Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
I am at a bit of a low ebb today, stayed up late reading a novel last night when I should have been sleeping. Then of course slept in, late start etc. Trying to break the cycle where I feel bad about my procrastination, can easily slip into feeling like a bad person or a failure who doesn't deserve anything in life. The real issue is that I am anxious about not having enough work for my business and how I should deal with that. Lack of positive response for work I have completed is hard for me to deal with too. (Doesn't mean the work is not good, or so I try to tell myself. A lot is to do with the structure of my current situation, often feel like I am working in a vaccuum).
Also not getting the part-time work I interviewed for.
My work priorities are very unclear to me at the moment, there are no deadlines and some tasks are ill-defined, but I do need to put in some billable hours.
Off to lunch with a friend and another friend is coming for dinner and music tonight. Grateful for my friendships.
Thank you all for this wonderful forum and for letting me share.
- patch for smb config issue
- validate migration results
- add AVIs
- diagnose drilldown perf. issue
- work on case editor UI - able to add multiple cts
- reimport vocabulary
- set up vm
- fix two integration bugs
x meeting
Hello everyone checking in-- never finished my on-line work training from last week, so that is #1 this afternoon. I did already complete 2 major work phone calls, and did NOT read distracting website news items while checking email.
I have also given up making lists as I spend too much time thinking about them.
I came up with a new mantra yesterday while driving the car: "ON TASK ON TIME". This is a chant I use when I really need to finish something without worrying about it being perfect. Also since I am chronically late. I hope everyone has a great day and thank you!
procrastinating here! My clients didn't turn up so I had some "free" time. I gave some of it to a tutorial with the trainee who was spending the afternoon with me, but now it's 4pm and I am having trouble tackling the mess that is my desk. I've just been talking with my secretary about blocking out half a day a week just for paperwork.
What I'm putting off as usual is the report writing. Tomorrow I've got an office day all day after some early appointments for myself, so maybe if I clear my desk today I can start afresh tomorrow.
What I am pleased about is that last night, with the help of the PA chatbox, I completely tidied and cleaned the whole of the first floor of our house. Tonight i hope to do the rest before the landlord comes to inspect tomorrow.
go through pile on desktop
process in-tray
if time - file records
clean rest of house with help of chatbox
write to solicitor
ring WB
Thank you all for being here and for the support I'm getting in PA
OK, I think I need to try a new strategy when it comes to daily lists.
My list is always way longer than I can possibly get through, which means that no matter now hard I work I never am "allowed" to take the evening off. I think I would be more successful if I made my list something I could actually get through; that way I would have an incentive to get through it efficiently and have guilt-free time off.
With that new philosophy, here's a try at a reduced list:
*Start western blot (esentially done, though I still have documentation to do, which will take about an hour)
*Fix samples
*Coat slides
*Expt corrections
*Kit email
*Check on expts
((((KK)))) thanks for the cheerful starter & nice to meet you!!! Please keep coming & posting.
Gratefully have been cleaning GoldieSmurf's room every other day, but it still smells like cat litter box - UGH!! I'm sick, but not bad, but when I get home, I'm zonked... My husband is raging again for 2 weeks now, we had a solid 3 weeks good before that, oh well....please help me see my part in this mess.
-research getting Yoffee stairs
-call vets in area and find cheapest for Goldie & how to get Yoffee allergy shots
-allergy shots for me
-find groomer to come to house
-pay $188. vet bill
-get Goldie's other window opened in his room
-order from PetMeds for Yoffee
-order toothpaste for Yoffee
-call Brian
-get m-in-law bday card
-clean bathroom
-work out 10 minutes
-wash lv & dr floors?
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
I had a very good day yesterday especially for a work at home day. I was very tired and grouchy last night though so maybe I overdid it a bit. I almost gave my poor old border collie a nervous breakdown by yelling at him sharply to get out of the kitchen and then crying in his fur because I felt bad for yelling at him. He was watching me warily this morning to see if I was going to go crazy again. He's my buddy :) I've had several dogs in my lifetime and loved them all but this one is pretty special.
Anyway, I've had the meeting that was rescheduled from yesterday because nobody showed up. I had to start the conference call from the car, and almost embarrassed myself by saying a very bad word when someone almost hit me on the expressway. Luckily, no one else had dialed in yet.
Making todo list now, won't be checking in quite as frequently today as I'm back in the office but I'm planning to hit all my MITs early and get out of here on time or earlier since I'm still not 100%.
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
MIT #1 and 2 of 6 completed - I'm getting that panicky running-behind feeling, but I'll calm down - I haven't been goofing off (much) but had several phone calls, emails, and a visitor to deal with. I'll just move on to MIT #3, staying focused and taking reasonable guilt-free breaks.
1:25 MIT #3 completed, but I forgot that I had a 1:30 meeting,which won't be short. 5 minutes break, then meeting, then #4.
4:00 #4 completed, I'll work on #5 and #6 for 30 minutes each and then I'm outta here.
