Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Tuesday September 6, 2011


Have a great proactive day!


Smile Laughing Wink Kiss

No time to procrastinate!!

When the boss keeps ya late! So, now I am dead tired! I wanted to do nothing! nBut my daughter was counting on me to make her a yummy I started it...and wanted to sit and do nothing...but I have to "be a chauffeaur" for work tomorrow, so I went and cleaned my car while dinner was cooking...I really wanted to sit and get my computer fix but I chose to unload the dishwasher intead! YEa me!!Sat down to dinner with my daughter...she was happy...cleaned the kitchen, even tho I didn't want to...Now, I can sit and relax...Before I go to bed I need to: pick an outfit, a lunch, ...can't think of anything else right now??? Just really glad that I kept productive when I got goal is to not let things build up so I am stuck catching up on the weekend!! THank You PA for planting a seed in my mind...keeping me going!!

emilhaller's check out 1.00 am CET

Holy crackers!

I have been able to actually accomplish
everything I wrote on my to do list for today.

This is actually amazing.

I can't recall the last time I was able
to do so.

  • PA-CheckIn

  • PA-Posting (Introduction)

  • Cycling + swimming

  • Reverse Calendar for Project

  • Businesspartner – Research

  • S.D. : 1 One-Page-Plan

  • Washing

  • Dishes

  • PA-CheckOut

This check-in – thing seems to work
astonishingly well. Today was very encouraging, but I'll probably
have to prepare for setbacks and challenges, nonetheless.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share and all the
best to everyone!

Slow start

Took Saturday off, but worked a half day Sunday and a full day yesterday. Made some pretty good progress, but can't seem to get going today. I have been messing around with email and such all morning. Alright, have to slap the blinders on. I have a 1 PM meeting and a 5:30 PM meeting, so the time in between has to be used effectively. 

Goal 1: 3 x 30 minute blocks; work on a case, move on when done or when 30 minutes elapse, whichever comes first

Goal 2:  Meeting 1 to 2 PM

Goal 3: Quick snack 2 to 2:30 PM

Goal 4: 6 x 30 Minute blocks, as above

Goal 5: Meeting 5:30 to 7 PM with dinner

Goal 6: Leave - This one will really be a test, since my tendency after evening meetings is to meander back to my office, dawdle awhile (often a long while) online, then eventually get started working and stay until late. I have been pathetically flailing at my self-inflicted late nights (segueing into ineffective, tired mornings) for a long time. Have to keep on trying to break through that.

Goal 7: Exercise 20 minutes. Walking will suffice. ANYthing is 100% more than what I am currently doing.

Goal 8: Computer work at home - 1 hour *timed*

Goal 9: To bed by 10 PM, maybe do some non-work reading?

Goal 10: Lights out by 11 PM

Well, we'll see what happens. Right now, it's time for the Breakfast of Champions, and then into the fray. Back to report. 

wrkinprogrss: 09/06/11


My short list for today:

dark load laundry
finish reading document recommended by D
prioritize Qs for D (started)

prepare info D asked for (started)
follow up Windows testing
meet with D (postponed by 1 day at D's request)

follow up re rnote
warm load laundry (washed and dried--needs to be put away)
address open rcts

check in any changes I make (not applicable)
shower and wash hair

chiropractor appointment
try SWB instance (some done)
cook soup

change towel
do at least 15min. Qi Gong
use Balancer (enough done for minimum, a bit more would be better)

sometime between 21:00 and midnight, ask myself to please go to bed

OK, let's try that. Go!

Journey 10 am

Working from home today.   I worked a lot over the weekend and I am tired and grumpy and feel that I didn't get my holiday, which I didn't.  It is raining here so I could not run but I did an exercise tv video which was fun.   The combination of the huge project and the rainy cool weather is working together to make me want to crawl under the covers and stay there for a couple of days.  But I can't do that, I have a deadline, and I have made loads of progress and I can look forward to a break soon once I get this system ready to roll out.   Then it will just be a matter of working on the weekends to get it installed, and we should be able to take some time off during the week I hope.

So, I will just hang in there and get it done right?  All my lesser projects, including housework,  have fallen by the wayside but that is to be expected.   I am keeping up with laundry and dishes and that's about it, but I'm fine with that.  

Back to it, I feel better now that I have vented :)


Avoiding the truth consumes great effort and energy. - Jim Loehr


Venting works for me too. "unclogs" me of all the negativity, only works in a "safe" place, othersise people think I am complaining.

Venting is good

For me, taking a load off at PA is a mind clearer. Have a great day.

kromer 9:45 CI

Today is a fairly busy day:
*Submit histology, pick up t-pass (working on this now)
*Finish genotyping (working on this now)
*Start pos control (will do this soon)
*Email room (will do this soon)
*Probe PCR (have made really good progress on this, will finish tomorrow)
*Email P. (will do this soon)
*House dinner
*Amp research
*Read a paper
*Lab mtg

OK, that's a good start! Going to quickly do redirect and then go to lab mtg

emil haller's (first ever) check in, Sept. 6th, 3:26 p.m. CET

Thanks to the creators of this site, thanks to all for letting me share.

This is probably a bit too ambitious, given that it's already afternoon in my region, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

  • PA-CheckIn

  • PA-Posting (Introduction)

  • Radlfahren + Schwimmen

  • Reverse Calendar for Project

  • Geschäftspartner – Research

  • S.D. : 1 One-Page-Plan

  • Washing

  • Dishes

  • PA-CheckOut

Best wishes to everyone!

Scribbler's Tuesday CI 8:01 a.m.

Thanks for starter, Lennon. Welcome to Tuesday, edge. I hope all goes well for everybody today. I'm continuing my experiment with posting detailed task list on Outlook and just discussing general procrastination topics here. I had a good several days off, going hunting with some lifelong buddies and hanging out with my kids over the weekend. It's kind of nice to be back in the office, working on the most pressing issue in my life at the moment, which is earning one dollar more than I spend. As usual, I have issues in that area, chiefly revolving around two large clients' tardiness in paying their bills. My billings were down pretty far last month too. Although that was largely due to factors outside my control, there are lots of factors that are under my control as well. So, on to it...

edge's ci - 9:25am

Thanks for starting the thread,lennon :)

Important doc appointment then other doc for my flu. Don't feel like going.

X shower
X doc directions
X doc r appt
X l deadlines
- bank loan
- balance budget
X kittens to vet

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson

My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting

4. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting

5. Test my blood sugar twice

6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

7. Eat brunch

8. Take shower

9. Get dressed

10. Go to the Vocational group at 10:52

11. Print out some material

12. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone DA meeting

13. Warm up and eat dinner

14. Make bed

15. Wash dishes

16. Do numbers

17. Wash clothes

18. Put away clothes

19. Go to the 8 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

20. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

21. Go to the 9:30 p.m. telephone CLA meeting

22. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

23. Go to the 11 p.m. telephone ACA meeting

Thanks for letting me share