Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Didn't get up when I wanted to. Totally don't feel like doing anything today.
Email M&M link & quote Call J.S. about quoting -- DONE
Confirm appt on Mon. is with right person
edit docs, burn CD, run to post office, finish quote, email quote & link, call vet
2:30 appt 4:30pm - 8pm CL Mail Package
Check mail
Enter new bills
Go to bed before 3 am -- IT'S 3:30 AM TIME FOR SLEEPY
11 am mem.
1 pm - 9 pm CL
1 pm - 9 pm CL
4 pm vet appt
16th - call dr P
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Mail NY stuff
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Go through stacks of paper clutter
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
Make new file folder for lic & rel. paperwork
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
Not a bad day yesterday. Hoping for something like that today:
Get up by 7
Coffee, paper, breakfast, water plant
Add 5 to CP db
Pay bills
Finish CIO pack
Email BG re: Pack 2
Call re: Masters10
Send query
Do SB paperwork
File safekeys add
Call Hill re: invoice
Send BN ideas
Call RB re: vacation
Fun w/kids
Prep for swim meet
Bed by 11
Later ... I did okay today. Got the critical stuff done. And I did get in a run, which was good. I am getting over a cold that has hampered that kind of stuff lately. Now I'm off to shop for some goodies and pick up the kids for vacation -- a week off! Country cabin! River! Mom and sister! Hanging out! Yes!
Good morning! Long time no check-in...actually been too busy to think how to post a daily list, as it's been pretty much a manic frenzy since June 1. Procrastination is not the problem lately, more an even more unrealistic workload than usual. I am one of only 2 people in our company who can do the work most in-demand this month, and so far it has cost me vacation plans, time with our kids/grands, and large chunks of weekend due either to work or exhaustion.
This makes me think I'm headed for major procrastination problems after the storm subsides. I believe my addiction stores up resentments during times like this, to justify procrastination later when the external pressure's not so bad. So I'll keep showing up when I can, and be prepared to "resist the beginning" when the pendulum swings back toward procrastination. For today:
Happy Friday! Woot! Yesterday was a bad day, but a good day, too. I had pc problems and spent a lot of time on the phone with the Help Desk, then spent some time backing up data in case my hard drive has to be replaced. So my list and my schedule went right out the window which is usually very bad for me. However, I took a few minutes to have quiet time, regrouped, and spent the rest of the day productively. I still feel bad that I didn't get some things done that were on my list although it would have been impossible., but I'm happy that Ididn't just freak out and waste the rest of the day!
I have a task that I want to get done asap, so I'll be back later with the todo list for the rest of the day.
UPDATE 5 pm Well I never came back with the todo list, but I did the asap task, which took most of the day, and did two other small but important tasks that had to be done today. I'm done for the day . . .and the week . . .! I'll see you tomorrow with a list for household weekend stuff. One of my husbands cousin's passed away last week so we *may* go to the funeral on Saturday, but I'm not sure. He has about a million cousins and he's not that close to this bunch. But it's his family, so whatever he wants to do is fine with me
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Really proud of myself that I've exercised the past 3 days. That's been a major area of procrastination for me. Didn't accomplish much yesterday or last night otherwise. Hence my list today looking scarily similar to yesterday. Sigh. Today is a new day, though, with no mistakes in it.
Today's goals:
review article - in progress
Filing (20 min) - at end of day
Flesh out services and solutions
Fill tracking sheets
Figure out how to put data support link on homepage
Get text to wrap
Migrate more pages
Test out forms
Contact about static IP
Contact about antivirus and static IP
Contact phone co
Take boxes down to dumpster - in progress
If time:
add phone number to web form
Try to fix QB not printing problem
Set up new filing cabinet - put in rails
(Show up) done Need to focus on deadlines 1. last day cyber school for son, need to edit essay (me) or will need to get another extension. Wow, I just got a thought 1. break it down, 2. Visualize 3. microbursts 4. chat box
We did it!!!!!!!last 2 essays submitted and he is finished!!4A's and 3 B's- not bad- was worth the frustration/time/effort/agony. no more extensions.!!I used the tools and it worked!!It hasn't sunk in yet.
Now other son going for 2nd driving test.I hope he gerts his license- I am so tired of driving him all over.
Up prayer and reflection
Put dried sheets etc away
Put washing machine on with new duvet cover etc
Checked emails
Phoned and made appointment with doctor
Futher research on net on which camera to buy and make notes on any questions I have
Look for GPS on net and note any remaining questions
Look for exercises on net and try some out
Cook some bits from freezer
Check in
Prayer time
Finish painting room
Clear kitchen
Change light bulbs
Buy chihuahua food
Leave at 5.30 to get C & C
Call S
Dog face wash
Wash face, moisturise, floss, brush teeth, clean contacts properly
Tomorrow's list
Email report
Check out
didn't check-in yesterday but that was ok, i got some things done. today i feel like ci again to plan my day and be able to officially check off my TDL tasks. :)
(by 11)
breakfast DONE
shower DONE
e-mail G DONE
finish letter to N
unloaded dishwasher
today's big goal: finish 3.1
(maybe start 3.2)
- 0.5p proM (i+e) (by 12)
- 1p imP (scr) (by 2)
- read (by 3)
- short outline (by 3)
- 2-3p emE (idea+??) (by 6)
i hope that's not too ambitious, i really need to make progress! let's see how it goes.
