Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Thursday, April 28th, 2011

One Step at a Time...
- We all recover!
- Doing together that
- Which we could not do alone :)
Have a great day all! Yours in fellowship - MC
- Login to post comments
fudoshin : day 101 : 2:34pm
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
I am not watching youtube today. I set my channel to email me if there were any updates from subscribers, but logging in last night totally destroyed me. Plus, I need to fix my sleeping rhythm. I'm committing to waking up by 1pm tomorrow. Once the clock hits 2am, I am going to get ready for sleep with brushing my teeth and all of that. Then the next night, I can get up an hour earlier the next day and eventually wake up at 9am.
I also need to look over my goals and affirmations too, so I stay centered and aware.
fudoshin: 12: 01am
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
OMG. I'm telling on myself. I went to youtube. :(
Trying to regain traction
2:22 PM: Well, back in town from visiting my children. It's just painful to have to leave again after a few days, knowing it will be another couple of months before i can get over there again. I am grateful to have a job, but I am very sad that I am far from my kids. Feeling trapped in a life that isn't mine.
Now trying to get back on the horse at work, so to speak. Have to return to the regimented approach that was helping me finally make some headway. Yesterday I got nothing done and today I have gotten a very late start. Need to focus and keep after it. Feels like putting my forehead to the grindstone.
Goal 1: For the next 4 hours, devote 30 minutes per case to 8 cases.
katia 4.28
Eeeee! Struggling with getting work done! Did AWESOME on tuesday, yesterday was EXHAUSTED and used that as an excuse.
My dad is coming to visit tomorrow! I am so excited. We are going ot eat at my favorite restaurant and I will be able to get some work done. I am applying to transfer to a closer school and that will be alot of extra work.
Things to do today-
Vitamins & #1 #2#3#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9-Buy 1/2 off ergo (!!!)-Drive to store to get dressGot mother's day presents too!-Pick up fruit/vegpostponed due to logistics, not procrastination-EMAIL MY D*MN ADVISOR-Math hw (even if I have to email my prof ten times)
-Plan of attack for this weekend
-Possibly read Bio article #2
LOL - I procrastinate so much I don't even know what day it is and posted this on YESTERDAY'S thread :-) Reposting here:
As some of you may know, I'm working on re-centering myself and re-establishing a better balance in my life which had gotten too focused on study.
I am thinking today that I really need to write down more exactly/specifically what I want to do with this time away from class in order to achieve that centering/balance, i.e. not just "be more active" but exactly HOW I'm going to be more active, and when. That includes giving thought to what activities are most enjoyable for me and how I can increase my involvement in those. Not just "take more time for things that are just fun", but put some thought into what fun things I want to do this spring/summer.
Although the idea isn't to make a list of new projects to fill that time, I do want to be sure the time doesn't just drift by and I end up back in classes without having satisfied the cravings for these things I have been neglecting. Also trying to re-establish them as equally valid priorities that I should be including in my life even once I do go back to studies.
I don't feel I need to post the list here, I think just posting the resolve to do this will be sufficient to motivate me to actually make the list.
kromer 10:30 CI
Having a hard time getting started this morning.
Need to:
Prep coverslips*Change f, cm, setup (working on this now)
*Update calendar
*Prep fluorophores (started)
*Order new Kit antibody
*Read DSB paper
Email about deacon moderation, 30hf*
Prep for class
*Sample list/email(started)
Scheduled: small group, class, dinner with friend
I'm going to start with fluorophore prep and calendar/emails
hope4meandu day 17 here; day 21 at work
MamaCat, nice to see you, thanks for the excellent start!!!
I really have to remind myself that this is a life-long struggle from which I won't get well. There is a flow in my life that hasn't been for many years and I have to know that I should enjoy it while it lasts!!! If I wasn't here with you and all your shares, I would think I was cured.
-buy Yoffee a new bed
food shopping-laundry
-cook for Saturday
call RS for ride on Sunday-what to do next for Goldie, had terrible runs and through up...besides everything else
-how to get Yoffee allergy shots
take Yoffee to beach-
weather on Sunday & how to get to beach-have exterminator come
-wash floors
-order from GG
-call M, r they coming
write note to RF-
call B-
spending chart-
do NF-get new watch battery
-check on credit card
email J about singing scheduleLOVE TO EVERYONE TODAY!!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Vic 4/28/11
Show up (done) Nice starter MC. I am always amazed at something so obvious can be so profound in my crazy thinking. The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy has always helped me. Today I want to put my crazy thinking on the table. My subconscious tells me, 1. Since you don;t know where to start, you better wait. 2. Since you haven't e-mailed x, y and z, yet, surely you can;t do it today. 3. Since you feel both physically and emotionally drained right now with other stuff, you better not do anything else.4. You need to listen to meetings 1st. etc. etc. etc. Beleive it or not, once upon a time in my life, long, long ago, my mind whould say, I can get this done today, I can do this. Somewhere I crossed the line into addict thinking. Like the AA Big Book says, we are like someone who lost a leg, we don;t grow new ones. With the program, I can still walk if I am humble enough to use the tools or find new ones. There is a saying that says :If the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail." So today I want to find some new tools to leal with my thinking, the hammer is not working today. Thanks for being here.
Relate ((vic)) & the "sick" thinking seems so right & natural!!!
Wishing you feathers instead of hammers!!
