Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sunday, 11 July 2010



Welcome to Sunday!



(WOW, I did a plain thread-starter! I didn't spend time creating it! This is progress!) 


Vic 7/11

Show up (done)

Bought a timer this morning. Set it for 30 min to see if it works. Yep- it works- that was 2 hours ago, I guess that is somethng timer works. Took son to work and store. So lazy after that computer all morning. Need to look at paperwork (timmer was supposed to help) But sharing here, as usual is what helps.

So, did not shut down, just very slow- did my basics, except for walk. The longer I wait, the worse I feel, but it seems so overwhealming, I do not want to start. In the book, Getting things Done, he says , as a group,  more intelligent persons procrastinate because thatey have all this parallel thinking/leading to feelings, going on. It reminds me of what they say in AA "You can't be too stupid to get sober, but you can be too smart" Like, you can't be too stupid to procratinate, but you can be too smart. "Showing up" case in point, how stupid is that, but it changed my life.

 pm did get some things done later

hope4meandu checkin (2:43PM)

Hey All,

Slow start to Sunday.

Thankfully, Friday I did my 10 mts of exercise. Don't know what it is, but just this 10 mts. gives me hope and feeling "in conrol??"

-10 mts of exercise
-ML 501(3)(c) project
-cleaning for 20 mts

Regarding most likely breakup of marriage, (which will happen slowly and gradually for his sake), after reading my Oprah magazines this a.m. (Oprah for President - a woman with heart & mind) I can stop beating myself up for taking this "marriage" risk.

In my life, I've taken lots of risks and made lots of changes, the outcomes have been "eh" varied. How can I beat myself for being who I am, a risk taker. Not a bad-kind of person to be in my book.

Rent is coming and I don't have it and will have to use the last bit of savings...AAAAAHHHH!!

Congratulations movingalong on the threadstarter progress!!

♥Prayers & guidance needed & appreciated for my Yoffee's healing.♥

huma CI

I've been horrendously bad, & absent from here for most of 3 weeks. I need to rebound.

So here's Plan Z (sigh)

  • send JD 3 props
  • dishes
  • laundry
  • take out trash
  • new seo prop
  • meals for week
  • wash wheels
  • send BVE
  • get camera ready
  • OMF
  • sort mail 20 min

to Huma

Dear Huma,

Regardless of whatever your actions/inactions may have been, YOU the PERSON are not "bad".

Even when we mess up. I believe that there is intrinsic goodness inside us, that is always there, even underneath any compulsive behavior patterns.

Remember to speak to yourself with the kindness with which you would address another person.

Keep coming back. We care!

Also, you might find the following of interest:

-- movingalong

thank you moving along

I appreciate the link and your support & kindness. Smile

kromer 1:40 CI

This morning took care of my garden, made a shopping list, went to church.

Lots to do today.

I'm planning on going to a friend's birthday celebration in the evening, and after that I want to do grocery shopping, finish cleaning the bathroom, and tidy the kitchen.

Today I want to do some keeping in touch (IA, RH, deacon stuff, M, S (started) )

And I want to take time to work on brainstorming for my project and to write that up.

Finally, I want to make a schedule for next week.

If I have extra time, I'll track down RARb/cyp primers.

OK, going to do brainstorming now. 

Rexroth Check In

Up prayer and reflection
Check emails and postings

Get ready and go out to church

That will do for now

Regards Rexroth

Rexroth Check Out

To church and some shopping on the way back
Researched trip abroad
Phoned friend
Skyped brother
Cleaned up a bit of the mess my place is in
Thought about what I want to do this week and in which order
Sorted out a financial thing
Prayed and reflected

Bed and sleep

Night Folks


Lots to

Lots to do.



make lunch

8:00am commute to library


work on paper


5pm commute hom


breaf workout (15 mins)

brief cleanup (15 mins)

continue working on research paper

continue with design work


11:00 sleep or if homework is not done, stay up working untill it is done.  I hope I can finish it soon enough to get some sleep :(


MD Check-OUT


 (((  Lennon--thanks for motivation for me to do this ))) I normally do not do much in necessary administrative tasks [my biggest downer/obsession/etc] on weekends but we do have other stuff planned for tomorrow; so for a change, I am going to focus on non-admin and more household things which I do ANYways but am only today writing these down to any degree.....

