Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Thursday May 19, 2011

Happy Thursday, Everybody!

Have a great proactive day!


Smile Smile Smile Smile

Hypatia's check-in

oops, wrong thread!

findingaway check in

9.45 am Friday

Thanks for the starter, lennon.

Yesterday it made such a difference to talk with my friends (and to vent a bit here), feeling a lot better now. I did do a few things and made a list for today too. I want to work on getting up earlier (and going to bed earlier!) letting myself down on this.


  • finish off minor tasks list
  • progress on backlog project - 2 hours - not done
  • sort one area of office - not done
  • think about how I want the office arranged - not done
  • read one or two articles
  • plan promo tasks - call PV? - not done


  • bike ride - part done
  • food order
  • soak washing
  • banking
  • form to M for course
  • post wake-up request
  • text or phone to M - will do soon
  • dishes - will do soon
  • dinner - will do soon

Started too late, procrastinated at lunchtime, set too long a list. Now it's the weekend, time to do weekend things, and I will try again on Monday.


Thanks for the thread lennon!

Work 8AM-5PM: 

-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)

-try to understand s better 

-read AD

After Work 5PM-Sleep:

-check jo's

-check new mortgage is correct 

-mow lawn

-spray weeds [DONE]

-pull weeds [DONE]

-edge lawn

Following a theme

I also was quite productive yesterday. I didn't even check in here. Today is the exact opposite. I have wasted the morning, doing I'm not sure what, just trying to handle my anxiety, I guess. Had my online email account hacked overnight and used to send inappropriate and presumably malicious emails to everyone in my address book. That is stressful and embarrassing. I have a 3 PM interdepartmental meeting I have been asked to attend because the 2 people who actually know something about the project are out of town. I am stressed about that. I also have a growing pile of cases to review and write up. Stressful. My attorney left a voice mail about some financial forms related to my divorce I need to fill out ASAP. Stress? Why, yes. End result: I am paralyzed.

Here to set out some goals for the afternoon.

1. 1;15 to 2:30 PM: 5 x 15 minute case reviews, then move on, starting with the oldest first.

2. 2:30 to 3 PM: Do whatever reading I can find to get even a little up to speed on this project.

3. 3 PM: Attend this meeting but try to get out of there as soon after my topic is discussed as possible. I can't afford to stay there until 5 PM (scheduled end time).

4. Work on cases until 8 PM, with break for dinner.

5. Leave at 8 PM, go home and work on financial forms.

6. Bed by 11 PM.

Back to report progress. 

hacked email!

This has happened to everyone I know that had an email address attached to facebook.   I finally just made a separate email address just for facebook with no contacts in it.   Anyway, it happens . . . hope your meeting went well.


I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller

katia 5.19

Geez after the SUCCESS on tuesday, yesterday I just called it a day. Connor wasn't helping with his teething/tiredness/fussiness but I could have gotten SOME stuff done. I didn't.

Sending all good luck with tasks! Sometimes I *want* to reply to people's posts but don't get around to it. I'm thinking of you all though.

Things to do today
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9

-MATH HW- do it!!!
-everything from yesterday
-print out sources for paper

katia part 2

-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3
-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9

-MATH HW- do it!!!
-everything from yesterday
-print out sources for paper
-order diapers
-check mail

re: replying

I know, right?   I want to make a comment on everyone's post and give everyone encouragement and welcome every new person - but I'd be on here all day if I did!  Sending light and love to everyone every day even if I don't reply!   

I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller

Me too!!!

♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

hope4meandu day 5 here; day 5 at work

And you lennon!!!!, thanks for starting!!

So grateful to be here and experiencing recovery!!! I'm interested in doing service to support someone in need. If interested, please contact.

-research getting Yoffee stairs
-call vets in area and find cheapest for Goldie & how to get Yoffee allergy shots
-allergy shots for me
-pay $188. vet bill
-get Goldie's other window opened in his room
-order from PetMeds for Yoffee
-order toothpaste for Yoffee
-call Brian
-brush Yoffee

-clean bathroom
-work out 10 minutes
-wash lv & dr floors?


♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥

Journey 10:30 more whining

Happy Thursday.   I'm still not feeling well and getting frustrated about it.  I guess the antibiotics are making me feel bad now.   Well, I'll stay busy and the day will go by fast.  

I went to the gym, taking it easy again today but I was there.   I had one meeting this morning at 9:00 and no more meetings today, which is a good thing because I am in a spectacularly bad mood.   I have my todo list made.  I have 8 MITs and one is already completed.   Next thing is to catch up on email which I let slide a bit this week.   I'll report back when that's finished, and also report that I haven't bit anyone's head off I hope!  

Sounds like me and Rex are wearing the grumpy pants today!

Update 12:30 MIT #1 completed, took care of some club business at lunch, now working on MIT #2 (of 8 ).   My coworker complained that I was 'typing angrily' but at least I haven't yelled at anyone.

