Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Tuesday 20 July 2010
A day is made of minutes.
Small scraps can make a beautiful whole even if each one is not perfect.
... I can keep starting.
wisdom courage serenity
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End of day
Today went well, better than most days I experience at work. I'm finding the check in process helpful to keep tabs on progress. Enjoying reading others posts as well. A couple of thoughts occur to me:
I need to be wary of complacency. I am excited and motivated at the moment by the change that I am managing to implement. If I can reach a stage where this kind of 'just do it' behaviour is regular I must make sure that I don't slip back to bad habits. I read recently that you can form a good (or bad) habit in 30 days. Hopefully I can repeat this positive behaviour enough that it becomes habit.
I also noticed that ironically some of my to-do jobs are a kind of procrastination in themselves. For example I can fill my list with plenty of tasks that genuinely need doing but are not the things that I really fear. I must include projects/tasks that really push me. For example, I have procrastinated for...years, about sitting down and writing. I want to write a book but cannot start. I find this site really helpful and it is helping me develop a new habit of working and getting things done, but I will be disappointed in myself if I can't learn to tackle the 'big' issues that will take me forward in life. I shall look into the section on PA for larger projects and start from there.
Hope everyone is having a productive day.
tiptree CI
to do:
- attend meeting
- clock 14 1/2 hr bursts
- investigate hc
- clear 3 bugs
- back files
- set up new computer
- clean office
- practice Dowland
- read up on cat.
- read 1 ch. PP
- read 1 ch. EIP
So yesterday turned out to be a positive day, if somewhat less productive than I hoped. This morning started out well, giving an introductory talk to young, bright faced colleagues, who responded positively. This is a part of my work for which I generally get positive feedback. However, the management here doesn't care about my contributions in this area, which is a problem, since this is a positive attribute I have long relied on to compensate for my procrastination. Instead, the focus has been on my turnaround time for reports, truly my weakest link. To quote my boss's nurturing term, my turnaround time is "abysmal". Well, it's too late to save this job, but perhaps I can right the ship for the next one. On to it.
12:40 - 2 PM: 1 hour, 20 minutes (meeting at 2 PM) - 6 cases, mostly quickies.
Back later to report.
My Day Today
Things I did today
1. Went to my 7:00 a.m. telephone DA meeting2. Went to my 8:30 and 11:00 telephone PA meetings3. Went to my 9:45 a.m. telephone CLA meeting4. Called my CLA sponsor and left a message5. Called another 12-Stepper and received phone calls from 12-Steppers.6. Washed most of my dishesThings I will do today
1. Finish eating my brunch2. Prayer and meditation3. 12-Step reading
4. Make bed5. Complete washing dishes6. Get my sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight7. Put my program literature away in one place8. Post Al-Anon literaturature for the rest of the week and all of next week.
9. Declutter 1,000 e-mail.
10. Clear couch (For a minute until I start declutering)
11. Clear tables
12. Clear off floor
13. Clear some of my storage boxes (Still on the process)
14. Look for important papers (Found most of what I need)15. Take shower16. Get clothes ready for tomorrow
17. Separate the chicken and remove the fat.
18. Call my DA Sponsor.19. Go to the 1:00 CLA meeting20. Go to the PA Check-in at 1:30 and 5:30.That's all I have
Journey 11 am
Good morning . . . I am dragging today, after working a lot of hours this past weekend. I asked for an extra work-from-home day today to catch up on sleep, and I didn't really start working until about 10 am.
However, I went back to the gym this morning yay! It's been a month since my pneumonia diagnosis and I'm back to normal, or what passes for normal for me lol, so now getting back into working out and watching my diet.
I also had to make a quick run to the grocery store, and I had a meeting at 10:30, so just now getting around to making my todo list for the day.
I will go now and clean up and get dressed in "work-at-home" clothes, have quiet time, then come back with a todo list for the rest of the day.
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard
Journey, you have email.
now you have mail Moving!