AM - Get directions for friend's party. PARTY WAS QUITE GOOD BTW Tell kids afternoon game plan. Follow-up support group emails. Tell kids subsequent plan for dinner out & sleeping bag. Talk to wife about realtor. DONE AT NIGHT Search open houses. RAN OUT OF TIME SINCE TRAFFIC BAD Load chairs in car. Pick out DVDs/gifts.

PM - Move couple of excess boxes.  Use "unsettled clothes to pay phone bill" (self-deprecation). DID NOT PAY BILL. NOW WORRIED IF PHONE CUT OFF IN MORNING OR I CAN "EEK OUT" AN EXTRA DAY. AM STILL DREADING OPENING IT. I FEEL "OBLIGATED" TO THE PHONE COMPANY AS IF THEY ARE A SCHOOL TEACHER OR BOSS...... Chill beer for cousin. Get bedding out. Ensure pillows/water/hats in car.  Review Mon. schedule. KIDDO TUMMY UPSET SO THEN NEEDED BATH AND PLAY (TLC)...ALL OK BUT ADDED 1 HR AS UNPLANNED EVENT. Sweep floor throughly.Move junk pile away (if not settle, at least stash it).COUSIN ARRIVING MUCH LATER. SO NOT AS CRITICAL TO SETTLE HOUSE SINCE EVERYONE ASLEEP ANYWAYS. Move car to street. INSTEAD MUST NOW FIND HIM PARKING. Move blood test (fasting) to different day. ...SINCE LATE DINNER WITH HIM

NIGHTY-NIGHT SUMMARY: Planed to do some non-heady things and did them. Not bad for a Sunday. and now....the DREADED MON-FRI monster awaits Frown

Sunday July 11, 2010

My things to do today

1. Get my medicine ready for this week

2. Go to the 7 a.m. telephone DA meeting

3. Prayer and Meditation

4. Finish up Step One

5. Go sponsor hunting

6. Start with Step Two

7. Take shower

8. Make bed

9. Wash dishes

10. Cook and eat brunch

11. Cook and eat dinner

12. Do hair

13. Go to online 3:30 PA meeting

14. Post Al-Anon literature for the week

15. Declutter 1,000 Inbox

16. Take a nap

17. Go to 1:00 telephone CLA meeting.

18. Get clothes ready for the next two days

19. Put groceries away

20. Get caught up with my numbers

That's all I have

Movingalong's Sunday imperfect focus

Hello all.

I'm struggling to fight the temptation to go back and edit the thread starter to add a picture.

Where was I?

Ah right. Plans for Sunday:

Spiritual time, rest, recreation, meetings, and fresh air.

One piece of project C.
One piece of project F.

-- movingalong

movingalong check-out and thanks

On her own check-in post, hopeformeanu said:

"Congratulations movingalong on the threadstarter progress!!"

Hee hee, thank you! Yes I managed to get through the day without "fussing with" the threadstarter, although I was tempted!

Today was a good day, lots done.

Did spiritual time, meetings, phonecalls, fresh air.

Also watered garden!

However, I did not do any part of project "C" or project "F".

I think I'm just going to have to call today a "day of renewal", and be okay with that.

I do want to get in some recreation/fun one day during the coming week, as that would be part of a heathy overall time plan for a week.

-- movingalong

Weekly online PA 12step meeting in "meeting chatbox"

Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".

(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT/UTC -
STANDARD time year round --
click on links in RED below)

Meeting is held:

  • Sunday morning/midday in Hawaii/Alaska and Pacific Time
  • Sunday afternoon in the Americas
  • Later Sunday evening in Europe/Africa
  • Very early Monday morning in Asia/Australia/NZ

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.

> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.

It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.

No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.

Come when you feel called to come!

All are welcome!

Meeting follows traditional anonymous 12-step format.

"Meetings Chatbox" can be found after fully entering regular check-in chatbox ... and then clicking on the "meetings" tab at the top of the chatbox.

If you have trouble entering Meeting Chatbox, or if you can see us there but are unable to communicate with us, see this post: