Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I have so many things to do I don't even know where to begin. And then I have this SUPER SCARY lab report and I am so nervous I'm going to screw it up.
Things to do
-Song analysis
-Huge lab report :(
Lab Report
-Read handout
-Type up data
-Section 1 (break down)
-Section 2 (break down)
-Section 3 (break down)
-Email re section 4
-Read abstract rubric
from tracy-la. had to requote cuz i liked it so much. God lead me to be one who looks for, and brings out, the good in the people in my life.
P.A. Thought for the Day
A better way than judging people is to look for all the good in them. If you look hard enough and long enough, you ought to be able to find some good in every person. In P.A. I learned that my job was to try to bring out the good, not criticize the bad. Every procrastinator is used to being judged and criticized. That has never helped anyone to stop procrastinating. In P.A. we tell people they can change. We try to bring out the best in them. We encourage their good points and ignore their bad points. People are not converted by criticism. Do I look for the good in people?
Our illusions were tied to our compulsive procrastination behavior. Abstaining from the behavior makes it possible for us to let go of our illusions. It is the Higher Power that leads us into the truth, which penetrates and dispels illusions.
Working the Steps, reading the PA literature, and talking with other members prepares us to receive new truth. Our Higher Power gives us insights, sometimes-in quick flashes of perception and sometimes slowly over a long period of time. The experience of discovery is one of the most rewarding facets of our program. It is an ongoing process, since we continue to grow and become aware of new truth.
Too much procrastination kept us in a fog. Now we are recovering from the emotional dependency on procrastinating to avoid feeling pain and anxiety. We may also be recovering from the physical effects of our compulsive procrastination in not getting enough sleep and not taking care of ourselves. In the process, we wake up to more and more truth about others, our Higher Power, and ourselves.
May I live by the truth that You reveal.
Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations
P.A. Thought for the Day
A better way than judging people is to look for all the good in them. If you look hard enough and long enough, you ought to be able to find some good in every person. In P.A. I learned that my job was to try to bring out the good, not criticize the bad. Every procrastinator is used to being judged and criticized. That has never helped anyone to stop procrastinating. In P.A. we tell people they can change. We try to bring out the best in them. We encourage their good points and ignore their bad points. People are not converted by criticism. Do I look for the good in people?
I left 15 minutes earlier this morning but was still late because traffic was even worse than usual. Oh well, I will continue to work on getting up earlier, getting to the gym earlier, and getting to work earlier. On the bright side I had a great workout, got lots of rest over the weekend, and I'm feeling pretty awesome this morning.
I'm going to fill up my water bottle, finish preparing for the noon meeting, and then make my todo list for the rest of the day. I've read my email and checked my calendar already - the noon meeting is my only appointment.
I'll check back if I get stuck, otherwise, have a productive and enjoyable day everyone! Don't forget to contribute - I think our web server bill comes due in December.
Led 2:30 pm PA meeting yesterday. Felt very good after I finished as I helped others. Posted my procrastination article on "miscellaneous" here. I read the article again which made me think more about my issues and how I need to solve them.
Was at desk this morning before 9 am making phone calls.
Need valid ID for job. Then they tell me that I need ID to get ID. I was born here!
The woman I spoke to at the government wasn't very helpful. The man was. The difference is the woman had attitude big time! She has a job but not me.
5 pm update - Government sent me on a wild goose chase to go to different ID offices. I have to wait 4 weeks to get ID and have to turn down a job because they can't do a criminal records check without proper ID. God damn government! Can't help me when I'm down.
Go to govt office to get ID. I won't get ID for 4 weeks. This means I have to turn a job down.
Job interview @ 2:30 pm.
Call store about ID. Visit store if I get ID in time. Didn't get ID.
If time to kill, then go to sister's office to drop off stuff to fax. (No time to kill as the government sent me to the wrong office.)
Go to bank re cashing in some retirement funds. (not back from interview on time)
Get cash advance and put in my main bank if time permits. (Interview took too long and I got stuck in the rain)
Finish newsletters.
Apply to 3 jobs when I get home around 4 pm.
Go to my "project" list to clean up my apartment and note how long it takes to do things.
hello, my name is clement, and i'm addicted to procrastination.
Lord give me the strength and wisdom to not get distracted, to keep focus on the most important thing, and to make good choices and thus make solid contributions to my work, my family, and my community today.
I'm so very tired having been awake for most of the night. I don't know why but I can't sleep properly.
Up prayer and reflection
Check emails and posts
Check Bank complaint file and phone regulator who were not very helpful
Go out for flu jab in a hour or so
Check mail when/if it comes
Write to regulator
Start letter and research for friend
Sleep but not yet or I won't be awake to go for jab
Monday morning and I've got an unexpected free session at work. My diary is in a total muddle, and the only thing that has saved me is that my colleague has procrastinated as much as I have! I've got a week's annual leave next week, so I want at least to have things reasonably under control by the end of this week. One thing I found last week, putting times in my check-in is that I always underestimate how long everything takes. So here goes......
9.30 make hotel booking
9.40 in-tray
9.50 finish LAC papers
10.40 last week's reports
12.00 read panel papers
13.00 lunch and shopping
At this point my afternoon got completely reorganised, so the rest is somewhat irrelevant!
katia 11.14
I have so many things to do I don't even know where to begin. And then I have this SUPER SCARY lab report and I am so nervous I'm going to screw it up.