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Journey 1 pm
Finally back with my todo list :
Gym (yay!) - 1 hourGrocery store - 30 minutesPlanning - 1 hourProject Z - R. meeting - 1 hourCheck change requests - 10 minutesProject Z - Add role for B and find out who can add him - 15 minutesProject Z - how to get help with C's time sheet - 15 minutesProject Z - check on conflict with m - 10 minutesProject Z - write up minutes from last meeting - 15 minutesProject Z - schedule next meeting - 10 minutesdinnerdisheshand washingput away clothesQuiet timeThis is probably overly ambitious for a tired day but I'll start going through the list and get as far as I can! Starting now with quiet time.
6:30 pm well I only got through about half of my list, but I spent a couple of hours on the meeting minutes/agenda, as it turns out it is required to be a very formal published document! So it was a better day that it appears on paper lol
'A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.' - Elbert Hubbard
Way late, but here: Scribbler's CI
Slept horribly late this morning. I'm not sure why. Tired I guess. Anyway, here's today:
Get upby 7 (ha! how about 8:30? Need to get to sleep earlie)Coffee, paper, water plantsHealth breakfastCheckinsMorning
Add 5 to musicFinish factchecking Masters10Afternoon
Miscellaneous to-dos I'm re-listing here so I won't forget them.
kromer 8:45 CI
Today is a bit of a tricky day.
This morning 10-12 I have a meeting where I'm making a big presentation. Then I'm meeting with my advisor after that (12-1?) to discuss how the presentation went.
BEFORE the presentation: I'm pretty much ready, so I just need to stay calm and focused.
I want to proofread the presentation and get the projector set up; briefly plan what I want to get out of my meeting with my advisor; and work for 15-30 min on cost estimates
AFTER the presentation, I want to avoid the temptation to crash. Slowing down my pace and taking intentional breaks is fine; totally getting lost in procras is not. So, I'm going to schedule some relatively straightforward tasks (MITs are highlighted):
Notes from mtg*Genotyping (almost done w/ this; have about 30 min of clean-up work tomorrow)
Schedule for the week, master project list*Clear WM queue, deal w/ email
Finish cost est.
And, if I get through those, I'll do some of the following (whichever seems most appealing):
*Read RNAseq paper
*Organize papers
*Email S
*Return phone calls
*Start learning to use bowtie program
*Talk to bank
OK, heading to chatbox now
**TAXES - It's 5:29 a.m. and I just stayed up all night to finish them but they're DONE!!!
Rested and ready to go!
More if I manage to get these things done. We'll see!!!
Strong work
That's great. I am still shooting for October 1.
congrats Gmarie!
That's a huge accomplishment--wow!!
It's irritating that it sometimes takes these all-nighters to get something done but I'll keep working at it! =D
Vic 7/20
Show up (done)
Having 2 semi shut down days did not feel as "normal" as they did before PA, being in the "rooms" of PA with others is the same as any other 12 step group for me. I need others trying to recover of the same "issue" to make the shift and help others to keep the shift.
...alize. In a vague way their families and friends sense that these drinkers are abnormal, but everybody hopefully awaits the day when the sufferer will rouse himself from his lethargy and assert his power of will. The tragic truth is that if...
PEA check in
Hoping to keep up the momentum today. Also aiming to fight distraction.
Details of 2 new props
Finish #16 brochureOrder boardCall Phil LCall D. BethCall PaulaNew shots of landDesign promotional paper (stage one, get layout)
Starting now
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Planed day
Tidied a little
Checked emails and messages
Out shopping when shops open
Finish visa application - put all in file ready to take tomorrow
An email that I should (humm...) have sent last week and I'm finding hard to write
More admin work
That's it for now
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Above and a bit more
Go to bed and go to sleep
Night Folks
chick CI
mtngthings for copiesthing to posts. prepgarden house catsProgress
I found I was much more productive today, having joined PA on the weekend and set a plan to get started. I feel nervous that it can't last but must not let that be a self-fulfilling prophesy. Anyway, going to try and start using check in at the beginning of my day. So in about 8 hours I will commit my list and report back in the evening. I'm finding that reading through everyone else's comments is very helpful and giving me momentum to move forward. Thanks to everyone.
Welcome PEA
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." - Elbert Hubbard