5:00 done! I actually finished up #5 and then only worked on #6 for 15 minutes but that's cool. Now I'm going to spend about 10 mins taking care of some personal business and then I will head home. I'm picking up dinner on the way home, so it will be a relaxing evening. see ya tomorrow
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Me too with Yoffee, I yelled at her on Sunday, we were going through a very, very bad neighborhood & it was coming nightfall, and I took it out on her, so what was supposed to be a joyous me and her time at the beach was ruined. G_d, grant me patience, especially with my Yoffee!!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Up prayer and reflection
Out to try to buy camera - a long and frustrating journey
Home and buy it on the web - it should arrive tomorrow
Dealt with emails and post
Some admin work booking tickets etc
Written part of journal
Phoned friend
Lots of admin including sorting out credit card who decided not to allow the transaction as apparently criminals frequently buy cameras
Phone friend to welcome her back from a journey and to wish her well with medical tests
Ordered business cards
Wrote more in journal
Cleaned and cleared a bit
I can't find who mentioned this site but it's pretty cool! I try to resist doing too much tracking/planning because I can end up spending all my time fiddling with my tracking and planning systems instead of doing real work but I think this one is worth looking at if you're working on a very specific goal.
So whoever mentioned it please take credit here since I can't find the original post!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Meeting has been discontinued due to lack of folks available to give service.
Should you wish to do service and chair, please contact me.
Many thanks!
"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower."Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.
Findingaway check in
Thursday 12.20 pm
Thanks for the starter KK, good to have you here!
I am at a bit of a low ebb today, stayed up late reading a novel last night when I should have been sleeping. Then of course slept in, late start etc. Trying to break the cycle where I feel bad about my procrastination, can easily slip into feeling like a bad person or a failure who doesn't deserve anything in life. The real issue is that I am anxious about not having enough work for my business and how I should deal with that. Lack of positive response for work I have completed is hard for me to deal with too. (Doesn't mean the work is not good, or so I try to tell myself. A lot is to do with the structure of my current situation, often feel like I am working in a vaccuum).
Also not getting the part-time work I interviewed for.
My work priorities are very unclear to me at the moment, there are no deadlines and some tasks are ill-defined, but I do need to put in some billable hours.
Off to lunch with a friend and another friend is coming for dinner and music tonight. Grateful for my friendships.
Thank you all for this wonderful forum and for letting me share.
Thanks for the thread K.K!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)
-try to understand s better
-read AD
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-check jo's
-check new mortgage is correct
-review and update action items [DONE]
-check on 401k performance [DONE]
-order office supplies [DONE]
-mow lawn
-spray weeds
-pull weeds
-edge lawn
-review proposals [DONE]
-buy groceries [DONe]
tiptree CI
to do:
- patch for smb config issue
- validate migration results
- add AVIs
- diagnose drilldown perf. issue
- work on case editor UI - able to add multiple cts
- reimport vocabulary
- set up vm
- fix two integration bugs
x meeting
katia 5.18
Yesterday I finished all but one task! That I wasn't really planning on doing anyway!!! I feel like I am finally getting out of a funk.
Things to do today
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9-pay person via paypal-check balance-order tea-Read article #1 for paper
-Send email to group re availability-Give professors forms-Send transcript-Send SAT/AP scoresMay 18
Hello everyone checking in-- never finished my on-line work training from last week, so that is #1 this afternoon. I did already complete 2 major work phone calls, and did NOT read distracting website news items while checking email.
I have also given up making lists as I spend too much time thinking about them.
I came up with a new mantra yesterday while driving the car: "ON TASK ON TIME". This is a chant I use when I really need to finish something without worrying about it being perfect. Also since I am chronically late. I hope everyone has a great day and thank you!
Hypatia's check-in
procrastinating here! My clients didn't turn up so I had some "free" time. I gave some of it to a tutorial with the trainee who was spending the afternoon with me, but now it's 4pm and I am having trouble tackling the mess that is my desk. I've just been talking with my secretary about blocking out half a day a week just for paperwork.
What I'm putting off as usual is the report writing. Tomorrow I've got an office day all day after some early appointments for myself, so maybe if I clear my desk today I can start afresh tomorrow.
What I am pleased about is that last night, with the help of the PA chatbox, I completely tidied and cleaned the whole of the first floor of our house. Tonight i hope to do the rest before the landlord comes to inspect tomorrow.
go through pile on desktopevening
Thank you all for being here and for the support I'm getting in PA
kromer 10:40 CI
OK, I think I need to try a new strategy when it comes to daily lists.
My list is always way longer than I can possibly get through, which means that no matter now hard I work I never am "allowed" to take the evening off. I think I would be more successful if I made my list something I could actually get through; that way I would have an incentive to get through it efficiently and have guilt-free time off.
With that new philosophy, here's a try at a reduced list:
*Start western blot (esentially done, though I still have documentation to do, which will take about an hour)
Fix samples*
Coat slides*
Expt corrections*
Kit email*
Check on exptsI want to add more to it but I'll start there.
