Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday November 2, 2011
Have a great proactive day!
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Vic 11/2/11
Show up, suit up and look up (done)
So grateful to be among PA friends, practising ony requirement- desire to stop procrastination. It makes a difference, have been using tools that help. It works when you work it. God is faithful.
Wingart Check in
Late Start for me! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's my agenda:
Wake up @ 7:50 PST
Leave @ 8:50
School (9:30-2:35)
X-Country (3:00-4:30)
Arrive Home @ 4:50
Check-in PA (45 min.)
Eat Healthy Dinner
Read The Now Habit sections (30 min.)
Draw a mood (15-30 min. approx.)
Plan Unschedule for tomorrow
Go to Bed @ 10:00-15
I don't usually update my check-in to do list, but I'm still battling with my mindset. Wish me luck!
Yay! Big project off my desk
Finished the newsletter except for the review stage. Went to bed last night just before 2 am and slept very fitfully.
Unfortunately, I have a crisis. Word has shut down and I can't open any Word documents on my computer including resumes I want to update. First step, try to resinstall Word. Next step, buy new Word (Microsoft Office for Small Business or Student), if this doesn't work. Third step, call a Tech person to help.
Here's what I planned to do yesterday, my progress and today's work:
- Call personnel agency re clerical work
- Post Wednesday event to social media- finish newsletter (1/2 done)- research sm for 2 hours for job leads, connections, etc. (1 hour) - Do Wednesday evening
- make up November calendar (partially complete) (Will do will watching TV at 10 pm after tonight's meeting)
call PD re blurb & Dec meeting- email HK re nl- email BC re job, call her instead if Word works on Wednesday
-call JS for job- bills for P org (not crucial, can wait until end of week)
- check out advanced FB marketing
bank- research employment agencies (evening) - hold until Thursday
early afternoon - bank, KSP& MMT for resume- cancel tonight's event (forgot and didn't show)
- Install Word and work on problem above
- email headhunter re job
- leave home at 3:00 to drop off resumes and go to 6:00 pm meeting
- Complete grocery store job app, drop off resume, go to 3 department stores to apply for jobs
- MMT for resume
- research employment agencies (evening) - if time permits
- Make "to do" list for Thursday
- Go to bed at 12:30, set alarm for 8 am to get a better start on the day
I value my time and use it wisely - Journey
katia 11.2
Gah! These assignments are so scary. So much fear.
-Optics Lab (that is late :( )
-Optics HW that is notdelayed! It is not actually due tomorrow. It is due Friday.If I can do these two things, I'll be happy for today.
tiptree CI 11 AM
to be done:
- check contr. on AL
- fix mig. script c.e. issue
- get bc changes ready for integration testing
- rel. case feature --> implement a first pass
- follow up on exp. issue
- review bugz. --> identify 10 candidates
- clean office
- practice guitar
- review solos
- read 50 pp
- cull 4-6 items
kromer 10:20 CI
Bah, I've gotten on a really late schedule. Oh well, I'll make the best of it and will try to get on a better schedule tonight/tomorrow.
*Finish report and email to my adviser for feedback
*Start antibody staining
*Check on expts
*Make a schedule for the rest of the week
*Email SL and my brother and KA, call my parents
OK, working on report now
Journey 10 am
Yesterday was ok - I was easily distracted but got some stuff done. Today I woke up with a seasonal allergy headache and an early morning conference call. I had coffee and advil for breakfast and got the meeting done - that reminds me of 4change's breakfast of champions. I've been missing 4change lately, if you are reading this 4change you should come back to us!
I did a workout video instead of going to the gym because of the early morning conference call and now I'm going to make my todo list for the rest of the day . . .I have a lot to do to get ready for this weekend, so I'm going to devote myself to trying to finish it up today so that my mentor will have plenty of time to review and hopefully catch any mistakes. This weekend is time change so we will have less time in our window than usual due to other stuff that has to happen for the time change. In my opinion we should have resheduled but that didn't happen lol.
It will be hard to stay focused today working from home today so I'll check back whenever I find myself slipping. . .see ya later!
I value my time and use it wisely - Journey
Findingaway check in
Wednesday 11.30 pm
I just wrote some stuff and then accidentally closed the window and lost it :(.
So this is a very quick check in for both today and tomorrow, as it is now late and I need to get to bed. Down in Melbourne again helping my mum. Tomorrow is an early start to take her to the hospital for a scheduled appt. with the doctor.
Happy with my efforts today including getting my tax to my accountant :).
Thank you all for being here.
re: closing window
I hate it when that happens! Those are always my wittiest and most inspired posts too
I value my time and use it wisely - Journey
Hypatia's check-in
Good morning all! I've got an admin morning, so lets see if I can make good use of it.
First set of reports9.45
Second set of reports10.45
Clear in-tray11.00
Coffee break11.15
Third set of reports12.15
read this afternoon's file12.30 clear Outlook e-mails
1.00 lunch
afternoon: client appointments
Rexroth Check In
Thanks for starting the thread lennon. I've been awake since a nightmare at three this morning and I am now tired which is not surprising.
Up prayer and reflection
Bath and washed hair
Checked emails and posts and replied
Found a website to print photos after a lot of messing about
x Finish preparing stuff for medical tests and go out in a while for the tests - lost weight but blood cholesterol up
x Try to get some money out of an ATM - I am amazed it worked and I did
x Buy a few bits of food
x Photocopy receipt
Post package and letter at Post Office
Sort photos, upload and order them
x Rest and sleep - that is what I am about to do at nearly midday
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Laptop playing up and have lost my post.
Night Folks
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting
2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting
5. Call the pharmacy for my medicine.6. Go to the pharmacy to pay for my medicine
7. Cook and eat brunch8. Take shower9. Get dressed10. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting11. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting12. Clear chair
13. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
14. Complete my Third Step in NA
15. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting16. Warm up and eat dinner17. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.18. Pick up more stuff off the floor
19. Take shower for tomorrow
20. Get clothes ready for tomorrow
Thanks for letting me share