Procrastinators Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from chronic procrastination.
Kitty Meds -- DONE Edit K. - at least look at it -- FINISHED 3 find ride for Mon -- DONE Figure out when appt is in the week -- DONE
Call Dr. P.
Work on "E."
4:15 pm Leave for meeting
5-9 pm CS
5 pm Leave for dinner
6-9 dinner
Wed 11 am appt
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Email D. about July trip
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
need leader for today's online PA 12step meeting.
I will be unable to attend today.
(for time, see the meeting announcement below in today's check-in thread you are now reading.)
In my other programs, I remember when I started to become aware of my "pause" key. Before program, I did not have one (at least not one that worked). I would get the thought and act it out. Then something happened after years and years, I found the pause button and things started to change. By not shutting down like I did in the past, I am starting to become aware of the pause button. Thanks for being here.
I am so blessed to have this fellowship. Nothing like a bunch of procrastinators working together to heal old self inflicted wounds.
I had another acting out day food-wise yesterday, but made good process, but made substantial progress on the dining room. Of course that means that the living room is a bit chaotic, but it is organized chaos, and when I am through I will be able to put things downstairs in an organized fashion.
Today I would like to combine some errands with paperwork. MIT is my Sunday night meeting at 7:30. I also will plan my food for the day so that it is easy to segue into eating.
egg, toast with peanut butter, yogurt, flax, cherries.
whey protein shake, coffee
salmon, greens, rice, iced green tea
v8 almonds cantelope
lamb, couscous, melon, greens
cocoa w/stevia
I did well on my list yesterday, only missing one item. That was to do some work, which I need to get done because of incessant money problems. Oh, well. This seems to be working, putting up the list and treating it as some sort of promise for which I'm publicly accountable. It's probably a good idea not to put too many things on it, since if I blow up too badly I'm likely to just quit doing it completely. Best to keep it challenging but not too challenging. So, here's today's:
Get up before 7, coffee, paper, good breakfast, water plant, pills (1.5 hours)
Checkins (briefly) (30 minutes)
Bike ride (2 hours)
Do 2 CIO projects (2 hours)
Add 10 names to publishers list (1 hour)
D/O B's swim stuff (20 minutes)
Fix weatherstrip or clean van (2 hours)
Songwriter meeting in afternoon (3 hours)
Fun w/RB in evening - lake? fest? something else? (4 hours)
Bed by 11 p.m.
That looks like a doable list. I decided to add estimated times required for completing each activity. Will checkin to update as the day goes on. I hope everybody is having a great and productive procrastination-free Sunday. Thanks for being there. Having somebody to answer to seems to make a difference on procrastination for me. I tend to be somewhat secretive and a loner, but it doesn't work well for me to keep my to-dos hidden from the world, apparently. Scribbler
Later . . . the bike ride pretty much kicked my fanny. I'm going to rest up and do some keyboard work and see about my energy levels after lunch.
Prosick Check in 9:47 pm check out 4:11 am
-- DONEKitty Meds
Edit K. - at least look at it-- FINISHED 3find ride for Mon-- DONEFigure out when appt is in the week-- DONEMon
Call Dr. P.
Work on "E."
4:15 pm Leave for meeting
5-9 pm CS
5 pm Leave for dinner
6-9 dinner
11 am appt
To Do soon - reminders so I don't forget
Call Vz
Call Dr. W.
Finish C.H.P. pano
Reorder biz cards
Wash blk sheets
Sal Check
Enter YBS with PP
Watch DVD & return to G.
Email D. about July trip
Call US.A about com. tkt
Order G-Q.A.
Find HDMI-USB cable
Output MJF to comp
LookAtYourselfAndWhatYourDoin'RightNow-StandBackAMinuteJustToCheckYourselfOut-StraightenOutYourLifeAndHowYou'reLivin'EachDay-JustKeepYourEyesOnThePrizeAndYourFeetFlatOnTheGround-MJ's "Keep the Faith"
Rexroth Check In and Our
Up prayer and reflection
Out to church
Shopping on way home
Rest and relax
Wash up
Revise priories for week
Write journal
Prayer and reflection
Bed and sleep
Night Folks
huma CI
Hi everyone! Good luck today! :)
Wasted day yesterday after 4 pretty decent days. Looking to bounce back today.
"A year from now, you may wish you had started today." - Karen Lamb
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb
need leader for today's online PA 12step mtg
Hi from movingalong.
need leader for today's online PA 12step meeting.
I will be unable to attend today.
(for time, see the meeting announcement below in today's check-in thread you are now reading.)
Format is here:
Note that I've posted changes to format that we approved by "group conscience" vote at prior business meetings.
Vic 6/6
In my other programs, I remember when I started to become aware of my "pause" key. Before program, I did not have one (at least not one that worked). I would get the thought and act it out. Then something happened after years and years, I found the pause button and things started to change. By not shutting down like I did in the past, I am starting to become aware of the pause button. Thanks for being here.
