's worth it! And I'm sure it works!!

Today was quite good, I was late for everything but showed up anyway and made a positive contribution.

Now I'm going to take the dogs out, when I get back I'll write my check-in post for sunday, read for a while and then go to sleep...

Sorry for "Replying" instead of "Adding New Comment"

Sorry, Lennon.

I wondered how people were able to cross out the tasks done.  Thanks for correcting me! 


“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no result”  -Mahatma Gandhi

Procrastination is real and life damaging

 3:30 to 4 music training 

4:00 Start project for school

5:00 project

6:00 Call dad

6:30 leave for work

wrkinprogrss: 03/31/12

May today be productive for all of us, in appropriate measures and areas!

Laughing = done or done enough
:-) = made or am making progress

Laughing take 1st dose ear Rx
Laughing prioritize
Laughing brush teeth and splint

:-) start P.A. bookending/check-in
make shopping lists
Laughing 15min. dish progress
Laughing shower & wash hair

:-) take pills & eat
get new glasses (postponed: wasn't clear if office was open or not)
Laughing mail bill payment
:-) shop for food (went to farmers' market!)

journal re P & email
take 2nd ear Rx dose
dark load laundry
:-) 2hr+tax prep including update L (had done about 50 minutes as of 9:00pm)

journal: rescheduling car maintenance
brainstorm: weekly treat! + backup!
use balancer
15 min Qi Gong
take 3rd ear Rx dose and bedtime Rx

explore more superbetter?
cook soup and rice (latter could be TJ's frozen microwave quick rice)
:-) computer de-frag & anti-virus

***not scheduled, but no regrets!***
Laughing enjoy some photography

Vaskaat 31 March

I have been reluctant to post anything the past two days; that attitude is often a precursor to giving up entirely. I was attempting to rationalise this decision to quit like so many others, since there's always a part of me that yearns to leave things behind. It may seem comfortable or appropriate for some unknown reason; but when I look back at my life I see how that strategy has left me in the lurch.  


  • 30 leglifts
  • Shower
  • Flax
  • Mouthwash/brush  


  1. Apply for some position
  2. Job search (10+ minutes)
  3. Volunteer search (10+ minutes)
  4. Check phone plans
  5. Practise chanter 10+ minutes
  6. Coding study (10+ minutes)
  7. Network printer
  8. Pay phone bill
  9. Research business cards
  10. Pet care: Afternoon/evening
  11. Wash dishes
  12. Lock up house 
  13. Mouthwash/brush

- "A procrastinator's work is never done."

OnceMore 3.31.2012

OK! I am grateful that yesterday ended well, that today is beginning well, and that I'm beating myself up less when I do badly.
For today:
Read work
Prop for January
Not done, but got some good work done on it, and I should be able to get it done before 5 tomoroow GW Crim palace/Monday's readings when need a break from prop Didn't need to do this; would like to get some done on train Do all as pomodoros
Pack a bag
Leave by 2:45 (aim to leave by 2:30)
Home tomorrow by noon, leave by 11:30
That's a short list! Totally doable. Have a great day, everyone!

Rexroth Check In 10.32

Thanks for starting the thread lennon. It is a cool overcast day in London which comes after an early taste of summer.

Up prayer and reflection
Checked emails and posts
Back to bed with bad back having taken some pain killers. I should not have assummed that the driver I hired yesterday would be able to carry the table I took back to its owner.
Started defrosting deepfreeze and checked food in deepfreeze and fridge

List todos for the week
Sew on button
Print out old therapy notes and file in order
Read them
Write some notes for CBT session
Write journal
Not sure what else

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out 22.05

Not much done which is a pity

Night Rexroth

check in / math studying

Things to do
-Something fun with Connor
-Secondary sources for overdue paper
-Math studying

Math Test on Thursday preparations
Read/Practice problems for
-Section 3.1/3.2
-Section 4.1/4.2
-Section 4.3/4.4
-Section 4.5/4.6
-Section 4.8/4.9
-At least 1 practice exam
-Possibly the other two practice exams
-PWN this test!

My Check in

Thanks lennon for starting


14 problems in each 3 types & 1 in the last type.

Healthy Activity: 


Yoga - 


Calling friends - any 2 every day
(I am procrastinating to call my friends for months)

Things i procrastinate:

Write TR  

Do  M /R / Sh technique  

My priorities: 

1.To finish my studies in a day

2. Then try to do what i procrastinate in other than studies 

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting'

3. Go to the 8 a.m. telephone OA meeting

4. Test blood sugar after fasting

5. Take shower

6. Get dressed

7. Eat breakfast

8. Wash dishes

9. Go to a religious meeting and take a test

10. Empty three totes

11. Eat lunch

12. Test blood sugar two hours after lunch

13. Eat dinner

14. Get my medicine ready for next week

15. Call my friend for a ride tomorrow

Thanks for letting me share

Walker Check-In March 31, 2012

Today I will

. focus on the long-term consequences of my actions - and yes, inaction IS an action.

. pay bills for B: phone, rent

. pay bills for me:  student loan, credit card, rent 

. open small stack of mail by couch; sign autopay paper for bank

. remove B's personal items from his apartment

. make list of phone numbers I need to call to negotiate late payments

. make budget

. figure out monthly income

. unscramble the above steps into a doable plan.  Break down into smaller steps.  Work 10 minutes on, 5 minutes off. 

Thanks for being here with me.  Today I choose not to use my self-punishments -- cruel thoughts leading to shame, embarrassment, and hiding; and cruel actions like overeating to the point of severe pain -- as excuses for inaction and substitutes for action. 

I am grateful that you are here and accept my humanity, warts and all.  I choose to accept myself completely, exactly as I am now, even in the midst of this mess situation I created.  It took a while to get here, and it may take a while to get out.  I'll get out one step at a time with the help of my Higher Power. 

Love, joy, peace and productivity to all of us. 

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no result”  -Mahatma Gandhi

Walker Check-out 3/31/12

I distracted myself all day with church, lunch/fellowship/cleanup, visiting B, and shopping, after which I overate (not too uncomfortable yet, but I will be tomorrow, guaranteed) and visited the Lonely Hearts Site.  Trashed the whole day.

My plan is to get up early tomorrow and tackle at least one task from my ToDo List.  I'll check in again tomorrow am and pm.  I'm not going to quit.  I believe my Higher Power is strong enough to help me stay on track with the fellowship here.  

Actually this day is no different from any other --  I procrastinated -- BUT I made a public commitment and broke it publicly.  You guys know my "secret."  And I survived.  I haven't been humiliated or thrown in jail... yet...


Actually, YAY me, for not hiding the fact that I did not meet my goals.  (Er, I did not meet ANY of my goals!)  That in itself is a step forward for me.


I will continue the bookend ritual.  With time I will meet more of my goals each day. Today, I started with zero goals met.  There's nowhere to go but up from here.  I may go days, weeks, or months without progress.  But I'm not going to quit PA!!!

Thanks for listening.  

PS.  And again, sorry for messing you up, Lennon.  Guess you had to cross things off a handwritten list at home or just fill everyone in during chat tonight.  Hope everything went well for you today.

So right now I'm making my lunch and laying out my clothes for work tomorrow, then wash up and off to bed.  I get up at 4 am and commute an hour to work.  It would feel good to check off a few ToDo's first thing.  Tomorrow I'll do better. (<--famous last words, I know.  But you'll see!) 

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing, there will be no result”  -Mahatma Gandhi


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