*waves at Ag* nice to see you
I wondered where you'd been! You should schedule a nice vacation when the pressure is off and spend some time with your family. hugz!
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
prosick check in 12:45 pm
Didn't get up when I wanted to. Totally don't feel like doing anything today.
Email M&M link & quote
Call J.S. about quoting-- DONEConfirm appt on Mon. is with right person
edit docs, burn CD, run to post office, finish quote, email quote & link, call vet
2:30 appt
4:30pm - 8pm CL
Mail Package
Check mail
Enter new bills
Go to bed before 3 am -- IT'S 3:30 AM
11 am mem.
1 pm - 9 pm CL
1 pm - 9 pm CL
4 pm vet appt
16th - call dr P
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Mail NY stuff
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Go through stacks of paper clutter
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
Make new file folder for lic & rel. paperwork
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
Scribbler CI
Not a bad day yesterday. Hoping for something like that today:
Get up by 7Coffee, paper, breakfast, water plantCheck-insMORNING
Add 5 to CP dbPay billsFinish CIO packEmail BG re: Pack 2Send queryAFTERNOON
Call Hill re: invoiceSend BN ideasCall RB re: vacationEVENING
Later ... I did okay today. Got the critical stuff done. And I did get in a run, which was good. I am getting over a cold that has hampered that kind of stuff lately. Now I'm off to shop for some goodies and pick up the kids for vacation -- a week off! Country cabin! River! Mom and sister! Hanging out! Yes!
Agnus 9:25am
Good morning! Long time no check-in
...actually been too busy to think how to post a daily list, as it's been pretty much a manic frenzy since June 1. Procrastination is not the problem lately, more an even more unrealistic workload than usual. I am one of only 2 people in our company who can do the work most in-demand this month, and so far it has cost me vacation plans, time with our kids/grands, and large chunks of weekend due either to work or exhaustion
This makes me think I'm headed for major procrastination problems after the storm subsides. I believe my addiction stores up resentments during times like this, to justify procrastination later when the external pressure's not so bad. So I'll keep showing up when I can, and be prepared to "resist the beginning" when the pendulum swings back toward procrastination. For today:
Journey 9 am and 5 pm CO
Happy Friday! Woot! Yesterday was a bad day, but a good day, too. I had pc problems and spent a lot of time on the phone with the Help Desk, then spent some time backing up data in case my hard drive has to be replaced. So my list and my schedule went right out the window which is usually very bad for me. However, I took a few minutes to have quiet time, regrouped, and spent the rest of the day productively. I still feel bad that I didn't get some things done that were on my list although it would have been impossible.
, but I'm happy that Ididn't just freak out and waste the rest of the day!
I have a task that I want to get done asap, so I'll be back later with the todo list for the rest of the day.
UPDATE 5 pm Well I never came back with the todo list, but I did the asap task, which took most of the day, and did two other small but important tasks that had to be done today. I'm done for the day . . .and the week . . .! I'll see you tomorrow with a list for household weekend stuff. One of my husbands cousin's passed away last week so we *may* go to the funeral on Saturday, but I'm not sure. He has about a million cousins and he's not that close to this bunch. But it's his family, so whatever he wants to do is fine with me
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Crazybug 8:20 CI
Really proud of myself that I've exercised the past 3 days. That's been a major area of procrastination for me. Didn't accomplish much yesterday or last night otherwise. Hence my list today looking scarily similar to yesterday. Sigh. Today is a new day, though, with no mistakes in it.
Today's goals:
If time:
add phone number to web form
Try to fix QB not printing problem
Set up new filing cabinet - put in rails
re: crazybug exercises!
Good for you! I have gotten in the habit of exercising every day, and really does help your attitude. . .I still need to lose weight though!
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
Vic 6/11
We did it!!!!!!!last 2 essays submitted and he is finished!!4A's and 3 B's- not bad- was worth the frustration/time/effort/agony. no more extensions.!!I used the tools and it worked!!It hasn't sunk in yet.
Now other son going for 2nd driving test.I hope he gerts his license- I am so tired of driving him all over.
Rexroth Check In
Up prayer and reflection
Put dried sheets etc away
Put washing machine on with new duvet cover etc
Checked emails
Phoned and made appointment with doctor
Futher research on net on which camera to buy and make notes on any questions I have
Look for GPS on net and note any remaining questions
Look for exercises on net and try some out
Cook some bits from freezer
Regards Rexroth
Lucky CI
Check in
Prayer time
Finish painting room
Clear kitchen
Change light bulbs
Buy chihuahua food
Leave at 5.30 to get C & C
Call S
Dog face wash
Wash face, moisturise, floss, brush teeth, clean contacts properly
Tomorrow's list
Email report
Check out
tuffl CI
didn't check-in yesterday but that was ok, i got some things done. today i feel like ci again to plan my day and be able to officially check off my TDL tasks. :)
(by 11)
breakfast DONE
shower DONE
e-mail G DONE
finish letter to N
unloaded dishwasher
today's big goal: finish 3.1
(maybe start 3.2)
- 0.5p proM (i+e) (by 12)
- 1p imP (scr) (by 2)
- read (by 3)
- short outline (by 3)
- 2-3p emE (idea+??) (by 6)
i hope that's not too ambitious, i really need to make progress! let's see how it goes.