GD June 6, 2010
coffee and breakfast
aerobics class
mail letter and forms
Project 2
2. paint characters
3. Detail work
Project 3
1. flat colors
2. Paint characters
3. Detail work
Thumbnails for WVE visual essay
Color composition for WVE report cover
Discuss pricing on cover
drop off laundry
makeshift grocery shopping for tomorrow
...that...seems like a lot...
Lucky CI redux
Check in

Prayer time
Clear kitchen
Change light bulbs
Call S
Buy gig tickets
Buy chihuahua food
(?) Buy Hair tickets
(?) Pay DFH
Email/facebook/lj/forum :)
Dog face wash :)
Vitamins :)
Wash face, moisturise, floss, brush teeth
Tomorrow's list :)
Email report
Check out
Falcon CI Sunday
Hi amigos,
Here's some stuff to do today:
I already ran and hung one load of laundry, made bean salad and made trail mix, so not doing too bad so far!
Back to work. . .
e's up and at'um Sunday June 6th, 2010
I am so blessed to have this fellowship. Nothing like a bunch of procrastinators working together to heal old self inflicted wounds.
I had another acting out day food-wise yesterday, but made good process, but made substantial progress on the dining room. Of course that means that the living room is a bit chaotic, but it is organized chaos, and when I am through I will be able to put things downstairs in an organized fashion.
Today I would like to combine some errands with paperwork. MIT is my Sunday night meeting at 7:30. I also will plan my food for the day so that it is easy to segue into eating.
egg, toast with peanut butter, yogurt, flax, cherries.
whey protein shake, coffee
salmon, greens, rice, iced green tea
v8 almonds cantelope
lamb, couscous, melon, greens
cocoa w/stevia
Will fill up water bottle to sip from all day
Now I just have to follow it....
Success is not final, failure is not fatal
Scribbler CI
I did well on my list yesterday, only missing one item. That was to do some work, which I need to get done because of incessant money problems. Oh, well. This seems to be working, putting up the list and treating it as some sort of promise for which I'm publicly accountable. It's probably a good idea not to put too many things on it, since if I blow up too badly I'm likely to just quit doing it completely. Best to keep it challenging but not too challenging. So, here's today's:
et up before 7, coffee, paper, good breakfast, water plant, pills (1.5 hours)Checkins (briefly) (30 minutes)Bike ride (2 hours)That looks like a doable list. I decided to add estimated times required for completing each activity. Will checkin to update as the day goes on. I hope everybody is having a great and productive procrastination-free Sunday. Thanks for being there. Having somebody to answer to seems to make a difference on procrastination for me. I tend to be somewhat secretive and a loner, but it doesn't work well for me to keep my to-dos hidden from the world, apparently. Scribbler
Later . . . the bike ride pretty much kicked my fanny. I'm going to rest up and do some keyboard work and see about my energy levels after lunch.
Journey 9 am
Granddaughter's first birthday cake from yesterday.
Great thread starter Lucky!
Yesterday was a busy day and I want to make today a relatively relaxing day but still get some things done:
Prepare work/gym clothes and food for Monday/Tuesday - 30 minutesJo
'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
TOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute grandbaby, Journey!
Thanks, we think she's a cutie :)
Wash & Change sheets and comforters - 1 hour - startedExercise - swim or walk - 2 hoursStraighten, dust, and vacuum bedroom - 1 hour - startedGeneral straightening of living room and dining room - 1 hourWipe down bathrooms - 30 minutes startedBack up music - 30 minutes startedPrepare work/gym clothes and food for Monday/Tuesday - 30minutes
Upload pictures from yesterday and order some prints for Mom - 30min
Dinner - 1 houradded: clean up the dog puke I was blessed with while out swimming!'I'm going to put a smile on my face, put forth a good effort, and be better today than I was yesterday.' - Huma
weekly PA online 12-Step Meeting in "meeting chatbox"
Procrastinators Anonymous weekly 12-Step meeting in "meetings chatbox".
(Meeting is Sunday 7:30 PM GMT/UTC -
STANDARD time year round -- click on links in RED below)
Meeting is held:
> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for today's meeting.
> Click here to find your timezone equivalent for next week's meeting.
It works when we "work it". Let's do whatever it takes to find recovery. All are welcome.
No obligation to attend. No need to "report in". No attendance taken.
Come when you feel called to come!
All are welcome!
Meeting follows traditional anonymous 12-step format.
"Meetings Chatbox" can be found after fully entering regular check-in chatbox ... and then clicking on the "meetings" tab at the top of the chatbox.
If you have trouble entering Meeting Chatbox, or if you can see us there but are unable to communicate with us, see this post:
Lucky CI
I'm sure I had a lot more to do today that I can't remember...
Check in :)
Prayer time :)
Clear kitchen
Change light bulbs
Call S
Buy gig tickets
Buy chihuahua food
(?) Buy Hair tickets
(?) Pay DFH
Dog face wash
Tomorrow's list
Email report
Check out
Today: - Coffee,
- Coffee, breakfast, kitchen cleaning
-check mails, social networks
-dress up, hair, make up, other morning routines
-12 step literature, prayers
-vacuum clean (i did not do it last night)
In recovery, Elina :)
-When I look into the future, it is so bright it burns my eyes ~ Oprah Windfrey