Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Have a splendid, steadfast, stimulating, and serene Saturday !!!
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Tough day today. I just
Tough day today. I just can't seem to game or keep any distractions near myself while I have a computer near me.
I wasted about three hours today on the internet and maybe an hour gaming.
Tomorrow internet will be largely disabled, and will try to motivate myself to work hard.
an4 check-in
Not having a good day either...besides some very productive minutes thnxs to the micro-bursts in the morning..the only useful thing ive done since then is getting my alarm clock so i dont start my day frustrated every day for not waking up at the early time i keep planning...thesis is long overdue...not sure whats gonna frustrated but ill try to make the most of the short time thats left of this day...hoping tomorrow i can actually start working very early...reporting till tomorrow.
Looking for a spark
Having a tough day today. Awakened feeling frustrated with myself. Feeling vaguely out of sorts physically. Feeling down and kind of sleepy. Have found it hard to pick up the load and get started. It just seems very daunting, something exacerbated by my lack of progress this week. Until I catch up with work and/or get out of this place it makes me feel guilty to plan other activities, knowing that overdue work awaits. However, I get myself to work but then find I can't will myself to focus and get it done. Not getting to see my kids today also takes away the major motivator to
get out of here (workplace) at a reasonable hour. The day just seems
like staring down railroad tracks that disappear in the distance without
an attractive destination. On the other hand, I am here and alive, and
the rest of the day can be what I make of it, at least in a modest sense. Okay, perhaps a little
bookending will keep the day from being a total loss in terms of
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM: 2 hours, 6 cases
Back around 7:30 to report.
check-in/out [MD]
Morning -- 1. tried to avoid chaotic/tense/argumentative morning -- FAILED on that, miserably but shorter duration than often -- causing reflection and some discussion later.......initiated calm approach (did not come across well but did not get angry 2nd time.....a very small step.)
2. However, for late Morning and Afternoon so far tried to salvage schedule for late morn & afternoon -- resolved overseas shipping package/purchase with relative (good), realtor(S) contact (successful), new tenant contact (he ditched us), skipped lunch to make afternoon appts (unhealthy but kids saved me their pool lunch), got to pool and played (:-), detoured pleasantly on way home via library -- got kids book returned/checked out [whilst I do quick check-in here--pleasantly unplanned], got Rx explained to Mrs and game plan for ordering new spectacles
3. For evening -- go pick up TV and do anything I find that needs there! CHECK-OUT: had to do some tough love wih kiddos, picked up the TV, went over discussion items w/ wife, and pleasantly exhausted at 11 pm -- how nice.
4. Looking ahead to Sun -- schedule/plan set for movie/kids/open houses so tension of having to figure it out has been resolved.... Need to find open houses and get through brunch basics -- kids ready, fed, etc.
potential energy 3:30
Happy Saturday! Just home from work and have the rest of the weekend to catch up.
to do
get cord
email 2 responses
sort file last 2 stacks
rd w z
work on storage rm
A trimmed-down Saturday
A trimmed-down Saturday to-do list:
Make dinner resevationGet restaurant gift certcall RB re dinnerBike rideAdd 5 to music dbEmail 5 bookersMiscellaneous to-dos I'm re-listing here so I won't forget them.
Wash carkromer 12 CI
Focus for today is
getting my rough lab mtg writeup doneandstarting my lab mtg slides(actually got the rough draft of this done, yay!)Those are both pretty focus-demanding tasks, so I'll intersperse them w/ organizing (did about 20 min or this) and possibly genotyping (didn't do).
If I have time, I'd also like to work on m.o. mini-project and clear WM queue, but those are lower priority.
Starting w/ writeup and slides (working on these in parallel, b/c they cover the same material)
kromer CO
Today was FANTASTIC...I worked with a few people in the chatbox in 15 min bursts, took scheduled breaks and got a lot done. I can't remember a time when I got *more* done than was on my list...but today I got through all my lab mtg slides, even though I'd only expected to start them.
Going to try not to let tomorrow fall apart (I tend to go one good day, one bad for some reason...tomorrow will be a chance to try and buck that trend :) )
Rexroth Check In
Up early prayer and reflection
Long chat with brother on Skype and make arrangements to meet
Check emails
Out to DA meeting - take part - assist newcomer
Look in shop for new trainers and shirts - without success
Go to farmer's market on the way back and buy fresh food
Check and deal with one letter - file the other as it is legal/business and I do that during the working week
Print out list of stuff for going away and
Print out legal letter which I had forgotten about and file it
Checked what I had with list for travel and listed stuff to get - this is better than trying to remember
Wrote up cash book
Wash up and tidy up in kitchen
Plan next week
Relax a little
Regards Rexroth
Rexroth Check Out
Done and tidied papers
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
Saturday July 17, 2010
Things I have accomplished
1. Went to a 7:00 telephone DA meeting2. Went to a 9:45 telephone CLA meetingThings I will do today
1. Be at the CLA check-in from 10:00-11:00 where I will do thingson my list.2. Go to the 11:30 telephone DA meeting where I will do service
3. Prayer and meditation
4. Get my sleep apnea stuff ready for tonight
5. Go to my 2:30 CODA telephone meeting
6. Do my PRG
7. Go to my 7:30 p.m. face to face NA meeting
8. Go to my 10:00 online EA meeting
9. Make bed
10. Wash dishes
11. Cook dinner for the next few days
12. Get medicine partially ready for the week.
13. Get Al-Anon literature posted for the week
14. Eat brunch
15. Wash clothes
16. Read 12-Step literature
17. Clear off couch
18. Clear off tables
19. Clear off floor
20. Pay 7th Tradition to three groups. Two to mail and one for the the face to face meeting.
21. Cut onions
22. Declutter 1,000 e-mail.
23. Take shower
24. Get dressed
25. Get clothes ready for the next day
26. Get clothes ready to wash
27. Eat dinner
That's all I have
Vic 7/17
Show up (done)Thanks for the starter MA- what came to mind (I really needed it) was: Keep it Simple Sweeties!!! (or Keep it Simple Stupid if you prefer)
Made the 2 calls yesterday- WOW the one call was rewarded with $261 rebate- had I procrastinated, it would not have happened, I didn't even call about the one problem, they found it because I called!!! The other call is out of my mind- don;t have to put it on the "unfinished business pile" It took until 1 pm to make the calls I was up at 5:30 am, but it was PA that did it, Thanks my pa friends.
Today: computer courses.
3pmWorked on one on line course, it was so easy, but takes time,( my brain says if it is easy it should not take any time, so I keep puting it off),want to quit- will at least "start" the next one.Feel like I "should" be doing something else because it is "Sat" need to stop, get out of my head.
Did it=sweet! it was a splendid, steadfast, stimulating, and serene Saturday !!!
Edge's CI - 3:52pm
Thanks for the thread started, movingalong.
Went to crazy dentist and never going back there again. Hope he didn't mess anything up, but I'll be heading to another dentist sometime soon just in case. Furious right now.
Gotta finish
- horos 1
- horos 2
- horos 3
Tried calling uni, gotta call back again tomorrow to schedule appointment with vp.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action - Walter Anderson