Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Woke late having slept well after an upsetting evening which involved meeting with a very old friend and realising that we are no longer friends. Lots of codependant issues for me to deal with elsewhere.
Up prayer and reflection
Emails and post
Phone advice from two agencies regarding complaints against hospital
Washed up and a little sorting
Some constructive research on web
Write journal
Phone friend
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
I have decided to put going abroad on hold for the moment until I am sure my health both physical and emotional is better. I don't think this is procrastination I think it is prioritising. Any comments welcome.
Sometimes taking care of ourselves must trump all else...and holding off on travel sounds like a good idea. And just because it requires reprioritizing other things doesn't mean it's procrastination.
Clearly you have a plan for using that time to really focus on getting better, which is evident from your list: getting advice, reaching out to a friend, writing in your journal, taking time to reflect, doing constructive work, and recognizing the emotional impact of an event. These are all very productive and smart decisions! I really admire you for identifying these types of activities. They are tools I need to remember to do at certain times, or else I won't keep functioning at a high level. Thank you so much for posting this.
Feeling very down about myself right now, as I have pretty much wasted my whole work day. Back to my old habits again. Justified it by saying to myself that because I was sick all day yesterday with a stomach bug that I would 'take it easy' on myself today. If I'm really honest with myself I know I procrastinated because I have a big list of undefined tasks and no one to help me figure out how to even begin to break them down. Also, I'm supposed to report in today at work how I progressed on my tasks last week and I'm feeling bad that I didn't get more accomplished. Urg. Going to pick myself up for the last 30 minutes of the work day and at least report in on what I did last week and set a tentative schedule for this week. That is a task that must be accomplished today.
I just need to remember that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. I do have the ability to change my behaviors (even if I don't subconsciously believe it yet).
Hard to post failures in front of everyone here, but I think necessary to attempt to own up to my issues with procrastination.
Thank you so much Scribbler. I really needed the words of encouragement. I did finish the one task that had to be done today and will congratulate myself on doing that one thing. It's better than nothing.
I'm just amazed by the support and energy I derive from the brave folks who post here at PA. It has become a source of strength for me.
On vacation today but still a number of tasks to accomplish before leaving town for a few days tomorrow.
PT exercise
Cut grass
Call MOW
Healthy lunch
Stop paper, mail
Call RB
Shop for groceries
Cook healthy dinner
Cover bank overdrafts
Fun w/kids
Bed by 11 p.m.
That ought to get me started. I may have some more stuff to add later today. I hope everybody is having a happy and productive day free of procrastination. Scribbler
Later .... Aaggghhh! I just found out I apparently accidentally hit the "Pay" button twice when I was sending my ex her monthly child support payment last week. Now I'm overdrawn on my checking account, have already bounced one check and been dinged for a $34 bounced check fee plus who knows what else. Plus, the client who said they'd mail a sizable check last week didn't do it in time to get here today. I already knew my quarterly estimated income taxes are due tomorrow. Now my overdraft coverage account is maxed out, I have negative money and and I'm going on vacation tomorrow morning. What a mess. This is challenging to one's sense of calm. I'm going to go cut the grass and think about how to handle this.
Even later ...sometimes you have to do things you don't want to. That's all I'll say on that. Except that if you hear sirens and see a cloud of black smoke rising from my part of town, you'll know why... kidding. I'll sign off now, get cleaned up and hankd out with the kids for a while, maybe pack an item or two.
Status now:
So need to do yet today:
-Eat lunch
-Take shower
-Get dressed
-Go to post office
-Go to ort. office
-submit 1 stk pc
Be done by 5 pm to go to dinner
Go to bed by 2 am, trying to move up bed time
16th - call dr P
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Mail NY stuff
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Go through stacks of paper clutter
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
Make new file folder for lic & rel. paperwork
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
I really related to your post and am sorry I didn't post a reply earlier. Last Friday was my day to throw a tantrum against the new productive me...but it turned around this weekend and today was better. I hope you find the same is true for you! *hugs*
Hey Kitty! Thanks for your reply! No worries that it wasn't earlier, I am still happy you related. I just did too much over the weekend and had a horrible start today. Didn't get much of the stuff done that I should have been doing. (I did at least get something done I have been procrastinating about for months.) Now that it's later, I *feel* a bit better, so maybe I am more productive tonight.
Tracked progress so far today:
-Eat lunch -Take shower -Get dressed -submit 1 stk pc -- SUBMITTED 3, YAY!!!!