Right now, I need to start fixing samples
kromer next day CO
OK, apparently my "reduced list" was still a bit long (I worked until midnight last night, and focus wasn't perfect but it was OK.
But, I did everything except the western blot documentation! that's the closest I've gotten to "finished" in a looong time
hope4meandu day 4 here; day 4 at work
((((KK)))) thanks for the cheerful starter & nice to meet you!!! Please keep coming & posting.
Gratefully have been cleaning GoldieSmurf's room every other day, but it still smells like cat litter box - UGH!! I'm sick, but not bad, but when I get home, I'm zonked... My husband is raging again for 2 weeks now, we had a solid 3 weeks good before that, oh well....please help me see my part in this mess.
-research getting Yoffee stairs
-call vets in area and find cheapest for Goldie & how to get Yoffee allergy shots
-allergy shots for me
-find groomer to come to house
-pay $188. vet bill
-get Goldie's other window opened in his room
-order from PetMeds for Yoffee
-order toothpaste for Yoffee
-call Brian
get m-in-law bday cardHome:
-clean bathroom
work out 10 minutes-wash lv & dr floors?
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Journey 9:30
I had a very good day yesterday especially for a work at home day. I was very tired and grouchy last night though so maybe I overdid it a bit. I almost gave my poor old border collie a nervous breakdown by yelling at him sharply to get out of the kitchen and then crying in his fur because I felt bad for yelling at him. He was watching me warily this morning to see if I was going to go crazy again. He's my buddy :) I've had several dogs in my lifetime and loved them all but this one is pretty special.
Anyway, I've had the meeting that was rescheduled from yesterday because nobody showed up. I had to start the conference call from the car, and almost embarrassed myself by saying a very bad word when someone almost hit me on the expressway. Luckily, no one else had dialed in yet.
Making todo list now, won't be checking in quite as frequently today as I'm back in the office but I'm planning to hit all my MITs early and get out of here on time or earlier since I'm still not 100%.
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Journey 1 pm &
MIT #1 and 2 of 6 completed - I'm getting that panicky running-behind feeling, but I'll calm down - I haven't been goofing off (much) but had several phone calls, emails, and a visitor to deal with. I'll just move on to MIT #3, staying focused and taking reasonable guilt-free breaks.
1:25 MIT #3 completed, but I forgot that I had a 1:30 meeting,which won't be short. 5 minutes break, then meeting, then #4.
4:00 #4 completed, I'll work on #5 and #6 for 30 minutes each and then I'm outta here.
5:00 done! I actually finished up #5 and then only worked on #6 for 15 minutes but that's cool. Now I'm going to spend about 10 mins taking care of some personal business and then I will head home. I'm picking up dinner on the way home, so it will be a relaxing evening. see ya tomorrow
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Me too with Yoffee, I yelled at her on Sunday, we were going through a very, very bad neighborhood & it was coming nightfall, and I took it out on her, so what was supposed to be a joyous me and her time at the beach was ruined. G_d, grant me patience, especially with my Yoffee!!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Good thing our furry friends are so forgiving!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Out to try to buy camera - a long and frustrating journey
Home and buy it on the web - it should arrive tomorrow
Dealt with emails and post
Some admin work booking tickets etc
Written part of journal
Phoned friend
More admin and planning
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Lots of admin including sorting out credit card who decided not to allow the transaction as apparently criminals frequently buy cameras
Phone friend to welcome her back from a journey and to wish her well with medical tests
Ordered business cards
Wrote more in journal
Cleaned and cleared a bit
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
I can't find who mentioned this site but it's pretty cool! I try to resist doing too much tracking/planning because I can end up spending all my time fiddling with my tracking and planning systems instead of doing real work
but I think this one is worth looking at if you're working on a very specific goal.
So whoever mentioned it please take credit here since I can't find the original post!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank K.K. for starting this trend.
Things I have done today
. Called for the 5:45 a.m. telephone ACA meeting, but was not able to get in.2. Went to tne 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting3. Went to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meetingThings I will do today
1. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in2. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting3. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in4. Go to the 11:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in
5. Go to the 12 noon telephone ACA meeting6. Go to the 1 p.m. telephone CLA meeting7. Go to the 1:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in8. Go to the 2:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in9. Go to the 3 p.m. telephone CLA meeting10. Go to the 4:30 p.m. telephone PA check-in11. Test blood sugar twice12. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
13. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today14. Cook and eat brunch15. Fix and eat dinner
16. Take shower17. Get dressed18. Put clothes away
19. Clear tables near the computer
20. Make bed
21. Wash dishes
22. Sweep and pick up stuff off the floor
23. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.Thanks for letting me share
No Weds Night Phone Meeting Tonight
Meeting has been discontinued due to lack of folks available to give service.
Should you wish to do service and chair, please contact me.
Many thanks!
"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower." Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.
Vic 5/18/11
Show up (done) TGIW
Used tools to make some calls. Small steps add up.
Thanks for starter KK. Have a blessed day everyone.
Life is not always what one wants it to
be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being
-- Jennie Jerome Churchill
To get us started, here's my todo list for now: