Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Wednesday May 4, 2011
Happy Wednesday, everybody!
Have a great proactive day!
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Finding a way late check in
11.30 am Thursday
Thanks for the starter, lennon.
Yesterday I had a productive day at my client's office and a nice evening out with friends. But then today I slept in and am making a very slow start. I can see some of this is fall out from feeling that I am not going to get the part-time work I went to a lot of trouble to apply and interview for; then there is anxiety over having enough work in the future and a chronic lack of appreciation from current clients for what I am doing. Unfortunately I end up feeling either that I don't deserve appreciation for my work, or resentful that I'm not getting any, and from there it's easy to move on to feeling like it's not worth doing anything.
Today I will:
Thank you all for being here and welcome those who are new!
Afternoon bookending
Hi Everyone,
Very glad for this forum ... it is past 3 pm and the tempation is to blow off the rest of the day in home office but luckily I can set some intenions here and then check back in. For the next two hours I will
Will check back in ... thanks for being here! bayhorses
checking out
amazing what happens when someone else knows that I am doing! I am all done with that list and ready to exit the ofice feeling good. Have a good afternoon/evening everyone! bayhorses
Welcome BayHorses!
Yes, it's so nice to have a place to go where people actually understand!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Motivation flagging
3:30 PM: Had a very busy morning, rushing to finish a presentation I had to give at 12:30 PM. Feeling anxious because of the sprint to the deadline plus watching new work accumulate in my inbox. Ignored new stuff, and finished the presentation moments before I had to give it. Got through that okay, had a "decompressing" lunch at 1:30 PM, and...nothing for about the last hour and a half. Just stuck. The presentation was kind of my psychological "hump" for the week, and I feel a letdown, even though I still have lots to do. So, time to refocus, plan the work and work the plan, so to speak.
The other night - working late, natch - the question crossed my mind for the umpteenth time, "Why am I so much slower than everyone else in this place?" An answer is, "That's your nature: slow and methodical because you feel more comfortable and less anxious that way, because you think it makes you less likely to make mistakes." But it also occurred to me (I realize this isn't a profound observation, just something my daily treadmill slog causes me to lose sight of) that becoming more knowledgeable might also help make me less prone to errors, because i wouldn't always be working at the limits of my competence. But actively increasing my competence will require me to devote time to personal development. If I continue to grind away from morning until night just trying to force myself to keep up with the work, I will never see significant progression towards mastery of my field.
If I don't get significantly better at what I do, however, my career will continue to be unsatisfying on one hand, and exceedingly time consuming on the other. I do tend to take a perverse pride in knowing I am routinely the last to leave at night, and have also become one of the first to arrive. But to what end, for goodness' sake? Working harder just to work harder? Working harder to compensate for my inability to work faster and more assuredly? I need to reprioritize increasing my knowledge base. Otherwise, there will never be time to do it, and failing to do it will consign me to a career of trudging along without time to do anything else meaningful except work.
Goal 1: Work steadily for the next 3 hours, no more than 30 minutes per case, then move on.
Goal 2: Dinner break
Goal 3: Force myself to do some personal study for at least an hour.
Goal 4: Leave work by 9 PM. That's a 13 hour day, for goodness' sake. What's the point of staying longer? I already know I am a grinder. And no one else cares, they only care about results.
Back to report.
re: time for education
I hear ya. I need to do the same thing but geez where to find the time? Maybe we could study for 30 minutes a day, eh?
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Worth a try Jo
Maybe 30 minutes is more reasonable than an hour. For me the key is that it has to be regularly and greater than zero! Peace,
katia 5.4
Back from class! And have been in a rut for awhile now. Have another outstanding assignment. As in it was due last night, not that it was outstandingly wonderful. Going to get that done tonite and take some actions too.
Resetting Leechblock so I don't waste my time too much on this parenting forum.
Things to do today
-Vitamins & #1 #2 #3-#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8-Bio short answer #1-Bio short answer #2-Bio short answer #3-Email math class
-Schedule interview-Schedule advisor appt
-Order snap on high chair
tiptree CI 1:34 PM
to be done by 2am:
- clock 8 hrs
- get term db imported (w/ cat. and cust. attrib. created)
- compile list of problem usrs/cases for migration
- impl chapter breakdown for large colls.
- meeting
- work on enc. issues
- work on ui for dpts
tracy-la weds may 4 check in
3 Readings for today since I've skipped a few days this week:
Freedom from Compulsive Disorders
Thank you for keeping me straight yesterday. Please help me stay straight today.
—paraphrased from Alcoholics Anonymous
When I first began my recovery from procrastination, I was furious about having
to begin another recovery program. Seven years earlier, I had begun
recovery from codependency (chemical dependency or insert what applies to you __________). It didn't seem fair that one person
should have to address two major issues in one lifetime.
I've gotten over my anger. I've learned that my recoveries aren't isolated
from one another. Many of us recovering from codependency and adult
children issues are also recovering from addictions: alcoholism, other
drug dependency, gambling, food, work, or sex addiction. Some of us are
trying to stay free of other compulsive disorders - ranging from
caretaking to compulsively feeling miserable, guilty, or ashamed.
An important part of codependency recovery is staying clean and free of
our compulsive or addictive behaviors. Recovery is one big room we've
entered called healthy living.
We can wave the white flag of surrender to all our addictions. We can
safely turn to a Power greater than ourselves to relieve us of our
compulsive behavior. We know that now. Once we begin actively working a
program of recovery, Higher Power will relieve us of our addictions. Ask Higher Power each
morning to help us stay free of our addictions and compulsions. Thank
Higher Power for helping us the day before.
Today, HP, help me pay attention to all my recovery issues. Help me know that
before I can work on the finer points of my recovery, such as my
relationships, I must be free of addictive behaviors.
Adapted From The Language of Letting Go
A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows.
—John Powell
Should you become a doctor or perhaps an astronaut? Maybe being a writer or an
athlete appeals to you. Dreaming of what to be can be useful. It helps
us set our goals and learn our values. Also, using our imagination lets
us "try on" a future role. We learn about our life's direction through
our dreams of where to go and what to do.
Not all dreams are helpful, however. Sometimes we daydream about other
things when we really do need to listen. Learning how to use our
imagination to guide our plans for growing up takes practice.
Imagining ourselves happy and brave will help us feel both. Imagining ourselves
as failures can be just as powerful. Let's respect the power of the
imagination and use it to form good images of our future.
How can I build goodness and success into my future today?
From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families
The rare and beautiful experiences of divine revelation are moments of special gifts. Each of us, however,
lives each day with special gifts which are a part of our very being,
and life is a process of discovering and developing these God-given
gifts within each one of us.
—Jeane Dixon
Have we discovered what our gifts are? We assuredly have them, and now that
we are abstinent we have opportunities, daily, to share them with
others. Sharing them knowingly will bring joy to us, but more than that,
we will grow in appreciation of ourselves. And we do need to realize
how very important we are to others.
Many of us came into this program nearly feet first. Most of us were filled
with rage, shame, or both. Life had dumped on us. We had survived only
minimally. The knowledge that we had something to offer the human race
was not ours, then. It may still be knowledge that escapes us, from time
to time. But we can learn to acknowledge it.
We have many talents that are ours alone to offer the world. Perhaps we
express ourselves adroitly; maybe we write particularly well. Listening
when it's most needed by a friend may be our finest talent today. We
might have gifts as a musician or a manager. Our inner self knows our
strengths. We can listen for that voice.
God is trying to get my attention today, to direct my energies to make the most of my special talents. I will be aware.
From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone. tracy-la
Vic 5/4/11
Show up (done)
Still poking along. Yesterday my son handed in school lessons without me. He promised he would not do that again but he did. He said, mom, "I get so worried, you always drag things out." Those words were like a knife in the heart. I hope I can remember and use his truth to help me remember how my procrastination affects others and help motivate me to change. It hurts others more than I know... So today, use chatbox.
pm- today worked out well. We did the unit test and did not "drag it out" I was prepared. I apligized to my son saying it was partly my fault with the way he was doing his work, because I was "dragging things out" and I fell behind when I was sick last week. He did not let me off the hook and said we are going to stay on track now,We did today and both felt great. It seems like I "try to get away with" anything I can before my new way of life kicks in and then I choose not to "trying to get away with" even if I could because it is not even worth it even if I could. That is how my "showing up commitment" is starting ro feel. I did not even want to shut down when I was sick because it just was not worth it. Grateful for the hope of learning new ways of life.