Be done by 5 pm to go to dinner Gardening -- WATERED A FEW PLANTS, NEED TO DO MORE Call US.A about com. tkt -- GOT TKT IN MAIL, DON'T NEED TO CALL ANYMORE, YAY
Short goals for tonight: Order G-Q.A. -- DONE Look up dimensions -- DONE
Write note to K.L. to mail tomorrow -- WILL DO IN THE OTHER ROOM OFF COMPUTER Re-work quote -- DONE
Go to bed by 2 am, trying to move up bed time -- IT'S LATER THAN I WANTED. BUT GONNA TRY TO STILL SET MY ALARM EARLIER THAN NORMAL.
Add to to-do list tomorrow:
Thurs. - 11 am pro mtg
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
Showup (done) and time to turn the page. Finished all home school stuff but feel stuck on what to do next, I feel overwhelmed and frozen because I put eeverything else on hold. However, the miracle is I did not shut down. Still showing up here, made friend calls to meet up, volunteer, Started to purge (just started).,Had to factor in self care because put that on hold too.
Heard aca phone meeting. It was interesting, but they talked about making amends for all the things they did not show up for. I never thought about it, but I have cancelled, not showed up for people I cared about, etc., etc. I am learning, thanks for being here.
pm ck in Once I got started, got more done than I thought I would. No store, walk.
I was early to work, I haved NO meetings except for Toastmasters at lunchtime, so it's gotta be a good day right?
I stayed off the pc all day yesterday . . . that's probaly the first time I've successfully done that in a while. Usually I start out the day unplugged but by the end of the day I'm playing video games. I was so *bored* last night and I wanted to get on the pc, but instead I watched a tv program and read a book. They had a restrospective of the child murders here in Atlanta in the 80's and it was quite sad but interesting. I remember how horrifying that was, and the guy who was convicted still insists on his innocence, although the murders stopped after he was caught.
I didn't sleep well last night which is very unusual for me. I woke up 5 or 6 times during the night and I normally sleep like a rock. My daughter wasn't there, she's staying with some friends out of town for a few days, so maybe that had something to do with it, or withdrawal from the pc, or whatever I slept like sh*t and now I'm tired. But I bet I sleep well tonight!
So, Jo, stop rambling and get to work! Back in a few with my tdl for today.
Have a productive and enjoyable week everyone.
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
I saw those promos and took a pass ... can't watch scary stuff anymore - apparently my imagination stopped maturing at about age 3 and can't discern real from electronic input. Left without a conscious babysitter, it replays scary sh*t all night if it's been exposed. Sucks! So I keep pretty strict boundaries around what my inner 3-year-old is allowed to watch...Hope yours gets a nap today, lol!
Last week I did not use the CI boards well, and my week was much more difficult. There is something so satisfying about checking things off on a written list, so I am getting back on the CI Board horse.
To Journey--Isn't it weird how big a difference it makes to post the list in public? I have the to-do list in another spot, and I use it as well, but it's easy to defer things on that one. If someone comments on my first post of the day (like you did today), those items are there for all eternity, so I have to do them!
7:30CT Phone Meeting done!
PT done!
Morning prayers
9:30 appt done!
Grocery store done!
Run errands at C done!
Added: File with/T done!
12:30CT Phone CI done!
Check flights done!
Added: Pay bills done!
2 apps done! (plus 3 more; I swear it wasn't time bingeing, but productive)
Added: Resolve e problem with A tech support done as much as I could!
Added: Research how I will take my business elsewhere done!
Added: Call M done!
Call J
Call E
2 chapters and 2 w exercises done!
5:30CT Phone CI done!
Exercise/PT done!
Gratitude Journal (replace with meditation) done!
9:12 pm CHECKOUT: I did not get some phone calls made today but, since I spent about 4-5 hours on the phone for unexpected and various reasons, I'm okay with that. Have a meeting tomorrow that would ordinarily produce anxiety but am determined to realize it's just routine stuff.
Good morning, PA pals! And thanks for the cheery starter, ndb. I didn't finish all the work on Friday's list but deperately needed down time so did zip work-wise on the weekend. Which is actually OK with my boss and coworkers who were getting worried about me. The only downside to taking the weekend off work, is that the backlog carries over while fresh deadlines pour in the door every Monday. The upside is that I'm relaxed and ready to be productive. So here goes!
em may rept DONE!