Things to do
-Song analysis
-Huge lab report :(
Lab Report
-Read handout
-Type up data
-Section 1 (break down)
-Section 2 (break down)
-Section 3 (break down)
-Email re section 4
-Read abstract rubric
bring out the good in people
from tracy-la. had to requote cuz i liked it so much. God lead me to be one who looks for, and brings out, the good in the people in my life.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
tracy-la check in 11-14-11
Reading #1
Waking Up to Truth
Our illusions were tied to our compulsive procrastination behavior. Abstaining from the behavior makes it possible for us to let go of our illusions. It is the Higher Power that leads us into the truth, which penetrates and dispels illusions.
Working the Steps, reading the PA literature, and talking with other members prepares us to receive new truth. Our Higher Power gives us insights, sometimes-in quick flashes of perception and sometimes slowly over a long period of time. The experience of discovery is one of the most rewarding facets of our program. It is an ongoing process, since we continue to grow and become aware of new truth.
Too much procrastination kept us in a fog. Now we are recovering from the emotional dependency on procrastinating to avoid feeling pain and anxiety. We may also be recovering from the physical effects of our compulsive procrastination in not getting enough sleep and not taking care of ourselves. In the process, we wake up to more and more truth about others, our Higher Power, and ourselves.
May I live by the truth that You reveal.
Adapted From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations
P.A. Thought for the Day
A better way than judging people is to look for all the good in them. If you look hard enough and long enough, you ought to be able to find some good in every person. In P.A. I learned that my job was to try to bring out the good, not criticize the bad. Every procrastinator is used to being judged and criticized. That has never helped anyone to stop procrastinating. In P.A. we tell people they can change. We try to bring out the best in them. We encourage their good points and ignore their bad points. People are not converted by criticism. Do I look for the good in people?
Journey 10 am curses, late again
I left 15 minutes earlier this morning but was still late because traffic was even worse than usual. Oh well, I will continue to work on getting up earlier, getting to the gym earlier, and getting to work earlier. On the bright side I had a great workout, got lots of rest over the weekend, and I'm feeling pretty awesome this morning.
I'm going to fill up my water bottle, finish preparing for the noon meeting, and then make my todo list for the rest of the day. I've read my email and checked my calendar already - the noon meeting is my only appointment.
I'll check back if I get stuck, otherwise, have a productive and enjoyable day everyone! Don't forget to contribute - I think our web server bill comes due in December.
I value my time and use it wisely - Journey
kromer 9:30 CI
Late start today...
I need to:
*Check on VAD
*Finish lm write-up
*Finish presentation rough
*Text or email a friend
*Read paper, go to JC
*Reserve room
OK, right now I'm working on presentation.
My day today
Led 2:30 pm PA meeting yesterday. Felt very good after I finished as I helped others. Posted my procrastination article on "miscellaneous" here. I read the article again which made me think more about my issues and how I need to solve them.
Was at desk this morning before 9 am making phone calls.
Need valid ID for job. Then they tell me that I need ID to get ID. I was born here!
The woman I spoke to at the government wasn't very helpful. The man was. The difference is the woman had attitude big time! She has a job but not me.
5 pm update - Government sent me on a wild goose chase to go to different ID offices. I have to wait 4 weeks to get ID and have to turn down a job because they can't do a criminal records check without proper ID. God damn government! Can't help me when I'm down.
Job interview @ 2:30 pm.Vic 11/14/11
Show up, suit up, look up (done).
"I don't have to control what is around me because I am in control of HOW I perceive my life and the people around me." olc
I am not where I want to be but I am not where I was, I need to remember to stay humble and grateful for progress, do what works.
Thanks for being here.
clement ci
hello, my name is clement, and i'm addicted to procrastination.
Lord give me the strength and wisdom to not get distracted, to keep focus on the most important thing, and to make good choices and thus make solid contributions to my work, my family, and my community today.
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
Rexroth Check In 10.00
I'm so very tired having been awake for most of the night. I don't know why but I can't sleep properly.
Up prayer and reflection
Check emails and posts
Check Bank complaint file and phone regulator who were not very helpful
Go out for flu jab in a hour or so
Check mail when/if it comes
Write to regulator
Start letter and research for friend
Sleep but not yet or I won't be awake to go for jab
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done above except admin and washed up etc
Go to sleep
Night Rexroth
Hypatia's check-in
Monday morning and I've got an unexpected free session at work. My diary is in a total muddle, and the only thing that has saved me is that my colleague has procrastinated as much as I have! I've got a week's annual leave next week, so I want at least to have things reasonably under control by the end of this week. One thing I found last week, putting times in my check-in is that I always underestimate how long everything takes. So here goes......
make hotel booking9.40
finish LAC papers10.40 last week's reports
read panel papers13.00
lunchand shoppingAt this point my afternoon got completely reorganised, so the rest is somewhat irrelevant!
14.00 ring CS
14.10 back-log reports
webmail15.30 meeting with S
finish care pathways17.00
finish panel papers17.30 home
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telehone and online maatings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telepone PA meeting4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting6. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting7. Take shower8. Get dressed9. Cook and eat brunch10. Eat dinner11. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.12. Wash dishes
13. Get medicine ready for the next two weeks
Thanks for letting me share