So relate with "trying to get away with anything I can." So glad we are all here in this together!!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Journey 10 am
Slow start because I left my work badge in my car and had to make the trek back 3 blocks to the car to get it. Oh well. When my todo list is made, prioritized, and scheduled, I will make myself a nice cup of coffee.
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
hope4meandu day 21 here; day 25 at work
Thanks lennon for starting us!! WELCOME Alvena, so glad you are here with us and sharing, please keep coming!!!! Hi to people I haven't met before: hopefulcat, djane & treehugger!!!! So nice to see you all!!
Now that I've been showing up pretty consistently, thanks HP, I have to learn how not to let the "crew" get to me & maintain goodwill & serenity. This, I think, will take some time. It's hard not beating myself up, when I struggle with this aspect.
-buy Yoffee a new bed
-research getting Yoffee stairs
-how to get Yoffee allergy shots
-check on credit cards
-how to go to PetWorks
-call vets in area and find cheapest for Goldie
-research how to know if Goldie has worms & what to do
get name from R for Goldie Dr. in Farmingdale-
call B for Sunday-
call Starbucks on FH do they have hook up?-cards for: Mom & Greta
-10 minute workout
Thankfully did a fair amount of stuff last night, thanks to you all!!
May you see HP's will in all you do today.
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Thanks for the thread lennon!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)
-Fix C issue
-understand ck [DONE]
-contact v about whole thing [DONE]
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-check jo's
-check for gas leak in crawl space
-check contract date, update if needed
-return two notebooks for bus diar [DONE]
-complete two action items [DONE]
-fix clc items [DONE]
-pick up power head [DONE]
-buy remover [DONE]
Scribbler's Hump Day CI 8:15 a.m.
My vacation trip that was to start today has been postponed due to a lousy Yellowstone weather forecast. So instead of a long drive I face a long day of work, including revising a complex article. Ah, well. Could be worse...
Get upat 6 (two slaps at the snooze button = not bad)Make bedExercise
Healthy breakfastCoffee, paperCheck-insPractice classical pieceMorning
D/O soccer paperworkUpdate QuickenMusic marketing - reply to FW venue, update event sitesLook into registering for 5kQ - BN,TEFile stealRead cruise edit(s)Afternoon
File 1 BN (gas)File cruise rewriteEvening
clement ci
i'm going to try to make a schedule today...
the touch of the master's hand:
"fall down seven times, get up eight" - japanese proverb
fudoshin : day 107
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
This is the 107th day that I have followed through with the following:
the past. (I am now back on day 70 for this).
includes not stalking people on AIM or other chat networks, whom I've
tried to date in the past. (I'm on day 35 of this.)
To-do list
10:15-12:15: study languag+homework
12:15-12:45: lunch
12:45-13:30: cleaning
13:30-17: class
Done, except for the
Done, except for the cleaning part because I mis estimated the time needed for my homework. All in all a good day!
Welcome Treehugger!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Welcome Treehugger!
I know it's never too late to make a brand new start - from "Brand New Start" by Paul Weller
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Stay in for important delivery x
Tidy up generally x
Study French x
Look for language swaps on sites other than the ones I have tried so far x
Start craft work
Continue writing article
Continue admin work for friend x only a little
Book swimming lessons x
Order part for radio x
Check todo list for things to do before I go on holiday x
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above as x and also read book on underperformance with arrived in the post this morning which I chose to do instead of the other things I had listed
I feel good making a long list even if I didn't get everything finished as it is more honest
Also written journal and washed up and put rubbish out
Maybe read a little more
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
Just a reminder...
No Weds night phone meeting tonight.
Meetings have been canceled due to lack of people available to chair.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
In fellowship - MC
"[People] need to be connected to each other. Courage comes out of relationship; it doesn’t come out of willpower." Peter Block, author of Servant Leadership: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest.
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Go to the 8:30 a.m. telephone PA meeting3. Go to the 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Fix and eat brunch5. Test my blood sugar6. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
7. Take shower8. Get dressed9. Print out my material and put my part in my portfolio10. See my supervisor at 1:30 p.m.11. Do numbers
12. Eat dinner13. Go to work at 5:30 p.m.14. Go to the 9 a.m. telephone ACA meeting15. Go to the 9:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in16. Go to the 10:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in17. Go to the 11:30 a.m. telephone PA check-in18. Make bed
19. Wash dishes
Thanks for letting me share