Update 1 pm:  MIT #3 of 8 completed and I realized that 2 of my MITs are duplicates of each other so that's really 3 of 7!

Update 1:15 MIT #4 of 7 complete

2:15 5 of 7 complete.   I'll spend an hour on each of #6 and #7, then tackle some lower priority stuff for an hour. 

4:00 spent the last 1.5 hours arguing with boss about another stupid report he wants us to produce that is useless and ridiculous.   Now back to work.  #6. \

4:30 worked on #6 for half an hour instead of an hour but made some progress and got to a good stopping point.   stewed over boss's stupid report with co-workers and we are going to suggest a compromise.   Now #7, probably will get in half an hour before boss comes back for more talk about the stupid report.   This is the horrid tedious administrative task, not good to save it for last, but the other stuff was more urgent.

5:45 - boss accepted the reasonable compromise, and I completed all my MITs.  I did not get any of my lower priority work done, but that's ok, and I made substantial progress on the horrid tedious administrative task!   It has been an unpleasant but productive day.   I'm picking up dinner on the way home then just chilling for evening.  See you tomorrow and I'll try not to be such a horrid whiny b*tch lol 

I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller


Hope you feel really well again soon! Look after yourself.

kromer 10:40 CI

((rexroth))--hang in there, hope you feel better soon!

Another late start today (I need to stop going to bed so late!)

Going to try and keep my list manageable again today:
*Finish WB and analyze data
*Finish WB documentation(started)
*Restore, c.f.
*Section (signed up for time, starting)
*Spend an hour thinking/reading
*Emails (about lunch, ag, apartment, craigslist, sample)

*Process mail and try to fix bike

Thursday Check-In

Goodmorning All,

Thank you for being here.  This is my first check-in about 2 weeks, kind of fell of the wagon somewhat, but am grateful to be back--at least it was for a much shorter amount of time than last.  I've been oversleeping (although not very restfully) and underworking but plan on changing that around.  I'll be brief now, cause I'm running late...but wanted to make sure to at least check in.

So brief to do:

Check in

go to am app.

go to work

have breakfast

am meditation

pm meditation

pay gym memebership

Thanks all.

Welcome back Claire77!

Glad you have made it back Smile.


Thanks Smile


Rexroth Check In

I feel miserable, tired, fed up and generally not good and I don't know why. So I'm doing what I can.

Up prayer and reflection - in truth more like moan and complain
Cleaned up in kitchen washed up
Put dry clothes away
Checked emails and posts - no snail mail

Keep waiting in for camera delivery
Study French - I don't want to be bothered
More admin work - again I don't want to be bothered

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

Above and listened to friend on phone for a while.
Camera has not come and I feel a little fed up and disappointed

Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep

Night Everyone


clement ci

so much to do. so much temptation to be distracted. i feel blessed to have so many opportunities to contribute. but i would like to not let people down.

need schedule. need focus. need strength.

I can pray and read my bible to help my self. give it 20 min.

the touch of the master's hand:

"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb

vic 5/19/11

Show up (done) tGITH

To do list:work on changing my thinking:~ From the Orin and DaBen Website ~ Close your eyes and think
of a number between 1 and 42. Refer to that number on the list below. For one
day, work on developing the attracting quality of the pair below.


Not honoring your worth
and time

Honoring your worth and time


Not giving or being
open to receive

Giving and receiving freely


Closing your heart

Opening your heart


Worrying that the worst
will happen

Expecting the best to happen


Getting into power

Coming from your heart


Cutting corners

Doing your best



Wanting everyone to succeed, cooperating


Thinking only of what
others will give you

Focusing on how you can serve others


Telling yourself why
you can't succeed

Telling yourself why you can succeed


Compromising your
values and ideals

Coming from your integrity

(((interesting vic)))

Will have to check out. Thanks!!! tracy-la

Hypatia's check-in

good morning all!

having been moaning that I've been overloaded with appointments and meetings I now have 5 unallocated hours in my diary today, plus all day tomorrow.  The danger of having this unstructred time is that I look at the piles of work waiting to be done and freak out!

However the last couple of days I have successfully cleaned the whole house by doing very tiny steps, so I think I need to apply the same philisophy to work


  • AF reports
  • DW report nearly finished
  • AH letters
  • process in-tray (which is overflowing) now not overflowing so much
  • school reports
  • file records
  • plan what to do with any time left  what time left?


My Day Today

I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.

Things I will do today

1. Go to the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Take shower

4. Get dressed

5. Go to group therapy at 9 a.m.

6. Go to individual therapy at 10:15 a.m.

7. Eat brunch

8. Go to my appointment at 1:15 p.m.

9. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today

10. Test blood sugar twice

11. Prayer and meditation morning and evening

12. Cook and eat dinner

13. Go to the 3:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in

14. Go to the 4:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in

15. Put clothes away

16. Clear tables near the computer

17. Sweep and pick up things off the floor

18. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting

19. Go to the 9 p.m. online EA meeting

20. Get sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight

21. Do numbers

Thanks for letting me share.