♥"Careful the wish we make, wishes are children. Careful the path they take, wishes come true..." From "Children Will Listen," by Stephen Sondheim.♥
Journey 9:30 ugh
Well, yesterday wasn't that great. We took a long lunch with the retiree and then we were sent home early because of bad weather. I could have worked a bit when I got home but instead I was glued to the tv watching the storm. We were woken up 3 times during the night by the tornado siren. Luckily the worst of the weather missed us but there was some bad damage in the town just south of us. We spent half the night in the tiny guest bathroom with two giant trembling and panting dogs. I couldn't find the cat or he would have been in there too.
I planned to sleep late and skip the gym but I woke up at the usual time so I figured I might as well get up and go. So at least I went to the gym, but I am tired and grumpy and feel guilty because I did f**k all yesterday. In addition I have been getting some firm direction in my prayer time that I need to forgive someone that I feel incapable of forgiving.
So thanks for listening to my frustrations, I am going to make my todo list and treat myself to a diet coke and some advil. I have only one meeting today and the office is pretty quiet, so I hope to lose myself in some coding for a while. I feel like I should 'make up' for yesterday but I know that is a foolish thought. I will just do the best I can for today.
Hang in there
Ah, yes, Diet Coke and Advil. My preferred breakfast of champions. Hope today is a better day and tonite a peaceful night for you.
each day . . .
A new chance to begin again!
Be kind to yourself :-)
Thanks for the thread Mama_Cat, great picture and quote!
Work 8AM-5PM:
-Figure out fix for low c (test low r, test high r, test add c)
-Verify all W ordered
-Fix C issue
-Fix out C issue
-contact v about issue
-fix v dr
-get pns
After Work 5PM-Sleep:
-update c w/ options
-finish adding c photos
-write check from fs to boa [DONE]
-check jo's
-send pcp and derm doctor info to aetna [DONE]
-ask pcp for referral
-set up appointment with derm
-do final cleaning/organizing of garage
-check br on wednesday [DONE]
-check for gas leak in crawl space
-pay ns account
-send hoa check
-dry clean pants
-buy fire ext [DONE]
Scribbler's Thursday CI 7:56 a.m.
Get upat 6 (6:18 -- another double-snooze-button-slap morning)Make bedHealthy breakfast
Coffee, paperCheck-insExerciseSightreading practiceMorning
Update QuickenMusic marketingFile 1 BN (food?)Q - BNDo 2 CIOGrocery shoppingAfternoon
lunchP/u B at 2:45Evening
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer reflection
Out shopping twice home and put food and bits away
Checked emails and post
Emailed friend
Out again to collect prescription
Put on washing machine
Read and think over material on website re PA
Read again and think over my own notes on what I want to achieve
Tidy up the kichen a little
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
So very tired and need to sleep.
Will post when mind clear tomorrow
Night Rexroth
Hypatia's check-in
Good morning all! Didn't get online yesterday as had back to back meetings. We've got national holidays tomorrow and Monday (tomorrrow is THE royal wedding) so it's a short week with a lot to do.
Today's list
It's 5 pm and I've done a lot today, but hardly any of it is what's on my list. Most of it was responding to what other people needed me to do. All my Easter resolutions about keeping up with my reports have gone out of the window, and I'm not even prepared for my first meeting next week. I can't even stay late tonight because I've got to get to the doctors and the estate agent before they close. Not a good way to start the holiday weekend.
fudoshin: day 101
Please do not leave advice. Thank you. Prayers welcome.
This is the 101th day that I have followed through with the following:
the past. (I am now back on day 64 for this).
includes not stalking people on AIM or other chat networks, whom I've
tried to date in the past. (I'm on day 29 of this.)
My Day Today
I want to thank my Higher Power for this program, this website, the telephone and online meetings, and my life.
I want to thank Mama Cat for starting this trend
Things I will do today
1. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Prayer and meditation morning and evening
3. Take shower4. Get dressed5. Eat brunch6. Wash dishes
7. Finish the paper via PowerPoint8. Go to Social Security to get proof of income9. Go to the Internship at 1 p.m.10. Eat dinner11. Go to the NA business meeting at 7 p.m.
12. Go to the 8 p.m. face to face NA meeting
13. Test blood sugar14. Type part for the portfolio
15. Get the portfolio ready for next week
16. Post and send out Al-Anon literature for today17. Call my therapist and tell him I will see him next week.18. Call the pharmacy19. Do numbers
20. Pay off part of my loan21. Get my things ready22. Fill up the monthly reportThanks for letting me share
Woops, mistake!
Findingaway check in
11.50 am
Thanks for the inspiring starter, Mama Cat.
Not off to a good start today. Counselling with my husband did not go well, did not sleep well and am feeling the effects today.
I am thinking I will skip my office day tomorrow to ensure I get some other work done. It is not so good, but I will go in next Wednesday.
Have done some errands today, but not MITs. Still to do:
30 mins on data projectdid extra on this to finish a sectionlunchring Mmeditation 5 pmHave to remember I will feel better if I get some things done.
Thanks to you all for being here.
Although I stuffed up on the tax thing I am feeling very grateful today as the day really did turn around. So glad I did not start playing computer games when things were bad!
And I got rung up for a job interview on Monday!
My resolution now is to go to bed by 10 pm and not sleep in tomorrow.