ADDED: em bgt staff chk
em wkly rept
rm may rept
ap free sftwr promo
brg may rept
brg rept sort+sums
brg tm 4p
vr mt 4:45
icf, dmt summaries (cl do mm)
sched j dr appts, lab wk
pick up vits
clean out email Inbox
5 minutes straighten desk
5 minutes on one other pile
12 Step mtng tonight
"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world." Anonymous
I needed to get my schedule back in the realm of reality and actual priorities alot sooner today ... No more after-breakfst meditation for me - makes me too sleepy! Here's my Reality Revision:
I dozed off for an hour and got a very late start on this day, and I wasted some time with personal emails. Once I started on my paid work I made OK progress but mostly in things I hadn't thought to put in my plan (plus the DONEs marked above and here). Here's what's left at the end of the work day that "normal" people work:
brg tm 4p DONE!
vr mt 4:45
brg rept sort+sums
em wkly rept
sched j dr appts, lab wk
12 Step mtng tonight
"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world." Anonymous
* eqp-overview for noon-meeting (already made a good start on that) that was almost as much work as I feared it would be, but it's done! :-)
* accessories-list
* clear incoming email done!
* several emails and phone calls about p-projectpartly done, this is *not* a fun project
* call AB about working group done, nice call!
This should be do-able today, let's not be over-ambitious.
1pm, added some urgent stuff:
* call J about accident
* write advice to S
* pick up parcel
all done :)
This was actually a pretty good day for me, got quite a lot done, although not everything that I would have liked to get done nor the most important stuff on my list.
Some observations:
I'm getting the hang of checking in here and in the chatbox to keep myself on track.
seeing how much I'm crossing off the list every day is a *major* help in making realistic lists
the support on this forum is amazing, thanks everybody!
There is something really magical about posting it up for all to see...and having support in the chatbox. I stopped doing it a few days last week and noticed it was so much harder to get things done without the satisfaction of crossing it off the "public" list. With my own to-do list I can just move stuff off to the next day...which is not helpful for a compulsive procrastinator!!
Rexroth Check In
Woke late having slept well after an upsetting evening which involved meeting with a very old friend and realising that we are no longer friends. Lots of codependant issues for me to deal with elsewhere.
Up prayer and reflection
Emails and post
Phone advice from two agencies regarding complaints against hospital
Washed up and a little sorting
Some constructive research on web
Write journal
Phone friend
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
I have decided to put going abroad on hold for the moment until I am sure my health both physical and emotional is better. I don't think this is procrastination I think it is prioritising. Any comments welcome.
Regards Rexroth
Hang in there Rexroth!
Sometimes taking care of ourselves must trump all else...and holding off on travel sounds like a good idea. And just because it requires reprioritizing other things doesn't mean it's procrastination.
Clearly you have a plan for using that time to really focus on getting better, which is evident from your list: getting advice, reaching out to a friend, writing in your journal, taking time to reflect, doing constructive work, and recognizing the emotional impact of an event. These are all very productive and smart decisions! I really admire you for identifying these types of activities. They are tools I need to remember to do at certain times, or else I won't keep functioning at a high level. Thank you so much for posting this.
Thank you Kitty
Thank you Kitty. Your kind post helps me greatly today.
Love and Peace Rexroth
Crazybug CI 1:25
Feeling very down about myself right now, as I have pretty much wasted my whole work day. Back to my old habits again. Justified it by saying to myself that because I was sick all day yesterday with a stomach bug that I would 'take it easy' on myself today. If I'm really honest with myself I know I procrastinated because I have a big list of undefined tasks and no one to help me figure out how to even begin to break them down. Also, I'm supposed to report in today at work how I progressed on my tasks last week and I'm feeling bad that I didn't get more accomplished. Urg. Going to pick myself up for the last 30 minutes of the work day and at least report in on what I did last week and set a tentative schedule for this week. That is a task that must be accomplished today.
I just need to remember that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. I do have the ability to change my behaviors (even if I don't subconsciously believe it yet).
Sounds like you're having a wretched day but hang in there, CB. It's hard to be perfect. The fact that
you're hitting a rough patch doesn't mean you won't feel a lot better soon. We're with you. We've been
there. We're there now. We're not going anywhere. I hope the rest of your day is better. Scribbler
Thank you.
Hard to post failures in front of everyone here, but I think necessary to attempt to own up to my issues with procrastination.
Thank you so much Scribbler. I really needed the words of encouragement. I did finish the one task that had to be done today and will congratulate myself on doing that one thing. It's better than nothing.
I'm just amazed by the support and energy I derive from the brave folks who post here at PA. It has become a source of strength for me.
Wishing you all a great day!
re: hard to post
It is hard to post about those little setbacks but it's great to know that the folks around here understand!
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Glad to hear you got that one essential thing down, CB. Amazing how much better that can make you
feel. Best, Scribbler
Scribbler CI
On vacation today but still a number of tasks to accomplish before leaving town for a few days tomorrow.
CheckinsPT exerciseCut grassCall MOWAfternoon
Healthy lunchStop paper, mailCall RBShop for groceriesEvening
Cover bank overdraftsThat ought to get me started. I may have some more stuff to add later today. I hope everybody is having a happy and productive day free of procrastination. Scribbler
Later .... Aaggghhh! I just found out I apparently accidentally hit the "Pay" button twice when I was sending my ex her monthly child support payment last week. Now I'm overdrawn on my checking account, have already bounced one check and been dinged for a $34 bounced check fee plus who knows what else. Plus, the client who said they'd mail a sizable check last week didn't do it in time to get here today. I already knew my quarterly estimated income taxes are due tomorrow. Now my overdraft coverage account is maxed out, I have negative money and and I'm going on vacation tomorrow morning. What a mess. This is challenging to one's sense of calm. I'm going to go cut the grass and think about how to handle this.
Even later ...sometimes you have to do things you don't want to. That's all I'll say on that. Except that if you hear sirens and see a cloud of black smoke rising from my part of town, you'll know why... kidding. I'll sign off now, get cleaned up and hankd out with the kids for a while, maybe pack an item or two.
prosick check in 12:54 pm
Status now:
Call vet-- DONEBurn CD for K.L.-- BURNED SAT, NOW NEED TO TAKE TO POST OFFICESo need to do yet today:
-Eat lunch
-Take shower
-Get dressed
-Go to post office
-Go to ort. office
-submit 1 stk pc
Be done by 5 pm to go to dinner
Go to bed by 2 am, trying to move up bed time
16th - call dr P
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Mail NY stuff
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Go through stacks of paper clutter
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
Make new file folder for lic & rel. paperwork
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
I really related to your post and am sorry I didn't post a reply earlier. Last Friday was my day to throw a tantrum against the new productive me...but it turned around this weekend and today was better. I hope you find the same is true for you! *hugs*
prosick check check 12:28 am check out 3:51 am
Hey Kitty! Thanks for your reply! No worries that it wasn't earlier, I am still happy you related. I just did too much over the weekend and had a horrible start today. Didn't get much of the stuff done that I should have been doing. (I did at least get something done I have been procrastinating about for months.) Now that it's later, I *feel* a bit better, so maybe I am more productive tonight.
Tracked progress so far today:
-Eat lunch
-Take shower-Get dressed-submit 1 stk pc-- SUBMITTED 3, YAY!!!!Be done by 5 pm to go to dinner
Gardening-- WATERED A FEW PLANTS, NEED TO DO MORECall US.A about com. tkt-- GOT TKT IN MAIL, DON'T NEED TO CALL ANYMORE, YAYShort goals for tonight:
Order G-Q.A.-- DONELook up dimensions-- DONEWrite note to K.L. to mail tomorrow -- WILL DO IN THE OTHER ROOM OFF COMPUTER
Re-work quote-- DONEGo to bed by 2 am, trying to move up bed time-- IT'S LATER THAN I WANTED. BUT GONNA TRY TO STILL SET MY ALARM EARLIER THAN NORMAL.Add to to-do list tomorrow:
Thurs. - 11 am pro mtg
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
Vic 6/14
Showup (done) and time to turn the page. Finished all home school stuff but feel stuck on what to do next, I feel overwhelmed and frozen because I put eeverything else on hold. However, the miracle is I did not shut down. Still showing up here, made friend calls to meet up, volunteer, Started to purge (just started).,Had to factor in self care because put that on hold too.
Heard aca phone meeting. It was interesting, but they talked about making amends for all the things they did not show up for. I never thought about it, but I have cancelled, not showed up for people I cared about, etc., etc. I am learning, thanks for being here.
pm ck in Once I got started, got more done than I thought I would. No store, walk.
huma CI
Looking forward to a good week. Lots of pressure on me, but I am trying to stay calm and focus on what I can control.
Journey 9 am
I was early to work, I haved NO meetings except for Toastmasters at lunchtime, so it's gotta be a good day right?
I stayed off the pc all day yesterday . . . that's probaly the first time I've successfully done that in a while. Usually I start out the day unplugged but by the end of the day I'm playing video games. I was so *bored* last night and I wanted to get on the pc, but instead I watched a tv program and read a book. They had a restrospective of the child murders here in Atlanta in the 80's and it was quite sad but interesting. I remember how horrifying that was, and the guy who was convicted still insists on his innocence, although the murders stopped after he was caught.
I didn't sleep well last night which is very unusual for me. I woke up 5 or 6 times during the night and I normally sleep like a rock. My daughter wasn't there, she's staying with some friends out of town for a few days, so maybe that had something to do with it, or withdrawal from the pc, or whatever I slept like sh*t and now I'm tired. But I bet I sleep well tonight!
So, Jo, stop rambling and get to work! Back in a few with my tdl for today.
Have a productive and enjoyable week everyone.
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Ag relates to journey
I saw those promos and took a pass ... can't watch scary stuff anymore - apparently my imagination stopped maturing at about age 3 and can't discern real from electronic input. Left without a conscious babysitter, it replays scary sh*t all night if it's been exposed. Sucks! So I keep pretty strict boundaries around what my inner 3-year-old is allowed to watch...Hope yours gets a nap today, lol!
re: scary stuff
Doh! of course, that's why I slept poorly!
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Journey 9:30
As the Klingons would say: Today is a good day to code.
And remember: A TRUE Klingon warrior does not comment his code.
You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!
GymScripts - ~5 hours - hmmm I better break this down a bit:Add sUpdate F1Update F2add V1add V2Todo list - 30 minutesToastmasters - 1 hourReschedule mammogram appt - 10 minutesjournal / quiet time/ calorie king- 30 minutesCheck RFC - 10 minutesAdd CM to status and plan - 30 minutesstraighten desk,clean out some files - 15 minutesnotebook - 10 minutesask Em about Dr. LJo
UPDATE 5:51 YES! Completed all my work tasks.
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Kitty Checks In 7:48 a.m.
Last week I did not use the CI boards well, and my week was much more difficult. There is something so satisfying about checking things off on a written list, so I am getting back on the CI Board horse.
re: There is something so satisfying about checking things off
Same here, I started putting my todo list in another tool for a while and it just wasn't the same, so I'm back to putting it here!
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Kitty Checking In 12:06 p.m.
To Journey--Isn't it weird how big a difference it makes to post the list in public? I have the to-do list in another spot, and I use it as well, but it's easy to defer things on that one. If someone comments on my first post of the day (like you did today), those items are there for all eternity, so I have to do them!
9:12 pm CHECKOUT: I did not get some phone calls made today but, since I spent about 4-5 hours on the phone for unexpected and various reasons, I'm okay with that. Have a meeting tomorrow that would ordinarily produce anxiety but am determined to realize it's just routine stuff.
Agnus checking in 9am
Good morning, PA pals! And thanks for the cheery starter, ndb. I didn't finish all the work on Friday's list but deperately needed down time so did zip work-wise on the weekend. Which is actually OK with my boss and coworkers who were getting worried about me. The only downside to taking the weekend off work, is that the backlog carries over while fresh deadlines pour in the door every Monday. The upside is that I'm relaxed and ready to be productive. So here goes!
"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world." Anonymous
Agnus checking back 4:30
I needed to get my schedule back in the realm of reality and actual priorities alot sooner today ... No more after-breakfst meditation for me - makes me too sleepy! Here's my Reality Revision:
I dozed off for an hour and got a very late start on this day, and I wasted some time with personal emails. Once I started on my paid work I made OK progress but mostly in things I hadn't thought to put in my plan (plus the DONEs marked above and here). Here's what's left at the end of the work day that "normal" people work:
"Routine is the shark cage that lets me swim safely in the real world." Anonymous
ndb CI 10:30 am
my list for today:
eqp-overview for noon-meeting (already made a good start on that)that was almost as much work as I feared it would be, but it's done! :-)* accessories-list
clear incoming emaildone!*
several emails and phone calls about p-projectpartly done, this is *not* a fun project*
call AB about working groupdone, nice call!This should be do-able today, let's not be over-ambitious.
1pm, added some urgent stuff:
call J about accident*
write advice to S*
pick up parcelall done :)
ndb check-out 11:20 pm
This was actually a pretty good day for me, got quite a lot done, although not everything that I would have liked to get done nor the most important stuff on my list.
Some observations:
There is something really magical about posting it up for all to see...and having support in the chatbox. I stopped doing it a few days last week and noticed it was so much harder to get things done without the satisfaction of crossing it off the "public" list. With my own to-do list I can just move stuff off to the next day...which is not helpful for a compulsive procrastinator!!